Solidarity with Lebanon

The Sadaqa Team is a community-led initiative run by 8 Lebanese friends who have taken helping their country into their own hands. In a time when we were alone, we united to do the best we could to make this scary time easier for some people. It was our duty as Lebanese civilians. Some of the initiatives we helped: •⁠ ⁠We helped provide 4 schools sheltering displaced families with hundreds of mattresses, pillows, blankets, and other basic necessities. •⁠ ⁠We helped 10 displaced families settle into new homes where nothing was provided. We provided them with essentials such as food, diapers, hygiene products, and monetary aid. •⁠ ⁠We donated to 3 dog shelters (Rescuing Souls and Mashala Shelter) that work in war zones to help rescue animals. Unfortunately, Mashala Shelter was bombed and damaged, leaving the animals without shelter and the team with no more means of transport. We are working to help them get back on their feet. •⁠ ⁠We donated funds to a running kitchen in the South of Lebanon that cooks daily to provide meals to displaced families in homes and on the streets. So far, we have helped cook 300 meals. •⁠ ⁠We are working towards donating funds to shelters that are helping Syrian and migrant workers who have been rejected from many shelters. •⁠ ⁠We are also donating some funds to a community-led kitchen in Gaza called The Sanabel Team. We have worked to help them operate many times. To this day, we have fundraised to reach a target of 8,000 USD dollars with the support of the international community around the world. But we are asking for your help. Without your donations, we wouldn’t be able to continue doing the work we started and providing aid to displaced families and animals. Our team is working very hard to help a wide range of communities that are in need of support. It is our duty as Lebanese and as the international community to show our solidarity by donating what we can and doing what we can to support our people in this brutal war.

$87 raised Of $30,000

Help my children to get out of Gaza ساعدوا أطفالي


Help my children to get out of Gaza ساعدوا أطفالي
اسمي هاديه بكر عمري 29 عام أم لأربعة أطفال تغيرت حياتي منذ ال 7 من اكتوبر 2023 نزحت وتركت منزلي في شمال قطاع غزة ولجأت الى الجنوب كما طلب منا جيش الاحتلال وانا تركت المنزل خوفا على أطفالي نزحت مرات عديدة وعانينا كثيرا انا وزوجي لتوفير حياة آمنة وجيدة لأطفالي ولكن لم استطع حمايتهم من طائرات الاحتلال وصواريخهم في يوم 5/10 /2024 نزحت من رفح الى الزوايدة ولم اكن اعلم اني انقل أطفالي الى الخطر في منتصف الليل قام جيش الاحتلال بإستهداف منزل مجاور للمنزل الذي نزحنا اليه وانهدم البيت فوق رؤوسنا ونحن نيام تم دفن أطفالي تحت انقاض المنزل قام زوجي من تحت الركام وأخذ يحفر في الرمال والركام ويرفع الحجارة ليخرج أطفالي 4 اطفال دون العاشرة يصرخون ويبكون أخرجني يا بابا الحقني يا بابا أصبح كالمجنون يحفر ولا يشعر بلهيب الحجارة والركام نتيجة القصف ولا برأسه المفتوحة نتيجة الاصابة لقد احتاجت رأسه الى مايقارب 6 غرز طبية في وسط الرأس فقط يفكر بأطفاله أخرج ابنائي الاربعة مصابين ينزفون ويبكون خائفون ومصدومون مما حدث وتم نقل اطفالي الى مستشفى شهداء الاقصى لتلقي العلاج وبالرغم من انعدام الامكانيات والادوات الطبية تم معالجة اطفالي منهم من احتاجت جروحه للغرز الطبية بدون مخدر هل تتخيلون ان يتم تخييط الجروح بدون مخدر لطفل يبلغ من العمر 5 سنوات لقد شق قلبي صوت صراخ طفلي والطبيب يخيط جراحه وهل تتخيلون أطفالي مصابون ملقون على الارض لعدم كفاية أسرة المستشفى ما ذنب أطفالي ليعيشوا هذا الألم كانت اصابات اطفالي متوسطة لكن اصاباتهم النفسية كانت صعبة جدا عانى أطفالي من الجروح والحروق والرضوض المختلفة نتيجة سقوط الركام والحجارة فوقهم وعانينا من النزوح المتكرر في الخيام وعانينا من حر الصيف وحرارة الخيام البالية وعانينا برد الشتاء الآن وغرق الخيام ناهيكم عن الأسعار الفلكية للطعام والشراب أريد أن اعود الي منزلي والى حياتي قبل 7 اكتوبر ارجو منكم مساعدتي لأخرج بأطفالي خارج قطاع غزة ولتأمين حياة كريمة لأطفالي ولإتمام معالجتهم خارج القطاع أتمنى منكم المساعدة My name is Hadia Bakr, I am 29 years old, a mother of four children. My life has changed since October 7, 2023. I was displaced and left my home in the northern Gaza Strip and sought refuge in the south, as the occupation army asked us to do. I left the house for fear of my children. I was displaced many times and my husband and I suffered a lot to provide a safe and good life for my children, but I could not protect them from the occupation aircraft and their missiles. On May 10, 2024, I was displaced from Rafah to Al-Zawaida. I did not know that I was taking my children to danger. In the middle of the night, the occupation army targeted a house adjacent to the house to which we were displaced. The house collapsed over our heads while we were sleeping. My children were buried under the rubble of the house. My husband got out from under the rubble and began digging in the sand and rubble and lifting stones to get out my children, four children under the age of ten. They were screaming and crying, “Get me out, Dad! Save me, Dad!” He was digging like a madman, and he did not feel the flames of the stones and rubble as a result of the bombing, nor his head being open as a result of the injury. He only thought about his children. He got out my four children, injured, bleeding, crying and afraid. We were shocked by what happened and my children were transferred to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital to receive treatment. Despite the lack of medical capabilities and tools, my children were treated, some of whom needed stitches without anesthesia. Can you imagine stitching wounds without anesthesia for a 5-year-old child? The sound of my child screaming while the doctor stitched his wounds broke my heart. Can you imagine my children lying injured on the ground because there were not enough hospital beds? What is the fault of my children to live this pain? My children's injuries were moderate, but their psychological injuries were very difficult. My children suffered from wounds, burns, and various bruises as a result of rubble and stones falling on them. We suffered from repeated displacement in tents, the summer heat, the heat of the worn-out tents, and the cold of winter now, with the tents flooding, not to mention the astronomical prices of food and drink. I want to return to my home and to my life before October 7. I ask you to help me get my children out of the Gaza Strip and to secure a decent life for my children and to complete their treatment outside the Strip. I hope you will help me.

