As the weather turns colder, we can feel the chill even inside our homes. Now, imagine those who are living in tents, displaced by war, without a roof over their heads or adequate winter clothing. They had to flee quickly, leaving behind essentials to save their lives. Thanks to the generous donations of Carol's family and the contributions from many of you, we have pooled our resources together to gather and distribute blankets to those in need. But it's not enough. We need your help to extend this warmth to more families. Your continued support can provide much-needed comfort and protection from the cold. Please donate and make a difference in the lives of those affected by this crisis. Together, we can help them endure the harsh winter ahead.
You can see the progress documented on our Youtube channel @helpustohelp
At Ramlet al-Baida in Beirut, we worked tirelessly into the night, delivering a multitude of essential supplies. The greatest needs were detergents and alcohol-based sanitizers to combat the bacteria. Many were worried that the children might have lice, adding to the urgency of the situation. We witnessed heart-wrenching scenes of beauty and resilience. Children, some walking barefoot, their innocence untouched by the harshness around them. Babies in their mothers' arms, even in displacement, their smiles brought tears to our eyes. Even a beautiful dog was displaced, wandering among them. We met mothers, their faces etched with desperation, trying to shield their children from the streets' harsh realities. We asked them what they needed and gave them food, milk, diapers, medicine, and whatever we could buy with the tiny donations we've received from friends and friends of friends. We need more donations to keep on helping people Can someone stop this war? في رملة البيضا في بيروت، عملنا بجد حتى الليل، ووزعنا الكثير من الإمدادات الضرورية. كانت الحاجات الأكثر إلحاحاً هي المنظفات وبعض المعقمات لأن البكتيريا تنتشر. كان البعض قلقين من احتمال أن يكون لدى الأطفال قمل، مما زاد من خطورة الوضع. شهدنا مشاهد مؤثرة من الجمال والصمود. أطفال، بعضهم يمشي حافي القدمين، براءتهم لم يمسها قسوة الواقع من حولهم. أطفال في أحضان أمهاتهم، حتى في التهجير، ابتساماتهم جلبت الدموع إلى أعيننا. حتى كلب جميل كان مهجراً، يتجول بينهم. قابلنا أمهات، وجوههن محفورة باليأس، يحاولن حماية أطفالهن من قسوة الشوارع. سألناهم عما يحتاجون، وقدمنا لهم الطعام، والحليب، والحفاضات، والأدوية، وكل ما استطعنا شراءه بهذه التبرعات القليلة التي حصلنا عليها من الأصدقاء وأصدقاء الأصدقاء. نحن بحاجة إلى المزيد من التبرعات . هل يمكن لأحد إيقاف هذه الحرب؟ #ادعموا_لبنان #ساعدوا_المهجرين #مساعدات_لبنان #أطفال_بحاجة #تبرعوا_الآن #SupportLebanon #HelpTheDisplaced #LebanonAid #ChildrenInNeed #DonateNow https://youtu.be/72tmvVl5eVc
In our mission to help those affected by the crisis in Lebanon, we’ve come together to provide much-needed relief for displaced families. We’ve gathered essential medicines to care for their health, food essentials to nourish their bodies, and clean water to ensure their basic needs are met. Every item we’ve collected represents a lifeline, a small gesture of hope in a time of uncertainty. It’s a reminder that even in the darkest moments, we can stand together to support one another. Your compassion and generosity are what make this possible. Together, we can bring comfort and care to those who need it most.
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