Dr. Elias F. Jradeh is a graduate of Harvard Medical School with two certificates of fellowship in cornea and refractive surgery. He has made major contributions to the development of new concepts of keratoconus treatment.
Dr. Elias is also credited with the discovery of a new treatment for the blinding disease DLK stage IV he invented two new formulas (Jarade's formula and Jarade's method) for accurate corneal power measurement after LASIK surgery. In addition, he developed a new technique in refractive surgery for the treatment of high myopia and thin cornea.
As a conventional land farming lover and an unconventional revolutionist, he decided to contribute to the development of his homeland and town, through investing in many farming fields thus keeping the very close relation with the people and giving the opportunities for others to share his passion and gain interest of allowed opportunities.
After all we have had and still going through in Lebanon, politically, economically, financially and socially, Dr. Elias has decided to be part of a rising hope that many of us as Lebanese citizens are dreaming of, by contributing into the public life and to a survival work plan.
Notwithstanding with the above, he is willing to lead a movement of change through the coming parliament elections in Lebanon in May 2022.
As a surgent's first priority to stop the bleeding, your contribution and support can help stop the bleeding of a stolen county.
Be part of it by supporting us before the elections of May 15th, 2022.
إنّ خوضَ معركةِ الإنتخابات حتّمَتهْا المسؤوليّةُ تُجاهَ الشبابِ الذينَ يحملونَ الوطنَ جوازَ سفَرٍ وحقيبةَ خيبات.
نخطُّ مسارَ التغييرِ معًا لنبنيَ سويًّا دولةً تليقُ بأحلامِنا وإراداتِنا الصلبة.
من أجلِكم يا أبناءَنا، اخترْنا الإشتباكَ ديمقراطيًّا معَ سلطةٍ جائرةٍ في معركةٍ وجوديّة،
فما عاد بإمكانِنا الوقوفُ على ضِفّةِ الحيادِ، نراقبُ بِصَمْتٍ جُثمانَ وطنٍ يعبرُ النهر.
لن نعطِيَ صكَّ براءةٍ لِمَنْ نَحَرَ الحياةَ حاضرًا ومستقبلًا، ولِمَنْ أجرَمَ في حقِّ إنسانِنا وقيمِنا وحضارتِنا.
لن نخُطَّ بِيَدِنا ورقةَ وفاتِنا إذعانًا لِسَماسرةِ السياسةِ وللمعتدين على المالِ الخاصِّ والعامّ،
لن نرتديَ الحِداد زِيًّا، فالربيعُ أزهرَ فينا غضَبًا وعِصيانًا، وأيْعَنَ فينا ثمارَ أملٍ وثقةً بالذات ووعدًا بمستقبلٍ أفضل.
لم ولن نسعى خلفَ المناصبِ والرُتَب، إنّما نسعى إلى أن نكون لشبابِنا قدوةً، فنقدّمُ لهم نموذجًا عصريًّا للعملِ السياسيِّ يؤكّدُ على الحوارِ ويقومُ على التعدّديةِ والمشاركةِ والتمكين.
سنمهّدُ لهمُ الطريقَ كي نؤهِّلَهم للمشاركةِ في إدارةِ شؤونِ البلادِ وتأمينِ مصالحِ المجتمعِ في دولةٍ تليقُ بِناسِها شيبًا وشبابًا.
سنُعِدُّهم أحرارًا، خارجَ قُيودِ الإذعانِ والتّبعيّةِ العمياءِ والإتكالِ على الزعيم.
سنُعلِنُها مَعَهُم ثورةً في وجهِ سُلطةٍ سَلّعَتِ الحقوق:
1- فالتربيةُ والتعليمُ حقٌّ لجميعِ أطفالِنا وشبابِنا، وركيزةٌ للإرتقاءِ والتحضّرِ، وعلى مدارسِنا وجامعتِنا، الرسميّةِ منها والخاصّة، المساهمةُ في ربطِ التعليمِ بسوقِ العملِ كي تؤسّسَ لهجرةٍ عكسيّةٍ تعيد الشباب الى القرى فيبدعون إنتاجا وزرعًا وصناعةً.
