Rescue neglected Lebanese displaced families!

Solidarity with Lebanon

Rescue neglected Lebanese displaced families!
Lebanon is currently facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. Thousands of families have been displaced due to ongoing conflicts and economic instability. These families, many of whom include vulnerable children and elderly, are in desperate need of basic necessities such as blankets, food, and sanitary supplies. Your generous donation can make a significant difference in their lives. Why Your Help is Crucial: Immediate Need: Displaced families are struggling to find shelter and warmth as winter approaches. Many are living in makeshift shelters without adequate protection from the cold. Basic Necessities: Access to food and sanitary supplies is limited, putting these families at risk of malnutrition and disease. Human Dignity: Providing these essentials helps restore a sense of dignity and hope to those who have lost so much. How Your Donation Will Be Used: $20: Provides a warm blanket for a family. $50: Supplies a family with a week's worth of food. $100: Ensures a family has sanitary supplies for a month. $200: Covers the cost of essential supplies for a family for an entire month. Our Commitment: We are committed to transparency and accountability. Every dollar you donate will go directly towards purchasing and distributing these essential items to displaced families in Lebanon. We work closely with local organizations to ensure that aid reaches those who need it most. How You Can Help: Donate: Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a difference. Share: Spread the word about our campaign on social media and with your network. Thank you for your generosity and compassion.

$0 raised Of $8,200

Help Lebanon Now: Shelter, Food & Essentials

Solidarity with Lebanon

Help Lebanon Now: Shelter, Food & Essentials
I am reaching out with an urgent appeal to support the people of Lebanon, who are currently facing a devastating crisis. Thousands of families have been displaced, and many are now living on the streets, with no shelter, food, or basic necessities. I have decided to start a fundraiser, with all money collected going directly to activists on the ground who are helping these families in real time. These are trusted Lebanese volunteers and influencers who have stepped up to provide immediate relief by: Relocating families from the streets into public schools for temporary shelter Gathering and distributing food and cleaning supplies Preparing healthy meals for displaced families Providing basic essentials like mattresses and pillows Supporting access to medicine and sanitary products for women and children This is not an official NGO campaign—the funds will go directly to a secure bank account in Lebanon, ensuring immediate use for those in need. I understand many of us have donated to larger organizations like the UN in the past, but sadly, we’ve seen that aid through large NGOs often takes too long to reach those who need it most. The donations raised will go directly to support over 50 public schools in Tripoli and Baalbek/Bekaa where around 90,000 displaced people—including children and the elderly—are seeking refuge. You can monitor the impact of your donations by following the real-time updates and stories shared by the volunteers on their Instagram accounts Tripoli : @ghadscout.tripoli/ @chabab.fihom.Kher Baalback/Bekaa : @ismaelmahmoudpersonal,@chefsalhab,@Lost_lb This is a grassroots effort by people who are on the ground right now, responding to the crisis as it unfolds. Your donations will make a direct impact. Time is of the essence—people are literally on the streets and need our help now. Any amount you can contribute will go a long way toward providing shelter, food, and basic necessities to those who have lost everything. Thank you for your compassion and support during this critical time.

