160,528$ Collected by Farah Habbal for her daughter Mila an SMA patient who needs ZOLGENSMA 

103,094$ Collected by Fadi Nacouzi for baby Aline Makari to do liver transplantation as soon as possible

60,285$ Collected by Together LiBeirut for the 19.8 Beirut Global Sports Challenge to keep the needs of Beirut on top of everyone’s mind

51,085$ Collected by Nadim Aziz to help his uncle Nadim walk again

45,475$ Collected by Jean Pierre Eid to help Naji walk again

23,046$ Collected by Lebanese Vegans for the only animal rights and vegan support center of its kind

18,904$ Collected by Ahmad Yassine for his mother to cover her brain tumor surgery cost

15,624$ Collected by Meghterbin Mejtemiin for the SOLAR POWERED LEBANON initiative to help bring power to the country

Ready To Start Fundraising?

Top Campaigns

Karma - Let their best memories be tomorrow


Karma - Let their best memories be tomorrow
Karma is a Lebanese NGO advocating for equal access to the basic human right of healthcare for children. Karma’s mission is to support the treatment of vulnerable pediatric patients with cancer and thalassemia in Lebanon. To date, Karma has supported the treatment of more than 120 children with cancer and 130 children with thalassemia. Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that causes chronic anemia. Patients require life-long blood transfusions among other medical services necessary to keep them in good health and prevent complications of the disease. Left untreated, the life expectancy of a thalassemia patient drops significantly. Since June 2023, Karma delivers comprehensive multidisciplinary care to 90 vulnerable children with Transfusion Dependent Thalassemia in Lebanon. Karma’s aim is to increase their chances of survival, prevent complications of the disease, and improve the quality of their lives. Karma free of charge services include covering the cost of hospitalization for phenotyped blood transfusions at Elias Hrawi Governmental Hospital in Zahle, organization of blood donation campaigns in partnership with the Lebanese Red Cross, distribution of medications, granting transportation allowance for the families, and referrals for medical consultations. Today, Karma is asking for your support to be able to sustain this project, and continue delivering the care necessary for our little patients’ survival and growth, hoping that their best memories will be tomorrow.

$7,161 raised Of $150,000

Help Kaia Fight Epilepsy


Help Kaia Fight Epilepsy
Dear friends and supporters, Meet Kaia, our brave 17-month-old daughter diagnosed with refractory epilepsy —the first known case in Lebanon. This rare condition has led to developmental delays and severe, refractory seizures. Kaia had her first seizure at just three months old, resulting in her first hospital admission. Since then, she has been on a challenging medical journey. Kaia relies on different medications, a feeding tube, and various types of therapies. She continues to have weekly or biweekly hospital visits and has experienced prolonged seizures lasting 40 and 20 minutes, respectively. These status seizures necessitate the use of rescue medication to prevent brain damage or death. Unfortunately, due to the situation in Lebanon, we face numerous challenges in obtaining these medications, including the rescue medication. This has been an incredibly stressful journey for our family. Recently, Kaia was admitted to the PICU twice for pneumonia. She is now on an ND-tube due to weakness in eating and failure to thrive. Kaia is non-verbal, has hypotonia, and cannot sit or walk. There is no adequate support or inclusion for her needs at the country level. Despite these immense challenges, Kaia continues to fight with incredible strength and courage. We are reaching out for your support to help us cover her mounting medical expenses, including ongoing hospital visits, treatments, and specialized care. All her medications must be bought from abroad, and future medications will heavily burden our family financially. Kaia's required medications, therapies, and equipment include(Currently and within the upcoming months): - Keppra 100mg/ml is no longer available in Lebanon. - Clobazam is not available in Lebanon. - Depakine. - Stiripentol is not available in Lebanon, with a monthly cost of 175 euros. - Finfloramine, which will require Kaia to travel abroad to try the medication, as it is highly controlled (around 10,000USD administered in Lebanon) - Rivotril and Valium as rescue medications. - Physiotherapy, psychomotor, occupational therapy, and feeding therapy on a monthly basis. - Monthly feeding machine rentals and feeding bags costs.ETC These are the main monthly expenses needed to ensure Kaia has access to the necessary medication and care. Along with long hospital stays, we also urgently use machines such as a suction machine, pulse oximeter, and oxygen. In addition, our house needs modifications to accommodate Kaia’s disabilities, as well as specialized equipment for her rare case, which doesn't exist in Lebanon. Part of this campaign aims to highlight Kaia's case alongside the nearly 20 to 40 reported cases worldwide. By doing so, we hope to raise awareness among research institutions, physicians, and caregivers about our existence. We encourage other caregivers to come forward and advocate for a treatment and, ultimately, a cure. Your generosity will make a significant difference in Kaia's life and help us provide her with the best possible care. Thank you for your kindness and support. Follow Kaia's journey on Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/kaia_foundation?igsh=MWxxNTQ3aWJkd2Z3 With gratitude,