2- المشاركةُ السياسيّةُ حقٌّ لكلِّ مواطنٍ يكرّسُهُ الدستور. علينا تعديلُ القوانينِ التمييزيّةِ والطائفيةِ التي تعرقلُ هذا الحقَّ وتنتهِكُهُ، مثلَ قانونِ الإنتخاباتِ وقانونِ الأحزاب.
3- الصحةُ وضمانُها حقٌّ لكلِّ الناس، علينا كسرُ احتكاراتِ الدواءِ وكارتيلاتِهِ وتشجيعُ إنتاجِهِ محلّيًا. علينا تأمينُ البطاقةِ الصحيةِ الموحَّدةِ لكلِّ مواطن، وتصويبُ أداءِ المؤسّساتِ الضامنةِ وشركاتِ التأمين، كما تأمينُ كافّةِ الخدماتِ الصحيةِ والحفاظُ على جودتِها ونوعيتِها، والحدُّ منِ استنزافِ الطاقَمِ الطبّيِّ وهجرةِ الأدمغةِ والمبدعينَ في مجالاتِ الصحةِ كافة.
As much as I would have liked to personally head down and personally register my displeasure. I canceled my flight and will send others who will vote in more impactful areas.
Donated 200 $
All the best! For a better Lebanon ...
Munir Nabti
Donated 200 $
Thank you Dr. Elias Jradeh and the Maan Nahwa Al-Taghyeer List for your wonderful efforts!! We support you and other independent candidates working so hard to help build a better Lebanon for everyone! 💛🇱🇧
Theodore Aoude
Donated 200 $
For a better future
Rudayna Charrouf-Oliver
Donated 200 $
I am from the south III district and voted for Dr. Jrade. I hope you raise enough funds to defeat Marwan Khaireddine
Ragheb El Khaja
Donated 200 $
Let's go!
Patricia Nabti
Donated 250 $
I am a Lebanese who actively supports positive political, economic, social, and environmental change for the good of all the people of Lebanon. We need independent voices in Parliament who can help make all politicians accountable, serving Lebanon and not their own personal interests. I wish your slate great success in the upcoming elections.
Anthony Haddad
Donated 200 $
For a better Lebanon!
Donated 200 $
Give em hell
Michel-Riyad Nabti
Donated 50 $
Toward a better Lebanon!
The fundahope platform, its founders and coworkers do not have any direct or indirect link with the purpose and the content of the posted fundraisers.
Thank you for submitting your report. At fundahope we take your concerns very seriously. We will investigate in the content of your report and take the right action when our investigations are over.
Ziad Hussami
Donated 200 $
As much as I would have liked to personally head down and personally register my displeasure. I canceled my flight and will send others who will vote in more impactful areas.
Donated 200 $
All the best! For a better Lebanon ...
Munir Nabti
Donated 200 $
Thank you Dr. Elias Jradeh and the Maan Nahwa Al-Taghyeer List for your wonderful efforts!! We support you and other independent candidates working so hard to help build a better Lebanon for everyone! 💛🇱🇧
Theodore Aoude
Donated 200 $
For a better future
Rudayna Charrouf-Oliver
Donated 200 $
I am from the south III district and voted for Dr. Jrade. I hope you raise enough funds to defeat Marwan Khaireddine
Ragheb El Khaja
Donated 200 $
Let's go!
Patricia Nabti
Donated 250 $
I am a Lebanese who actively supports positive political, economic, social, and environmental change for the good of all the people of Lebanon. We need independent voices in Parliament who can help make all politicians accountable, serving Lebanon and not their own personal interests. I wish your slate great success in the upcoming elections.
Anthony Haddad
Donated 200 $
For a better Lebanon!
Donated 200 $
Give em hell
Michel-Riyad Nabti
Donated 50 $
Toward a better Lebanon!