160,528$ Collected by Farah Habbal for her daughter Mila an SMA patient who needs ZOLGENSMA 

103,094$ Collected by Fadi Nacouzi for baby Aline Makari to do liver transplantation as soon as possible

60,285$ Collected by Together LiBeirut for the 19.8 Beirut Global Sports Challenge to keep the needs of Beirut on top of everyone’s mind

51,085$ Collected by Nadim Aziz to help his uncle Nadim walk again

45,475$ Collected by Jean Pierre Eid to help Naji walk again

23,046$ Collected by Lebanese Vegans for the only animal rights and vegan support center of its kind

18,904$ Collected by Ahmad Yassine for his mother to cover her brain tumor surgery cost

15,624$ Collected by Meghterbin Mejtemiin for the SOLAR POWERED LEBANON initiative to help bring power to the country

Ready To Start Fundraising?

Top Campaigns

Hope for Special Needs Children in Lebanon

Solidarity with Lebanon

Hope for Special Needs Children in Lebanon
Hello everyone, My name is Arwa. As a speech and language pathologist, I have the joy of working with children who have special needs every day. These remarkable children inspire me with their strength, resilience, and unyielding spirit. Today, I’m deeply moved by the unimaginable challenges that children with special needs are facing due to war in Lebanon. The focus of the campaign is primarily on providing specialized support for children with special needs rather than just basic necessities like food. While basic needs such as food and shelter are certainly important, the campaign aims to address the unique challenges faced by children with special needs in Lebanon in light of the ongoing war. Donations to this campaign will go a long way in making a difference: 1. **Access to Healthcare Facilities**: Many hospitals and clinics may be damaged or overwhelmed due to conflict. Ensuring that children have access to functioning healthcare facilities is critical. 2. **Medications**: Children with special needs often require specific medications for conditions like epilepsy, ADHD, or developmental disorders. There may be shortages of these medications, making it essential to provide funding to ensure they are available. 3. **Therapeutic Equipment**: Many children need specialized equipment (like wheelchairs, braces, or communication devices) to aid their mobility and communication. Funds can help procure these items, which are often not covered by general healthcare services. 4. **Ongoing Therapy Services**: Regular therapeutic services (physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy) are vital for these children’s development. Providing financial support to keep these services running, even during conflict, is crucial. 5. **Nutritional Supplements**: Some children may require special dietary needs or nutritional supplements to support their health. This is especially important for children with metabolic disorders or those who may be malnourished due to the crisis. 6. **Emergency Medical Care**: In war zones, the likelihood of injuries increases. Ensuring access to emergency medical care for all children, including those with special needs, is critical. 7. **Safe Spaces**: Creating safe environments where children can play and learn away from the stress of conflict is vital for their emotional and psychological healing. These spaces can also facilitate social interaction and help them develop relationships with peers. 8. **Transportation**: Families with special needs children often struggle to access necessary services due to unsafe conditions or lack of transportation options. Providing safe transport can help ensure that children can reach medical appointments and therapy sessions. Today, we have the opportunity to make a real difference. Your contributions will not only provide vital resources and services but also show these children that they are seen, valued, and loved. Every dollar counts! Thank you for your time and generosity. Together, let’s make a difference in the lives of these remarkable children.

