Khaled needs electrocardiogram treatment.


Khaled needs electrocardiogram treatment.
My name is Khaled and I am Palestinian. I am 34 years old. I currently live with my wife and daughter in Egypt. We were forcibly displaced from our home in Gaza from north to south and then to Egypt where I had to pay a sum of money to coordinate the travel and I had to sell my wife's gold to escape death. We were able to escape the genocide in Gaza through the Rafah land crossing. Now we are alive in Egypt, we are stateless and do not know how we will return to "live" in a destroyed country and we do not know anything about our unknown fate there. I am a heart patient who suffers from arrhythmia, a health condition resulting from an irregular heartbeat. This condition can lead to a disturbance in the heart's electricity, which can lead to an increase or decrease in the heart rate, or an irregularity. Electricity on the heart comes at irregular times The cardiologists in Gaza were scheduled to travel before the war in 2022 1- Performing an implantable defibrillator (ICD) It is a device that is implanted under the skin near the collarbone, and helps reset the heartbeat regularly, by sending high-energy or low-energy electrical shocks. 2- Ablation / cauterization During this procedure, the doctor passes one or more tubes called catheters through the blood vessels to reach the heart, containing sensors at the end that may be heated or cold to create small scars in the heart, with the aim of preventing irregular heart signals. He went to a hospital here in Egypt, I went back and they told me the same as the doctors in Gaza, but unfortunately the operation to implant an ICD costs $11,000 and the removal/cauterization operation costs $6,000 I cannot afford this amount except for your grace and generosity towards me and my family - My wife is 9 months pregnant and needs food, vitamins, imaging, medical tests, and clothes for the newborn - My daughter has dental problems that cause her pain and cry every day, and I am unable to go to the dentist. The rent I rented has accumulated two months of rent because all my money has run out, I cannot do anything, I am helpless and miserable, and the landlord threatens to evict us from the residence if we do not pay the required amount The condition has become more frequent, I get chest pain, difficulty concentrating, confusion, difficulty exercising. Rapid heartbeat Shortness of breath Dizziness Fainting and feeling faint Chest fluttering I am trying to find a job in Egypt that suits my health condition but to no avail Due to the current economic conditions in Egypt, in addition to being undocumented and “stateless” as Palestinians from Gaza, just starting to work is a struggle Please help provide the basics of life for the rest of the year Any amount helps, no contribution is too small or too big. Some of what your donations can provide for my family: $10 = 1 meal for a family of 3 $20 = Winter clothes for one person $75 = 1 month of transportation for one family $100 = 1 month of groceries for a family of 3 $200 = 1 month of rent for one apartment $11,000 = ICD treatment $6,000 = Cardiac ablation surgery The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Do not delay charity, for it blocks the path of calamity.” (Tirmidhi 6’)

$0 raised Of $22,000



Hello my name is David Otieno ,founder of The feed the kids,i am a Parent to many from Nairobi area ,I am 39yrs old,   student at church  I run a project that helps children's and needy people here in my neighborhood. We have a feeding program that usually takes place every Saturday where we engage with the kids and get to hear the challenges they are facing back at home. Through this foundation some of these kids school fees have been paid, goods have been donated to them and also we are finalizing some agreements with the parents so we can see how to come up with different activities/skills that can help them in future as we feed them.    We also have mentorship for girls living in our community where we talk to them issues about menstrual hygiene,and basically how to be safe as a young girl and after our 1hr session we give them 2packets of sanitary towels and 2rolls of tissue. We also have women empowerment programs where we support women with funds raised by well wishers as start up capital so they can start their own business and be independent as an individual . Also we have managed to support some members of our community who are sick and with no medicine we ensure they get their medicine on time and when it's needed only for those who are totally unable to buy or help themselves.    We have a dress me up initiative where we get to dress school going kids with brand new school uniform this is only for those who are in need. Among the other projects we do are, Slippers donation this usually happens when the schools have closed we randomly select needy kids from different villages and gift them.    Clothes donation, through well wishers from this page who donate clothes, shoes, school bags, books, uniform and basically the things they don't use to us we give them to the most deserving individuals from this community so if you have something you'd like to give kindly get in touch 🙏🏾.    We also try to donate food stuff to families here in Sinai, what we do is identify those in need and visit them with some unga, rice, sugar and soap.    We've been doing this for 2years now this is our third year and we thank God because His blessings have been sufficient in our lives from the beginning 🥰.    I welcome you all to partner with us so we can grow as a community and keep spreading love and kindness to those in need 🙏🏾   From the kitchen to the community👥   God your Child is grateful🙏   To support use PayPal [email protected] #communitysupport  #feedingprogram2025

$0 raised Of $5,000

Feed the children


Feed the children
Hello my name is David Otieno ,founder of The feed the kids,iam a mother to many from Nairobi area ,I am 39yrs old,   student at church  I run a project that helps children's and needy people here in my neighborhood. We have a feeding program that usually takes place every Saturday where we engage with the kids and get to hear the challenges they are facing back at home. Through this foundation some of these kids school fees have been paid, goods have been donated to them and also we are finalizing some agreements with the parents so we can see how to come up with different activities/skills that can help them in future as we feed them.    We also have mentorship for girls living in our community where we talk to them issues about menstrual hygiene,and basically how to be safe as a young girl and after our 1hr session we give them 2packets of sanitary towels and 2rolls of tissue. We also have women empowerment programs where we support women with funds raised by well wishers as start up capital so they can start their own business and be independent as an individual . Also we have managed to support some members of our community who are sick and with no medicine we ensure they get their medicine on time and when it's needed only for those who are totally unable to buy or help themselves.    We have a dress me up initiative where we get to dress school going kids with brand new school uniform this is only for those who are in need. Among the other projects we do are, Slippers donation this usually happens when the schools have closed we randomly select needy kids from different villages and gift them.    Clothes donation, through well wishers from this page who donate clothes, shoes, school bags, books, uniform and basically the things they don't use to us we give them to the most deserving individuals from this community so if you have something you'd like to give kindly get in touch 🙏🏾.    We also try to donate food stuff to families here in Sinai, what we do is identify those in need and visit them with some unga, rice, sugar and soap.    We've been doing this for 2years now this is our third year and we thank God because His blessings have been sufficient in our lives from the beginning 🥰.    I welcome you all to partner with us so we can grow as a community and keep spreading love and kindness to those in need 🙏🏾   From the kitchen to the community👥   God your Child is grateful🙏   To support use PayPal [email protected]   #communitysupport  #feedingprogram2025

