Permanent Fundraisers

Youth Innovators Program
Youth Innovators Program
The campaign aims to empower 50 youths from the Beirut area, aged between 15 and 25 years old, in Lebanon's disadvantaged communities with essential climate change skills. In turn, these 50 youths will train another 500 peers in essential climate change skills, forming a youth committee dedicated to climate change from among interested individuals, and projects to fight climate change. The "Empowering Youth Green-Innovator" campaign is designed to equip young individuals, specifically 50 youths aged 15-25 from disadvantaged communities in Beirut, with essential skills to combat climate change. These disadvantaged communities face challenges stemming from financial constraints and the devastating impacts of the Beirut Blast, which have left lingering psychological and physical issues. Youth will use a peer-to-peer strategy to train an additional 500 youths across Beirut in essential climate change life skills. Beirut recently faced unprecedented high temperatures and clear signs of escalating climate change impacts; The hottest temperature measured from 1949 to January 2024 was reported by the Houche Al Oumara weather station. In September 2020, the record temperature of 44.3 °C was reported. from extreme heatwaves causing outdoor burns to the reduction of green spaces and inadequate public guidance on environmental practices like recycling and waste management. Amidst these environmental challenges, a significant gap in climate change awareness and practical skills among the youth has been identified. The urgency of addressing this educational gap is underscored by predictions from the Ministry of Environment, which forecast a stark decline in Lebanon's GDP by 14% by 2040 and 32% by 2080 due to climate change effects. Highlighting this urgency, Nour Naccache a volunteer at Lebanese Spotlight (LSL) aged 22 years old and head of the activity department recently for youth at LSL noted during a Lebanese spotlight activity, “We, the youth in Lebanon, lack the real skills to fight climate change and awareness. The programs we have are superficial. We need profound skills and in-depth knowledge to take real action in our city, Beirut.” To counter this, the proposal is to start with a focused campaign: small-scale, targeted training sessions. These sessions will consist of 5 groups, each with 10 participants, meeting weekly for two months. Each two-hour session will be interactive, led by a facilitator, and aimed at fostering project ideas related to climate change from the youths. The initiative aims not only to educate but also to empower participants to create tangible solutions, potentially illustrated through infographics. Facilitators, each possessing a unique set of skills, will guide the youths in developing impactful climate action projects. join us in expanding this initiative to reach an additional 500 youths across Beirut. Your contribution can make a significant impact on our community’s climate resilience.



Ayadina's Weekly Soup Kitchen initiative
Ayadina's Weekly Soup Kitchen initiative
In the heart of Lebanon's ongoing economic crisis, Ayadina Association continues to stand as a beacon of hope, particularly for our beloved senior citizens. In response to the persistent economic hardship, we are continuing our SOUP KITCHEN initiative for the elderly. Every week, we open our doors to around 80 seniors, offering them a warm, wholesome meal to take away. For many, these meals aren't just sustenance; they're a lifeline, supporting not only the elderly but also their families who rely on these provisions to survive. One of our cherished seniors, now unable to leave her home, shares her gratitude: "Ayadina's center was like my second home, where I spent many cherished years. Though I can't visit anymore, the meals brought to me by a friend are a reminder of the warmth and care Ayadina provides. The quality of the food is exceptional, a testament to the generosity and dedication of Ayadina's team." Ayadina Association, nestled in the heart of Nabaa, Beirut's impoverished neighborhood, was born from one woman's vision to uplift her community. Maya Najjar, our Founder and President, started with a single-handed effort, offering aid to those in need. Today, Ayadina stands as a socio-cultural NGO, providing seniors not just with meals, but with a sense of belonging and a space to socialize. We firmly believe that by changing one person's life, we create a ripple effect that nourishes the entire community. Through Ayadina, hope flows freely, touching every corner of our neighborhood. Over 80 seniors now call Ayadina their second home, a testament to the inclusive and compassionate environment we strive to create. Regardless of background or circumstance, Ayadina welcomes all, supporting both local residents and refugee communities alike. But we can't do this alone. We need your support to continue our mission of providing comfort and sustenance to those who need it most. Your donation, no matter how small, can make a world of difference to a senior citizen in need. Together, let's ensure that no one in our community feels forgotten. Donate today to Ayadina's Soup Kitchen initiative and help us continue serving our beloved senior citizens with dignity and compassion. Thank you for your generosity and support. For more information, contact us at 01 266611, 81 859415 or by email at [email protected]