$0 raised Of $20,000

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Solidarity with Lebanon Campaigns


Solidarity with Lebanon

The Sadaqa Team is a community-led initiative run by 8 Lebanese friends who have taken helping their country into their own hands. In a time when we were alone, we united to do the best we could to make this scary time easier for some people. It was our duty as Lebanese civilians. Some of the initiatives we helped: •⁠ ⁠We helped provide 4 schools sheltering displaced families with hundreds of mattresses, pillows, blankets, and other basic necessities. •⁠ ⁠We helped 10 displaced families settle into new homes where nothing was provided. We provided them with essentials such as food, diapers, hygiene products, and monetary aid. •⁠ ⁠We donated to 3 dog shelters (Rescuing Souls and Mashala Shelter) that work in war zones to help rescue animals. Unfortunately, Mashala Shelter was bombed and damaged, leaving the animals without shelter and the team with no more means of transport. We are working to help them get back on their feet. •⁠ ⁠We donated funds to a running kitchen in the South of Lebanon that cooks daily to provide meals to displaced families in homes and on the streets. So far, we have helped cook 300 meals. •⁠ ⁠We are working towards donating funds to shelters that are helping Syrian and migrant workers who have been rejected from many shelters. •⁠ ⁠We are also donating some funds to a community-led kitchen in Gaza called The Sanabel Team. We have worked to help them operate many times. To this day, we have fundraised to reach a target of 8,000 USD dollars with the support of the international community around the world. But we are asking for your help. Without your donations, we wouldn’t be able to continue doing the work we started and providing aid to displaced families and animals. Our team is working very hard to help a wide range of communities that are in need of support. It is our duty as Lebanese and as the international community to show our solidarity by donating what we can and doing what we can to support our people in this brutal war.

