CPPR - is a Career Path and Professional Readiness orientation program for youths between 15 and 25 years old in Arabic (student's mother tongue).
It aims at building on student's X-factor and helping them grow their skills and potential through proper educational opportunities.
Our mission is to avoid drop outs and direct brilliant potentials towards a successful future with what brings added-value to their communities, economies and mostly a rewarding career for themselves.
We are bridging the gap between SDG#4 and SDG#8 and create accordingly sustainability among more than 10 other SDGs as a result.
Our mission covers every students interested in the program and can benefit.
We are launching this campaign for students whose schools are not offering this service and didn't have the chance to be selected for a similar program with other providers. Our target is to be able to deliver to at least 100 students in this Summer Camp. Help us raise the needed funds to guide them through the experiences and tools we wish we had when we graduated from schools.
Sandra BouHanna
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