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Weam Dalal Created this campaign
ID # 1089
Created on 27-03-2024
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نحنا حالياً عم نجمع التبرعات اللي رح تتوزع من خلال:
1- مساعدات عينية للناس المحتاجين بحسب الأموال المتاحة. هالمساعدات بتشمل حصص غذائية، ماي صالحة للشرب، فرش، مخدات، حرامات، تياب، وغيرها.
2-دعم طبي للأشخاص اللي انصابوا بجروح خطيرة جراء غارات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي. بتشمل الحالات الرئيسية:
• إصابات العين اللي بتحتاج بشكل عاجل لتدخل طبي للحفاظ على النظر وتجنب فقدان الرؤية الدائم.
• إصابات عامة بتشمل تفتت شديد بالعظام وبتحتاج لرعاية طبية فورية وعمليات إعادة ترميم لتجنب الإعاقات الدائمة
رح يتم هالعمل بالتنسيق والتعاون مع المستشفيات لدعم احتياجاتها بإجراء العمليات الطبية اللازمة، وخاصة مع المستشفى الميداني "النجدة" بالنبطية.
كل تبرع بيزيد من قدرتنا لمساعدة ناس اكتر وتأمين حاجات اكبر للمستشفى
تأسّس الائتلاف تحت اسم "صامدون" عام 2006 لمواجهة آثار الاعتداء الإسرائيلي على لبنان. وتمّت إعادة تشكيله من قبل متطوعين ومنظّمات شعبيّة وهيئات مدنيّة أخرى لمعالجة تداعيات الانفجار الكارثي في بيروت في 4 آب 2020. يجدّد الائتلاف نشاطه مرة أخرى لدعم سكّان لبنان النازحين جراّء عدوان الاحتلال الإسرائيلي المستمرّ منذ تشرين الأوّل 2023.
We are currently raising money to be distributed through:
1- Material aid for people in need according to the available funds. That includes food portions, drinking water, mattresses, pillows, blankets, clothes, etc.
2- Medical support for those severely injured by the Israeli occupation’s strikes. Main cases involve:
- eye injuries, urgently in need of immediate support in order to preserve their eyesight and avoid permanent loss of vision.
- General injuries including severe bone decomposition in need of immediate medical care and hand reconstruction surgeries to avoid permanent disabilities.
This will happen in coordination and collaboration with hospitals to support their needs in carrying out the necessary medical procedures, especially with the frontliners at Al-Najda Hospital in Nabatiyeh.
Every donation lets us help more people and secure more supplies for the hospital.
The coalition was established under the name “Samidoun” in 2006 to address the devastating impact of the Israeli attack on Lebanon. It has been reconstituted by volunteers, grassroots organizations, and other civil entities to address the repercussions of the catastrophic explosion in Beirut on August 4, 2020. Today, the coalition is actively working once again to support those who are displaced as a result of the Israeli aggressions on Lebanon since October 2023.
When you subscribe as a permanent donor, your card will be charged every 30 days with the same donation amount. You can cancel your subscription at any time in your profile.
We are a pair of friends who organised a fundraiser for the displaced. In solidarity, Sana and Deena
Donated 2 $
Mutual aid
Tessa Fixter-Coniglio
Donated 5 $
Sending prayers.
Donated 100 $
Thank you for your work and solidarity.
Zack Burley
Donated 60 $
It’s small but I hope it helps someone. I hate that my country provides the weapons and endorses the slaughter. Only solidarity across humanity will free us from this mindless death.
Bushra Ebadi
Donated 25 $
Sending love and care. For our collective liberation ❤️
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Sonia Norton
Donated 150 $
Donating for Helen Ciriello.
Marianne Azar
Donated 10 $
Moataz hummus project
Adriana Mendez
Donated 10 $
for hummus
Donated 70 $
Sending strength and love
Donated 562 $
We are a pair of friends who organised a fundraiser for the displaced. In solidarity, Sana and Deena
Donated 2 $
Mutual aid
Tessa Fixter-Coniglio
Donated 5 $
Sending prayers.
Donated 100 $
Thank you for your work and solidarity.
Zack Burley
Donated 60 $
It’s small but I hope it helps someone. I hate that my country provides the weapons and endorses the slaughter. Only solidarity across humanity will free us from this mindless death.
Bushra Ebadi
Donated 25 $
Sending love and care. For our collective liberation ❤️