$685 raised Of $20,000

Lebanon relief-emergency Feild center

Solidarity with Lebanon

Lebanon relief-emergency Feild center
Equipping a field emergency center In light of the worsening humanitarian crisis resulting from the ongoing aggression on Lebanon, the need to provide aid and support to those affected is growing. With the deterioration of economic and social conditions, the unemployment and poverty rates in the Palestinian camps and gatherings in Lebanon have reached about 85%. According to statistics from the Lebanese Ministry of Health, approximately 500,000 people have been displaced, with approximately 7,000 injuries and more than 1,000 deaths recorded. These numbers reflect the scale of the humanitarian disaster that requires immediate intervention to provide health care for the injured and wounded. The project comes as a necessary response to provide first aid and health care to the injured, whether Lebanese or Palestinians, who were directly affected by the ongoing aggression in the Bekaa and Baalbek regions in eastern Lebanon. The project consists of: equipping two buildings with medical supplies to become a field emergency center. The medical equipment includes: a medical examination bed, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) equipment, blood pressure monitors, heart rate monitors, ventilators, electric shock devices (AED), bandages, splints, and disinfection tools, fracture fixation tools, simple surgical tools, painkillers and antibiotics, emergency medications, medical solutions and intravenous fluids, masks and personal protective equipment (PPE), medical gloves, masks, and sterilizers.  The increasing aggression on Lebanon and the expansion of targeting civilians in the Bekaa and Baalbek.  The collapse of the Lebanese health system and the inability of hospitals to accommodate the wounded.  The increasing number of injured, displaced, and those in need of medical care Emergency.  Severe shortage of field medical equipment and supplies. Improving the care of the injured and reducing mortality rates, reducing health damage, health security and rapid response to any emergency. تجهيز مركز طوارئ ميداني في ظل الأزمة الإنسانية المتفاقمة نتيجة العدوان المستمر على لبنان، تتعاظم الحاجة إلى تقديم العون والدعم للمتضررين. ومع تدهور الأوضاع الاقتصادية والاجتماعية، فقد بلغت نسبة البطالة والفقر في المخيمات والتجمعات الفلسطينية في لبنان نحو 85%. ووفقاً لإحصائيات وزارة الصحة اللبنانية، نزح ما يقارب 500000 شخص، مع تسجيل ما يقارب 7000 إصابة وأكثر من 1000 حالة وفاة. هذه الأرقام تعكس حجم الكارثة الإنسانية التي تستوجب التدخل الفوري لتأمين الرعاية الصحية للمصابين والجرحى. يأتي المشروع " كاستجابة ضرورية لتقديم الإسعافات الأولية والرعاية الصحية للمصابين، سواء من اللبنانيين أو الفلسطينيين، الذين تأثروا بشكل مباشر بالعدوان المستمر منطقة البقاع وبعلبك شرق لبنان. المشروع عبارة عن: تجهيز مبنى عدد 2 بالمستلزمات الطبية ليصبحا مركزا طوارئ ميداني، التجهيزات الطبية تشمل: سرير طبي للفحص، معدات الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي (CPR)، أجهزة قياس الضغط، أجهزة مراقبة معدل نبضات القلب، أجهزة تنفس صناعي، أجهزة صدمات كهربائية (AED)، الضمادات، الجبائر، وأدوات التطهير، أدوات تثبيت الكسور، والأدوات الجراحية البسيطة، مسكنات الألم والمضادات الحيوية، أدوية الطوارئ، محاليل طبية وسوائل وريدي، أقنعة وأدوات الوقاية الشخصية (PPE)، القفازات الطبية، الكمامات، والمعقمات.  العدوان المتزايد على لبنان والتوسع في استهداف المدنيين في البقاع وبعلبك.  انهيار النظام الصحي اللبناني وعجز المستشفيات عن استيعاب الجرحى.  تزايد أعداد المصابين، المهجرين، والمحتاجين للرعاية الطبية الطارئة.  نقص كبير في التجهيزات والمعدات الطبية الميدانية. تحسين رعاية المصابين وتقليل معدلات الوفيات، تقليل الأضرار الصحية، الأمن الصحي والاستجابة السريعة لأي حالة طارئة.

$0 raised Of $15,000

Lebanese Refugees Support Kaa

Solidarity with Lebanon

Lebanese Refugees Support Kaa
Support Lebanese Refugees in Kaa Village Help Us Provide Dignity and Hope to Those in Need In Kaa village, approximately 3,000 Lebanese refugees are facing unimaginable hardships. As they seek shelter and safety, their basic needs for food, water, hygiene, and medical care remain unmet. CLAC-Kaa, an organization under the Kaa municipality, is dedicated to coordinating with NGOs to deliver essential support, but the escalating crisis in Lebanon has made this task more challenging than ever. Your contribution can make a tangible difference in the lives of these families. With your help, we can ensure they have access to the fundamental necessities that every person deserves. Every donation, no matter how small, helps us provide: Nutritious Food: Ensure no one goes hungry during these trying times. Clean Water: Access to safe drinking water is crucial for health and survival. Hygiene Products: Help maintain dignity with essential hygiene items. Medical Care: Support for urgent health needs within the shelters. Together, we can bring hope and relief to those who have lost so much. Your generosity will help us offer a glimmer of hope in these dark days. Join us in making a difference—donate today to support the refugees in Kaa village and help restore their dignity. Stay connected and follow our journey: Donate now and stand in solidarity with those who need it most. Thank you for your compassion and support.

