help my family to get a tent,food, diapers and mil
USD 18
Raised of USD 5,000 Goal
Mustafa Alowda
3 $ on 26-12-2024
Katia Aguilar Alvarez Bay
15 $ on 01-12-2024
Jenan Mohammad Created this campaign
I am Dina from Gaza, I am 29 years old, and I have three children, Malek, 9 years old, Jaber, 7 years old, and Janan, 1 year and 2 months old. We do not have any income due to the war and siege, and we need your donations so that we can continue to live and survive the genocide and famine that made us homeless
The fundahope platform, its founders and coworkers do not have any direct or indirect link with the purpose and the content of the posted fundraisers.
Mustafa Alowda
Donated 3 $
ربي يفرجها عليكم
Katia Aguilar Alvarez Bay
Donated 15 $
Dina … dear, I hope that you get a lot of donations, love to you and the children