
أنقذوا كيتي عقل
حالة مستعجلة حالة حياة ام موت وضع صحي يتدهور بسرعة للفنانة خاتوم تاتيوسيان عقل المعروفة بكيتي عقل،تحتاج لدخول سريع للمستشفى وإجراء تحاليل وصور دقيقة الحالة crps+allodynia. تدهورت ١٨٠درجة لم تعد قادرة على الكتابة او النحت او الرسم او العمل او الوقوف .ساعدوها ابعد الله عنكم كل ضيق وشر وابتلاءهناك حاجة إلى تمويل طبي عاجل لدعم الفنانة اللبنانية خاتوم أوهانيس تاتيوسيان، المعروفة باسم كيتي عقل، والتي اتخذت حياتها منعطفًا مدمرًا بسبب مشاكل طبية غير متوقعة تفاقمت بسبب مضاعفات ما بعد الجراحة. تم تشخيص إصابة كاتي باعتلال الأعصاب الليفي الصغير والالودينيا والcrps التي تهدد حياتها. "ما يهمني هو أن أتعافى وأعود إلى قلمي وكتابتي ونحتي وفني الجميل." تشتهر كيتي بموهبتها الاستثنائية وأيضًا بروحها الطيبة والخيرة. لقد استخدمت فنها لإلهام الآخرين والارتقاء بهم، وكرست نفسها للعديد من القضايا الخيرية ومساعدة المحتاجين قبل أن تؤثر صحتها. نقلتها حالة الطوارئ الطبية إلى ألمانيا حيث عانت من الاحتيال المالي والمزيد من التدهور. لقد عادت الآن إلى لبنان وهي بحاجة إلى تمويل لإجراء فحوصاتها الطبية العاجلة والعلاجات والأدوية. نحن نسعى للحصول على دعمكم وكرمكم لضمان حصول كيتي على الرعاية الطبية التي تحتاجها بشدة. مساهمتك، مهما كانت صغيرة، ستحدث فرقًا كبيرًا في حياتها. ولن يزودها هذا المشروع بالوسائل اللازمة للحصول على العلاجات الطبية الأساسية فحسب، بل سيوفر لها أيضًا الأمل والقوة لمواصلة رحلتها الفنية للتبرع على رقم حسابها الخاص: 5186490660737691 أو على https://fundahope.com/campaigns/ankthoa-kyty-aakl ابعدكم الله عن كل شرهناك حاجة إلى تمويل طبي عاجل لدعم الفنانة اللبنانية خاتوم أوهانيس تاتيوسيان، المعروفة باسم كيتي عقل، والتي اتخذت حياتها منعطفًا مدمرًا بسبب مشاكل طبية غير متوقعة تفاقمت بسبب مضاعفات ما بعد الجراحة. تم تشخيص إصابة كاتي باعتلال الأعصاب الليفي الصغير والالودينيا والcrps التي تهدد حياتها. "ما يهمني هو أن أتعافى وأعود إلى قلمي وكتابتي ونحتي وفني الجميل." تشتهر كيتي بموهبتها الاستثنائية وأيضًا بروحها الطيبة والخيرة. لقد استخدمت فنها لإلهام الآخرين والارتقاء بهم، وكرست نفسها للعديد من القضايا الخيرية ومساعدة المحتاجين قبل أن تؤثر صحتها. نقلتها حالة الطوارئ الطبية إلى ألمانيا حيث عانت من الاحتيال المالي والمزيد من التدهور. لقد عادت الآن إلى لبنان وهي بحاجة إلى تمويل لإجراء فحوصاتها الطبية العاجلة والعلاجات والأدوية. نحن نسعى للحصول على دعمكم وكرمكم لضمان حصول كيتي على الرعاية الطبية التي تحتاجها بشدة. مساهمتك، مهما كانت صغيرة، ستحدث فرقًا كبيرًا في حياتها. ولن يزودها هذا المشروع بالوسائل اللازمة للحصول على العلاجات الطبية الأساسية فحسب، بل سيوفر لها أيضًا الأمل والقوة لمواصلة رحلتها الفنية للتبرع على رقم حسابها الخاص: 5186490660737691 أو على https://fundahope.com/campaigns/ankthoa-kyty-aakl ابعدكم الله عن كل شروقت الناس بتنتقد شكلك اللي تغير كتير عالمرض والأدوية والتجارب السريرية ومعاناة سنين وگأنه ذنبك ما تزعل ولا تختنق تذكر انو رب السما كان عاطيك نعم كتير ما عندن ياها ،ويمكن وعا قد هالنعم ثقل صليبك.شكرهن بطيبة وقول ربنا لا يجربكن ولا يفرجيكن معاناتي اليومية.الرب أراد لتكن مشيئته. مش قادر تكون حبة مسكن ما تكون أساس الوجع.إرحموا من في الأرض يرحمكم من في السماء.