$1,820 raised Of $50,000

Support Displaced Lebanese Refugees

Solidarity with Lebanon

Support Displaced Lebanese Refugees
Help Displaced Families in Lebanon: Stand with Us During This Crisis The recent war activities on Lebanon have forced hundreds of thousands of families from their homes, leaving behind everything. Thousands of people have tragically lost their lives or have been injured. Many families have fled North to schools, social centers, and makeshift shelters away from effected areas, where they are now struggling to meet their basic daily needs. These families desperately need food, water, clothing, medical care, and safe places to stay. With your help, we can bring relief to those who have been displaced by the violence. We are raising funds to provide immediate and life-saving assistance to those women, children and elderlies. Every donation will directly impact those by offering: • Essential supplies like food, water, and hygiene kits • Sheets, pillows and sleeping bags, • Baby milk, diapers, wipes and other nursing essentials • Clothing, shoes, and detergent, This initiative will help those families – your contribution is critical. Each dollar you donate will help restore dignity to these vulnerable families, giving them the chance to survive in the face of uncertainty. Together, we can show solidarity with those victims. How You Can Help: • Donate: Your support will provide food, medical care, and shelter to displaced families. • Spread the Word: Share this campaign with your network, encouraging others to join in this critical cause. • Stay Informed: Follow our updates to see exactly how your donations are making a difference. Lebanon needs us now more than ever. Let’s bring comfort, support, and hope to those who need it most. Please, donate today and stand with Lebanon. Thank you for your generosity and unwavering support.