$4,843 raised Of $300,000

حملة إغاثة لمساعدة النازحين من الجنوب


حملة إغاثة لمساعدة النازحين من الجنوب
منذ الثامن من اكتوبر حتى اليوم، نزح ما يقارب ٩٠ الف عائلة من جنوب لبنان. تزامن ذلك مع ضعف شديد في الاستجابة من معظم الجمعيات المحلية و الدولية إلى جانب صمت مريب عن اطلاق اي مبادرات لدعم النازحين. هذه العائلات التي تعيش سواءا في مراكز الإيواء او الشقق المستأجرة تعاني من ضغوطات اقتصادية و معيشية شديدة. لذلك تطلق مبادرة "ارض و ناس" حملة تبرع لمساندة أهلنا المهجرين من الجنوب عبر تمويل حصص غذائية او مساعدات نقدية مباشرة. حيث تهدف هذه التبرعات إلى دعم صمود الآلاف من السكّان. إلى جانب ذلك ستقوم الحملة بالإضاءة على أحوال أهلنا و الصعوبات التي يعانون منها وسط تعمية اعلامية شبة كاملة. Since October 8th until today, approximately 90,000 families have been displaced from southern Lebanon. This coincided with a severe lack of response from most local and international associations, alongside a suspicious silence regarding the launch of any initiatives to support the displaced. These families, whether living in shelters or rented apartments, are suffering from severe economic and livelihood pressures. Therefore, the "Ared w Nas" initiative is launching a donation campaign to support the displaced people from the south by financing food rations or direct cash assistance. These donations aim to support thousands of residents. Additionally, the campaign will shed light on the conditions of our people and the difficulties they are facing amidst near-complete media blackout.