$0 raised Of $5,000

Help the people of Lebanon 1

Solidarity with Lebanon

Help the people of Lebanon 1
As Lebanon faces one of the most challenging crises in its history, the plight of the poor and refugees fleeing war zones has become more desperate than ever. The economic collapse, compounded by regional conflicts, has left thousands of families in dire need of basic necessities like food, shelter, and medical care. At PlanLB, we are dedicated to helping the most vulnerable throughout all of Lebanon, not just refugees but also impoverished families struggling to make ends meet. Whether it’s delivering food parcels in remote villages or providing medical aid in overcrowded refugee camps, we are there on the ground making a real difference. But we can’t do this without your support. We need your help to continue our mission. Your donation today can: Provide emergency food parcels to families who don’t know where their next meal will come from Supply vital medical assistance to refugees escaping war-torn areas Offer safe shelters for displaced families in Lebanon Support education and care for children who have lost everything With over 1.4 million followers across social media, PlanLB keeps our global community informed about the impact of their generosity. We regularly post updates, stories, and photos of the lives being changed because of donations like yours. When you give, you will see exactly how your contribution is helping people in real time. For every family we help, there are countless others who still need support. This is why your generosity is so important right now. Every dollar you give makes a life-changing difference for people who are struggling to survive. Donate today and bring hope to those who need it most. At PlanLB, we believe in the power of community and compassion. Together, we can alleviate suffering and provide a lifeline for Lebanon’s most vulnerable. Thank you for standing with us, and for standing with Lebanon in this time of great need.

$0 raised Of $25,000

Bringing Back Smiles: Rebuild Our Safe Space


Bringing Back Smiles: Rebuild Our Safe Space
<عربي بالأسفل> Before the recent war in Lebanon, Jannat Al-Ibdaa Association was a place filled with laughter, learning, and hope. Children played, studied, and dreamed at Jannat Al-Atfal Kindergarten, while young people gathered in our public library to read, explore, and grow. But everything changed. The shelling in the nearby buildings shattered windows, broke doors and walls, and destroyed furniture, books, and toys. The safe space that once nurtured hundreds of young minds was left in ruins. With limited resources, we took emergency action—repairing part of the building so children could return. But classrooms are overcrowded, and our library, once a hub of knowledge and inspiration, is now used most of the day as a classroom. We dream of restoring our center to what it once was—a sanctuary of joy, learning, and community. This is why we need your help. We are raising $45,000 to: ✔ Repair broken windows, doors, and walls ✔ Restore classrooms and reopen the library ✔ Replace lost books, toys, and furniture ✔ Create a safe and inspiring space for children and youth Every contribution makes a difference: * $50 provides new books and toys * $150 helps repair a classroom door * $200 helps buy desks, shelves, and play materials * $500 or more helps rebuild entire sections of the building Your support can bring back the joy, the dreams, and the future these children deserve. Your support will bring back joy, learning, and hope. Every child deserves a safe space to dream, grow, and build a better future. 📢 Donate today and help us rebuild Jannat Al-Ibdaa! ❤️ قبل الحرب الأخيرة في لبنان، كانت جمعية جنة الإبداع مكانًا يعج بالضحك والتعلم والأمل. في روضة جنة الأطفال، كان الأطفال يلعبون، يدرسون، ويحلمون بمستقبل مشرق، بينما كان الشباب يجتمعون في مكتبتنا العامة للقراءة، والاستكشاف، وتوسيع آفاقهم المعرفية. لكن كل شيء تغيّر. أدى القصف الذي استهدف المباني المجاورة إلى تحطيم النوافذ، وكسر الأبواب والجدران، وتدمير الأثاث والكتب والألعاب. المساحة الآمنة التي احتضنت مئات العقول الشابة تحولت إلى أنقاض. رغم شح الموارد، اتخذنا إجراءات طارئة، وتمكنا من إصلاح جزء من المبنى لتمكين الأطفال من العودة. لكن الفصول الدراسية أصبحت مكتظة، ومكتبتنا العامة، التي كانت منبرًا للمعرفة والإلهام، تُستخدم الآن معظم اليوم كقاعة دراسية لاستيعاب الطلاب. نحلم بإعادة هذا المكان إلى ما كان عليه — واحةً للفرح والتعلم والمجتمع. ولهذا، نحن بحاجة إلى دعمكم. نسعى لجمع 45,000 دولار من أجل: ✔ إصلاح النوافذ، الأبواب، والجدران المدمرة ✔ ترميم الفصول الدراسية وإعادة فتح المكتبة ✔ استبدال الكتب، الألعاب، والأثاث المفقود ✔ توفير مساحة آمنة وملهمة للأطفال والشباب كل مساهمة تُحدث فرقًا: 💙 $50 توفر كتبًا وألعابًا جديدة 💙 $150 تساعد في إصلاح باب فصل دراسي 💙 $200 تُساهم في شراء مكاتب، أرفف، ومواد لعب 💙 $500 أو أكثر تساعد في إعادة تأهيل أجزاء كاملة من المبنى دعمكم يمكن أن يعيد الفرح، الحلم، والمستقبل الذي يستحقه هؤلاء الأطفال. كل طفل يستحق مكانًا آمنًا يحلم فيه، ينمو، ويبني مستقبله. 📢 تبرعوا اليوم وساهموا في إعادة بناء جنة الإبداع ❤️