$87 raised Of $30,000

Animal Campaigns

Education Campaigns

Help for Education


Help for Education
Support the American Language and Training Center in Lebanon During These Challenging Times The American Language and Training Center (ALTC) is dedicated to providing essential educational services to students and aspiring professionals in our community. We offer a wide variety of programs, including: Afterschool Programs for both regular and special needs students, designed to help them excel academically and socially in a supportive environment. Vocational Training Programs aimed at empowering individuals to start their own businesses, gain new skills, and become financially independent. Our mission is not just to educate but to create opportunities for everyone, regardless of their background or challenges. However, due to the devastating war that began in Lebanon one month ago, we are facing enormous financial difficulties that threaten the survival of our center. Why We Need Your Support Now In these turbulent times, education is more important than ever. Many students and families are facing disruptions to their learning and career goals, and ALTC provides a lifeline for those who rely on our programs. Unfortunately, the war has created significant challenges for our operations, from covering essential expenses to ensuring our staff and students' safety. We urgently need operational funding to continue serving our community through: Sustaining Afterschool Programs that keep students engaged and learning during the most difficult circumstances. Expanding Vocational Training to help more individuals adapt to the changing job market and start their own businesses in these uncertain times. Supporting Special Needs Students, who are especially vulnerable to disruptions in education, with tailored learning programs that meet their unique needs. Your support will allow us to keep our doors open and help hundreds of students and aspiring entrepreneurs continue their education and training, even during the darkest days of war. Every contribution, no matter the size, will make a difference in ensuring that we can provide a stable, safe, and supportive environment for learning. How Your Donations Will Be Used: Operational Expenses: Help us cover rent, utilities, and essential supplies to maintain our educational programs. Staff Salaries: Support the dedicated teachers and trainers who continue to serve the community despite the hardships they face. Student Assistance: Provide scholarships and resources for students who are struggling financially due to the war. By supporting ALTC, you are not only investing in education but in the future of our community. Together, we can make sure that learning and growth do not stop, even in the midst of conflict. Thank you for standing with us during these challenging times.

$0 raised Of $20,000

Learning Domes By LAL  : Continous Learning


Learning Domes By LAL : Continous Learning
The ongoing war on Lebanon has displaced over 1.2 million people, including approximately 350.000 children. The future of an entire generation hangs in the balance, with schools closed or repurposed as shelters, leaving countless children without access to education. If we do not act fast, the long-term impact on their education could be devastating. To address this urgent crisis, LAL is launching the "Learning Domes" initiative. This initiative aims to create multiple learning domes in areas hosting large numbers of displaced families and provide children with access to education. These domes are quick and easy to set up and will serve as temporary learning hubs where children can enjoy a safe and stable environment to continue their studies despite the instability surrounding them. Our pedagogical approach is built on an innovative self-directed learning using digital offline content from TABSHOURA ensuring that children can continue learning independently even in areas with no internet access. By employing displaced teachers as facilitators, we will empower both students and educators, giving teachers the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to their communities while earning an income. Through the generosity of our partners, 6 domes have been secured and we will repurpose our container in Akkar to serve the same goal. Designed by our innovative collaborators, Design 4 Communities, these Learning Domes are quick and easy to set up, serving as temporary learning hubs where children can enjoy a safe and stable environment to continue their studies despite the instability around them. Each 7x7 meter dome can accommodate up to 40 people and will be equipped with tablets, computers, internet access, a seating area, and an offline access box. By contributing, you support the remaining learning spaces and ensure that thousands of displaced children do not lose their chance at an education. Together, we can provide these children with hope, stability, and the opportunity to continue learning despite immense challenges.

