Save the life of Omar
USD 10
Raised of USD 12,732 Goal
Campaign Expired
Mohamad Alkattan Created this campaign
Omar is a soldier in Lebanese force and a Father of three kids (6 years, 2 years, 1 year old).
Omar A 42 years old Patient Known to have:
- A trial fibrillation.
- Constrictive pericardíeis.
- Congestive heart failure.
- High suspicion of amyloidosis.
He is existed now in the intensive care room. He cannot handle the cost of his treatment in addition the government cannot cover his stay at the hospital and his long treatment that is needed frequently analysis and control
We are humble and thankful for each person who will help Omar to survive and to continue his life with his familly.
Mohamad Alkattan
mitein strt, Tripoli
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