$1,085 raised Of $10,000

أنقذوا كيتي عقل


أنقذوا كيتي عقل
حالة مستعجلة حالة حياة ام موت وضع صحي يتدهور بسرعة للفنانة خاتوم تاتيوسيان عقل المعروفة بكيتي عقل،تحتاج لدخول سريع للمستشفى وإجراء تحاليل وصور دقيقة الحالة crps+allodynia. تدهورت ١٨٠درجة لم تعد قادرة على الكتابة او النحت او الرسم او العمل او الوقوف .ساعدوها ابعد الله عنكم كل ضيق وشر وابتلاءهناك حاجة إلى تمويل طبي عاجل لدعم الفنانة اللبنانية خاتوم أوهانيس تاتيوسيان، المعروفة باسم كيتي عقل، والتي اتخذت حياتها منعطفًا مدمرًا بسبب مشاكل طبية غير متوقعة تفاقمت بسبب مضاعفات ما بعد الجراحة. تم تشخيص إصابة كاتي باعتلال الأعصاب الليفي الصغير والالودينيا والcrps التي تهدد حياتها. "ما يهمني هو أن أتعافى وأعود إلى قلمي وكتابتي ونحتي وفني الجميل." تشتهر كيتي بموهبتها الاستثنائية وأيضًا بروحها الطيبة والخيرة. لقد استخدمت فنها لإلهام الآخرين والارتقاء بهم، وكرست نفسها للعديد من القضايا الخيرية ومساعدة المحتاجين قبل أن تؤثر صحتها. نقلتها حالة الطوارئ الطبية إلى ألمانيا حيث عانت من الاحتيال المالي والمزيد من التدهور. لقد عادت الآن إلى لبنان وهي بحاجة إلى تمويل لإجراء فحوصاتها الطبية العاجلة والعلاجات والأدوية. نحن نسعى للحصول على دعمكم وكرمكم لضمان حصول كيتي على الرعاية الطبية التي تحتاجها بشدة. مساهمتك، مهما كانت صغيرة، ستحدث فرقًا كبيرًا في حياتها. ولن يزودها هذا المشروع بالوسائل اللازمة للحصول على العلاجات الطبية الأساسية فحسب، بل سيوفر لها أيضًا الأمل والقوة لمواصلة رحلتها الفنية للتبرع على رقم حسابها الخاص: 5186490660737691 أو على https://fundahope.com/campaigns/ankthoa-kyty-aakl ابعدكم الله عن كل شرهناك حاجة إلى تمويل طبي عاجل لدعم الفنانة اللبنانية خاتوم أوهانيس تاتيوسيان، المعروفة باسم كيتي عقل، والتي اتخذت حياتها منعطفًا مدمرًا بسبب مشاكل طبية غير متوقعة تفاقمت بسبب مضاعفات ما بعد الجراحة. تم تشخيص إصابة كاتي باعتلال الأعصاب الليفي الصغير والالودينيا والcrps التي تهدد حياتها. "ما يهمني هو أن أتعافى وأعود إلى قلمي وكتابتي ونحتي وفني الجميل." تشتهر كيتي بموهبتها الاستثنائية وأيضًا بروحها الطيبة والخيرة. لقد استخدمت فنها لإلهام الآخرين والارتقاء بهم، وكرست نفسها للعديد من القضايا الخيرية ومساعدة المحتاجين قبل أن تؤثر صحتها. نقلتها حالة الطوارئ الطبية إلى ألمانيا حيث عانت من الاحتيال المالي والمزيد من التدهور. لقد عادت الآن إلى لبنان وهي بحاجة إلى تمويل لإجراء فحوصاتها الطبية العاجلة والعلاجات والأدوية. نحن نسعى للحصول على دعمكم وكرمكم لضمان حصول كيتي على الرعاية الطبية التي تحتاجها بشدة. مساهمتك، مهما كانت صغيرة، ستحدث فرقًا كبيرًا في حياتها. ولن يزودها هذا المشروع بالوسائل اللازمة للحصول على العلاجات الطبية الأساسية فحسب، بل سيوفر لها أيضًا الأمل والقوة لمواصلة رحلتها الفنية للتبرع على رقم حسابها الخاص: 5186490660737691 أو على https://fundahope.com/campaigns/ankthoa-kyty-aakl ابعدكم الله عن كل شروقت الناس بتنتقد شكلك اللي تغير كتير عالمرض والأدوية والتجارب السريرية ومعاناة سنين وگأنه ذنبك ما تزعل ولا تختنق تذكر انو رب السما كان عاطيك نعم كتير ما عندن ياها ،ويمكن وعا قد هالنعم ثقل صليبك.شكرهن بطيبة وقول ربنا لا يجربكن ولا يفرجيكن معاناتي اليومية.الرب أراد لتكن مشيئته. مش قادر تكون حبة مسكن ما تكون أساس الوجع.إرحموا من في الأرض يرحمكم من في السماء.

$3,363 raised Of $20,000

Top Permanent Fundraisers

شبكة دعم - Support Network
شبكة دعم - Support Network
عن شبكة دعم في غياب الثقة الشعبية والدولية بمؤسسات الدولة اللبنانية، نشأت حاجة إلى مبادرة شفافة لإيصال المساعدات مباشرة إلى آلاف من الناس دون أي وسيط وعبر آليات شفافة وذات مصداقية. شبكة دعم هي ائتلاف مدني للإغاثة، يعتمد العمل القاعدي والتشاركي ويمارس الشفافية في كل إجراءاته، وهو تطوعي بالكامل. تأسّس الائتلاف تحت اسم "صامدون" عام 2006 لمواجهة آثار الاعتداء الإسرائيلي على لبنان. وتمّت إعادة تشكيله من قبل متطوعين ومنظّمات شعبيّة وهيئات مدنيّة أخرى لمعالجة تداعيات الانفجار الكارثي في ​​بيروت في 4 آب 2020. يجدّد الائتلاف نشاطه مرة أخرى لدعم سكّان لبنان النازحين جراّء عدوان الاحتلال الإسرائيلي المستمرّ منذ تشرين الأوّل 2023. المهمة يقدّم إئتلاف شبكة دعم تبرّع مباشرة لمن يحتاج إلى دعم، من خلال جمع تبرعات بعد إجراء عمليّات التمحيص والتدقيق الضرورية على أيدي خبراء محليّين. يحول المبلغ الإجمالي للأموال إلى المتلقين, سيتم تحويل المبلغ الإجمالي إلى المستفيدين من خلال المساعدة النقدية المباشرة. وتهدف هذه الدفعات السريعة إلى دعم عمليّة استعادة الحياة الطبيعية للآلاف من سكّان لبنان الذين نزحوا إثر العدوان الاسرائيلي . In the absence of popular and international trust in Lebanese state institutions, there emerged a need for a transparent initiative to deliver aid directly to thousands of people without any intermediaries, using transparent and credible mechanisms. "Shabaket Da3em (Support Network)" is a civil coalition for relief that relies on grassroots and participatory work, practicing transparency in all its procedures, and operates entirely on a voluntary basis. It aims to aid those residing in Lebanon during the harshest circumstances without relying on factors such as sectarian identity or political affiliation. The coalition was established under the name “Samidoun” in 2006 to address the devastating impact of the Israeli attack on Lebanon. It has been reconstituted by volunteers, grassroots organizations, and other civil entities to address the repercussions of the catastrophic explosion in Beirut on August 4, 2020. Today, the coalition is actively working once again to support those who are displaced as a result of the Israeli aggressions on Lebanon since October 2023. Mission "Shabaket Da3em (Support Network)" provides a platform that enables people to donate directly to those needing humanitarian assistance due to internal displacement. With no overhead, the total amount of money will be transferred to recipients through direct cash assistance. These rapid payments aim to support restoring everyday life for thousands of residents in Lebanon.