$150 raised Of $45,000

Urgent rheumatisim surgery


Urgent rheumatisim surgery
رسالة الى اصحاب القلوب الطيبة و النوايا الحسنة السي الخوري تم تشخيصها "مرض الروماتيزم بمراحل متقدمة تزامننا مع إلتهاب المفاصل" بعد مراحل من التحاليل المكثفة في مستسفى ابو جودة .. تبين لاحقا ان هذا المرض تسسب في ذوبا الجيلاتين في الركبتين التي بدورهما مسؤلين عند عدم احتكاك عظام الركبة ببعضها البعض مما يسبب بألم لا يوصف لدرجة عدم النوم و الوقوف وابسط الحركات السي هي ام لطفل عمره ١٤ وحيد بدون اب توقف عن الدراسة و الذهاب الى المدرسة من اجل مراعته لوالدته . ليس هناك حل لألسي الى بعملية زرع البروتيز بكلا الركبتين لمنع احتكاك العظام ببعضها البعض . تكلفة العملية هي ١٥٠٠٠$ لكل ركبة ٧٥٠٠$ الكلمة الأخيرة هي لكم و شفاء السي الخوري هي داخل رحمة قلوبكم لو تراحم الناس لما كان بينهم جائع ولا مغبون، ، فالرحمة تمحو الشقاء من المجتمع ( ارحمو ما في الأرض يرحمكم من في السماء ) و شكرا A message to those with kind hearts and good intentions: Md. Elsy Khouri has been diagnosed with “rheumatism in advanced stages, accompanied by arthritis.” After a series of intensive tests at Abu Joudeh Hospital, it was discovered that this condition caused the gelatinous substance in her knees to dissolve. As a result, the knee bones are not able to glide smoothly against each other, leading to indescribable pain that prevents her from sleeping, standing, or even performing simple movements. She is a mother to a 14-year-old child, her only son, who has stopped attending school to take care of his mother. There is no solution for her except a knee prosthesis surgery for both knees to prevent the bones from rubbing together. The cost of the surgery is $15,000, with $7,500 for each knee. The final word is with you, and the healing of Md. elsy Khouri lies in your compassionate hearts. If people showed more mercy, there would be no hunger or injustice among them. Mercy wipes away hardship in society. (Show mercy to those on earth, and you will be shown mercy by the One in the heavens.) Thank you.

$0 raised Of $15,000

See More

Animal Campaigns

Education Campaigns

My Dream to Study Abroad


My Dream to Study Abroad
Welcome to my fundraiser page titled "My Dream: To Study Abroad." I am reaching out to generous hearts and kind souls to help me achieve my lifelong dream of studying in a different country and I’m reaching out for your support to help make this dream a reality. Studying abroad has always been a goal of mine, and I truly believe that this experience will not only enhance my education but also provide me with invaluable life lessons that will shape my future. The opportunity to study in a different country means immersing myself in a new culture, meeting diverse people, and gaining perspectives that I can’t get from a classroom back home. I’ll be able to explore new ideas, challenge my assumptions, and develop a global mindset, which is essential in today’s interconnected world. I’m particularly excited about the chance to learn from professors who are experts in their fields and to engage with students from around the world. This will broaden my horizons and deepen my understanding of my chosen field of study. However, studying abroad comes with its challenges, especially financial ones. The costs associated with this adventure, including travel, accommodation, tuition, and living expenses, can add up quickly. That’s why I’m reaching out to you for support. Your contributions will directly help cover these expenses and make this experience possible for me. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a significant impact. If you can contribute, it would mean the world to me. I’m committed to making the most of this opportunity and bringing back the knowledge and experiences I gain to share with my community. I believe that education should be accessible to everyone, and by supporting my journey, you’re not just helping me; you’re investing in the future as well. In addition to the academic benefits, studying abroad will allow me to develop essential life skills. I’ll learn how to navigate new environments, adapt to different cultures, and become more independent. These skills are not only important for my personal growth but will also enhance my employability in the future. Employers today are looking for individuals who can think critically, communicate effectively, and work collaboratively in diverse teams. This experience will equip me with those skills and prepare me for success in my career. I’m also looking forward to the opportunity to volunteer and engage with the local community while I’m abroad. Giving back is important to me, and I want to make a positive impact wherever I go. Whether it’s through community service projects, cultural exchange programs, or simply connecting with locals, I hope to contribute to the community and learn from their experiences as well. I understand that not everyone can contribute financially, and that’s okay! Your support can also come in other forms, such as sharing my fundraising campaign with your network or offering words of encouragement. Every little bit helps, and I appreciate any support you can provide. As I embark on this journey, I promise to keep you all updated on my experiences. I’ll share stories, photos, and insights from my time abroad, so you can be a part of this adventure with me. I want to show you how your support is making a difference in my life and how I’m using this opportunity to grow and learn. Thank you for taking the time to read my story and for considering supporting my study abroad journey. Your generosity means more to me than I can express, and I’m incredibly grateful for your support. Together, we can make this dream a reality! Thank you And God 🙏 bless.

$0 raised Of $30,000

Champion of Sports


Champion of Sports
The "Champion of Sports" initiative, established by 5th-grade students at the Soeurs des Saints-Coeurs School in Fakiha - Ras Baalbeck, is a sports cooperative aimed at promoting teamwork, social interaction, and leadership development among students. The cooperative plans to transform the school's playground into a futsal (mini-football) field, addressing the lack of necessary sports equipment, such as balls and goal nets, and meeting safety standards. To realize this vision, the cooperative conducted a cost study, determining the need for $8,000 in funding. They appeal for support to make a positive impact on their school and future generations, emphasizing the value of collaboration and development through sports. مبادرة "Champion of Sports"، التي أنشأها طلاب الصف الخامس في مدرسة راهبات القلبين الأقدسين في الفاكهة - رأس بعلبك، هي تعاونية رياضية تهدف إلى تعزيز العمل الجماعي، والتفاعل الاجتماعي، وتطوير مهارات القيادة بين الطلاب. تخطط التعاونية لتحويل ملعب المدرسة إلى ملعب مصغر لكرة القدم (مينيفوتبول)، مع معالجة نقص المعدات الرياضية الضرورية مثل الكرات وشبكات المرمى، وضمان تلبية معايير السلامة. لتحقيق هذه الرؤية، قامت التعاونية بإجراء دراسة للتكاليف وحددت الحاجة إلى جمع مبلغ 8,000 دولار. يناشدون الدعم لتحقيق تأثير إيجابي على مدرستهم والأجيال القادمة، مع التأكيد على قيمة التعاون والتنمية من خلال الرياضة.

