Darkest days in Lebanon’s history: Help us support

Solidarity with Lebanon

Darkest days in Lebanon’s history: Help us support
Darkest days in Lebanon’s history: Help us support displaced families Lebanon is reeling from one of the deadliest days in the country’s history. At least 500 people were killed by Israeli strikes across the country in less than 24 hours - approximately half the death toll from the 2006 Lebanon-Israel war that lasted 34 days. Entire families have been wiped out at once, entire towns were carpet bombed, residential buildings have been levelled to the ground, medics and ambulances have been targeted, and thousands of Lebanese were expelled from their homes. With the absence of a clear contingency plan by Lebanese authorities, it is crucial for Lebanese people to, once again, stand together in the face of adversity. We need unity and solidarity now more than ever as we all bleed the same. A small contribution can go a long way to help support displaced families in Lebanon today. Please consider donating, and visit @klna.lb for insight on some of our previous aid campaigns in Lebanon KLNA is a volunteer-based initiative founded by young Lebanese to help vulnerable families across the country. In response to this escalating “deliberate” crisis, exacerbated by political mismanagement, a dedicated collective of Lebanese youth, driven by a firm belief in social responsibility, established KLNA in May 2020. This non-profit organization, rallying the support of over 80 volunteers, has made significant strides in alleviating the hardships faced by communities across Lebanon. Through its comprehensive food relief programs, medical campaigns, and financial aid, KLNA has extended a lifeline to over 8,000 families in dire need.

$21,151 raised Of $20,000

Support Urgent Housing & Essentials for Lebanese

Solidarity with Lebanon

Support Urgent Housing & Essentials for Lebanese
Join Us in Making a Difference! We are a group of friends committed to raising funds to cover housing and essential daily needs for individuals in urgent need. Every contribution, no matter the size, can make a meaningful impact. Let’s come together to support as many people as possible—every donation truly counts! Your generous support will help provide: Housing for those without shelter Critical items such as medications, clothing, mattresses, and food These essentials can significantly improve the lives of people facing challenging circumstances. For local donors or those who find it more convenient, you can contact us through Amal Hamdan at +961 3 640 682, and contribute via Wish using the following number: 03640682 Please note: These numbers are strictly for donation purposes. Kindly avoid sending unrelated messages. Thank you for your generosity and support! Together, we can make a real difference! نحن مجموعة من الأصدقاء ملتزمون بجمع التبرعات لتوفير السكن والاحتياجات اليومية الأساسية للأشخاص الذين هم في أمس الحاجة. كل مساهمة، مهما كانت صغيرة، يمكن أن تحدث فرقًا كبيرًا. دعونا نتكاتف لدعم أكبر عدد ممكن من الأشخاص—كل تبرع له تأثير حقيقي! ستساعد مساهمتكم الكريمة في توفير: السكن لمن ليس لديهم مأوى الاحتياجات الأساسية مثل الأدوية، الملابس، المراتب، والطعام هذه الضروريات يمكن أن تحسن بشكل كبير حياة الأشخاص الذين يواجهون ظروفًا صعبة. للتبرعات المحلية أو إذا كان من الأنسب لكم، يمكنكم التواصل معنا عبر أمل حمدان على الرقم +9613640682، والتبرع عبر Wish باستخدام الرقم التالية: 03640682 يرجى ملاحظة: هذه الأرقام مخصصة للتبرعات فقط. نرجو عدم إرسال رسائل غير متعلقة. شكرًا لكم على كرمكم ودعمكم! معًا، يمكننا إحداث فرق حقيقي!

