Help Mohammad from losing his eyesight
Raised of USD 1,400 Goal
Campaign Expired
.Hamza Rostom Created this campaign
Mohammad is a father of 4 children and has been diagnosed with glaucoma in both eyes.
He is in dire need of immediate surgery in order to save his eyesight.
Mohammad lives in harsh conditions and is unable to afford this surgery.
Any donation, no matter how small goes a long way in helping him and his family surpass this hardship.
محمد أب لأربعة أطفال وقد تم تشخيص إصابته بالجلوكوما (الماء الأزرق) في كلتا عينيه. وهو في حاجة ماسة إلى إجراء عملية جراحية عاجلة لإنقاذ بصره.
يعيش محمد في ظروف قاسية ولا يستطيع تحمل تكاليف هذه العملية.
أي تبرع مهما كان صغيراً سيساعده وأسرته على تجاوز هذه المحنة.
The fundahope platform, its founders and coworkers do not have any direct or indirect link with the purpose and the content of the posted fundraisers.