Mohammad Awada is veteran political leader from South Lebanon who was a key mobilizer during the October 17 uprising and continues to lead the efforts in South Lebanon to establish a progressive political movement that transcends the sectarian divisions and patrimonial politics. In his long history of political engagement Mohammad always led by example. He is a genuine and brave individual who has succeeded in bringing people together and crossing wartime barriers that divided the Lebanese society. Mohammad is fighting a battle against cancer. He is responding well to the treatment. However, the treatment costs around 65000 USD, over the course of a year. Your support is not only important for Mohammad's survival, but also for the survival of the work that he started in South Lebanon towards a better Lebanon.
Thank you for submitting your report. At fundahope we take your concerns very seriously. We will investigate in the content of your report and take the right action when our investigations are over.
Mirna Nasser
Donated 100 $
God bless him 🙏
Hassan reda Awada
Donated 100 $
Allah yehmik khalo
Elias Ghosn
Donated 500 $
Bon courage Abou Arab
Ahmed Seif
Donated 100 $
Ton camarade Ahmed Seif
Hussein Safa
Donated 100 $
Speedy recovery
Aref Mansour
Donated 100 $
Fatema Abdallah
Donated 400 $
Jihad Chamas
Donated 100 $
Good luck