$1,000 raised Of $8,000

Our Sport Dream


Our Sport Dream
من المدرسة الأسقفية جبولة الواقعة في منطقة نائية من مناطق البقاع الشمالي. أهلا بكم في تعاونيتنا "هيا بنا". فقد ساهمت مدرستنا بتطوير مهاراتنا، والاهتمام بتعزيز روح التعاون بين الطلاب من خلال انضمامنا الى المشروع التعاوني المدرسي الذي تأسّس كمشروع تعاون بين التعاونيات الإيطالية في ترنتو "Cooperazione Trentina". وبعد عدّة مناقشات بين أعضاء التعاونية، ولأنّ الرياضة تربية للنفوس يتعلم الفرد منّا من خلالها قيما" عدّة; قمنا بالتصويت وانتخاب مجلس إدارة يمثلنا. فوقع اختيارنا على نشاط رياضي يتطلب تجهيز ملاعب مختلفة لممارسة عدّة رياضات تبعا" للمعايير المعترف بها، ومن هذه الرياضات: كرة قدم مصغرة، الكرة الطائرة، تنس الريشة وكرة السلة. فهيا بنا وإيّاكم لمشاهدة هذا الفيديو للتعرّف أكثر على مبادرتنا الرياضية. آملين من حضرتكم تزويدنا بالدّعم المعنوي كما المادّي لتحقيق حلمنا الذي نرجوه أن يصبح حقيقة". فمشاركتكم لنا للمضيّ في درب الوصول الى ما نحلم به ومساهمتكم معنا تعنيان لنا الكثير. فليصبح حلمنا حقيقةً برفقتكم ودعمكم، فكلّ مساهمة منكم مهما كانت ستحدث فرقاً كبيراً. ولكم منّا جزيل الشكر والاحترام. From the Episcopal School of Jabboule, located in a remote area of the northern Bekaa regions. Welcome to our cooperative "Let's Go". Our school has contributed to the development of our skills and the interest in promoting the spirit of cooperation among students by joining the school cooperative project that was established as a cooperation project between Italian cooperatives in Trento "Cooperazione Trentina”. After several discussions among the members of the cooperative, and because sport is an education for souls, the individual from us learns several values; we voted and elected a board of directors representing us. We chose a sports activity that requires the preparation of different stadiums to practice several sports according to recognized standards, including mini football, volleyball, badminton and basketball. Let's watch this video to learn more about our sports initiative. We hope that you will provide us with moral and material support to achieve our dream, which we hope will become a reality. Your participation with us to continue on the path to reach what we dream of and your contribution with us means a lot to us. Let our dream come true with your company and support, every contribution from you, whatever it is, will make a huge difference. Thank you very much in advance.

$1,010 raised Of $14,300

Emergency Campaigns

Khaled needs electrocardiogram treatment.


Khaled needs electrocardiogram treatment.
My name is Khaled and I am Palestinian. I am 34 years old. I currently live with my wife and daughter in Egypt. We were forcibly displaced from our home in Gaza from north to south and then to Egypt where I had to pay a sum of money to coordinate the travel and I had to sell my wife's gold to escape death. We were able to escape the genocide in Gaza through the Rafah land crossing. Now we are alive in Egypt, we are stateless and do not know how we will return to "live" in a destroyed country and we do not know anything about our unknown fate there. I am a heart patient who suffers from arrhythmia, a health condition resulting from an irregular heartbeat. This condition can lead to a disturbance in the heart's electricity, which can lead to an increase or decrease in the heart rate, or an irregularity. Electricity on the heart comes at irregular times The cardiologists in Gaza were scheduled to travel before the war in 2022 1- Performing an implantable defibrillator (ICD) It is a device that is implanted under the skin near the collarbone, and helps reset the heartbeat regularly, by sending high-energy or low-energy electrical shocks. 2- Ablation / cauterization During this procedure, the doctor passes one or more tubes called catheters through the blood vessels to reach the heart, containing sensors at the end that may be heated or cold to create small scars in the heart, with the aim of preventing irregular heart signals. He went to a hospital here in Egypt, I went back and they told me the same as the doctors in Gaza, but unfortunately the operation to implant an ICD costs $11,000 and the removal/cauterization operation costs $6,000 I cannot afford this amount except for your grace and generosity towards me and my family - My wife is 9 months pregnant and needs food, vitamins, imaging, medical tests, and clothes for the newborn - My daughter has dental problems that cause her pain and cry every day, and I am unable to go to the dentist. The rent I rented has accumulated two months of rent because all my money has run out, I cannot do anything, I am helpless and miserable, and the landlord threatens to evict us from the residence if we do not pay the required amount The condition has become more frequent, I get chest pain, difficulty concentrating, confusion, difficulty exercising. Rapid heartbeat Shortness of breath Dizziness Fainting and feeling faint Chest fluttering I am trying to find a job in Egypt that suits my health condition but to no avail Due to the current economic conditions in Egypt, in addition to being undocumented and “stateless” as Palestinians from Gaza, just starting to work is a struggle Please help provide the basics of life for the rest of the year Any amount helps, no contribution is too small or too big. Some of what your donations can provide for my family: $10 = 1 meal for a family of 3 $20 = Winter clothes for one person $75 = 1 month of transportation for one family $100 = 1 month of groceries for a family of 3 $200 = 1 month of rent for one apartment $11,000 = ICD treatment $6,000 = Cardiac ablation surgery The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Do not delay charity, for it blocks the path of calamity.” (Tirmidhi 6’)