Empower Children Through Art!
Empower Children Through Art!
Empower Children Through Art: Donate to Ayadina Association Today! In the heart of Beirut's impoverished Nabaa district, there exists a beacon of hope and creativity: Ayadina Association. Here, amidst the challenges of daily life, children are given the opportunity to flourish through the transformative power of art. We invite you to join us in supporting this noble cause and help us continue our mission of nurturing young minds and spirits. At Ayadina, we believe that every child possesses an innate creativity waiting to be set free. Through our arts education program, we provide a safe space for children to explore, express, and grow. From visual arts to dance, theater, and music, we offer a diverse range of classes and workshops led by professional artists who guide and inspire our participants on their journey of self-discovery. Our visual arts classes go beyond mere coloring; they encourage participants to delve into new ideas and forms of expression, fostering an appreciation for creativity in all its forms. In our dance classes, children not only improve their physical abilities but also gain confidence and learn the value of teamwork. Through theater, they discover the power of their voices and emotions, building character and resilience. And in our music program, they find joy in learning and discipline while gaining a deeper understanding of cultural diversity. As Robert Redford once said, "Art is the healing force." In a country wounded by conflict and hardship, Ayadina offers a lifeline of healing and hope. By sponsoring a participant, you can make a tangible difference in a child's life, providing them with the tools and inspiration they need to overcome adversity and thrive. Especially in difficult times, art is essential. Your donation, no matter how small, will help us continue our vital work of empowering children through art education. Together, we can create positive change not only in individuals but in our society as a whole. Join us in supporting Ayadina Association and be a part of something truly transformative. Together, let's inspire today's generation to dream, grow, and lead their communities into a brighter and more colorful future. Thank you for your generosity and compassion. For more information, contact us at 01 266611, 81 859415 or by email at [email protected]



Barbara Nassar For Cancer Patient Support
Barbara Nassar For Cancer Patient Support
The Barbara Nassar Association has been a steadfast supporter for adult cancer patients in Lebanon for nearly a decade. We are commitment to providing comprehensive care, support, and advocacy to improve the lives and wellbeing of those affected by cancer. With the launch of the Barbara Nassar Cancer Center in summer 2024, our mission reaches new heights. This four-story center will become the cornerstone of cancer care in Lebanon. It will offer a wide array of holistic support services aimed at addressing the diverse needs of cancer patients and their families. To fully realize the potential of the Cancer Center and continue our mission of providing free cancer medications, screening and early detection, psychosocial support, rehabilitation programs, empowerment initiatives, and awareness campaigns, we are seeking your support. Your generous donations will allow us to complete the renovation of the Cancer Center, ensuring that it remains a point of reference and hope for cancer patients and their families for years to come. By contributing to this fundraiser, you will play a vital role in providing essential resources and support to cancer patients in Lebanon. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer, offering them the care, comfort, and compassion they deserve. Join us in our mission to save lives, celebrate victories, and create a brighter future for all those touched by cancer. Your support is invaluable, and together, we can bring hope and healing to those who need it most.



In support of the Anti Racism Movement
In support of the Anti Racism Movement
The Anti-Racism Movement (ARM) organizes alongside Migrant Workers, including women domestic workers, living and working under the oppressive Kafala system. We work with migrant-led collectives to support their community organizing, collective action, self-advocacy and activism against systemic racism and injustice. We do this through offering an open and accessible space (Migrant Community Center) where migrants can form communities and organize through working on advocacy, research, campaigning and supporting grassroots initiative building; and through legal counseling and casework. The current moment is a critical one for human rights and feminist work, both globally and in Lebanon specifically. Resources available are dwindling, and with mounting crises in Lebanon, focus over the past years for funders have turned to short-term relief. Meanwhile, our community of allies is experiencing a brain drain as many have left the country over the past years. ARM is one of the few remaining organizations in Lebanon committed to remain political in its work, seeking structural long term change, led by migrant communities. This requires not only financial sustainability, but also an ability to prioritize spending based on community needs. This is where your support has been indispensable to us, and why it is more crucial than ever now. Donations we receive from you provide us with the leniency to spend exactly the way we need to, in order to do the work needed to tackle larger structural change, and remain aligned to our values. We are counting on you! You can read more about ARM’s story and values below, and you can check out the highlights of our work over the past year by reading our 2023 Annual Report here: Our Story ARM was launched in 2010 as a grassroots collective by young Lebanese feminist activists in collaboration with migrant workers and migrant domestic workers following a racist incident at one of Beirut’s most well-known private beach resorts. ARM activists, using a hidden camera, filmed the administration’s blatant acts of discrimination and segregation. The video quickly spread online, and ARM’s efforts to bring this issue to light were lauded by many. Interest grew in this small volunteer-based movement, members increased, and our interventions grew in scope and scale. In 2012, ARM became a registered NGO with a growing staff team in order to increase its capacity to carry out more projects to fight racist discrimination and abuse in Lebanon. ARM works to achieve social, economic and gender justice for all migrant workers and racialized groups in Lebanon. We recognize the significance of self-organizing and actively support Migrant Domestic Worker (MDW) leadership in rights activism. A primary focus of ARM is women migrant domestic workers living and working under the oppressive Kafala System, which is used to recruit and hire foreign labor in Lebanon, Jordan and the Gulf states. Our Migrant Community Center (MCC) Offering free, welcoming, inclusive and safe spaces where migrant workers can gather freely, get acquainted with their rights, and develop tools to lead on their self-advocacy is one of the cornerstones of our work. MCC serves as an anti-racist, feminist, and alternative space where migrant workers can build powerful networks, access information, resources, classes, training, direct assistance and long-term support. It has created a home away from home for more than 1000 members of more than 26 nationalities. Over the past decade, the center has also hosted celebrations, birthdays, farewells, reunions, vigils, weddings, potlucks, and other community events. It has contributed to building networks of support and strength that have expanded way beyond the doors of the MCCs. Our Values We adopt a feminist ethics of care in our work, where we value attentiveness, responsibility, responsiveness, and compassion. We also privilege the voices of migrant workers in every aspect of our work. We use a social justice framework as the basis for our approach, upholding fundamental human rights for everyone in our communities. We value the expression and practice of solidarity among all marginalized communities as a necessary alliance against oppressive and unjust systems. We view our everyday work as political and always seek to address the larger social, economic, cultural and policy structures that enable discrimination, abuse, and rights violations. We value the importance of building safe and strong communities that sustain the activism and offer supportive social networks for migrants and their allies.