$3,325 raised of $20,000


A Warm Touch
Help us in supporting 100 families during this winter. With the winter season approaching, the residents of Lebanon are wondering what their situation will be like in the coming months, especially with the rise in fuel prices and the absence of electricity, and how they will provide means of heating, especially with an expectation of a harsh winter to hit us this year. In southern Lebanon, from its coast to its remote mountain villages, extreme cold sets in, turning the blessings of winter into a difficulty that deepens the suffering of poor families. Here comes the importance of our humanitarian work, which aims to support Lebanese, Palestinian & Syrian families in Lebanon during the winter in light of their increasing needs, limited capabilities, and lack of resources. Therefore, We, Rahma Center for Community Services ask for your support to implement this project by distributing dry food baskets, diesel fuel for heating, blankets, heaters, and woolen clothing sets for children. Lebanon Recent Statistics: • The inflation rate in Lebanon has increased to 268.78%, and the rise in high prices has reached food prices, with the inflation rate reaching 349.98%. • Poverty has dominated 80% of Lebanon’s population, 4 years after it entered a wave of multifaceted crises. • 56% of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are unemployed, and Lebanese law prevents Palestinians from working in more than 90 professions in Lebanon. • The Lebanese currency lost more than 95% of its value during the economic crisis. • Meteorologist Father Elie Khneisser revealed that the winter of 2024 will be the harshest in a hundred years. Targeted Group & Total cost: Lebanese, Syrian & Palestinian refugees (in south of Lebanon); Heaters, Food parcels, blankets, diesel (fuel), blankets, scarfs, winter hats, gloves, socks. 100 families (500 people) beneficiaries for a total cost of 13,578$ We thank you very much and hope to receive your support soon, Rahma Center for Community Services - Lebanon Visit our Website: https://rahmacenter-lb.org/home?lang=en

$0 raised of $13,578


🚨Urgent Marguerite's CAR T Cell Operation 🚨
Dear friends, family, and all concerned about Margerite's case, We want to update you that Margerite's travel date has been rescheduled for Friday, February 23rd. Unfortunately, due to insufficient funds, she was unable to travel for her operation. We are committed to covering all expenses this week. However, we still require $27,000 for the medical expenses incurred at Aubmc, the hospital where she received treatment, and an additional $50,000 for the upcoming operation abroad. Today, Margerite underwent her last chemotherapy session, and the doctors emphasized the urgency of the car T-cell operation scheduled for Friday. This procedure is crucial and the only way to save her life. Your support is vital in ensuring Margerite receives the care she desperately needs. Please consider contributing to her cause. We still need $77,000 to cover all expenses for Marguerite's urgent car T-cell operation. Your financial contribution or sharing of the fundraiser link can make a significant difference. 🙏 Donation Methods: 1. Donate here: https://fundahope.com/campaigns/help-marguerite-fight-cancer 2. For international donations, visit: gofundme.com/f/medical-emergency-support-needed 3. For alternative contributions (OMT, WhishMoney, or cash), please contact: - Eliane Gharios: 71-837877 - Lena Boyajian (Marguerite's Mother): 03-563 447 - Teddy Zadour Khajadourian: 71-258 821 Your kindness is greatly appreciated. Thank you for supporting Margerite's journey to recovery. 🌟