$0 raised Of $22,000

Help me to revover my health


Help me to revover my health
My name is Rasha , and I am originally from Syria. I have been struggling with severe health issues related to obesity, which has affected both my physical and mental well-being. After the passing of my father, my life took a difficult turn. I now face constant emotional and psychological abuse from my family, especially my mother and brother. I am seeking a way out of this oppressive environment to rebuild my life in a safe and supportive place. To achieve this, I urgently need to undergo weight-loss surgery, which is essential for my health and future mobility. This medical intervention will enable me to regain control of my life and eventually leave the country to start anew. Why I Need Your Help: To cover the cost of the surgery and essential travel expenses. This amount will directly support: Medical expenses related to the surgery Post-surgery care and recovery Travel expenses to relocate and begin a new, independent life Contact Information: Due to the constant monitoring by my family, I cannot use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. The only way to reach me is through my secure email: [email protected] Your Support Matters: Your contribution can be the turning point in my life. Every donation brings me closer to health, safety, and a hopeful future free from abuse. If you are unable to donate, sharing my story with others who might be able to help would mean the world to me. Thank you for your compassion and support

$0 raised Of $10,000

Help the Hala Family Escape the Crisis in Gazan


Help the Hala Family Escape the Crisis in Gazan
My name is Hala Nael Shabet, and I am reaching out from Gaza City on behalf of my family with a heartfelt plea for your support. Once a thriving and close-knit family, we are now facing unimaginable hardships as a result of the relentless conflict. The Shabet family has been torn apart by violence, leaving us without a home, livelihood, or security. Before the War Our life in Gaza was humble yet filled with hope and dreams for the future. My husband worked tirelessly to provide for our children, and I was devoted to building a nurturing environment for them. Our three children—Sajid, 9, Abdul Rahman, 7, and Zeina, 4—brought joy and purpose to our lives. Sajid, an ambitious and bright student, dreams of becoming a doctor to heal the sick and bring comfort to those in need. Our home was filled with love and aspirations, despite the challenges of living in Gaza. After the War Everything changed in the blink of an eye. The ongoing conflict has left us shattered. My mother-in-law and her siblings were killed in an airstrike, and my husband suffered a devastating injury, losing his hand in the attack. Our home, once our sanctuary, was reduced to rubble. Food is scarce, and we are struggling just to survive. Each day is a battle against starvation, fear, and despair. Why We Need Your Help Our greatest wish is to escape this endless cycle of violence and rebuild our lives in a place where our children can live in peace, dignity, and safety. But we cannot do this alone. The road to safety is filled with obstacles—financial, emotional, and logistical. Your help is our only hope. How the Funds Will Be Spent The funds raised will be used to meet our immediate needs: Food and Shelter: To provide basic sustenance and a roof over our heads. Travel Costs: To help us leave Gaza and find a safer place to rebuild our lives. Basic Supplies: To ensure our children have the essentials they need to grow and learn. Your generosity can help turn our story of loss into one of hope and healing. Our Children’s Dreams Our children are the heart of our family and the reason we fight to survive each day. Sajid (9 years old): An ambitious and talented student, Sajid dreams of becoming a doctor. He wants to heal others and bring comfort to the suffering, inspired by the pain he has witnessed. Abdul Rahman (7 years old): A lively child with a kind heart, he dreams of a life filled with laughter and stability. Zeina (4 years old): Full of innocence and curiosity, she deserves a chance to grow up in a world free from the shadows of war. Their dreams are simple yet profound: to live in a home where they can feel safe and pursue a future without fear. Conclusion Your contributions can give us the chance to start anew. No matter the size, every donation will bring us closer to safety, stability, and a brighter future. We are prepared to provide videos and photos documenting our struggles, should you need proof of our dire situation. Thank you for opening your heart to our family. Your kindness will forever remain in our prayers, and you will be a part of our journey toward hope and healing. With deepest gratitude, Hala Shabet

$0 raised Of $50,000

Events Campaigns

Family Campaigns

Bassma Easter-Ramadan Foodathon 2025


Bassma Easter-Ramadan Foodathon 2025
As we approach the Easter and Ramadan times, Bassma is organizing a new campaign called Easter-Ramadan Foodathon 2025. It’s a yearly campaign that aims to collect food and hygiene items, and bread, to be distributed to families & children in need during this holy season. It’s a great opportunity to spread joy and bring hope to those in need. BASSMA is reaching out to you today to be able to help 500 families celebrate these special occasions with dignity, happiness and love. Thanks to your generous donations, we will be able to offer to each family one food pack, one hygiene pack & one bread pack during the 2 months of March & April 2025. Therefore, the total needed is $55,000 (25$ for the food pack, 25$ for the hygiene pack, 5$ for the bread pack, for 500 families, for 2 months). You can make a financial donation to help us provide these monthly packs to our families: 1- The food pack (25$) contains: sunflower oil, rice, burghul, luncheon meat, luncheon chicken, lentil, salt, thyme, tomato paste, pasta, tuna, cheese, jam, sardine, milk, fava beans, green peas and chick peas. 2- The hygiene pack (25$) contains: interfold towels, toilet rolls, wipes, shower gel, shampoo, laundry gel, pads, floor cleaner, dish washer, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes and disinfectant. 3- The bread pack (5$) contains: 5 bread bags. Your support can make a meaningful difference in these families’ lives during this festive season. With your generous and precious donations, we can ensure that every family will celebrate Easter and Eid El-Fitr with happiness and decency.