$0 raised Of $19,500

Help a Palestinian student study


Help a Palestinian student study
My name is Samah Jouda, a Palestinian student and I was born on July 27, 2001. I am currently in my fifth year of studying dentistry at Istanbul Okan University in Turkey. Becoming a dentist has been my dream for as long as I can remember. However, I find myself at a crucial juncture in my journey, facing a situation that threatens to end my studies. My family’s circumstances are incredibly difficult. My father, who is elderly, is the sole provider for our family, and we are facing financial challenges that have made it nearly impossible to keep up with the financial demands of my education. On top of this, my father is also supporting my late uncle’s family, including two male and one female university students, as they have no one else to turn to since my uncle passed away in the war. Last semester, I was unable to pay my tuition fees, and though my teachers were kind enough to allow me to sit for my exams, my access to the university system was restricted throughout the year. Now, as I approach my final clinical year, I am deeply worried that without help, I will be unable to complete my studies. I have already completed 80 percent of the way, and I’m so close to reaching the finish line. This year is critical; it’s when I’ll gain the practical experience I need to become a qualified dentist. Without the funds to cover my tuition, all the years of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice will be in vain. The school year commenced on September 2, 2024, and I urgently need to pay at least half of my tuition fees to access the clinical department and take my exams. Without this payment, I won't be able to participate in any online exams, as my name will be excluded from the exam list due to system restrictions. I am reaching out for support to ensure I don’t miss this critical opportunity in my education. I am reaching out with a humble request for your help. The funds I am hoping to raise will be used solely to cover my university fees, allowing me to continue my education and enter the final stage of my training. Every contribution, no matter how small, brings me one step closer to achieving my goal and fulfilling my dream. Your generosity could be the key to helping me complete this journey and finally become a dentist. Thank you for considering my story and for any support you can provide. ALL LOVE AND PRAYERS FOR YOUR SUPPORT. Sincere greetings & thanks Samah & the family

$0 raised Of $25,000

Emergency Campaigns

Help the child leliaa to reach her father


Help the child leliaa to reach her father
My name is sereen Ragheb Abukrayyem. I am 42 years old and a mother of a beautiful child. Leliaa (3years old). ❤️ she is my whole life, light and soul. My child is my fight and what keep me going. Anybody who knows me, knows that I am a very reserved, and private person. I have always been independent and I am used to doing everything on my own for me and my child. So, please understand that it is hard for me to put my personal business out there today and to finally ask for help. My story started in September 13th 2023 when I left my husband in Egypt and traveled to Gaza with my child to visit my parents and we have never been able to return until now. In the last year we are just trying to survive and battling to be alive till this moment, trying to convince my daughter that we will return to her father one day Unfortunately, it doesn’t end there..on january 5th my parents lost there home and we moved to live in a tent with my parents who are suffering from old age and many illness, After a month, we no longer had any money. We could not even buy food or medicine, while my daughter needed surgery due to a hernia and an infection in the navel. Recently, my father suffered from a stroke and could no longer move easily. He needs physical therapy and medicines that we can no longer provide. I am here today for asking your help to can survive with my child and parents and take them to escape from this war and reach my husband in Egypt so he can meet his child and embrace her again. I understand we all go through hard times so anything helps.. Whether it be your love & support, a donation, sharing my story, or sending love, prayers, positive & healing vibes. All is accepted and very much appreciated.

$50 raised Of $20,000

Events Campaigns

Family Campaigns

From Crisis to Hope: Help Evacuate Nourhan Family


From Crisis to Hope: Help Evacuate Nourhan Family
I am Nourhan, I live in Gaza, Palestine I have three children and their names Juri is 8 years old Joan has a 6 year old Silla is one year old Our life was beautiful before the 7th of October, before the war, and there were many dreams and ambitions about my future and the future of my three children, but as you know, after the 7th of October, the war began in my sad city of Gaza, and living became very difficult. There is no small food and no shortage in life The war has been going on for 170 days My children missed a full year of school without compensation this year My Life Before The War : I was living a nice life until the 7th of October, in our sweet home with my family in peace I have a good relationship with all people around me I had nothing to warry about. Why I Request the Donation : I want to escape every day. I wake up and I cannot believe that my family and I are still alive. I say in my mind that we have survived for one more day now. So, my hope is to left the war my family, ant to leave Gaza I have to bay all fees and costs. Please help me collect the application fees and travel costs for me and my family. How Your Donations Will Be Used (cost breakdown) : The People in Gaza are asked to pay a fees of 5,000 dollars per person even kids asked to pay a fees of 2,500 dollars in order to cross Rafah border and entered to Egypt, in addition to the cost of traveling, so please see the following breakdown of the required fund: - The estimate cost of the coordination in Rafah board is 5 5,000$ for me Norhan 5,000$ for my husband 2,500$ for Juri 2,500$ for Joan 2,500$ for Silla

