تطلق جمعية درب عكار حملة التبرع السنوية لصالح فريق درب عكار لمكافحة حرائق الغابات والانقاذ، آملين في الوصل الى الهدف المنشود بتأمين الحدّ الادنى من تكاليف التشغيل والصيانة لتلبية مهام مكافحة حرائق الغابات ضمن محافظة عكار وأي منطقة اخرى تحتاج المساندة.
علماً ان هذه التكلفة تقدر بحوالي 15000$ سنوياً.
وقد اعدّ الفريق خطة متكاملة كما في كل سنة، بالامكان الاطلاع عليها عبر الرابط ادناه:
The Akkar Trail Association launches its annual donation campaign for the benefit of the Akkar Trail Team for Forest Fire Management and Rescue operations. We hope to achieve the desired goal by securing the minimum operating and maintenance costs to fulfill the mission of fighting forest fires in the Akkar province and any other region in need of support. The estimated cost for this is about $15,000 annually. The team has prepared a comprehensive plan as every year, which can be accessed through the following link:
Beavo, yaatikoun el affie. Good job, keep up the good work!
Alfred Farwagi
Donated 100 $
The efforts and determination of the Akkar Trail Team are immense and should be used as a benchmark for all of Lebanon. May God bless you and protect our beautiful forests.
The fundahope platform, its founders and coworkers do not have any direct or indirect link with the purpose and the content of the posted fundraisers.
Thank you for submitting your report. At fundahope we take your concerns very seriously. We will investigate in the content of your report and take the right action when our investigations are over.
Rania Bejjani
Donated 90 $
Beavo, yaatikoun el affie. Good job, keep up the good work!
Alfred Farwagi
Donated 100 $
The efforts and determination of the Akkar Trail Team are immense and should be used as a benchmark for all of Lebanon. May God bless you and protect our beautiful forests.