Offering a Helping HEART - TIME TO ACT

Solidarity with Lebanon

Offering a Helping HEART - TIME TO ACT
Since 2019, Lebanon has been enduring one of the world’s worst economic crises, marked by a collapsing infrastructure, political paralysis, and widespread corruption. The healthcare sector has been severely affected, with over 70% of the population now lacking access to essential medications and more than half without healthcare coverage. Six Primary Health Care Centers have already closed due to insecurity, and the use of white phosphorus bombs has added to the devastation. The situation has been further exacerbated by recent Israel hostilities and carpet bombing all over Lebanon, claiming the lives of more than 2,000 people and displacing around ONE MILLION people. MedGlobal has been on the ground since 2018, providing essential healthcare services and responding to evolving needs, including supporting healthcare facilities in the Beqaa region, launching a home healthcare program in Beirut, and establishing Lebanon’s first mobile mental health clinic. For more details, visit: In light of escalating hostilities and the strained healthcare system, MedGlobal is partnering with the Lebanese Ministry of Health (MoH) to establish the Health Emergency Administration & Response Team (HEART). This includes deploying a mobile medical unit to distribute essential medications directly to shelters in Beirut, North, and Beqaa. This initiative will ensure that displaced families, particularly those with chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and asthma, receive the care they need. We will partner with local pharmacies, health authorities, and community healthcare providers to source and distribute these medications tailored to the specific needs of the displaced population. With your support, we can significantly expand our impact and reach more people in need. Lebanon needs us. DONATE and SHARE.

$2,000 raised Of $10,000

Hot Meals for Displaced Families in Lebanon

Solidarity with Lebanon

Hot Meals for Displaced Families in Lebanon
In response to the ongoing Israeli war on Lebanon, many families have been forced to flee their homes due to relentless bombardment in Beirut's southern suburb, the Bekaa Valley, and southern Lebanon. Seeking safety, they have found refuge in more secure areas. As of September 27, 2024, thousands of people have sought shelter in the Metn region, located northeast of Beirut. As food and beverage operators in the Metn area, we feel a deep responsibility to support our community through food. We are fundraising to source food and necessary supplies to provide hot meals to the families that are already here and to those who continue to arrive. We will be preparing the meals from our kitchen at Qortoba Baabdat, for those who want to collaborate feel free to reach out for coordination; [email protected] or +961 70 461 375 وجبات ساخنة للعائلات النازحة في لبنان ردًا على العدوان الإسرائيلي المستمر، اضطرت العديد من العائلات إلى الفرار من منازلها في ضاحية بيروت، ووادي البقاع، وجنوب لبنان، بحثًا عن ملجأ في المتن، وهي منطقة تقع شمال شرق بيروت، حيث جاء الآلاف من الأفراد للاحتماء اعتبارًا من 27 سبتمبر 2024. بصفتنا مشغلين للمواد الغذائية والمشروبات في منطقة المتن، نشعر بمسؤولية عميقة لدعم مجتمعنا الأوسع من خلال الغذاء. نحن نعمل على جمع التبرعات لتوفير الغذاء والإمدادات الضرورية لتوفير وجبات ساخنة للعائلات الموجودة هنا وللذين يستمرون في الوصول. سنقوم بإعداد الوجبات من مطبخنا في قرطبة بعبدات، ولمن يريد التعاون فلا تتردد في التواصل للتنسيق [email protected] or +961 70 461 375 ***UPDATES*** 1/10/2024: 50 Meals dispatched to displaced families in Jamil Lahoud High School 2/10/2024: 60 Meals dispatched to displaced families in Jamil Lahoud High School

$5,104 raised Of $60,000