$1,776 raised Of $50,000

Hammana Solidarity with displaced families

Solidarity with Lebanon

Hammana Solidarity with displaced families
We are a group of residents from Hammana, a village located in the Lebanese mountains, just 45 minutes from Beirut. In response to the urgent need to assist displaced families, we have come together to provide essential support, including hot meals, clothing, hygiene products, etc… Currently, approximately 1 million persons have been displaced from their homes in the South, Beirut and Bekaa, and the situation appears to be ongoing. As winter approaches, the demand for assistance will only increase, necessitating the provision of blankets, warm clothing, heaters, and shelter for those still living on the streets. At present, we are serving around 300 meals per day. Your contribution can significantly aid our efforts to continue providing food and to establish a fully equipped kitchen in the school that serves as a shelter for 300 individuals. Every day we learn about various people and initiatives across the country that require support. We strive to assist everyone, regardless of nationality or ethnicity, ensuring that our efforts are inclusive and compassionate. In these times, not everything is dark, there is an amazing solidarity movement happening on the ground here, join this chain from where you are, spread our call, share it, contribute, and keep talking about what is happening! Thank you Hammana Solidarity Group FRANÇAIS : Nous sommes un groupe de résidents de Hammana, un village situé dans les montagnes libanaises, à 45 minutes de Beyrouth. Face à l'urgence d'aider les familles déracinées par la guerre, nous avons uni nos forces pour offrir un soutien essentiel : des repas chauds, des vêtements, des produits d’hygiène, etc. Aujourd'hui, près d’un million de personnes ont dû quitter leurs foyers dans le Sud, à Beyrouth et dans la Bekaa, et la situation va probablement se prolonger. L'hiver approche, apportant avec lui des besoins toujours plus importants: couvertures, vêtements chauds, chauffages, et abris pour ceux qui n'ont pas encore de refuge. En ce moment même, nous préparons 300 repas par jour. Avec votre aide, nous pourrons non seulement continuer à nourrir ces familles, mais aussi installer une cuisine équipée dans l’école qui sert aujourd'hui de refuge, et permettre que chacun puisse y trouver un peu de chaleur et réconfort. Chaque jour, on nous informe d’initiatives et de familles à travers tout le pays qui ont besoin de soutien. Nous travaillons pour venir en aide à tout le monde, sans distinction de nationalité ou d’origine, dans un esprit de solidarité inclusive et bienveillante. Dans ces temps plus que difficiles, une solidarité lumineuse s'épanouit ici, sur le terrain, comme une chaîne qui ne cesse de grandir. Où que vous soyez, vous pouvez en être un maillon. Partagez notre appel, contribuez, et continuez toujours à parler autour de vous de ce qui se passe ! Merci ESPAÑOL: Somos un grupo de residentes de Hammana, un pueblo ubicado en las montañas del Líbano, a solo 45 minutos de Beirut. En respuesta a la necesidad urgente de asistir a las familias desplazadas, nos hemos unido para proporcionar apoyo esencial, incluyendo comidas calientes, ropa, productos de higiene, etc. Actualmente, aproximadamente 1 millón de personas han sido desplazadas de sus hogares en el sur, Beirut y Bekaa, y la situación parece que se alargará. A medida que se acerca el invierno, la demanda de ayuda solo aumentará, lo que hará necesario proveer mantas, ropa de abrigo, calefactores y refugio para aquellos que todavía viven en las calles. En este momento, estamos sirviendo alrededor de 300 comidas al día. Tu contribución puede ayudar significativamente a que continuemos proporcionando alimentos y a establecer una cocina completamente equipada en la escuela que sirve como refugio para 300 personas. Cada día conocemos a diversas personas e iniciativas en todo el país que necesitan apoyo. Nos esforzamos por ayudar a todos, independientemente de su nacionalidad o etnia, garantizando que nuestros esfuerzos sean inclusivos y compasivos. En estos tiempos no todo es oscuridad; hay un asombroso movimiento de solidaridad en marcha aquí. Únete a esta cadena desde donde estés, difunde nuestra llamada, compártelo, contribuye, y sigue hablando sobre lo que está ocurriendo! Gracias, Hammana Solidarity Group CATALÀ: Som un grup de residents de Hammana, un poble situat a les muntanyes del Líban, a només 45 minuts de Beirut. En resposta a la necessitat urgent d’assistir les famílies desplaçades, ens hem unit per proporcionar suport essencial, incloent-hi àpats calents, roba, productes d’higiene, etc. Actualment, aproximadament 1 milió de persones han estat desplaçades de les seves llars al sud, Beirut i la Bekaa, i la situació sembla continuar. A mesura que s’acosta l’hivern, la demanda d’ajuda només augmentarà, fet que farà necessari proveir mantes, roba d’abric, calefactors i refugi per a aquells que encara viuen als carrers. Ara mateix, estem servint al voltant de 300 àpats al dia. La teva contribució pot ajudar significativament a continuar proporcionant menjar i a establir una cuina completament equipada a l’escola, que serveix com a refugi per a 300 persones. Cada dia coneixem diverses persones i iniciatives arreu del país que necessiten suport. Ens esforcem per ajudar tothom, independentment de la seva nacionalitat o ètnia, garantint que els nostres esforços siguin inclusius i compassius. En aquests temps, no tot és foscor; hi ha un increïble moviment de solidaritat en marxa aquí. Uneix-te a aquesta cadena des d’on siguis, difon la nostra crida, comparteix-la, contribueix i continua parlant del que està passant! Gràcies, Hammana Solidarity Group ITALIANO Siamo un gruppo di residenti di Hammana, un villaggio situato sulle montagne libanesi, a soli 45 minuti da Beirut. In risposta all'urgente necessità di assistere le famiglie sfollate, ci siamo uniti per fornire supporto essenziale, tra cui pasti caldi, vestiti, prodotti per l'igiene, ecc... Attualmente, circa 1 milione di persone sono state sfollate dalle loro case nel sud, a Beirut e nella Bekaa, e la situazione sembra destinata a continuare. Con l'avvicinarsi dell'inverno, la richiesta di assistenza non farà che aumentare, rendendo necessaria la fornitura di coperte, vestiti caldi, riscaldatori e un riparo per coloro che vivono ancora per strada. Attualmente, serviamo circa 300 pasti al giorno. Il tuo contributo può aiutare in modo significativo i nostri sforzi per continuare a fornire cibo e per creare una cucina completamente attrezzata nella scuola che funge da rifugio per 300 persone. Ogni giorno veniamo a conoscenza di varie persone e iniziative in tutto il paese che necessitano di supporto. Ci impegniamo ad assistere tutti, indipendentemente dalla nazionalità o dall'etnia, assicurando che i nostri sforzi siano inclusivi e compassionevoli. In questi tempi, non tutto è buio, c'è un incredibile movimento di solidarietà che sta avvenendo qui, unisciti a questa catena da dove ti trovi, diffondi il nostro appello, condividilo, contribuisci e continua a parlare di ciò che sta accadendo! Grazie Hammana Solidarity Group

