
Kidney transplant
Empowering Resilience: Join Hands to Fund Omar's Life-Changing Kidney Transplant   Dear Friends,   Today, I write to you with a heart brimming with hope and a story of unwavering resilience. I humbly seek your support for a critical and life-altering surgery - a kidney transplant. From a young age, I've been confronted with the challenges of glycogen storage disease, a condition that has cast a significant shadow over my life. Diagnosed at the tender age of 6, I grappled with the physical and emotional toll this illness imposed on my young spirit. My childhood was marked by the harsh reality of being different from my peers. In the face of adversity, I embarked on a journey that led me to a successful liver transplant, a testament to my unyielding determination. Through it all, I have steadfastly refused to surrender to despair. It's the unwavering support and love of individuals like yourselves that have fortified my resolve to persevere and helped me raise over $600,000 to make the transplant possible. Today, I am on the cusp of completing my master's degree in marketing from Beirut Arab University. However, the heavy medication required for my liver took its toll on my kidneys, leaving them severely damaged. For nearly 11 years, I have endured the rigors of dialysis, a journey that began when I was in grade 9. As a young person navigating the challenges of dialysis, I questioned my reality and the purpose of my existence. Surrounded by elderly patients, I struggled to find my place. Yet, despite these trials, I persevered and continued my education, culminating in my pursuit of a master's degree. My journey has been made possible by the kindness and support of many compassionate souls. Today, I turn to you, dear friends, with a heartfelt plea for your generous contribution towards my kidney transplant, a procedure that comes with a daunting price tag of $30,000. Your generosity will not only grant me the gift of a normal life but will also help me rediscover my purpose and become a symbol of resilience for those enduring similar tribulations. I'm incredibly grateful to share that my brother, who is a 100% match, has selflessly offered to be my donor, further solidifying the hope of a brighter future ahead. Your consideration and support mean the world to me. No donation is too small, for every gesture brings me closer to a life renewed and filled with promise. You are the ray of hope that lights up my path. Please join me in this transformative journey. Together, we can turn my dreams into reality and inspire others to persevere in the face of adversity. With heartfelt gratitude,   Omar

$31,384 raised of $30,000


liver transplantation surgery
youssef is an 18 months year old boy was diagnosed with a genetic disease called Alagille Syndrome affected his heart and liver, at the age of 3 months he underwent an open heart surgery in AUBMC performed by Dr. Yehya Jassar, youssef now suffering from a liver failure he needs to be asses for a liver transplantation surgery from a relative living donor as soon as possible. pleases help save Youssef's life. يوسف يبلغ من العمر 18 شهراً، تم تشخيص إصابته بمرض وراثي يسمى متلازمة ألاجيل أثر على قلبه وكبده، وفي عمر 3 أشهر خضع لعملية قلب مفتوح في المركز الطبي في الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت أجراها الدكتور يحيى جسار، ويعاني يوسف الآن من فشل في الكبد، وهو يحتاج إلى إجراء عملية زرع كبد من متبرع حي قريب في أسرع وقت ممكن. الرجاء المساعدة في إنقاذ حياة يوسف. Youssef est un bébé de 18 mois, atteint d’une maladie génétique appelée le syndrome d'Alagille. Cela affecte son cœur et son foie. À l'âge de 3 mois, il a subi une opération à cœur ouvert à l'AUBMC réalisée par le Dr Yehya Jassar, au Liban. Youssef souffre maintenant du foie et doit être soumis à une opération de transplantation hépatique (greffe du foie) à partir d'un donneur vivant, le plus vite possible. Cette opération devra se faire à l’étranger car les hôpitaux au Liban n’ont pas le matériel nécessaire à une telle intervention. S’il vous plaît, aidez à sauver la vie de Youssef.

$4,645 raised of $4,700