Permanent Fundraisers

A Community Kitchen for Beirut's Displaced
A Community Kitchen for Beirut's Displaced
A Community Kitchen for Displaced Families in Beirut Our Mission We believe that no one should go hungry, especially during times of crisis. Our community kitchen provides hot, nutritious meals to displaced families and individuals affected by the war in Lebanon. Through compassion, collaboration, and community support, we are restoring hope one meal at a time. Why We Exist Lebanon has been heavily impacted by ongoing aggression, leading to the displacement of thousands of people. Many are struggling to meet their basic needs, including access to food. The Kitchen was created to address this urgent need by offering a place where people can not only eat but find a sense of belonging and dignity during difficult times. What We Do • Daily Hot Meals: We serve nutritious meals to displaced people and their families. • Safe Community Space: Our kitchen is more than just a place to eat—it is a safe haven for people to connect, share stories, and support each other. • Volunteer-Led: dedicated volunteers who cook, serve, and help us operate our kitchen with love and care power. • Sustainable Support: We aim to build long-lasting partnerships with local farmers, markets, and donors to ensure the sustainability of our services. How You Can Help We are calling upon local and international donors, humanitarian organizations, and individuals who wish to make a tangible difference during this humanitarian crisis. Every contribution, no matter how small, will help provide sustenance and a sense of community to those affected by the war in Lebanon. Funding Requirements To ensure the smooth operation of the kitchen, the fund will cover setting up the kitchen space, including purchasing equipment, cooking supplies, and utensils. Join Us in Bringing Hope Together, we can offer a lifeline to displaced people in Beirut through the simple act of sharing a meal. Your support, whether through donations, helps us nourish not only bodies but also spirits. Let us spread hope, one meal at a time.



we seek your humanity help LEBANON
we seek your humanity help LEBANON
Help Us Support Those Affected by the Crisis in Lebanon Dear friends and compassionate souls, As you may know, Lebanon is facing an unimaginable crisis. The ongoing conflict has left more than 2,000 people dead and over 10,000 injured. Entire communities have been devastated, with many places in the South, Beirut, and Bekaa completely destroyed. Today, more than 1.5 million people are displaced, seeking refuge in schools, makeshift shelters, or sleeping on the streets. Families are torn apart, and basic necessities like food, shelter, and medical care are beyond their reach. We are reaching out to you to help raise funds for those who have lost everything. Your contributions will provide: Emergency Shelter: Support for families displaced from their homes. Medical Aid: Essential medications and healthcare for the injured. Food and Supplies: Nourishment and basic necessities for those in dire need. Every donation, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in the lives of those suffering. Together, we can offer hope and support to our brothers and sisters in Lebanon during this dark time. Please consider donating and sharing this message with others. Your kindness can help us give a glimmer of hope to those who desperately need it. Thank you for your support. ساعدونا في دعم المتضررين من الأزمة في لبنان أصدقائي الأعزاء وأصحاب القلوب الرحيمة، كما تعلمون، يواجه لبنان أزمة لا يمكن تصورها. النزاع المستمر أسفر عن مقتل أكثر من 2000 شخص وإصابة أكثر من 10,000 آخرين. لقد دُمرت مجتمعات بأكملها، حيث تم تدمير العديد من الأماكن في الجنوب، بيروت، والبقاع بالكامل. اليوم، أكثر من 1.5 مليون شخص مشردون، يبحثون عن مأوى في المدارس، أو ملاجئ مؤقتة، أو ينامون في الشوارع. الأسر مشروخة، والاحتياجات الأساسية مثل الغذاء، المأوى، والرعاية الطبية أصبحت بعيدة المنال. نحن نتوجه إليكم لمساعدتنا في جمع التبرعات لأولئك الذين فقدوا كل شيء. ستساعد مساهماتكم في توفير: المأوى الطارئ: دعم للأسر المشردة من منازلها. المساعدات الطبية: الأدوية الأساسية والرعاية الصحية للجرحى. الغذاء والإمدادات: تغذية وضروريات أساسية لأولئك الذين يحتاجون إليها بشدة. كل تبرع، مهما كان صغيرًا، يمكن أن يُحدث فرقًا كبيرًا في حياة المتضررين. معًا، يمكننا تقديم الأمل والدعم لإخواننا وأخواتنا في لبنان في هذا الوقت العصيب. يرجى التفكير في التبرع ومشاركة هذه الرسالة مع الآخرين. يمكن أن تساعد لطافتكم في إضاءة بصيص من الأمل لأولئك الذين يحتاجون إليه بشدة. شكرًا لدعمكم. We are a group of friends, trying to make a difference with our families. Every purchase with your donation will be posted on this page.