$0 raised Of $25,000

Medical Campaigns

Support SHADI in preventing disability


Support SHADI in preventing disability
My story began 14 years ago when I was in high school, as pain in my intestines appeared for the first time. After 6 years, when the symptoms of the disease began to manifest directly as joint pain in my pelvis, I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. However, I did not surrender to the illness; I continued my studies and completed my degree in cinematic directing, then moved on to study Arabic literature and fine arts. I also kept working without pause despite all the difficult circumstances. I played roles in several theatrical productions. However, the circumstances that have afflicted Lebanon in recent years have impacted all aspects, especially the economy, which made me negligent in following my treatment. About a year and a half ago, I decided to turn to alternative medicine. Despite the challenges and hardships, with God's help, I achieved a satisfactory result in overcoming the primary illness, and I am in the process of treating the joints that were severely affected over the last eight years. But I was surprised a few months ago by my mother's illness and her need for a non-guaranteed stomach surgery, for which she does not have insurance. This situation has made me stop my own treatment due to the high cost of the surgery. Today, I am looking for ways to continue my treatment, especially after my mother’s urgent need for surgery made me feel for those who are unable to access treatment. I decided to help myself and others by selling my artwork, with 80% of the proceeds intended to assist people in need, but I have not succeeded yet." "I have lost many precious opportunities in my life because of my illness, including traveling to Germany on a scholarship to study theater, as well as pursuing my graduate studies, which I dreamed of since childhood. The loss of mobility can make it difficult to engage in normal daily activities and hobbies like other people."

$0 raised Of $5,000

Sports Campaigns

4th ISKF World Shoto Cup-London, Sept. 19-22


4th ISKF World Shoto Cup-London, Sept. 19-22
For nearly 3 decades now, ISKF Lebanon continues to be a dedicated organization towards teaching the traditional Japanese martial arts of Karate-do, Aikido, & Iaido. Currently, we are training hard & working tirelessly to send a delegation, of about 40 officials, judges, competitors, & coaches, to represent Lebanon at the prestigious 4th ISKF World Shoto Cup being hosted in London, UK from Sept. 19-22. We aspire to repeat our last internationally acclaimed success in Euro 2018, where we emerged amongst the top teams in number of wins (please check the links shared here to view the videos & results). We hope that you can support us, so that we may again raise our banner high & represent our homeland with honor & pride. Of course, for full transparency & disclosure, ISKF Lebanon will share the full financial details of the donations received & the manner of their spending with any donors upon written request after the competition. Thank you in advance & best wishes (Ganbatte Kudasai) to our hardworking team! Ossu! ISKF Lebanon Please copy the links below & paste them in your URL to view: -> TO DONATE to our campaign for the 2024 Shotocup: -> See our 2018 Euro Tournament preparatory video here: -> See our 2018 Euro Tournament celebratory video here: -> See our EURO 2018 results here:

$5,998 raised Of $25,000

Environment Campaigns

Youth Innovators Program


Youth Innovators Program
The campaign aims to empower 50 youths from the Beirut area, aged between 15 and 25 years old, in Lebanon's disadvantaged communities with essential climate change skills. In turn, these 50 youths will train another 500 peers in essential climate change skills, forming a youth committee dedicated to climate change from among interested individuals, and projects to fight climate change. The "Empowering Youth Green-Innovator" campaign is designed to equip young individuals, specifically 50 youths aged 15-25 from disadvantaged communities in Beirut, with essential skills to combat climate change. These disadvantaged communities face challenges stemming from financial constraints and the devastating impacts of the Beirut Blast, which have left lingering psychological and physical issues. Youth will use a peer-to-peer strategy to train an additional 500 youths across Beirut in essential climate change life skills. Beirut recently faced unprecedented high temperatures and clear signs of escalating climate change impacts; The hottest temperature measured from 1949 to January 2024 was reported by the Houche Al Oumara weather station. In September 2020, the record temperature of 44.3 °C was reported. from extreme heatwaves causing outdoor burns to the reduction of green spaces and inadequate public guidance on environmental practices like recycling and waste management. Amidst these environmental challenges, a significant gap in climate change awareness and practical skills among the youth has been identified. The urgency of addressing this educational gap is underscored by predictions from the Ministry of Environment, which forecast a stark decline in Lebanon's GDP by 14% by 2040 and 32% by 2080 due to climate change effects. Highlighting this urgency, Nour Naccache a volunteer at Lebanese Spotlight (LSL) aged 22 years old and head of the activity department recently for youth at LSL noted during a Lebanese spotlight activity, “We, the youth in Lebanon, lack the real skills to fight climate change and awareness. The programs we have are superficial. We need profound skills and in-depth knowledge to take real action in our city, Beirut.” To counter this, the proposal is to start with a focused campaign: small-scale, targeted training sessions. These sessions will consist of 5 groups, each with 10 participants, meeting weekly for two months. Each two-hour session will be interactive, led by a facilitator, and aimed at fostering project ideas related to climate change from the youths. The initiative aims not only to educate but also to empower participants to create tangible solutions, potentially illustrated through infographics. Facilitators, each possessing a unique set of skills, will guide the youths in developing impactful climate action projects. join us in expanding this initiative to reach an additional 500 youths across Beirut. Your contribution can make a significant impact on our community’s climate resilience.