$0 raised Of $55,000

Medical Campaigns

Sports Campaigns

4th ISKF World Shoto Cup-London, Sept. 19-22


4th ISKF World Shoto Cup-London, Sept. 19-22
For nearly 3 decades now, ISKF Lebanon continues to be a dedicated organization towards teaching the traditional Japanese martial arts of Karate-do, Aikido, & Iaido. Currently, we are training hard & working tirelessly to send a delegation, of about 40 officials, judges, competitors, & coaches, to represent Lebanon at the prestigious 4th ISKF World Shoto Cup being hosted in London, UK from Sept. 19-22. We aspire to repeat our last internationally acclaimed success in Euro 2018, where we emerged amongst the top teams in number of wins (please check the links shared here to view the videos & results). We hope that you can support us, so that we may again raise our banner high & represent our homeland with honor & pride. Of course, for full transparency & disclosure, ISKF Lebanon will share the full financial details of the donations received & the manner of their spending with any donors upon written request after the competition. Thank you in advance & best wishes (Ganbatte Kudasai) to our hardworking team! Ossu! ISKF Lebanon Please copy the links below & paste them in your URL to view: -> TO DONATE to our campaign for the 2024 Shotocup: -> See our 2018 Euro Tournament preparatory video here: -> See our 2018 Euro Tournament celebratory video here: -> See our EURO 2018 results here:

$5,998 raised Of $25,000

Environment Campaigns

Processing Chicken Manure Into Organic Fertilizer


Processing Chicken Manure Into Organic Fertilizer
Processing Chicken Manure Into Organic Fertilizer Chicken manure is waste produced from poultry farming activities that can become an environmental problem if not managed properly. However, chicken manure also has great potential as a raw material for organic fertilizer that is rich in nutrients. This campaign aims to raise public awareness about the importance of processing chicken manure into organic fertilizer that can increase soil fertility and support sustainable agriculture. Background 1. Environmental Problems : Chicken manure that is disposed of carelessly can pollute the soil and water sources, and cause disease. 2. Potential of Organic Fertilizer : Chicken manure contains high levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, making it very good for use as organic fertilizer. 3. Demand for Organic Fertilizer : With the increasing interest in organic farming, the demand for organic fertilizer continues to increase. Objectives 1. Increase public understanding of the benefits of processing chicken manure into organic fertilizer. 2. Encourage chicken farmers to process their chicken manure into organic fertilizer. 3. Reduce environmental pollution caused by chicken manure. 4. Increase organic agricultural production through the use of quality organic fertilizers. Strategy 1. Education and Socialization : • Hold seminars and workshops on how to process chicken manure into organic fertilizer. • Create information materials (brochures, posters, videos) that explain the process and benefits of processing chicken manure. 2. Demonstration : • Conduct live demonstrations at farm locations to show how to process chicken manure. • Invite successful farmers who have processed chicken manure to share their experiences. By processing chicken manure into organic fertilizer, we not only reduce environmental problems, but also increase agricultural productivity. We expect support from all parties to realize this campaign for better environmental and agricultural sustainability. We need support for : Land : Space dedicated to the production site. Equipment : Supporting equipment such as mixers and others. Supplies : Packaging to pack fertilizer that is ready to be marketed. By supporting our campaign, you are not only helping us start processing chicken manure into organic fertilizer, but you are also joining a movement for public awareness about the importance of processing chicken manure into organic fertilizer that can improve soil fertility and support sustainable agriculture. Join Us in Making a Difference. Thank you for your support 🙏🙏

$0 raised Of $175,000

Youth Innovators Program


Youth Innovators Program
The campaign aims to empower 50 youths from the Beirut area, aged between 15 and 25 years old, in Lebanon's disadvantaged communities with essential climate change skills. In turn, these 50 youths will train another 500 peers in essential climate change skills, forming a youth committee dedicated to climate change from among interested individuals, and projects to fight climate change. The "Empowering Youth Green-Innovator" campaign is designed to equip young individuals, specifically 50 youths aged 15-25 from disadvantaged communities in Beirut, with essential skills to combat climate change. These disadvantaged communities face challenges stemming from financial constraints and the devastating impacts of the Beirut Blast, which have left lingering psychological and physical issues. Youth will use a peer-to-peer strategy to train an additional 500 youths across Beirut in essential climate change life skills. Beirut recently faced unprecedented high temperatures and clear signs of escalating climate change impacts; The hottest temperature measured from 1949 to January 2024 was reported by the Houche Al Oumara weather station. In September 2020, the record temperature of 44.3 °C was reported. from extreme heatwaves causing outdoor burns to the reduction of green spaces and inadequate public guidance on environmental practices like recycling and waste management. Amidst these environmental challenges, a significant gap in climate change awareness and practical skills among the youth has been identified. The urgency of addressing this educational gap is underscored by predictions from the Ministry of Environment, which forecast a stark decline in Lebanon's GDP by 14% by 2040 and 32% by 2080 due to climate change effects. Highlighting this urgency, Nour Naccache a volunteer at Lebanese Spotlight (LSL) aged 22 years old and head of the activity department recently for youth at LSL noted during a Lebanese spotlight activity, “We, the youth in Lebanon, lack the real skills to fight climate change and awareness. The programs we have are superficial. We need profound skills and in-depth knowledge to take real action in our city, Beirut.” To counter this, the proposal is to start with a focused campaign: small-scale, targeted training sessions. These sessions will consist of 5 groups, each with 10 participants, meeting weekly for two months. Each two-hour session will be interactive, led by a facilitator, and aimed at fostering project ideas related to climate change from the youths. The initiative aims not only to educate but also to empower participants to create tangible solutions, potentially illustrated through infographics. Facilitators, each possessing a unique set of skills, will guide the youths in developing impactful climate action projects. join us in expanding this initiative to reach an additional 500 youths across Beirut. Your contribution can make a significant impact on our community’s climate resilience.

