Zahnish's Sound Journey: A Call for Support


Zahnish's Sound Journey: A Call for Support
In a world where silence can be as vast as the night sky, there exists a girl named Zahnish, whose spirit radiates brighter than the sun at dawn. Despite being born into a realm of quietude, Zahnish's heart beats with the rhythm of life's unseen melodies. Enter the stage, a technological marvel known as the cochlear implant, a beacon of hope amidst the hush. With its arrival, Zahnish's world transformed into a symphony of sound, each note a brushstroke painting her existence in vibrant hues. Yet, as time unfurls its inevitable tapestry, Zahnish finds herself standing at a crossroads. Her faithful companion, the cochlear implant, now shows signs of age, its melodies waning like a fading melody. But fear not, for heroes are not confined to tales of old. You, dear reader, hold within you the power to change Zahnish's narrative. Your contribution can pave the way for a new chapter, one where the melody of Zahnish's life continues to crescendo, unfettered by the constraints of silence. Join us, as we embark on a quest to ensure that Zahnish's symphony never reaches its final note. With your support, we can gift her a new cochlear implant, igniting a symphony that resonates with the beauty of life itself. Stand with us, dear friend, and together, let us paint the canvas of Zahnish's world with the vibrant colors of sound. Your generosity is the melody that keeps Zahnish's spirit dancing in the wind, her laughter echoing through the corridors of time. Thank you for being the orchestrator of her joy, the maestro of her melody.

$0 raised Of $80,000

4th ISKF World Shoto Cup-London, Sept. 19-22


4th ISKF World Shoto Cup-London, Sept. 19-22
For nearly 3 decades now, ISKF Lebanon continues to be a dedicated organization towards teaching the traditional Japanese martial arts of Karate-do, Aikido, & Iaido. Currently, we are training hard & working tirelessly to send a delegation, of about 40 officials, judges, competitors, & coaches, to represent Lebanon at the prestigious 4th ISKF World Shoto Cup being hosted in London, UK from Sept. 19-22. We aspire to repeat our last internationally acclaimed success in Euro 2018, where we emerged amongst the top teams in number of wins (please check the links shared here to view the videos & results). We hope that you can support us, so that we may again raise our banner high & represent our homeland with honor & pride. Of course, for full transparency & disclosure, ISKF Lebanon will share the full financial details of the donations received & the manner of their spending with any donors upon written request after the competition. Thank you in advance & best wishes (Ganbatte Kudasai) to our hardworking team! Ossu! ISKF Lebanon Please copy the links below & paste them in your URL to view: -> TO DONATE to our campaign for the 2024 Shotocup: -> See our 2018 Euro Tournament preparatory video here: -> See our 2018 Euro Tournament celebratory video here: -> See our EURO 2018 results here:

$5,998 raised Of $25,000

Labib Zebiane Urgent Open Heart Surgery


Labib Zebiane Urgent Open Heart Surgery
أبي بحاجة إلى عملية "قلب مفتوح" طارئة في أقل من أسبوع، ويُحتَمَل غسيل الكلى في غضون العملية الجراحية، وفقًا للتقارير المكتوبة أدناه. الجهة الضامنَة ستُغطّي حوالي ٦٪؜ من القيمة الإجمالية بعدما كانت تُغطّي ٨٠٪؜ والمبلغ الكامل ١٢١٩٥$ لإجرائها. في هذه الأيّام العصيبة، أمسى الشّعب بخدمة الشّعب، والتوسّل حاجة ماسّة، وخارج عن الإرادة. فطَلَبًا وليسَ أمرًا، ممَّن بإمكانِهِ المساهمة ولو بجزءٍ بسيطٍ، لإنقاذِ حياة أبي. شاكرينَ موَدّتكم ووقوفكم بجانبِنا بهذا الظرف، عسى أن يقدّرنا الله أن نردّ لكم هذا الجميل. My father urgently needs open-heart surgery within less than a week, and it is possible that he will need dialysis during the surgery, according to the reports written below. The insurance provider will cover approximately 6% of the total cost, down from 80%, and the full amount required for the surgery is $12,195. We ask, not demand, for anyone who can contribute even a small amount to help save my father's life. We appreciate your kindness and support in this situation. For any information contact us: 71933285

$11,545 raised Of $12,195

Building Bridges for Every Child


Building Bridges for Every Child
Your presence in this moment means the world to us – it’s the spark that ignites hope and transforms dreams into reality. Your support is invaluable. Join us in our mission to create a space where every child feels not just seen, but truly understood, valued, and empowered to learn and grow. At Goodwill International School, we’ve been on an incredible journey toward inclusivity and empowerment, while spearheading the best practices of the Finnish system in Lebanon. This initiative exemplifies our unwavering commitment and vision to fostering respect, empathy and community within our school. But to make this vision a reality, we need your help. We’re launching a crowdfunding campaign to raise USD 83,000 for this project: a multi-purpose room designed to support students with diverse learning needs. This room will be a hub for learning, creativity, and therapy from a range of psycho-social and educational professionals. Consequently, it will benefit a significant portion of our student body (20% of the total). As such, your generosity will not only fund the construction of the room, but will provide essential human and physical resources such as sensory materials and equipment. This will, in turn, assist parents who may struggle with the high cost of therapy, enable therapists to collaborate with teachers and parents, and empower teachers to better support their students by allowing them to remain in main-stream schooling. This service is crucial not only for students with learning difficulties, but also for their parents, in light of the ongoing challenges in Lebanon. Your contribution, no matter the size, will make a meaningful impact. As a token of our gratitude, if you choose to fully fund this project, the sensory room will bear your name – a lasting tribute for your compassion and dedication to our community. Thank you for considering our cause. Thank you for being a force for positive change. And most importantly, thank you for being a member of our cherished school family. Together, let us create a space where every child can thrive individually in a place where all abilities are celebrated.

$300 raised Of $83,000