$14,255 raised Of $50,000



For 5 years, we have ran this rescue mission with so much passion, love, pouring our soul and heart into it❤️ We have successfully rescued, rehabilitated and rehomed over 100 dogs abroad, in different parts of the world and currently have 136 rescues, 80 of them are dogs and 56 of them are cats, between these babies, there’s the 2 legged dogs, blind dogs and cats, handicapped, sick, seniors, cancer patients etc.. Unfortunately it’s been months now and we have been severely affected by the conflict, leading us to lose 99% of our supporters. This had led us to become in debt, and with every month, we sank more and more💔 Currently we owe over 16,423$ just in boarding fees, food fees, pet taxi fees, vet fees, medicine, medical food etc… With the situation worsening, more people started dumping their dogs and cats, we started seeing more abuse and more critical cases, like paralyzed dogs and cats, shot etc… leading to us to take over too many cats and dogs in a short amount of time. We are now reaching out to our community so we can reach our goal to cover our fees until End of September. This goal would be easily reachable if everyone that sees it, donates as little as 1$. YES 1$ will change our fate. As of today, we are unfortunately officially closing our doors to all new intakes. This decision was not taken lightly, it is with a heartbroken heart, a sore heart and endless tears💔 so many animals need us but the financial constraint is stopping us. Please consider donating and sharing

$5,052 raised Of $20,000

Top Permanent Fundraisers

Ecole du Saint Enfant Jésus - Besançon Baabdath
Ecole du Saint Enfant Jésus - Besançon Baabdath
Notre école, École du Saint Enfant Jésus - Besançon Baabdath, est un établissement catholique, francophone, qui appartient à la Congrégation des Sœurs de la Charité de Sainte Jeanne-Antide Thouret (Besançon). Notre école est une ONG qui compte environ 700 élèves, encadrés par près de 70 enseignants et membres du personnel administratif. C’est un lieu qui offre un espace d’apprentissage dans un climat positif, et dont le but est de répandre le savoir, de développer le savoir-faire, et de cultiver le savoir – être, le tout dans le rayonnement de la charité et du Charisme de sa fondatrice. Dotée d’un historique riche et fécond, notre école est ancrée dans l’histoire de Baabdath et a su manifestement évoluer au fil des années. Depuis 1906 et jusqu’à nos jours, elle accueille les élèves, les « trésors » comme les appelle Ste Jeanne-Antide, de la maternelle jusqu’aux classes terminales. Filles et garçons sont formés aux valeurs humaines, spirituelles, sociales et religieuses. Ils suivent le programme libanais, bénéficient d’un enseignement trilingue à partir de la Petite Section, et tirent profit de l’enseignement des nouvelles technologies sans pour autant négliger le sport et les arts qu’ils pratiquent au quotidien. À l’école du Saint Enfant Jésus – Besançon Baabdath, nous veillons à garder un esprit évangélique marqué par la joie d’apprendre, de découvrir, et de développer la créativité et les activités pour que chaque élève puisse faire fructifier au mieux son potentiel et ses dons. Par-dessus tout, nos élèves appartiennent à une grande famille qui les aide à s’épanouir et surtout à vivre. Or, depuis octobre 2019, notre école, tout comme notre pays, vit au rythme des crises. Nous nous trouvons dans l’incapacité de pourvoir aux besoins croissants du fonctionnement de l’établissement, d’alléger le fardeau qui pèse sur les parents des élèves d’une part, et de continuer à respecter nos engagements vis-à-vis du personnel éducatif qui s’investit à merveille dans l’enseignement à distance d’autre part. En effet, dans cette situation inédite que traverse le Liban, 50% des parents de nos élèves deviennent chômeurs, ou mi- chômeurs avec un demi- traitement, et se trouvent dans l’impossibilité de verser la totalité de l’écolage. C’est pour ces raisons-ci que notre école se tourne vers les amis et les bienfaiteurs, pour solliciter leur solidarité de façon à poursuivre ensemble la mission d’éducation qui est celle de Besançon-Baabdath et que le flambeau de la connaissance, de la vie et de la foi continue à éclairer les yeux de nos élèves, de tous nos élèves sans exception. Une vidéo qui présente l’école avant le Covid-19 est disponible sur le lien suivant : https://youtu.be/O3I0_OFoP-I -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our school, Saint Enfant Jésus - Besançon Baabdath, is a Catholic, French-speaking school, which belongs to the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Jeanne-Antide Thouret (Besançon). It is an NGO that counts around 700 students, guided by 70 teachers and administrative staff approximately. The school is a place that offers a learning environment in a positive climate. It aims at spreading knowledge, developing the know-how and encouraging life skills under the influence of charity and the charisma of its founder. The rich and fruitful history of our school is deeply rooted in the history of Baabdath and it has visibly evolved through the years. Since 1906 to this day, it has welcomed students, « treasures » as St Jeanne Antide calls them, who fill the classes from Kindergarten to the senior classes. Boys and girls are acquainted with human, spiritual, social and religious values. They follow the Lebanese programme, benefit from a trilingual education since KG1, and take advantage of the instruction of the new technologies, not to mention all kinds of sports and arts they practice on a regular basis. At Saint Enfant Jésus - Besançon Baabdath, we remain vigilant in maintaining an evangelical spirit, characterised by the joy of learning, discovering, and developing creativity and activities, so each student can best grow and further his potential and his skills. Above all, our students belong to one big family that helps them flourish, and most of all, live. However, since 2019, our school, just like our country, has been living by the rhythm of the different crises. We find ourselves unable to provide for the growing needs that the running of the school requires, lighten the load on the parents’ shoulders on the one hand, and fulfil our commitments towards the teaching staff, who are doing wonders in distance learning, on the other hand. Actually, in this unprecedented situation that Lebanon is going through, 50% of our students’ parents have become unemployed or are just earning half pay, which makes it impossible for them to cover their children’s school fees. Those are the reasons that drive our school to seek the help of its friends and benefactors. We appeal to their solidarity, to pursue together the educational mission of Besançon- Baabdath, so the torch of knowledge, life and faith will always light the eyes of our students, all of our students without exception. A video presenting the school before Covid-19 is available at the following link: https://youtu.be/O3I0_OFoP-I