The Third Voice for Lebanon
The Third Voice for Lebanon
The Third Voice for Lebanon in partnership with Street and Independent Engineers and Architects (IEA), are working on a developmental neighborhood project which is called مشروع حي (Project Neighborhood and dually translated to Project Living in english). The Harvest Box, our other initiative continues to bear fruit and ripen! In partnership with Street and Lebanese Food bank, we have taken the campaign national! Not only by providing small to medium scale farmers with plants during this economic crisis, but in addition the farmers themselves are continuing the cycle of social responsibility and providing a portion of their yields to underprivledged families in need of assistance! Our initiatives confronts the crisis and the ineptness of the ruling class, as they are grassroots developmental/interactive/social projects that focus on neighborhoods and the individuals through enhancing and beautifying the spaces they closely interact with, while raising awareness about sustainability and safety through workshops. By doing so, we hope to be building a culture of responsible citizenship for the young generations living in the benefiting neighbourhoods. Mashrou' Hay also aims to establish communal and roof gardens  (urban agriculture) to further introduce independence, rain water retention, well being of the inhabitants, and several other sub advantages. As neighbors and their children interact and collaborate throughout neighborhoods, they in turn  build relationships with each other and public places further benefiting from them culturally and societally. Our aim is to strengthen the culture of the individual and social responsibility which in return will positively impact towards a healthier society.




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I would like to thank you for this platform. My father underwent CABG surgery and is in good health, thanks to your efforts.

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Akram Zebiane -

- Akram Zebiane -

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I would like to extend my gratitude to everyone at Fund a Hope for giving us an opportunity to go from "surviving to thriving".

And after working with Fund a Hope over the past few months, I am happy to say that all of our dealings have been respectful, transparent and followed ethical business practices. The campaign was a success and a great help for our work here.

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Philip Najjar -

- Philip Najjar -

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I want to thank this platform for the opportunity it gave me to raise funds for my cause. It really helped me and I got positive reviews about it from my donors. I am so glad you are running this website which is helping changing people's lives.

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Rawad Hayek -

- Rawad Hayek -

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Thank you again, it's really nice to have such a friendly platform with a professional and responsive team

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Amin Dora -

- Amin Dora -

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Proud to have fundahope as a reliable platform! Good job! 

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Amicale SSCC Ain Najm -

- Amicale SSCC Ain Najm -

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A simple click to donate throughout the world thanks to fundahope!


We were very happy with the cooperation with fundahope and will definitely create a new campaign once we have one.

Looking forward to our next fundraising effort!

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Mission Education -

- Mission Education -

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Nous renouvelons nos remerciements pour le support que Fundahope nous a prêté. Leur support continu nous encourage à poursuivre notre engagement et notre mission éducative.

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Ecole du Saint Enfant Jésus - Besançon Baabdath -

- Ecole du Saint Enfant Jésus - Besançon Baabdath -

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fundahope is truly an amazing platform for NGOs to reach out to donors internationally - without any redtapes and financial constraints. So, we were able to focus on the cause itself and raise donations in a user friendly manner.


Thank you for a successful partnership - we will always count on you for funding and call for donations!

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Jessica Moufawad - EDGE Executive Director -

- Jessica Moufawad - EDGE Executive Director -

Medical Success Stories

Nadim, just at 51 years old, had a life changing experience

This campaign tells the story of Nadim, who experienced a life-altering accident when he fell from a scaffold. As a result, his daily tasks became extremely challenging. Despite facing financial difficulties, there was a glimmer of hope when Nadim was approved for a trial treatment in France that could restore his autonomy. However, the cost of the treatment was approximately $140,000. The campaign successfully raised $51,085, which greatly influenced Nadim and his family. Not only did your contributions give Nadim hope, but they also provided hope to a whole community of individuals with special needs.