$0 raised Of $50,000

Beirut Coastal Cleanup Initiative


Beirut Coastal Cleanup Initiative
My name is GP SKAFF. I work in fabrics and my passion lies in the outdoors. I am involved in many environmental campaigns, with my most recent being the ‘Beirut Coastal Clean up’/ June 2021: The Beirut Coastal Cleanup is a grassroots movement. It started in 2021 with organized weekly meetups to pick up trash around the city. Every Saturday, a group of 20 to 30 people gather to clean up and send the trash to recycling companies. The areas covered are ramlet el bayda, rawche, manara corniche, zaytouna/biel waterfront sea side corniche, ashrafieh, tabaris, hamra, mar mikhael and more. We achieved over 100 Clean ups with 3000+ Saturday daily paid workers throughout Beirut, removed more than 400,000 Liters of trash and 5000 trash bags of glass bottles, plastic bottles/bags, paper and carton, In 2023, the plan is, with the help of more funding, to expand and cover more areas. We also want to clean the underwater seabed. With the help of our sponsors and their generous donations, a total of 9800 $ in 2021 were spent on manpower, bags, equipment and transportation. In addition to a cleaner coast and beaches, the most significant impact that we have seen is that people are littering less. They now feel a sense of responsibility when seeing fellow citizens doing the work. Help us reach our goal by investing in our environmental movement. The results are real! so you can rest assured your donation is creating a tangible impact on our planet for years to come! In 2023 our plans are: Project1: Beirut coast and city clean up Unfortunately, as per Ramco’s contract, they are not required to remove garbage from any area that is not a road and a side walk. This leaves dramatic results of uncleaned spaces such as those surrounding private properties, as well as parks, governmental and municipality land and spaces, mountains, etc. Since June 2021 a team of 20 to 30 people have been paid every Saturday wages to clean those areas. Our target is to increase the teams to 50 people (5 teams of 10), and to increase their wages to 20$ a day. Cost per day for 1 team of 10: 200$ + miscellaneous Cost per day for 5 teams of 10: 1000$ + miscellaneous Cost of 52 Saturdays with 1 team: 10,400$ + miscellaneous Cost of 52 Saturdays with 5 teams: 52000$ + miscellaneous Miscellaneous cost per Saturday : transportation 100$, equipment 50$, management ( hr & operation) Please see attached cost sheet Project 2: Beirut Underwater seabed cleanup More and more garbage and plastic end up in our sea and destroying marine fauna and marine life. Our project here is to pay 2 divers (Fouad and Zahi from Manara port, professional divers and fishermen), to clean up the seabed from Rawche to Aub and eventually expand further. And especially the Rawche caves where some seal or more live there. Main Cost is 50$ per diver per day + miscellaneous Please see attached cost sheet of this project Project 3: Rangers to clean and monitor Unfortunately, with the absence of municipality responsibility we have seen many areas where people gather daily and leave their trash. We already have 2 full time rangers that are responsible and feel the sense of ownership of the manara beach and the Aub beach. They are paid monthly to clean these beaches daily. Our target is to increase these rangers to 6 to cover Ramlet el Bayda and Ashrafieh parks 9 tabaris and saint Nicolas). Main cost is 400$ salary per month per ranger + miscellaneous. Please see attached cost sheet Social entrepreneurship goals: To help some people get a little money To clean our land and sea To decrease littering of people To decrease the plastic waste that is or will end up in our sea and harm the marine life Recycle garbage that if not removed will end up in our sea The total cost of the whole forecasted project is over 100,000$, but with any fund we receive we will do the outmost out of it. So any donation will be much appreciated. I hope to receive a positive feedback from you. With best regards GP