شبكة دعم - Support Network
شبكة دعم - Support Network
نحنا حالياً عم نجمع التبرعات اللي رح تتوزع من خلال: 1- مساعدات عينية للناس المحتاجين بحسب الأموال المتاحة. هالمساعدات بتشمل حصص غذائية، ماي صالحة للشرب، فرش، مخدات، حرامات، تياب، وغيرها. 2-دعم طبي للأشخاص اللي انصابوا بجروح خطيرة جراء غارات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي. بتشمل الحالات الرئيسية: • إصابات العين اللي بتحتاج بشكل عاجل لتدخل طبي للحفاظ على النظر وتجنب فقدان الرؤية الدائم. • إصابات عامة بتشمل تفتت شديد بالعظام وبتحتاج لرعاية طبية فورية وعمليات إعادة ترميم لتجنب الإعاقات الدائمة رح يتم هالعمل بالتنسيق والتعاون مع المستشفيات لدعم احتياجاتها بإجراء العمليات الطبية اللازمة، وخاصة مع المستشفى الميداني "النجدة" بالنبطية. كل تبرع بيزيد من قدرتنا لمساعدة ناس اكتر وتأمين حاجات اكبر للمستشفى تأسّس الائتلاف تحت اسم "صامدون" عام 2006 لمواجهة آثار الاعتداء الإسرائيلي على لبنان. وتمّت إعادة تشكيله من قبل متطوعين ومنظّمات شعبيّة وهيئات مدنيّة أخرى لمعالجة تداعيات الانفجار الكارثي في ​​بيروت في 4 آب 2020. يجدّد الائتلاف نشاطه مرة أخرى لدعم سكّان لبنان النازحين جراّء عدوان الاحتلال الإسرائيلي المستمرّ منذ تشرين الأوّل 2023. We are currently raising money to be distributed through: 1- Material aid for people in need according to the available funds. That includes food portions, drinking water, mattresses, pillows, blankets, clothes, etc. 2- Medical support for those severely injured by the Israeli occupation’s strikes. Main cases involve: - eye injuries, urgently in need of immediate support in order to preserve their eyesight and avoid permanent loss of vision. - ⁠General injuries including severe bone decomposition in need of immediate medical care and hand reconstruction surgeries to avoid permanent disabilities. This will happen in coordination and collaboration with hospitals to support their needs in carrying out the necessary medical procedures, especially with the frontliners at Al-Najda Hospital in Nabatiyeh. Every donation lets us help more people and secure more supplies for the hospital. The coalition was established under the name “Samidoun” in 2006 to address the devastating impact of the Israeli attack on Lebanon. It has been reconstituted by volunteers, grassroots organizations, and other civil entities to address the repercussions of the catastrophic explosion in Beirut on August 4, 2020. Today, the coalition is actively working once again to support those who are displaced as a result of the Israeli aggressions on Lebanon since October 2023.