$185 raised Of $50,000

help families affected by the war in Lebanon


help families affected by the war in Lebanon
eng :Due to the expansion of the war on Lebanon, which has affected most of the Lebanese regions, and the recent attacks that have claimed the lives of more than 500 victims, including 50 children and 94 women, and more than 2,500 wounded and a number of missing persons in less than 24 hours, more than 1,000,000 civilians have been forced to leave their homes and villages that were bombed and resort to shelters or sleep on the ground in difficult, inhumane conditions due to the economic crisis that Lebanon has been suffering from for several years. In response to the call of humanity, the Al-Ghad Cultural Social Association is working in cooperation with many activities and frameworks in the local community and movements in the Lebanese regions and Palestinian camps to launch a distress call and a donation campaign with the aim of helping those affected by the war. عربي: بسبب توسع وتيرة الحرب على لبنان التي طالت معظم المناطق اللبنانية والهجمات الاخيرة التي راح ضحيتها أكثر 500 ضحية بينهم 50 طفل و 94 امرأة واكثر من 2500 جريح وعدد من المفقودين خلال اقل من 24 ساعة ،اجبر أكثر من 1.000.000 مواطن مدني ترك بيوتهم وقراهم التي قصفت واللجوء الى مراكز الايواء او افتراش الارض في ظروف صعبة غير انسانية بسبب الازمة الاقتصادية التي يعاني منها لبنان منذ عدة سنين واستجابة لنداء الانسانية, تعمل جمعية الغد الثقافية الاجتماعية بالتعاون مع العديد من الفعاليات والاطر في المجتمع المحلي والحراكات في المناطق اللبنانية والمخيمات الفلسطينية على اطلاق نداء استغاثة وحملة تبرعات بهدف مساعدة المتضررين من الحرب.

$0 raised Of $50,000


Solidarity with Lebanon

We are fundraising to equip Lebanon’s national first responders - The Civil Defense (الدفاع المدني) with essential and life-saving supplies. For a year now, Israel has steadily intensified its air strikes and bombardment of communities in South Lebanon, the Bekaa, and Beirut. We are living through yet another war. Entire families are being killed and children are being left under the rubble for hours. Lebanon’s national first responders are relentless in their commitment to saving lives and attending to the wounded in the aftermath of these attacks. A huge number of them are volunteers. Amidst this war, Lebanon is still crippled by a long-term economic crisis - which means that our first responders have been left with minimal resources: they are missing personal protective equipment, fuel, medical supplies and they can't afford to maintain their most essential rescue equipment. Decades of chronic underfunding by the government means that the Civil Defense’s vehicles and centers are worn out, and - in the worst scenarios place our first responders at risk while they work to save lives **What will this campaign do?** Your donations will be used to purchase equipment and meet the urgent needs of 3 civil defense units: the Civil Defence Units of Bachoura & Ras Beirut (Beirut) and the Civil Defense Unit of Sour (Tyre). One of the critical needs of the Civil Defense Unit in Tyre is a a 4x4 car to be able to reach people buried under the rubble. Our last campaign (https://fundahope.com/en/campaigns/support-the-lebanese-civil-defense) allowed us to: - Purchase two fire fighting suits and five masks with filters for a station in Hasbaya, which is a major town southeast of the country. - Support a civil defense unit in central Beirut to refurbish a “donated” ambulance. We added a first aid kit, a board, a scoop (which is the carrier that rolls down and up into the ambulance), a chair, and an inflatable “mattress” that they use to inflate for the wounded with fractures (The inflatable mattress helps keep the wounded in place on their way to the ER) **Why the urgency?** The war we are bearing witness to (from Palestine to Lebanon) has taken an unprecedented toll on civilians: As of September 2024, more than 800 have been killed, thousands have been left injured, and hundreds of thousands are being displaced from their homes. Israel is destroying our communities, and the occupation forces are ensuring their destruction has long-lasting effects: deliberately using white phosphorus bombs to destroy orchards, natural habitats, and olive groves. More than 630 hectares of agricultural land and natural habitats have been burned to date. Despite the continued challenges, the Civil Defense are committed to doing all they can to respond to the crises impacting our communities on a daily basis. By supporting the Civil Defense, you’re ensuring that their ambulances and fire trucks can rush to the scenes of emergencies and attacks. **What does the civil defense do?** When the worst calamities have hit Lebanon, there are a few heroes we can always rely on. The Lebanese Civil Defense are among those heroes. Right after the Beirut Port Blast of August 4, 2020, they were among the first responders on the scene risking their lives, in spite of the blast’s magnitude and its aftermath. Their work continues daily. At the time of writing (September 24), the General Directorate of Civil Defense reported that its various stations had carried out more than 98 rescue and relief missions in the past 24 hours alone: - 70 Fire Extinguishing - 8 rescue missions - 24 First Aid These types of missions are a standard part of the Civil Defense’s daily work. It is common for first responders to spend several days in a row on a mission away from their homes and families. And it often happens with working with minimal resources and support. The Lebanese Civil Defense has 208 centers across the country. Civil Defense duties include disaster response, providing emergency first aid, ambulance services, evacuating civilians in the event of crises, enforcing public safety, and putting out fires. Volunteers are on call round the clock, seven days a week and you can reach them by dialing 125 from any phone in Lebanon. Your generosity (even by just spreading the word!) will remind our first responders that they are not alone. As the aggression continues we also want to reflect on the work that continues to give our communities hope and keeps us working in solidarity with one another towards a better future. **Who is managing this campaign?** This campaign is managed by a group of concerned residents who are long-time grassroots organizers in Beirut. We are compelled to try and support the Civil Defense in the face of economic, political, and military aggression. **How can we send the donation?** If you are in Beirut, one of the campaign managers can meet you wherever it is convenient. WISH Money transfers are also an option. You can send your WHISH Money transfers to: + Rami Rajeh (03428066), + Bana Bashour (03059327), or + Yusra Bitar (70-459066) **How will the Civil Defense receive my donation?** Your donation will be directly transferred to a volunteer procurement team on the ground who will purchase the equipment and hand them directly to the Civil Defense centers. How many first responders and firefighters will you equip? Our initial aim is to purchase essential equipment for at least three centers distributed across Lebanon, which will equip more than 100 Civil Defense volunteers with the appropriate gear and supplies. **How can we make sure the donations actually reach the Civil Defense?** The whole operation will be managed through transparent procurement procedures, where all receipts and invoices are documented and shared with donors. Every piece of equipment has the power to rescue and protect lives. We are filled with gratitude for the courage of our Civil Defense volunteers and for the solidarity of people like you around the world who made much of their work possible.

