Nature Education For All


Nature Education For All
"Nature Education for All" aims to provide equitable access to high-quality, nature-based education for children of diverse backgrounds. By fostering a deep connection with nature, we cultivate curiosity, creativity, and resilience in children, helping them develop essential life skills while promoting physical and mental well-being. The Need In today’s fast-paced and urbanized world, many children lack meaningful interactions with nature. This disconnect affects their cognitive development, emotional health, and physical fitness. While outdoor learning is proven to enhance problem-solving skills, teamwork, and environmental stewardship, access to such opportunities remains limited, especially for underserved communities. Our Solution "Nature Education for All" bridges this gap by creating inclusive, nature-based learning programs accessible to all children, regardless of socioeconomic status. We partner with local communities, educators, and environmental organizations to deliver hands-on, curriculum-aligned outdoor experiences that nurture a love for learning and the environment. Key Program Components Nature Playdates: Weekly after-school sessions in local green spaces, focusing on exploration, creativity, and team-building activities. Seasonal Camps: Multi-day workshops introducing children to natural cycles, wildlife, and eco-friendly practices. Educator Training: Equipping teachers and caregivers with the skills to integrate outdoor learning into traditional curricula. Community Engagement: Workshops and events encouraging families to participate in outdoor activities and learn about sustainability together. Impact Goals Foster environmental stewardship in children and their families. Improve access to nature-based education for underserved communities. Enhance children’s mental and physical health through outdoor activities. Equip educators with tools to sustain nature-based learning practices. Request for Funding Your support will enable us to: Develop curriculum and materials tailored for diverse age groups. Train educators and community leaders in nature-based education methods. Provide scholarships to children from underserved communities. Acquire resources and equipment to ensure safe, engaging outdoor experiences. Join Us By funding "Nature Education for All," you’re investing in a future where children learn, grow, and thrive in harmony with the natural world. Together, we can create a generation of resilient, environmentally conscious individuals ready to shape a better tomorrow!

