Join our political movement and contribute to the Al Metn lal Nes campaign as we collectively engage in the fight to try and change the current political and economic system and its institutions.
Al Metn lal Nes is a progressive, democratic & participatory electoral campaign, one that has brought together all those who wish to engage in elections as a mean to stand up to the ruling system and rotten political establishment. Our campaign consists of individuals who share common progressive values and are concerned with reflecting the interests of the people.
We view elections as a tool to increase political interest and a platform to propagate our values, and vision and to build wider support at the grassroot level. That is one of the battlegrounds, we wish to seek to strengthen our collective ability to fight and protest the ruling system.
Our choice to participate in elections is rooted in our belief in being politically engaged and serves as an opportunity to undermine the legitimacy and power of the ruling regime.
Your donation is greatly appreciated and will help cover the following expenses (electoral office costs, call center, logistical needs from printing costs to graphic design and all other media related costs)
Support our candidate Lucien Bou Rjeily:
- Writer and film director.
-MBA from ESA - ESCP/EAP and MFA in filmmaking (Loyola Marymount Los Angeles)
-University teacher at AUB.
-Political activist.
-His aim in running in the elections is to push for the establishment of a civil, secular state in Lebanon, a just state in which the judiciary is effective and independent, and that guarantees social justice and basic rights for all.
شاركوا معنا المواجهة السياسيّة، كونوا بتبرعكم لحملة "المتن للنّاس" شركاء في عملية التّغيير، ومرحلة العبور إلى الدّولة.
حملة "المتن للنّاس" مبادرة تمّ إطلاقها لتكون ملتقى لكلّ من يريد أن يستفيد من الإنتخابات كأداة لمواجهة المنظومة وأركانها. يشكل الحملة مجموعة من الأفراد الذين يتشاركون همًا رئيسيًا هو الانحياز إلى مصالح النّاس.
نرى الانتخابات وسيلة لتكثيف الاهتمام السياسيّ، ولجعلها محطّة من محطات متعدّدة سنخوضها لتوسيع القاعدة الشّعبيّة المنخرطة بالعمل السّياسيّ، مما يساهم بتقوية قدرة المجتمع على مواجهة الانهيار وكل أشكال وأوجه المنظومة.
خيار خوض الانتخابات هو خيار الانخراط بالتّغيير ومناسبة للمساهمة بتقويض شرعيّة وسطوة أركان الحكم على حياة النّاس.
هكذا تكون التّشاركيّة في التّمويل، إعلانًا واضحًا عن الشفافيّة الماليّة واتكال على مساهمة النّاس. بذلك حملتنا للناس ومن الناس ليس بالعنوان وحده.
نحتاج دعمكم لتمويل الحملة الإنتخابيّة، يشمل هذا التّمويل (كلفة اللّقاءات، ومركز الاتصالات، وللّوازم اللّوجستيّة من مواصلات وكلفة الطباعة والإعلام)
إدعموا مرشّحنا على لائحة "نحو الدّولة"، لوسيان بو رجيلي:
• حائز على ماجيستير في ادارة الاعمال من جامعة ال ESA - ESCP/EAP
• حائز على ماجيستير في صناعة الافلام من جامعة لويولا ماريمونت في لوس انجلس، كاليفورنيا.
• أستاذ جامعيّ محاضر في الجامعة الاميركيّة في بيروت.
• كاتب ومخرج مسرحيّ/ سينمائيّ.
• ناشط سياسيّ، برز منذ حراك ٢٠١٥ حتّى اليوم.
• يهدف من خوض الانتخابات الى السعي لقيام دولة مدنيّة علمانيّة في لبنان، دولة عادلة يكون القضاء فيها فاعل ومستقل، وتضمن العدالة الاجتماعيّة والحقوق الاساسيّة للجميع.
Al Metn Lal Nes
Donated 50 $
I voted already for zahle but I can’t wait to see u guys take them out! Best of luck!
Donated 25 $
I wish i can still vote in metn district. I got married and vote in bekaa now. But i support you and you represent me. Tomorrow will be a glory whatever the results are you are the real fighters and our only hope.
Donated 55 $
Good luck 💜
Donated 1,600 $
Wissam Bechara
Donated 100 $
Thank you for giving us hope! We believe in you and your list
Abdul salam Aboude
Donated 50 $
Ziad El chantiry
Donated 100 $
I’m donating because I believe we need transparent and ballsy people like you that will call them all out on their bullshit. Thank you,
Donated 100 $
نحو الدولة✊🏻❤️
Donated 100 $
Sami Fansa
Donated 100 $
Always liked your message and the way debate
Please push all other candidates to the following
1) clear agenda in point form online website
2) willing to resign if agenda not met or they don’t allow you to work by naming who and why you
Thank you and good luck
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Thank you for submitting your report. At fundahope we take your concerns very seriously. We will investigate in the content of your report and take the right action when our investigations are over.
Donated 50 $
I voted already for zahle but I can’t wait to see u guys take them out! Best of luck!
Donated 25 $
I wish i can still vote in metn district. I got married and vote in bekaa now. But i support you and you represent me. Tomorrow will be a glory whatever the results are you are the real fighters and our only hope.
Donated 55 $
Good luck 💜
Donated 1,600 $
Wissam Bechara
Donated 100 $
Thank you for giving us hope! We believe in you and your list
Abdul salam Aboude
Donated 50 $
Ziad El chantiry
Donated 100 $
I’m donating because I believe we need transparent and ballsy people like you that will call them all out on their bullshit. Thank you,
Donated 100 $
نحو الدولة✊🏻❤️
Donated 100 $
Sami Fansa
Donated 100 $
Always liked your message and the way debate Please push all other candidates to the following 1) clear agenda in point form online website 2) willing to resign if agenda not met or they don’t allow you to work by naming who and why you Thank you and good luck