$32,135 raised of $77,000


Urgent Help for Lebanese Civil Defense Volunteers
URGENT APPEAL Many young civil defense fighter’s lives have been lost due to the lack of basic gear (fire-resistant protective costumes and shoes). 2,000 new volunteers have joined the Lebanese Civil Defense as of this summer but remain unequipped with protective gear. Brave volunteers of the Lebanese civil defense are facing perilous situations as they put their lives on the line to protect communities from fires, explosions, and the effects of climate change. As you may already be aware, the Lebanese civil defense volunteers, in their unwavering dedication, work to safeguard their fellow citizens from fire hazards and other emergencies. However, they are confronted with numerous challenges, including a lack of critical equipment that protects them from fire, such as special protective outfits as well as shoes for fires. Additionally, they lack the resources needed to effectively combat fires, particularly in forested areas, due to the absence of a UTV+ Ultra high water, that can drive over the rubble or in forest fires, Pumps (Portable Wild fire water pumps). The gravity of the situation is compounded by the adverse effects of climate change, which have intensified fire incidents, making firefighting efforts even more arduous. Furthermore, the haunting memories of the tragic explosions in Beirut have left the civil defense volunteers on high alert, especially while courageously perform their duties. Regrettably, the government's support to the Lebanese civil defense remains insufficient, leaving them with primitive equipment that jeopardizes their safety and effectiveness in responding to emergencies. In light of these challenges, we humbly appeal to your esteemed organization for help and support. Your expertise in disaster relief and firefighting is invaluable, and your assistance could significantly improve the safety and efficiency of the Lebanese civil defense's operations. We kindly request your organization to consider providing the following essential fire protection equipment for the Lebanese civil defense: 1. Special Shoes for Firefighters: Fire-resistant footwear to shield volunteers from extreme heat and hazardous conditions. 2. Protective Costumes: Heat-reflective clothing, helmets, gloves, and goggles, to safeguard volunteers during firefighting operations. 3. UTV + Ultra High Water Pump, that drives over rubble. 4. Portable wild fire water pumps 5. in addition to other equipments that are going to be shared later, images, estimated costs as well as with the quantity needed. Your support can make a tremendous difference in saving lives and protecting communities from devastating fires. We are open to collaborating with your organization to ensure the proper distribution and utilization of the donated equipment, ensuring maximum impact. Attached, you will find detailed information about the current situation, the specific needs of the Lebanese civil defense, due to the economical crisis in Lebanon.. We sincerely hope that you will take our appeal into consideration and extend your compassionate support to this noble cause. Thank you for your time and consideration. Should you require any further information or wish to discuss this matter in detail, please do not hesitate to contact us. Together, we can bring hope and safety to the courageous volunteers of the Lebanese civil defense. With heartfelt gratitude, President of Rotary Club Beirut Liberty