The campaign was able to collect 51,085$
Nadim, just at 51 years old, had a life changing experience

Education Success Stories

Supporting children with special needs

Acsauvel, an NGO, successfully launched a campaign to support children with special needs in Deir Tamish. Despite challenges including delayed government support, and the pandemic, the campaign has greatly impacted the lives of 125 individuals by providing education, well-being, and support.


Every contribution, whether through donations or sharing the request, was highly valued in making a difference and sustaining the employment of teachers and therapists.

The campaign was able to raise 10,085$
Supporting children with special needs

Medical Success Stories

Empowering Nancy to Hear Again

This heartfelt plea for support shares the story of Nancy, who has had hearing issues since childhood. Her parents previously raised funds for her life-changing cochlear implant surgery, but unfortunately, the device has stopped working after over 15 years.


With Nancy's father working overseas, her family was in desperate need of support.

Contributions, no matter their size, made a significant difference in restoring Nancy's hearing and allowing her to pursue her dreams.

The campaign successfully raised the entire required amount of 5,000$
Empowering Nancy to Hear Again

Sports Success Stories

Mountaineer Rami Rasamny takes on a new record for a cause!

Rami challenged himself to run up and down Kilimanjaro (5895 km) in 14 hours. This time, he ran to support Chef Tina Wazirian with food distribution throughout his country. With your donations, we were able to make that difference!

A total of $7,620 has been raised, surpassing the initial goal of 5,895$
Mountaineer Rami Rasamny takes on a new record for a cause!

Medical Success Stories

Jean's Medical Expenses

Thanks to the compassionate individuals like yourself and your generous donations, Jean underwent the crucial surgery he desperately needed.

The campaign successfully raised the total amount needed: 4,027$
Jean's Medical Expenses

Emergency Success Stories

Dialysis and ICU for Natasha

Thanks to the urgent campaign, we successfully raised almost the entire amount needed to support the critical condition of a 3-year-old girl. Dialysis and ICU were required for her treatment. The initial amount needed was $10,000. Natasha was diagnosed with Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS).

The campaign was able to raise 9,262$
Dialysis and ICU for Natasha

Sports Success Stories

The 19.8 Global Sports Challenge!

People around the world were invited to practice the sport of their choice over a minimal target of 19.8 km, lapses, summits, etc.., 


The campaign was able to collect 60,285$!

60,285$ Collected by Together LiBeirut to keep the needs of Beirut on top of everyone’s mind and to raise funds for its ongoing work
The 19.8 Global Sports Challenge!

Medical Success Stories

Rawad El Hayek: Overcoming Adversity Through a Life-Changing Hearing Aid

Rawad El Hayek, a 24-year-old man, was born with a congenital syndrome called "hemifacial microsomia" which resulted in partial facial paralysis and unilateral hearing loss. Throughout his academic and personal life, he faced a lot of challenges due to his hearing loss in his right ear.


In the midst of the worst economic crisis happening in his country, Rawad successfully started a fundahope crowdfunding campaign to implant a bone-anchored hearing aid that would help him regain his hearing sense in his right ear. The campaign was successful in raising the major amount needed for the implant.

The campaign was able to raise 12,525$
Rawad El Hayek: Overcoming Adversity Through a Life-Changing Hearing Aid

Sports Success Stories

The Unbreakable attending the World Championship!

Thanks to fundahope, Shiva "the unbreakable" Karout, a professional powerlifter with many international championships under his belt, represented his country in the IPF World Powerlifting Championship in Minsk (Belarus) the past September.

The campaign was able to collect 3,450$
The Unbreakable attending the World Championship!

Medical Success Stories

Baby Aline Makari Will Be Able Now To Do Her Liver Transplantation!

Mr. Fadi Nacouzi received the net sum of $66,964 received thanks to fundahope's donors.


Baby Aline Makari will be able now to do her liver transplantation. Thank you for saving lives!

66,964$ Collected by Fadi Nacouzi for baby Aline Makari to do her liver transplantation as soon as possible
Baby Aline Makari Will Be Able Now To Do Her Liver Transplantation!

Medical Success Stories

A New Chance in Life For Baby Mila!

fundahope delivered to Mrs. Farah Habbal the net sum of $160,528 received through fundahope.


Thank you for playing a role in saving Baby Mila, and giving her a new chance in life.

160,528$ Collected by Farah Habbal for her daughter Mila an SMA patient who needs ZOLGENSMA
A New Chance in Life For Baby Mila!