أنا نظام عبد الله التيماني، 45 عامًا من لبنان.
انا بحاجة لاجراء عملية زرع نخاع عظمي بأسرع وقت ممكن
اعاني من المرض منذ اكثر من عامين ..الوقت يمر بسرعة وحالتي الصحية تتدهور
تكاليف هذه العملية والعلاج من بعدها باهظة الثمن جدا" ولا أملك المبلغ المطلوب
!! فالرجاء مساعدتي لاجراء العملية
I am Nizam Abdallah Timani, 45 years old from Lebanon.. I am diagnosed with MDS and planned for ALLOGENEIC STEM INFUSION.. The expenses for this surgery and after treatment is too expensive and i don't have the required amount. The CNSS in Lebanon don't cover the required amount for my surgery and treatment.. Also i don't have insurance that's why i am looking forward for this campaign to help me do the required. I am attaching all the documents and info, and ready to present any other documents upon request.. Please help!! i have been suffering for more than 2 years and still couldn't find anyone to help.. Time is running fast and my health situation is going worse. Please help!!
Thank you for submitting your report. At fundahope we take your concerns very seriously. We will investigate in the content of your report and take the right action when our investigations are over.
Salim Kabar
Donated 100 $
God bless
Donated 50 $
الله يقومك بالسلامة يا رب
Donated 100 $
الله يقدّمك الصحة والعافية
Donated 250 $
Allah yeshfeeh
Donated 50 $
الشفاء العاجل
Donated 10 $
God bless
Donated 50 $
Thank you for your noble service to the community. Best of f luck
Anonymous Anonymous
Donated 100 $
May God bless you with a speedy recovery 🙏
Wissam Abdelmalak
Donated 300 $
God bless him
Malik Abou seiid
Donated 50 $
God bless him