$0 raised Of $50,000

Beirut Coastal Cleanup Initiative


Beirut Coastal Cleanup Initiative
My name is GP SKAFF. I work in fabrics and my passion lies in the outdoors. I am involved in many environmental campaigns, with my most recent being the ‘Beirut Coastal Clean up’/ June 2021: The Beirut Coastal Cleanup is a grassroots movement. It started in 2021 with organized weekly meetups to pick up trash around the city. Every Saturday, a group of 20 to 30 people gather to clean up and send the trash to recycling companies. The areas covered are ramlet el bayda, rawche, manara corniche, zaytouna/biel waterfront sea side corniche, ashrafieh, tabaris, hamra, mar mikhael and more. We achieved over 100 Clean ups with 3000+ Saturday daily paid workers throughout Beirut, removed more than 400,000 Liters of trash and 5000 trash bags of glass bottles, plastic bottles/bags, paper and carton, In 2023, the plan is, with the help of more funding, to expand and cover more areas. We also want to clean the underwater seabed. With the help of our sponsors and their generous donations, a total of 9800 $ in 2021 were spent on manpower, bags, equipment and transportation. In addition to a cleaner coast and beaches, the most significant impact that we have seen is that people are littering less. They now feel a sense of responsibility when seeing fellow citizens doing the work. Help us reach our goal by investing in our environmental movement. The results are real! so you can rest assured your donation is creating a tangible impact on our planet for years to come! In 2023 our plans are: Project1: Beirut coast and city clean up Unfortunately, as per Ramco’s contract, they are not required to remove garbage from any area that is not a road and a side walk. This leaves dramatic results of uncleaned spaces such as those surrounding private properties, as well as parks, governmental and municipality land and spaces, mountains, etc. Since June 2021 a team of 20 to 30 people have been paid every Saturday wages to clean those areas. Our target is to increase the teams to 50 people (5 teams of 10), and to increase their wages to 20$ a day. Cost per day for 1 team of 10: 200$ + miscellaneous Cost per day for 5 teams of 10: 1000$ + miscellaneous Cost of 52 Saturdays with 1 team: 10,400$ + miscellaneous Cost of 52 Saturdays with 5 teams: 52000$ + miscellaneous Miscellaneous cost per Saturday : transportation 100$, equipment 50$, management ( hr & operation) Please see attached cost sheet Project 2: Beirut Underwater seabed cleanup More and more garbage and plastic end up in our sea and destroying marine fauna and marine life. Our project here is to pay 2 divers (Fouad and Zahi from Manara port, professional divers and fishermen), to clean up the seabed from Rawche to Aub and eventually expand further. And especially the Rawche caves where some seal or more live there. Main Cost is 50$ per diver per day + miscellaneous Please see attached cost sheet of this project Project 3: Rangers to clean and monitor Unfortunately, with the absence of municipality responsibility we have seen many areas where people gather daily and leave their trash. We already have 2 full time rangers that are responsible and feel the sense of ownership of the manara beach and the Aub beach. They are paid monthly to clean these beaches daily. Our target is to increase these rangers to 6 to cover Ramlet el Bayda and Ashrafieh parks 9 tabaris and saint Nicolas). Main cost is 400$ salary per month per ranger + miscellaneous. Please see attached cost sheet Social entrepreneurship goals: To help some people get a little money To clean our land and sea To decrease littering of people To decrease the plastic waste that is or will end up in our sea and harm the marine life Recycle garbage that if not removed will end up in our sea The total cost of the whole forecasted project is over 100,000$, but with any fund we receive we will do the outmost out of it. So any donation will be much appreciated. I hope to receive a positive feedback from you. With best regards GP

$400 raised Of $25,000

Business Campaigns

Other Campaigns



Hello my name is David Otieno ,founder of The feed the kids,i am a Parent to many from Nairobi area ,I am 39yrs old,   student at church  I run a project that helps children's and needy people here in my neighborhood. We have a feeding program that usually takes place every Saturday where we engage with the kids and get to hear the challenges they are facing back at home. Through this foundation some of these kids school fees have been paid, goods have been donated to them and also we are finalizing some agreements with the parents so we can see how to come up with different activities/skills that can help them in future as we feed them.    We also have mentorship for girls living in our community where we talk to them issues about menstrual hygiene,and basically how to be safe as a young girl and after our 1hr session we give them 2packets of sanitary towels and 2rolls of tissue. We also have women empowerment programs where we support women with funds raised by well wishers as start up capital so they can start their own business and be independent as an individual . Also we have managed to support some members of our community who are sick and with no medicine we ensure they get their medicine on time and when it's needed only for those who are totally unable to buy or help themselves.    We have a dress me up initiative where we get to dress school going kids with brand new school uniform this is only for those who are in need. Among the other projects we do are, Slippers donation this usually happens when the schools have closed we randomly select needy kids from different villages and gift them.    Clothes donation, through well wishers from this page who donate clothes, shoes, school bags, books, uniform and basically the things they don't use to us we give them to the most deserving individuals from this community so if you have something you'd like to give kindly get in touch 🙏🏾.    We also try to donate food stuff to families here in Sinai, what we do is identify those in need and visit them with some unga, rice, sugar and soap.    We've been doing this for 2years now this is our third year and we thank God because His blessings have been sufficient in our lives from the beginning 🥰.    I welcome you all to partner with us so we can grow as a community and keep spreading love and kindness to those in need 🙏🏾   From the kitchen to the community👥   God your Child is grateful🙏   To support use PayPal [email protected] #communitysupport  #feedingprogram2025

$0 raised Of $5,000

Feed the children


Feed the children
Hello my name is David Otieno ,founder of The feed the kids,iam a mother to many from Nairobi area ,I am 39yrs old,   student at church  I run a project that helps children's and needy people here in my neighborhood. We have a feeding program that usually takes place every Saturday where we engage with the kids and get to hear the challenges they are facing back at home. Through this foundation some of these kids school fees have been paid, goods have been donated to them and also we are finalizing some agreements with the parents so we can see how to come up with different activities/skills that can help them in future as we feed them.    We also have mentorship for girls living in our community where we talk to them issues about menstrual hygiene,and basically how to be safe as a young girl and after our 1hr session we give them 2packets of sanitary towels and 2rolls of tissue. We also have women empowerment programs where we support women with funds raised by well wishers as start up capital so they can start their own business and be independent as an individual . Also we have managed to support some members of our community who are sick and with no medicine we ensure they get their medicine on time and when it's needed only for those who are totally unable to buy or help themselves.    We have a dress me up initiative where we get to dress school going kids with brand new school uniform this is only for those who are in need. Among the other projects we do are, Slippers donation this usually happens when the schools have closed we randomly select needy kids from different villages and gift them.    Clothes donation, through well wishers from this page who donate clothes, shoes, school bags, books, uniform and basically the things they don't use to us we give them to the most deserving individuals from this community so if you have something you'd like to give kindly get in touch 🙏🏾.    We also try to donate food stuff to families here in Sinai, what we do is identify those in need and visit them with some unga, rice, sugar and soap.    We've been doing this for 2years now this is our third year and we thank God because His blessings have been sufficient in our lives from the beginning 🥰.    I welcome you all to partner with us so we can grow as a community and keep spreading love and kindness to those in need 🙏🏾   From the kitchen to the community👥   God your Child is grateful🙏   To support use PayPal [email protected]   #communitysupport  #feedingprogram2025