شبكة دعم - Support Network
شبكة دعم - Support Network
عن شبكة دعم في غياب الثقة الشعبية والدولية بمؤسسات الدولة اللبنانية، نشأت حاجة إلى مبادرة شفافة لإيصال المساعدات مباشرة إلى آلاف من الناس دون أي وسيط وعبر آليات شفافة وذات مصداقية. شبكة دعم هي ائتلاف مدني للإغاثة، يعتمد العمل القاعدي والتشاركي ويمارس الشفافية في كل إجراءاته، وهو تطوعي بالكامل. تأسّس الائتلاف تحت اسم "صامدون" عام 2006 لمواجهة آثار الاعتداء الإسرائيلي على لبنان. وتمّت إعادة تشكيله من قبل متطوعين ومنظّمات شعبيّة وهيئات مدنيّة أخرى لمعالجة تداعيات الانفجار الكارثي في ​​بيروت في 4 آب 2020. يجدّد الائتلاف نشاطه مرة أخرى لدعم سكّان لبنان النازحين جراّء عدوان الاحتلال الإسرائيلي المستمرّ منذ تشرين الأوّل 2023. المهمة يقدّم إئتلاف شبكة دعم تبرّع مباشرة لمن يحتاج إلى دعم، من خلال جمع تبرعات بعد إجراء عمليّات التمحيص والتدقيق الضرورية على أيدي خبراء محليّين. يحول المبلغ الإجمالي للأموال إلى المتلقين, سيتم تحويل المبلغ الإجمالي إلى المستفيدين من خلال المساعدة النقدية المباشرة. وتهدف هذه الدفعات السريعة إلى دعم عمليّة استعادة الحياة الطبيعية للآلاف من سكّان لبنان الذين نزحوا إثر العدوان الاسرائيلي . In the absence of popular and international trust in Lebanese state institutions, there emerged a need for a transparent initiative to deliver aid directly to thousands of people without any intermediaries, using transparent and credible mechanisms. "Shabaket Da3em (Support Network)" is a civil coalition for relief that relies on grassroots and participatory work, practicing transparency in all its procedures, and operates entirely on a voluntary basis. It aims to aid those residing in Lebanon during the harshest circumstances without relying on factors such as sectarian identity or political affiliation. The coalition was established under the name “Samidoun” in 2006 to address the devastating impact of the Israeli attack on Lebanon. It has been reconstituted by volunteers, grassroots organizations, and other civil entities to address the repercussions of the catastrophic explosion in Beirut on August 4, 2020. Today, the coalition is actively working once again to support those who are displaced as a result of the Israeli aggressions on Lebanon since October 2023. Mission "Shabaket Da3em (Support Network)" provides a platform that enables people to donate directly to those needing humanitarian assistance due to internal displacement. With no overhead, the total amount of money will be transferred to recipients through direct cash assistance. These rapid payments aim to support restoring everyday life for thousands of residents in Lebanon.




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