$0 raised Of $20,000

Help Patrick Win His Battle Against Cancer


Help Patrick Win His Battle Against Cancer
Help Patrick Win His Battle Against Mixed Germ Cell Tumor. تجدون ملخّصًا عن رحلة باتريك مع المرض بعد النّصّ المكتوب باللّغة الإنكليزيّة Hi everyone, This is Mariella, a very close friend of Patrick's sister. I'm reaching out to share Patrick's journey and ask for your support during this tough challenge. Patrick Hachem, the 17 year old determined and resilient boy, full of life and energy, was diagnosed in February 2023 with a right testicular germ cell tumor, for which he underwent complete surgical resection and treatment. In March 2024, he had disease recurrence in the right retroperitoneum, which was completely resected. In August 2024, he had a relapse in the liver, which was also completely resected. Patrick's family decided to seek out the opinion of Dr. Raphah Borghol at AUBMC. Pathology analyses reviewed at AUBMC and Saint Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA, confirmed the diagnosis of mixed malignant germ cell neoplasm. The tumor consisted of both mature and immature teratomatous elements, in addition to yolk sac tumor. Following expert consultation with Dr. Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo from St. Jude, Memphis, Patrick requires High-dose chemotherapy using the TI-CE protocol. This regimen consists of 2 cycles of paclitaxel and ifosfamide (each cycle lasting 14 days), followed by 3 cycles of high-dose carboplatin with etoposide. After each carboplatin-etopiside cycle, Patrick will undergo TANDEM AUTOLOGOUS STEM CELL TRANSPLANTS (one per cycle). Treatment was initiated on January 2, 2025. The tandem stem cell transplants are scheduled for February, March and April 2025. The total cost of the 3 bone marrow transplants is $75,000 as per attached statement. CCCL is going to cover the costs of care at CCI, but they do not cover bone marrow transplant procedures, which is the treatment that Patrick needs to receive for his recurrent disease. Therefore, i've started this fundraising campaign to help Patrick and his family with the expenses of the transplants. Time is critical and Patrick needs our immediate support. Please help me spread the word and please remember that every penny counts. Patrick, his family, his friends and all his loved ones have high hopes for this treatment, so please let us join forces to help this modest loving family win that battle. Thank you for standing by us and for showing us your love and support. We are very grateful for each and everyone of you. With gratitude and love, Mariella ♡ رسالة إلى أصحاب القلوب المُحِبّة والمعطاءة وأصحاب النّوايا الحسنة. خلال شهر شباط ٢٠٢٣، تمّ تشخيص إصابة باتريك هاشم، ابن ال١٥ عامًا في حينه، بورم الخلايا الجرثوميّة. على الرّغم من استئصال الورم، عاوده المرض خلال شهر آذار ٢٠٢٤ في الغشاء البطني وتمّ استئصاله بالكامل. خلال شهر آب ٢٠٢٤، عاوده المرض، في الكبد هذه المرّة، واستؤصل الورم مجدّدًا. بعد مراجعة التّحاليل من قبل المركز الطّبّي في الجامعة الأميركيّة في بيروت ومستشفى ساينت جود في الولايات المتّحدة الأميركيّة، واستشارة الدّكتور كارلوس رودريغز-غاليندو في ساينت جود - أميركا، باتريك بحاجة إلى علاج كيميائي بجرعات عالية مقسّم على ٣ مراحل، تليه ٣ عمليّات زرع خلايا جذعيّة. تقرّر إجراء عمليّات الزّرع خلال أشهر شباط، آذار ونيسان ٢٠٢٥. التّكلفة الإجماليّة لعمليّات الزّرع الثّلاث هي ٧٥ ألف دولار أميركي (٢٥ ألف لكلّ عمليّة). سيقوم مركز سرطان الأطفال في لبنان بتغطية تكاليف العلاج في مركزهم، إلّا أنّه لا يغطّي تكاليف عمليّات الزّرع. حاولت العائلة اللّجوء إلى وسائل عديدة لتأمين تكاليف العمليّات دون جدوى، لذلك ارتأينا إنشاء حملة لجمع التّبرّعات. هذا العلاج هو أمل باتريك وعائلته وأصدقائه الأخير في القضاء والتّغلّب على المرض. رجائي أن نتعاون ونكثّف جهودنا في أدائنا لرسالتنا الإنسانيّة. أشكركم على دعمكم، مهما بلغت قيمته، وعلى كرمكم ومحبّتكم. مع محبّتي، مارييلا

$28,319 raised Of $75,000

Help Ibrahim pay his hospital fees


Help Ibrahim pay his hospital fees
Hello everyone, I’m sharing with you today a fundraiser for Ibrahim Radwan, a 60-year-old man I’ve been filming for the past four years as part of a personal documentary project in Lebanon. I met Ibrahim on Beirut’s Corniche, where he works as a fisherman. He often goes there with his daughter Joelle, now 18, whom I’ve also befriended over the years (on the picture next to him). Ibrahim has dedicated his life to the sea: it is his home. However, the arduous nature of his work ended up damaging his health. He is now suffering from severe kidney stones and an intestinal perforation that required immediate medical intervention. Last week, Ibrahim underwent his first surgery at Al Rasoul Al Aazam Hospital in Beirut. He is expected to need another operation in the coming week. His hospital bills are already totaling around $3,000, an amount he is struggling to raise on his own. That’s why I’m reaching out to you for help. I’m doing everything I can to ease this financial burden on him. Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a difference! I have included all the hospital documents and bills related to his treatment and the amounts he is expected to pay. If you have any suggestions or other means of support, please don’t hesitate to let me know. To give you a glimpse of who Ibrahim is, I am also adding a clip of him from my film : Thank you so much in advance for your kindness and support. Best, Emma

$0 raised Of $3,000