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Fundraising for Solidarity with Lebanon


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Campaigns within this category will be eligible for early withdrawals at any time, without incurring any additional fees.

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I would like to thank you for this platform. My father underwent CABG surgery and is in good health, thanks to your efforts.

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Akram Zebiane -

- Akram Zebiane -

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I would like to extend my gratitude to everyone at Fund a Hope for giving us an opportunity to go from "surviving to thriving".

And after working with Fund a Hope over the past few months, I am happy to say that all of our dealings have been respectful, transparent and followed ethical business practices. The campaign was a success and a great help for our work here.

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Philip Najjar -

- Philip Najjar -

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I want to thank this platform for the opportunity it gave me to raise funds for my cause. It really helped me and I got positive reviews about it from my donors. I am so glad you are running this website which is helping changing people's lives.

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Rawad Hayek -

- Rawad Hayek -

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Thank you again, it's really nice to have such a friendly platform with a professional and responsive team

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Amin Dora -

- Amin Dora -

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Proud to have fundahope as a reliable platform! Good job! 

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Amicale SSCC Ain Najm -

- Amicale SSCC Ain Najm -

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A simple click to donate throughout the world thanks to fundahope!


We were very happy with the cooperation with fundahope and will definitely create a new campaign once we have one.

Looking forward to our next fundraising effort!

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Mission Education -

- Mission Education -

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Nous renouvelons nos remerciements pour le support que Fundahope nous a prêté. Leur support continu nous encourage à poursuivre notre engagement et notre mission éducative.

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Ecole du Saint Enfant Jésus - Besançon Baabdath -

- Ecole du Saint Enfant Jésus - Besançon Baabdath -

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fundahope is truly an amazing platform for NGOs to reach out to donors internationally - without any redtapes and financial constraints. So, we were able to focus on the cause itself and raise donations in a user friendly manner.


Thank you for a successful partnership - we will always count on you for funding and call for donations!

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Jessica Moufawad - EDGE Executive Director -

- Jessica Moufawad - EDGE Executive Director -

Medical Success Stories

Nadim, just at 51 years old, had a life changing experience

This campaign tells the story of Nadim, who experienced a life-altering accident when he fell from a scaffold. As a result, his daily tasks became extremely challenging. Despite facing financial difficulties, there was a glimmer of hope when Nadim was approved for a trial treatment in France that could restore his autonomy. However, the cost of the treatment was approximately $140,000. The campaign successfully raised $51,085, which greatly influenced Nadim and his family. Not only did your contributions give Nadim hope, but they also provided hope to a whole community of individuals with special needs.

The campaign was able to collect 51,085$
Nadim, just at 51 years old, had a life changing experience

Education Success Stories

Supporting children with special needs

Acsauvel, an NGO, successfully launched a campaign to support children with special needs in Deir Tamish. Despite challenges including delayed government support, and the pandemic, the campaign has greatly impacted the lives of 125 individuals by providing education, well-being, and support.


Every contribution, whether through donations or sharing the request, was highly valued in making a difference and sustaining the employment of teachers and therapists.

