Help Me Achieve My Dream, Your Support is needed


Help Me Achieve My Dream, Your Support is needed
Hi everyone! I have never made a fundraiser but I feel in this circumstance it is appropriate and worth sharing.. Salim, At 27, I find myself at a crossroads. A college dropout, unemployed, and living in the Gulf, I’ve faced my share of challenges. Each day feels like a struggle, but beneath the weight of my circumstances lies an unwavering dream: to become a content creator and a YouTuber. Growing up, storytelling was my escape. I would weave tales for my friends almost everyday and dream of creating videos that could inspire others. However, life’s obstacles made pursuing this passion difficult. The pressure of bills, societal expectations, and the fear of failure kept me from taking the leap. For years, I have worked some odd part time jobs, trying to scrape together enough to buy a camera or software, but every time I thought I was close, something would come up—an unexpected expense, a family emergency. Each setback chipped away at my confidence. But the fire inside me never faded. I envisioned a channel where I could share my experiences, connect with people who felt lost like I once did, and bring joy through creativity. I’ve spent countless nights researching, planning, and dreaming about what I could create. Now, I stand ready to take the plunge, but I need your help. I am launching a donation campaign to raise $3,500, which will cover the essentials: a camera, editing software, and a few initial production costs. This isn’t just about me; it’s about creating a community where stories matter, and voices are heard. Your support would mean the world to me. With every contribution, no matter how small, you’ll be part of my journey. Together, we can transform a dream into reality, inspiring others to follow their passions. Let’s embark on this journey together. If you believe in the power of storytelling, if you’ve ever felt the pull of a dream, I invite you to help me make it happen. Thank you for considering my campaign, and for being part of something that could change lives—starting with my own. Thanks again.

$0 raised Of $3,500

Help displaced family


Help displaced family
I am Ahmad, a Palestinian from Gaza City and a father of two children. I live in the besieged northern part of Gaza. Since the beginning of the war on October 7th, our lives have been filled with chaos and despair, marking the start of our displacement. We have faced immense difficulties in our daily lives, striving to meet the basic needs for a decent life amidst the destruction and rubble, while rockets fall mercilessly, leaving no place in our city untouched. The war has besieged us by land, sea, and air, leaving us with no option but to seek safety and salvage what remains of our bleak lives. I had a job, a warm home, and a stable life until that night when we were forced to evacuate our neighborhood after continuous bombardment. We left our home, thinking we would return in a week, leaving behind everything we owned, our dreams, and our memories. We moved to an area that the occupier claimed was safe, but there is no safe place. We moved from place to place until we reached the far south in Rafah, where we received the news that our home had been destroyed. After seven months, we have not been able to return to the north. We have slept in the homes of relatives and strangers, in shops, tents, and schools. It is a miracle that we are still alive. Life here has become impossible, with prices rising tenfold, and everything has become exhausting to obtain. Since the beginning of the war, there has been no income for the family. If we want to cook anything, we have to light a fire, which is dangerous with children around. Our health has deteriorated; we suffer from malnutrition and weight loss. It is difficult to provide diapers and milk for our daughter, who has developed a skin disease that I have not been able to treat for four months, in addition to the effects of malnutrition, lack of bathing, poor hygiene, and contaminated water. We have endured days of indescribable hunger, thirst, and cold. To travel and escape with just our lives without receiving a single dollar, the only route is through the Rafah crossing next to Egypt. To do this, we are asked to pay $5000 for each person over 16 years old and $2500 for those under 16. All this money goes entirely to the Egyptian side of the crossing. Unfortunately, this is an exploitation of our suffering. Before it is too late, I hope you can extend a helping hand to us so that we can find a safe place to live far from the hell of war, a place that can protect my children. Family names and ages .Ahmed: 30 .Eman: 29 .Zain : 5 .Leen : 2.5

$0 raised Of $5,000

help families affected by the war in Lebanon


help families affected by the war in Lebanon
eng :Due to the expansion of the war on Lebanon, which has affected most of the Lebanese regions, and the recent attacks that have claimed the lives of more than 500 victims, including 50 children and 94 women, and more than 2,500 wounded and a number of missing persons in less than 24 hours, more than 1,000,000 civilians have been forced to leave their homes and villages that were bombed and resort to shelters or sleep on the ground in difficult, inhumane conditions due to the economic crisis that Lebanon has been suffering from for several years. In response to the call of humanity, the Al-Ghad Cultural Social Association is working in cooperation with many activities and frameworks in the local community and movements in the Lebanese regions and Palestinian camps to launch a distress call and a donation campaign with the aim of helping those affected by the war. عربي: بسبب توسع وتيرة الحرب على لبنان التي طالت معظم المناطق اللبنانية والهجمات الاخيرة التي راح ضحيتها أكثر 500 ضحية بينهم 50 طفل و 94 امرأة واكثر من 2500 جريح وعدد من المفقودين خلال اقل من 24 ساعة ،اجبر أكثر من 1.000.000 مواطن مدني ترك بيوتهم وقراهم التي قصفت واللجوء الى مراكز الايواء او افتراش الارض في ظروف صعبة غير انسانية بسبب الازمة الاقتصادية التي يعاني منها لبنان منذ عدة سنين واستجابة لنداء الانسانية, تعمل جمعية الغد الثقافية الاجتماعية بالتعاون مع العديد من الفعاليات والاطر في المجتمع المحلي والحراكات في المناطق اللبنانية والمخيمات الفلسطينية على اطلاق نداء استغاثة وحملة تبرعات بهدف مساعدة المتضررين من الحرب.

