"سقف واحد"
مبادرة تضامنية تطوعية تسعى لتأمين سكن للنازحين جراء الحـ.ـرب الاسـ.ـرائيلية القائمة على لبنان.
انطلاقاً من أنّ السكن والأمان حق أساسي للجميع، واستجابةً لحاجة النـ.ـازحين المتضررين من الاعتداءات الإسـ.ـرائـ.ـيلـ.ـية، انطلقت مبادرة "سقف واحد" في ظل تقاعس السلطات المعنية عن أداء واجباتها، واستمرار التغييب الممنهج لدور الدولة في الحماية والدفاع.
بدأت المبادرة بهدف تأمين سكن مجاني مؤقت للنازحين عبر ربطهم بأفراد مستعدين لاستضافتهم، إيماناً بأن التضامن المجتمعي، من الناس إلى الناس، يشكل فعل صمود ومقاومة للحفاظ على مجتمع متكاتف تحت "سقف واحد".
إلا أن تزايد أعداد النازحين جعل من تأمين مساكن مجانية أو حتى مقابل بدل إيجار مقبول مهمة أصعب. لذلك تسعى المبادرة اليوم إلى جمع التبرعات بهدف:
▪️تعزيز صمود العائلات التي تمّ تأمين المساكن لها.
▪️استئجار وتجهيز مساحات جديدة لتحويلها إلى مراكز إيواء جماعية.
▪️تلبية احتياجات العائلات التي ستستفيد من هذه المراكز.
ساهموا معنا!
إن دعمكم لمبادرة "سقف واحد" هو خطوة نحو الحفاظ على كرامة العائلات المتضررة، وضمان حقها في الأمان والسكن. بتبرعكم، يمكننا توفير مأوى لمن هم في أمس الحاجة إليه وتعزيز صمودهم في مواجهة هذه الأزمات. كل مساهمة، مهما كانت بسيطة، تحدث فرقاً كبيراً. لنتحد تحت "سقف واحد" ونتشارك المسؤولية.
"One Roof"
A voluntary solidarity initiative aimed at providing housing for those displaced by the ongoing Israeli war on Lebanon.
Based on the belief that housing and security are fundamental rights for all, and in response to the needs of displaced individuals affected by Israeli aggressions, the "One Roof" initiative was launched in light of the authorities' failure to fulfill their obligations and the systematic erasure of the state's role in protection and defense.
The initiative began with the goal of providing temporary free housing for the displaced by connecting them with individuals willing to host them. It is believed that community solidarity is an act of resilience and resistance to maintain a cohesive society under "One Roof."
However, the increasing number of displaced individuals has made it more challenging to secure free housing or even affordable rental options. Therefore, the initiative now seeks to collect donations for the following goals:
▪️To provide the needs of families who have been provided with housing.
▪️To rent and equip new spaces to convert them into collective shelter centers.
▪️To meet the needs of the families who will benefit from these centers.
Join us!
Your support for the "One Roof" initiative is a step toward preserving the dignity of affected families and ensuring their right to safety and housing. With your donations, we can provide shelter for those in dire need and enhance their resilience in the face of these crises. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a significant difference. Let us unite under "One Roof" and share the responsibility.
Ashraf Saab
Donated 355 $
From Friends in Cyprus <3
Antoine Taouk
Donated 2,000 $
On behalf of our restaurant Teta Mona in Melbourne, we held a fundraiser to collect funds to send to multiple volunteer based humanitarian aids in Lebanon.
Thank you for your work! Xx
Donated 562 $
We are a pair of friends who organised a fundraiser for the displaced. In solidarity, Sana and Deena
Alice Sutter
Donated 49 $
learned about you through The Brooklyn Nomads
Donated 100 $
On behalf of fundraider
Nadia Makara
Donated 20 $
On behalf of Hands off Cuba volunteer
Donated 40 $
On behalf of fundraiser
Donated 40 $
On behalf of fundraiser
Nadia Makara
Donated 40 $
On behalf of Timothy C
Haytham Mansour
Donated 300 $
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The fundahope platform, its founders and coworkers do not have any direct or indirect link with the purpose and the content of the posted fundraisers.
Thank you for submitting your report. At fundahope we take your concerns very seriously. We will investigate in the content of your report and take the right action when our investigations are over.
Donated 355 $
From Friends in Cyprus <3
Antoine Taouk
Donated 2,000 $
On behalf of our restaurant Teta Mona in Melbourne, we held a fundraiser to collect funds to send to multiple volunteer based humanitarian aids in Lebanon. Thank you for your work! Xx
Donated 562 $
We are a pair of friends who organised a fundraiser for the displaced. In solidarity, Sana and Deena
Alice Sutter
Donated 49 $
learned about you through The Brooklyn Nomads
Donated 100 $
On behalf of fundraider
Nadia Makara
Donated 20 $
On behalf of Hands off Cuba volunteer
Donated 40 $
On behalf of fundraiser
Donated 40 $
On behalf of fundraiser
Nadia Makara
Donated 40 $
On behalf of Timothy C
Haytham Mansour
Donated 300 $