$400 raised Of $25,000

Business Campaigns

JGreen taxi


JGreen taxi
The aim of JGreen's fundraiser for his taxi project is to provide affordable and reliable transportation services to underserved communities. JGreen recognizes the transportation barriers that many individuals face, such as limited access to public transportation or the inability to afford expensive ridesharing services. By starting his own taxi service, JGreen aims to bridge this gap and ensure that everyone has access to safe and efficient transportation options. This project is not just about providing rides; it is about empowering individuals to access education, employment, healthcare, and other essential services that can improve their quality of life. Furthermore, JGreen's taxi project also aims to create job opportunities for individuals in the community. By hiring local drivers, JGreen's taxi service will not only provide transportation services but will also contribute to economic growth and job creation. This initiative will not only benefit the drivers themselves but will also have a ripple effect on the community, as more people will have access to reliable employment opportunities. By supporting JGreen's fundraiser, individuals are not just contributing to a transportation project; they are also investing in the future of their community and helping to create a more inclusive and prosperous society. In addition, JGreen's fundraiser aims to raise awareness about the importance of accessible transportation services and the impact they can have on individuals and communities. By sharing his story and the goals of his taxi project, JGreen hopes to inspire others to take action and support initiatives that aim to improve the quality of life for underserved populations. Through community engagement and support, JGreen's fundraiser can reach its goal and make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most. Ultimately, the aim of JGreen's fundraiser is not just to fund a taxi project; it is to create positive change and opportunities for individuals and communities in need.