$500 raised of $120,000


The Sunflower theater will shine again
THE SUNFLOWER A CULTURAL LANDMARK OF BEIRUT, LEBANON, AND THE REGION. On July 6, 2023, a fire ravaged and destroyed The Sunflower main entrance. The smoke also spread beyond the entrance and severely damaged the rest of the space. Everything in it either needs to be replaced or deep cleaned. The Sunflower is an indispensable hub for the youth, and its activities include incubations, productions, disseminations, festivals, workshops, seminars, debates, and exchanges at the local, regional and international levels. Immediate action is needed to put the space back on its feet. It can not reopen to the large public without repairing the following damage caused by the fire: A- The whole space needs deep cleaning. B- The main entrance needs the below: 1- Removal of all the destroyed items including the false ceiling, the cafeteria, the furniture, etc… 2- Repairing the main doors. 3- Replacing the floor tiles. 4- Deep cleaning the stairs. 5- Repairing the elevator mainly used by persons with mobility impairments. 6- Designing a new look for the entrance. 7- Installing a new electrical system (Electrical box, circuit breaker, cables, etc) 8- Installing a new lighting system. 9- Installing a new air conditioning system. 10- Installing new security cameras. 11- Installing new signage – indoors and outdoors 12- Painting the walls. 13- Repairing the ceiling. 14- Redecorating the main entrance. 15- Buying furniture for the cafeteria. 16- Buying a Fridge, a Coffee machine and other items for the cafeteria. 17- Installing a new automatic fire extinguisher in the main entrance and the theater (The theatre is equipped with a fire extinguishing system; it is however advised to replace the old one after a fire). 18- Installing new smoke and fire sensors. The Sunflower was established by SHAMS in 2005. Since its creation in 1999, SHAMS, The Cultural Cooperative Association for Youth in Theatre and Cinema, has faced one challenge after another, including technical, cultural, or even security, economic and social challenges. Thus far, the association was able to overcome all obstacles and hardships it was forced to face in Lebanon for the past 24 years and remain open and functional. In the fall of 1999, SHAMS' activities were launched, while Lebanon was still suffering from the Israeli occupation, the Syrian influence, and the difficulties of finding spaces for artistic expression. SHAMS sought to attract Lebanese youth from various regions by providing artistic and technical capabilities and creating the appropriate atmosphere to facilitate cultural exchange between young men and women belonging to different cities and factions forming the Lebanese society. Festivals and forums were the way to facilitate the meeting of the other coming from "afar". This meeting, which many feared, managed to create an artistic and cultural movement that imposed itself on the local, regional, and international levels. The "SHAMS Youth Festival" became the focus of the cultural and artistic movement and the meeting place for Lebanese youth to meet with one another and with regional and international artists. SHAMS was able, with modest means, to overcome the despair prevailing at that time. The doors were opened for young men and women who, with the direct and indirect help of SHAMS, launched their own projects or institutions - some of which are still alive and effective in the artistic and social scene to this day. The SHAMS Association, after running the Beirut theater for five years, and in response to the artistic and cultural need of the time, responded to the desire of young men and women active in the field and opened “The Sunflower Cultural Space” in the fall of 2005. This space, which today stands as one of the country’s few cultural landmarks still in operation, contains two performance halls, an exhibition hall, and two multipurpose studios. The Sunflower also currently hosts four associations: Khayal, ICARE, Koon and the Caravan, as well as the Art School (art activities and workshops for children). In order to be able to open the first independent cultural space, SHAMS had to face financial and ethical challenges. At that time, some of the employees of SHAMS agreed to not receive a salary for a specific period of almost 5 years, and SHAMS was able to obtain a bank loan equivalent to three times its annual budget. The loan was repaid in five years. The space, which itself became the main project of SHAMS, faced several challenges like many other Lebanese cultural projects, the most important of which were: the assassination of Rafik Hariri (2005), the July War (2006), bombings and assassinations - Beirut (2007), the closure of Beirut (2008), the tense political / security situation (2010), The beginning of the events in Syria (2011), the suicide bombings in the suburbs of Beirut (2014), the October 17 revolution (2019), the Covid-19 epidemic, the Beirut Blast (2020) and the Tayouneh Incident (October 2021). All these events negatively affected SHAMS’ financial capabilities, but they acted as a moral impetus which doubled down on the importance of keeping this association as an active member in Lebanese society, with the Sunflower being its central hub for cultural encounters and artistic expression. SHAMS organizes and implements cultural projects in several Lebanese regions. SHAMS cooperates with many Lebanese, Syrian, Egyptian, Jordanian, Palestinian associations (in Lebanon - the Palestinian Authority), French, Italian, etc... SHAMS is also a founding member of the Tamasi Collective (www.tamasicollective.org). The audience of SHAMS is a melting pot of genders, ages, and socio-economic backgrounds. SHAMS offers most of the cultural services and shows, either free of charge or at nominal prices. For example, SHAMS always offers the theater space for the senior projects of the students of the Theater Department at the Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture \ Lebanese University for a whole month free of charge. SHAMS has an important archive and plays an exceptional role in spreading the memory of the Lebanese theater and evaluating it through recorded works, interviews, special recordings and films… In conclusion, culture and art constitute a fundamental axis for building civilizations. And SHAMS, through its participation in local, regional, and international forums, looks forward to setting long-term policies to meet the cultural and artistic needs and aspirations of Lebanese youth in particular and Arab youth in general, which contributes to the development of societies and the consolidation of civilizations.

$6,995 raised of $60,000