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Support small Farmers for a better Tomorrow


Support small Farmers for a better Tomorrow
The Farming Hope Program aims to help vulnerable and rural individual farmers across Lebanon. Its goal is to assist low-income farmers to better their food quality, improve their devastating living conditions, for them to begin a journey of self-sufficiency and financial independence, especially during these times of eco-social unrest. We are currently providing small farmers, living in severe and dire conditions, with 10 to 20 chickens, 2 years' worth of grains and hen food, marketing support, as well as technical and professional assistance, in direct collaboration with the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI), and the Syndicate of Veterinarians in Lebanon, for them to maximize their farming efficiency and sustainability. These farmers must get all the support they need to survive, have access to decent living conditions, and generate income for their families. The goals of the Farming Hope Program are as follows: 1. Provide 10 to 20 hens to poor small farmers and 2 years' worth of grains and hen food. 2. Encourage small-scale, environmentally-friendly farming. 3. Secure an additional revenue stream source for small farmers, to help them improve their quality of life. 4. Empower women, by giving them a space to develop their household economic skills, and provide for their families basic needs, as another source of income. Each $8 donation is used to purchase a hen. Each $100 donation supplies 6 months of hen food for a coop. Each donation of $760 covers the cost of the entire coop's implementation. Any contribution you kindly choose to make would go a long way in helping us achieve our objectives would be highly appreciated.

$2,525 raised Of $30,000