The campaign was able to raise 10,085$
Supporting children with special needs

Medical Success Stories

Empowering Nancy to Hear Again

This heartfelt plea for support shares the story of Nancy, who has had hearing issues since childhood. Her parents previously raised funds for her life-changing cochlear implant surgery, but unfortunately, the device has stopped working after over 15 years.


With Nancy's father working overseas, her family was in desperate need of support.

Contributions, no matter their size, made a significant difference in restoring Nancy's hearing and allowing her to pursue her dreams.

The campaign successfully raised the entire required amount of 5,000$
Empowering Nancy to Hear Again

Sports Success Stories

Mountaineer Rami Rasamny takes on a new record for a cause!

Rami challenged himself to run up and down Kilimanjaro (5895 km) in 14 hours. This time, he ran to support Chef Tina Wazirian with food distribution throughout his country. With your donations, we were able to make that difference!

A total of $7,620 has been raised, surpassing the initial goal of 5,895$
Mountaineer Rami Rasamny takes on a new record for a cause!

Medical Success Stories

Jean's Medical Expenses

Thanks to the compassionate individuals like yourself and your generous donations, Jean underwent the crucial surgery he desperately needed.

The campaign successfully raised the total amount needed: 4,027$
Jean's Medical Expenses

Emergency Success Stories

Dialysis and ICU for Natasha

Thanks to the urgent campaign, we successfully raised almost the entire amount needed to support the critical condition of a 3-year-old girl. Dialysis and ICU were required for her treatment. The initial amount needed was $10,000. Natasha was diagnosed with Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS).

The campaign was able to raise 9,262$
Dialysis and ICU for Natasha

Sports Success Stories

The 19.8 Global Sports Challenge!

People around the world were invited to practice the sport of their choice over a minimal target of 19.8 km, lapses, summits, etc.., 


The campaign was able to collect 60,285$!

60,285$ Collected by Together LiBeirut to keep the needs of Beirut on top of everyone’s mind and to raise funds for its ongoing work
The 19.8 Global Sports Challenge!

Medical Success Stories

Rawad El Hayek: Overcoming Adversity Through a Life-Changing Hearing Aid

Rawad El Hayek, a 24-year-old man, was born with a congenital syndrome called "hemifacial microsomia" which resulted in partial facial paralysis and unilateral hearing loss. Throughout his academic and personal life, he faced a lot of challenges due to his hearing loss in his right ear.


In the midst of the worst economic crisis happening in his country, Rawad successfully started a fundahope crowdfunding campaign to implant a bone-anchored hearing aid that would help him regain his hearing sense in his right ear. The campaign was successful in raising the major amount needed for the implant.

The campaign was able to raise 12,525$
Rawad El Hayek: Overcoming Adversity Through a Life-Changing Hearing Aid

Sports Success Stories

The Unbreakable attending the World Championship!

Thanks to fundahope, Shiva "the unbreakable" Karout, a professional powerlifter with many international championships under his belt, represented his country in the IPF World Powerlifting Championship in Minsk (Belarus) the past September.

The campaign was able to collect 3,450$
The Unbreakable attending the World Championship!

Medical Success Stories

Baby Aline Makari Will Be Able Now To Do Her Liver Transplantation!

Mr. Fadi Nacouzi received the net sum of $66,964 received thanks to fundahope's donors.


Baby Aline Makari will be able now to do her liver transplantation. Thank you for saving lives!

66,964$ Collected by Fadi Nacouzi for baby Aline Makari to do her liver transplantation as soon as possible
Baby Aline Makari Will Be Able Now To Do Her Liver Transplantation!

Medical Success Stories

A New Chance in Life For Baby Mila!

fundahope delivered to Mrs. Farah Habbal the net sum of $160,528 received through fundahope.


Thank you for playing a role in saving Baby Mila, and giving her a new chance in life.

160,528$ Collected by Farah Habbal for her daughter Mila an SMA patient who needs ZOLGENSMA
A New Chance in Life For Baby Mila!