A campaign managed by Expats in Lebanon group
This is will be our 3rd campaign and fundraiser in a 2 years span. We managed to help 10's families on many levels through donations from the amazing members and the help of many volunteers. "Expats in Lebanon" will again put all the resources and networks reach to help as much as possible the people living in Lebanon.
Situation has gotten worst since our last campaign, poverty line has reached 80% and increasing, currency inflation affecting everyone and everything.
We as community need to step up and help others and give back to the country that we are living in.
Throughout these 2 years we managed to gather a list families in need in across Lebanon, all donations will go toward helping out in food, rent, basic needs, medicines and everything to keep people afloat during this crisis.
Do you want to help?
Here is your chance.
" Helping one person might not change the whole world,
but it changes the world for one person. "
Nivine Ismail
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