$97 raised Of $10,000

Rescue Lebanon

Solidarity with Lebanon

Rescue Lebanon
How Your Donation Can Help the People of Lebanon, In response to the war on Lebanon, Ahlouna Association is providing humanitarian assistance and delivering essential emergency aid to those most affected by the displacement whether in collective shelters or households. Ahlouna Association is on the ground in Saida, providing hot meals, food parcels, clean water, blankets, mattresses, infant formula (up to age of 1 year), diapers for children, the elderly and PWD, and chronic medications to displaced families and their host communities in Saida, where thousands seek refuge. In addition to that, Ahlouna Association is supporting the collective shelters the level of WaSH by installing water tanks, providing maintenance work for toilets, showers and water filters. Ahlouna is providing its hot meals from its social enterprise project “Ahlouna Cuisine” which is currently operating as a social kitchen. Ahlouna is currently managing 3 collective shelters in Saida for 1,041 IDPs: 1. Al Islah Al Thaniya official school (151 IDPs) 2. Saida Al Mokhtalata Al Qanaye school (132 IDPs) 3. Al Omaniyia official school (415 IDPs) 4. Mihaniyat Saida (343 IDPs) With much of Lebanon's population already struggling due to the prolonged multidimensional crisis, your support is more critical than ever. Your donation can serve as a lifeline, helping ease the burdens on those who have lost so much already. Contribute today to support our life-saving work in Lebanon's hardest-hit communities. AHLOUNA

$14,151 raised Of $50,000

Meals of Hope: For Displaced Families in Lebanon

Solidarity with Lebanon

Meals of Hope: For Displaced Families in Lebanon
Lebanon is going through an incredibly tough time right now, and so many people are in need of help. 💔 Maria Njeim, Karl Barakat and a group of volunteers , we’ve decided to open our doors to prepare meals for those displaced in our community. 🍲❤️ But we can’t do it alone. We’re asking for your support—whether it’s a small donation, ingredients, or your time, anything will make a difference. Together, we can provide warm meals and a little comfort to those who need it most. Let’s stand strong for Lebanon. 🇱🇧 Please reach out if you can help in any way. For any kind of donations and volunteering, please contact Maria Njeim +961 70 343 265 Karl Barakat Phone +961 81 159 719 / WhatsApp +33 614755779 FR : Le Liban traverse actuellement une période incroyablement difficile, et tant de gens ont besoin d'aide. 💔 Avec Maria Njeim, Karl Barakat et un groupe de bénévoles, nous avons décidé d'ouvrir nos portes pour préparer des repas pour les personnes déplacées dans notre communauté. 🍲❤️ Mais nous ne pouvons pas le faire seuls. Nous sollicitons votre soutien - qu'il s'agisse d'un petit don, d'ingrédients ou de votre temps, tout fera la différence. Ensemble, nous pouvons fournir des repas chauds et un peu de réconfort à ceux qui en ont le plus besoin. Soyons forts pour le Liban. 🇱🇧 N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous pouvez nous aider de quelque manière que ce soit. #SupportLebanon #CommunityCare #LaCuisineMaria Pour les dons de nourriture, de produits et le bénévolat, veuillez contacter Maria Njeim +961 70 343 265 Karl Barakat +961 81 159 719 / WhatsApp +33 614755779 Vous pouvez faire un don via OMT Pay, Wish, SendWave, Bob finance, TapTapSend ou Western Union. Les dons peuvent être faits sous mon nom : Maria Njeim ou au numéro suivant : +961 70 343 265 Pour les personnes à l'étranger qui souhaitent faire un don :

$3,735 raised Of $4,000