$0 raised Of $5,000

Bringing Back Smiles: Rebuild Our Safe Space


Bringing Back Smiles: Rebuild Our Safe Space
<عربي بالأسفل> Before the recent war in Lebanon, Jannat Al-Ibdaa Association was a place filled with laughter, learning, and hope. Children played, studied, and dreamed at Jannat Al-Atfal Kindergarten, while young people gathered in our public library to read, explore, and grow. But everything changed. The shelling in the nearby buildings shattered windows, broke doors and walls, and destroyed furniture, books, and toys. The safe space that once nurtured hundreds of young minds was left in ruins. With limited resources, we took emergency action—repairing part of the building so children could return. But classrooms are overcrowded, and our library, once a hub of knowledge and inspiration, is now used most of the day as a classroom. We dream of restoring our center to what it once was—a sanctuary of joy, learning, and community. This is why we need your help. We are raising $45,000 to: ✔ Repair broken windows, doors, and walls ✔ Restore classrooms and reopen the library ✔ Replace lost books, toys, and furniture ✔ Create a safe and inspiring space for children and youth Every contribution makes a difference: * $50 provides new books and toys * $150 helps repair a classroom door * $200 helps buy desks, shelves, and play materials * $500 or more helps rebuild entire sections of the building Your support can bring back the joy, the dreams, and the future these children deserve. Your support will bring back joy, learning, and hope. Every child deserves a safe space to dream, grow, and build a better future. 📢 Donate today and help us rebuild Jannat Al-Ibdaa! ❤️ قبل الحرب الأخيرة في لبنان، كانت جمعية جنة الإبداع مكانًا يعج بالضحك والتعلم والأمل. في روضة جنة الأطفال، كان الأطفال يلعبون، يدرسون، ويحلمون بمستقبل مشرق، بينما كان الشباب يجتمعون في مكتبتنا العامة للقراءة، والاستكشاف، وتوسيع آفاقهم المعرفية. لكن كل شيء تغيّر. أدى القصف الذي استهدف المباني المجاورة إلى تحطيم النوافذ، وكسر الأبواب والجدران، وتدمير الأثاث والكتب والألعاب. المساحة الآمنة التي احتضنت مئات العقول الشابة تحولت إلى أنقاض. رغم شح الموارد، اتخذنا إجراءات طارئة، وتمكنا من إصلاح جزء من المبنى لتمكين الأطفال من العودة. لكن الفصول الدراسية أصبحت مكتظة، ومكتبتنا العامة، التي كانت منبرًا للمعرفة والإلهام، تُستخدم الآن معظم اليوم كقاعة دراسية لاستيعاب الطلاب. نحلم بإعادة هذا المكان إلى ما كان عليه — واحةً للفرح والتعلم والمجتمع. ولهذا، نحن بحاجة إلى دعمكم. نسعى لجمع 45,000 دولار من أجل: ✔ إصلاح النوافذ، الأبواب، والجدران المدمرة ✔ ترميم الفصول الدراسية وإعادة فتح المكتبة ✔ استبدال الكتب، الألعاب، والأثاث المفقود ✔ توفير مساحة آمنة وملهمة للأطفال والشباب كل مساهمة تُحدث فرقًا: 💙 $50 توفر كتبًا وألعابًا جديدة 💙 $150 تساعد في إصلاح باب فصل دراسي 💙 $200 تُساهم في شراء مكاتب، أرفف، ومواد لعب 💙 $500 أو أكثر تساعد في إعادة تأهيل أجزاء كاملة من المبنى دعمكم يمكن أن يعيد الفرح، الحلم، والمستقبل الذي يستحقه هؤلاء الأطفال. كل طفل يستحق مكانًا آمنًا يحلم فيه، ينمو، ويبني مستقبله. 📢 تبرعوا اليوم وساهموا في إعادة بناء جنة الإبداع ❤️

$150 raised Of $45,000

Solidarity with Lebanon Campaigns

Help the people of Lebanon 1

Solidarity with Lebanon

Help the people of Lebanon 1
As Lebanon faces one of the most challenging crises in its history, the plight of the poor and refugees fleeing war zones has become more desperate than ever. The economic collapse, compounded by regional conflicts, has left thousands of families in dire need of basic necessities like food, shelter, and medical care. At PlanLB, we are dedicated to helping the most vulnerable throughout all of Lebanon, not just refugees but also impoverished families struggling to make ends meet. Whether it’s delivering food parcels in remote villages or providing medical aid in overcrowded refugee camps, we are there on the ground making a real difference. But we can’t do this without your support. We need your help to continue our mission. Your donation today can: Provide emergency food parcels to families who don’t know where their next meal will come from Supply vital medical assistance to refugees escaping war-torn areas Offer safe shelters for displaced families in Lebanon Support education and care for children who have lost everything With over 1.4 million followers across social media, PlanLB keeps our global community informed about the impact of their generosity. We regularly post updates, stories, and photos of the lives being changed because of donations like yours. When you give, you will see exactly how your contribution is helping people in real time. For every family we help, there are countless others who still need support. This is why your generosity is so important right now. Every dollar you give makes a life-changing difference for people who are struggling to survive. Donate today and bring hope to those who need it most. At PlanLB, we believe in the power of community and compassion. Together, we can alleviate suffering and provide a lifeline for Lebanon’s most vulnerable. Thank you for standing with us, and for standing with Lebanon in this time of great need.

$0 raised Of $25,000