$0 raised Of $50,000

Ripe of change The film


Ripe of change The film
It is finally happening after 3 years of preparations. Hi everyone, my name is Antoine Fadel, and i am the Director of the film "Ripe for Change." I am seeking your support in financing my feature film. Amidst the challenges that face our region, especially Lebanon, and the struggles we endure, particularly the financial ones, the film industry also really needs your help. I believe stories should never stop being told as this is where we bring visions to life, leave messages for future generations, and make people believe in something greater. This is where real change happens. And so, I am asking for your support to help me bring this Lebanese story to life. The film industry, like many others, is currently facing significant challenges, and your help can make a real difference. This film is planned to be shot entirely in Lebanon in October, featuring a Lebanese cast and crew. Themes of greed, fear, death, differences in mentalities, and love, portrayed with a fun twist, are central to the story set in a typical Lebanese village. Stories should never stop being told; this is where we bring visions to life, leave messages for future generations, and inspire people to believe in something greater. Real change happens here, and we must never give up. The total budget of the film for 2 months of filming and production is $280,000, which includes : - actors' fees - production fees - editing fees - banking fees - crew, and locations. - Transportations and daily meals Any contribution, starting from $10 or $20, will be greatly appreciated.The shoot is happening in October and the aim is Cannes film festival . Can you help us grow the film industry in Lebanon? What’s in it for you? In return for your support, you will receive a free ticket to the movie premiere in your country, and one lucky gold supporter will win a free trip to Cannes during the Cannes Film Festival. Special thanks to all our supporters will be shared through a link in the film credits . A thank you list to our Platinum Supporters and Gold Supporters will be in the film credits . A trailer for the movie is in the preparation phase and will be released after the initial funding milestone is reached. Your assistance would mean the world to us. Thank you very much! Thank you.

$0 raised Of $280,000

A Toi Marie - Sanctuary of Hope and Renewal


A Toi Marie - Sanctuary of Hope and Renewal
[EN] / [FR] In this period of economic and regional crisis, marked by increasing financial difficulties, social tensions, and a heightened need for community support, it is more crucial than ever for us to act! "A Toi Marie" stands as a beacon of love and compassion, providing a sanctuary for healing and growth. Our center offers: A Welcoming Center to all: A space where everyone can find an empathetic ear and a warm embrace. A Hub of Learning and Renewal: Opportunities for personal and professional development across various aspects of life. A Joyful, Natural Oasis for Children: A safe haven where our children can feel reassured, comforted, and rediscover the joy of living. A Peaceful Haven for Youth: A place where our young people can feel heard and be guided in their aspirations. A Loving Oasis for Families: Support and counseling for families seeking rest and spiritual renewal. A Refuge for Middle Eastern Communities: Embracing people of all faiths in their search for hope, deeper spiritual connection, and renewal. With Mary and through Mary, we strive to embody LOVE in the heart of the world through our hospitality, availability, presence, and listening, 7 days a week. In these challenging times, we are called to extend our hearts and hands to those in need. This project has become an URGENCY for Lebanon and the Middle East! Thank you for helping us bring it to life. ------------------- En cette période de crise économique et régionale, marquée par des difficultés financières croissantes, des tensions sociales et un besoin accru de soutien communautaire, il est plus crucial que jamais pour nous d'agir ! "A Toi Marie" est un havre d'amour et de paix, haut lieu de Prière et de Rencontre. Notre centre propose : Un espace où chacun peut beneficier d'un accueil chaleureux et d'une écoute empathique. Un centre offrant des opportunités de développement dans différents aspects de la vie. Un espace agréable et ouvert où nos enfants peuvent se sentir rassurés, réconfortés et redécouvrir la joie de vivre. Un havre de paix où nos jeunes peuvent se sentir entendus et guidés dans leurs aspirations. Une oasis d'amour, de soutien et de conseil pour les familles en quête de repos et de renouveau spirituel. Un refuge pour les peuples du Moyen-Orient de toutes les religions, qui ont soif d’espérance et qui désirent approfondir leur foi et nourrir leurs racines spirituelles. Avec Marie et par Marie, nous nous efforçons d'incarner l'AMOUR au cœur du monde à travers notre hospitalité, notre disponibilité, notre présence et notre écoute, 7 jours sur 7. En ces temps difficiles, nous sommes appelés à ouvrir nos cœurs et nos mains à ceux qui en ont besoin. Ce projet est devenu une URGENCE pour le Liban et le Moyen-Orient ! Merci de nous aider à le réaliser.

$4,035 raised Of $500,000