$67,333 raised Of $75,000

Israeli Aggression Victims in Lebanon

Solidarity with Lebanon

Israeli Aggression Victims in Lebanon
The situation in Lebanon requires our solidarity and support to help overcome the significant upcoming challenges we are facing. A huge number of families have been forced to leave their homes suddenly and seek refuge in safer and more secure cities. They require support and assistance. Al-Amal Institute has opened its doors to a number of families from the south of Lebanon who have sought refuge with us. We will work to provide the packages of "the Sweater and Wheat relief programme" for displaced families in a number of Lebanese regions through associations and school administrations that receive them. We kindly request your support in response to our humanitarian appeal. May God protect us all. ن الاوضاع الامنية في لبنان تتطلب منا التضامن والتكاتف من أجل تخطي هذه الضربات الكارثية التي تحل بلبنان، وكأن لا يكفينا التدهور الاقتصادي وسوء الادارة السياسية للبلاد. فإن عدد كبير من العائلات اضطرت لترك بيوتها بصورة فجائية واللجوء الى بلدات اكثر امنًا وامانًا وهم بحاجة لمن يقف بجانبها ويدعمها. ونحن في مؤسسة الامل فتحنا ابوابنا لعدد من العائلات الجنوبية التي لجأت إلينا بالاضافة الى ابنائنا المقيمين من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة (إعاقة عقلية) وسنعمل على تأمين حصص برنامجنا "كنزة وسنبلة للإغاثة" للعائلات المهجرة المتواجدة في عدد من المناطق اللبنانية عبر جمعيات وإدارات مدارس تستقبلهم. نتمنى تلبيتكم نداءنا الإنساني. حمانا الله وحماكم من كل سوء

$5,631 raised Of $15,000