I am Sojood from Gaza. I am 24 years old. I have two children. The first child, Yaman, is three years old. He suffers from calcium deficiency and weak bones. He needs vitamins and fruits. My second child, named Sanad, is nine months old. He needs diapers, milk, and vitamins. Before this war, I lived in a room because my husband did not own a business or Steady work, and the occupation has destroyed it and destroyed my last hopes. Today I am homeless. Please do not let me and my children die of hunger and fear. A small donation from you will change the life of me and my children
Thank you for submitting your report. At fundahope we take your concerns very seriously. We will investigate in the content of your report and take the right action when our investigations are over.
Sejood Zamzam
أنا سجود من غزة عملت حملتي لإطعام أطفالي وشراءالعلاج لهم وإعادة إعمار غرفتي
Sejood Zamzam
أنا سجود من غزة عملت حملتي لإطعام أطفالي واجيب العلاج لهم وإعادة إعمار غرفتي