$0 raised Of $1,000,000

Other Campaigns

Help my children to get out of Gaza ساعدوا أطفالي


Help my children to get out of Gaza ساعدوا أطفالي
اسمي هاديه بكر عمري 29 عام أم لأربعة أطفال تغيرت حياتي منذ ال 7 من اكتوبر 2023 نزحت وتركت منزلي في شمال قطاع غزة ولجأت الى الجنوب كما طلب منا جيش الاحتلال وانا تركت المنزل خوفا على أطفالي نزحت مرات عديدة وعانينا كثيرا انا وزوجي لتوفير حياة آمنة وجيدة لأطفالي ولكن لم استطع حمايتهم من طائرات الاحتلال وصواريخهم في يوم 5/10 /2024 نزحت من رفح الى الزوايدة ولم اكن اعلم اني انقل أطفالي الى الخطر في منتصف الليل قام جيش الاحتلال بإستهداف منزل مجاور للمنزل الذي نزحنا اليه وانهدم البيت فوق رؤوسنا ونحن نيام تم دفن أطفالي تحت انقاض المنزل قام زوجي من تحت الركام وأخذ يحفر في الرمال والركام ويرفع الحجارة ليخرج أطفالي 4 اطفال دون العاشرة يصرخون ويبكون أخرجني يا بابا الحقني يا بابا أصبح كالمجنون يحفر ولا يشعر بلهيب الحجارة والركام نتيجة القصف ولا برأسه المفتوحة نتيجة الاصابة لقد احتاجت رأسه الى مايقارب 6 غرز طبية في وسط الرأس فقط يفكر بأطفاله أخرج ابنائي الاربعة مصابين ينزفون ويبكون خائفون ومصدومون مما حدث وتم نقل اطفالي الى مستشفى شهداء الاقصى لتلقي العلاج وبالرغم من انعدام الامكانيات والادوات الطبية تم معالجة اطفالي منهم من احتاجت جروحه للغرز الطبية بدون مخدر هل تتخيلون ان يتم تخييط الجروح بدون مخدر لطفل يبلغ من العمر 5 سنوات لقد شق قلبي صوت صراخ طفلي والطبيب يخيط جراحه وهل تتخيلون أطفالي مصابون ملقون على الارض لعدم كفاية أسرة المستشفى ما ذنب أطفالي ليعيشوا هذا الألم كانت اصابات اطفالي متوسطة لكن اصاباتهم النفسية كانت صعبة جدا عانى أطفالي من الجروح والحروق والرضوض المختلفة نتيجة سقوط الركام والحجارة فوقهم وعانينا من النزوح المتكرر في الخيام وعانينا من حر الصيف وحرارة الخيام البالية وعانينا برد الشتاء الآن وغرق الخيام ناهيكم عن الأسعار الفلكية للطعام والشراب أريد أن اعود الي منزلي والى حياتي قبل 7 اكتوبر ارجو منكم مساعدتي لأخرج بأطفالي خارج قطاع غزة ولتأمين حياة كريمة لأطفالي ولإتمام معالجتهم خارج القطاع أتمنى منكم المساعدة My name is Hadia Bakr, I am 29 years old, a mother of four children. My life has changed since October 7, 2023. I was displaced and left my home in the northern Gaza Strip and sought refuge in the south, as the occupation army asked us to do. I left the house for fear of my children. I was displaced many times and my husband and I suffered a lot to provide a safe and good life for my children, but I could not protect them from the occupation aircraft and their missiles. On May 10, 2024, I was displaced from Rafah to Al-Zawaida. I did not know that I was taking my children to danger. In the middle of the night, the occupation army targeted a house adjacent to the house to which we were displaced. The house collapsed over our heads while we were sleeping. My children were buried under the rubble of the house. My husband got out from under the rubble and began digging in the sand and rubble and lifting stones to get out my children, four children under the age of ten. They were screaming and crying, “Get me out, Dad! Save me, Dad!” He was digging like a madman, and he did not feel the flames of the stones and rubble as a result of the bombing, nor his head being open as a result of the injury. He only thought about his children. He got out my four children, injured, bleeding, crying and afraid. We were shocked by what happened and my children were transferred to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital to receive treatment. Despite the lack of medical capabilities and tools, my children were treated, some of whom needed stitches without anesthesia. Can you imagine stitching wounds without anesthesia for a 5-year-old child? The sound of my child screaming while the doctor stitched his wounds broke my heart. Can you imagine my children lying injured on the ground because there were not enough hospital beds? What is the fault of my children to live this pain? My children's injuries were moderate, but their psychological injuries were very difficult. My children suffered from wounds, burns, and various bruises as a result of rubble and stones falling on them. We suffered from repeated displacement in tents, the summer heat, the heat of the worn-out tents, and the cold of winter now, with the tents flooding, not to mention the astronomical prices of food and drink. I want to return to my home and to my life before October 7. I ask you to help me get my children out of the Gaza Strip and to secure a decent life for my children and to complete their treatment outside the Strip. I hope you will help me.

$0 raised Of $20,000

Help Me Achieve My Dream, Your Support is needed


Help Me Achieve My Dream, Your Support is needed
Hi everyone! I have never made a fundraiser but I feel in this circumstance it is appropriate and worth sharing.. Salim, At 27, I find myself at a crossroads. A college dropout, unemployed, and living in the Gulf, I’ve faced my share of challenges. Each day feels like a struggle, but beneath the weight of my circumstances lies an unwavering dream: to become a content creator and a YouTuber. Growing up, storytelling was my escape. I would weave tales for my friends almost everyday and dream of creating videos that could inspire others. However, life’s obstacles made pursuing this passion difficult. The pressure of bills, societal expectations, and the fear of failure kept me from taking the leap. For years, I have worked some odd part time jobs, trying to scrape together enough to buy a camera or software, but every time I thought I was close, something would come up—an unexpected expense, a family emergency. Each setback chipped away at my confidence. But the fire inside me never faded. I envisioned a channel where I could share my experiences, connect with people who felt lost like I once did, and bring joy through creativity. I’ve spent countless nights researching, planning, and dreaming about what I could create. Now, I stand ready to take the plunge, but I need your help. I am launching a donation campaign to raise $3,500, which will cover the essentials: a camera, editing software, and a few initial production costs. This isn’t just about me; it’s about creating a community where stories matter, and voices are heard. Your support would mean the world to me. With every contribution, no matter how small, you’ll be part of my journey. Together, we can transform a dream into reality, inspiring others to follow their passions. Let’s embark on this journey together. If you believe in the power of storytelling, if you’ve ever felt the pull of a dream, I invite you to help me make it happen. Thank you for considering my campaign, and for being part of something that could change lives—starting with my own. Thanks again.

$0 raised Of $3,500