A Family's Fight for Shelter and Safety
A Family's Fight for Shelter and Safety
My family and I have been deeply affected by the ongoing conflict in Lebanon. After our home was bombarded, we were forced to leave and found ourselves on the streets, unable to pay rent for a safe place to stay. We are a family of 6: four young girls with my father and mother. My mother has long standing diabetes and needs medications and monthly check-ups. My 94 year old grandfather lives with us as well. He's unable to see or hear and has Alzheimer's disease. He has no idea about what we're going through but we are trying our best to take care of him in a time where we ourselves need help. The loss of our home not only shattered our lives but also left us without the essentials needed to survive. I can only remember last weekend, I was a happy bride eagerly preparing with my family for my wedding and looking forward to moving into a new home. My life turned upside down. I lost everything I had worked so hard for, including the dreams of starting a new life with my fiance. My family and I are raising money to secure temporary housing and cover essential needs like food, clothing, and basic supplies. These funds will provide us with a safe place to survive the upcoming days until war ends, hopefully. Our hope is that your support can help us rebuild our lives. Currently, we're trying to secure short-term needs: -Rent for a place to stay in -Medications for my grandfather and mother -Diapers for my grandfather -Food and basic needs



Urgent Assistance for Internally Displaced
Urgent Assistance for Internally Displaced
Lebanon is now in the midst of an urgent and devastating crisis. The war in Lebanon has internally displaced thousands of families, forcing them to flee their homes and seek refuge in other areas, where resources are scarce and conditions will rapidly deteriorate. The launch of an emergency relief fund is solely dedicated to providing the critical necessities: food, clean water, mattresses, blankets, detergents, and sanitary products. Our displaced Lebanese brothers and sisters, many of whom are women and children, are enduring unspeakable hardships, with limited access to the necessities to survive. Your donations will directly help provide these essential supplies to families who have lost everything. Food and clean water are critical for survival, while mattresses and blankets will provide a small measure of comfort in overcrowded shelters. Detergents and sanitary products are essential to maintain basic hygiene and prevent the spread of disease in these dire conditions. With each passing day, the needs of these displaced families grow more desperate. Without immediate support, the situation will continue to worsen, with families facing hunger, illness, and exposure to harsh living conditions. Every contribution, no matter the size, will bring immediate relief to those suffering and help restore a sense of dignity and hope. Your generosity will be a lifeline to these vulnerable families. Together, we can provide the support they need to survive this crisis and rebuild their lives in the face of overwhelming adversity. Please donate now to help us make a difference in the lives of those most affected by this tragic conflict. Every dollar counts, and your kindness will have a lasting impact. لبنان يمر الآن بأزمة عاجلة ومدمرة. الحرب في لبنان تسببت في نزوح آلاف العائلات داخليًا، مما أجبرهم على الفرار من منازلهم والبحث عن مأوى في مناطق أخرى حيث الموارد شحيحة والأوضاع تتدهور بسرعة إطلاق صندوق إغاثة طارئ مخصص بالكامل لتوفير الاحتياجات الضرورية: الطعام، المياه النظيفة، الفرشات، البطانيات، المنظفات، والمنتجات الصحية. إخوتنا وأخواتنا اللبنانيون النازحون، وكثير منهم من النساء والأطفال، يعانون من مصاعب لا توصف مع وصول محدود للاحتياجات الأساسية للبقاء على قيد الحياة تبرعاتكم ستساعد بشكل مباشر في توفير هذه المستلزمات الأساسية للعائلات التي فقدت كل شيء. الطعام والمياه النظيفة ضروريان للبقاء، في حين أن الفرشات والبطانيات ستوفر قدرًا ضئيلاً من الراحة في الملاجئ المزدحمة. المنظفات والمنتجات الصحية ضرورية للحفاظ على النظافة الأساسية ومنع انتشار الأمراض في هذه الظروف القاسية مع كل يوم يمر، تزداد حاجات هذه العائلات النازحة يأسًا. وبدون دعم فوري، ستزداد الأوضاع سوءًا، حيث تواجه العائلات الجوع والمرض والتعرض لظروف معيشية قاسية. كل مساهمة، مهما كانت بسيطة، ستجلب الإغاثة الفورية لأولئك الذين يعانون وتساعد في استعادة الكرامة والأمل كرمكم سيكون بمثابة طوق نجاة لهذه العائلات الضعيفة. معًا، يمكننا تقديم الدعم الذي يحتاجونه للبقاء على قيد الحياة في هذه الأزمة وإعادة بناء حياتهم في وجه هذه المحنة الهائلة. يرجى التبرع الآن لمساعدتنا على إحداث فرق في حياة الأشخاص الأكثر تضررًا من هذا الصراع المأساوي. كل تبرع يُحدث فرقًا، وستترك لفتتكم الطيبة أثرًا دائمًا



Mission Hope & FAITH
Mission Hope & FAITH
This humanitarian Mission is to Aid people in need of a shelter, and need of daily care assistance, daily food any help will make a difference . The war have disallocated more than 1 million families. This mission accepts from 1$ , your help is needed 🤍 In the wake of the recent bombing, countless families have been left devastated, their homes destroyed and lives upended. The humanitarian crisis has escalated, with many displaced individuals in desperate need of shelter, food, medical care, and support. This fundraising campaign seeks to provide immediate assistance to those impacted by the violence. Our goal is to raise funds that will directly support displaced families, ensuring they have access to essential resources during this critical time. Every donation can help provide food, safe shelter, medical supplies, and psychological support to those who have experienced unimaginable loss. Together, we can offer a lifeline to these families, helping them rebuild their lives and restore hope in the face of adversity. Join us in making a difference. Your generosity can bring relief to those who need it most and show that they are not alone in their struggle. Together, we can stand in solidarity with the affected families and help them find a way forward. This Mission is in Collaboration with Mmissionwellness Team and Azkoroni Team , who is ensuring that all funds are reaching the needed . Photos and videos will be posted on social media platforms . If you would like your fund to be used to a specific cause and intention(food,children, blankets, elderly etc.) please mention it in the comments box when donating.




Ready To Start A Permanent Fundraiser?
