Building a Shelter for Cats in Lebanon


Building a Shelter for Cats in Lebanon
Hello, my name is Bassel. I am 32 years old, a doctor of natural medicine, and a passionate advocate for animals and nature. Today, I am reaching out to you to join me in making a difference in the lives of cats in Lebanon, where many face abuse, neglect, and a lack of safe spaces. I dream of creating a sanctuary in the mountains—a safe and loving shelter for cats. This space will provide an indoor haven for comfort and warmth, complemented by a lush outdoor garden where the cats can roam freely and enjoy nature. My close ones and I will manage this shelter with dedication and care, ensuring that every cat, regardless of its condition, finds a welcoming home. The Vision The shelter will be: Free and Inclusive: Every cat, whether stray, injured, or abandoned, will be welcome without any cost. A Safe Haven: The indoor space will provide warmth and security, while the outdoor garden will offer space for exercise, play, and fresh air. Why This Shelter Matters Protecting Cats from Abuse: Cats in Lebanon often face cruelty, neglect, and harsh living conditions. This shelter will be a refuge where they can feel safe and loved. Encouraging Compassion: By creating this space, we inspire others to value and protect animals. It’s about building a culture of empathy and kindness. Offering Transparency: Once the shelter is built, I welcome anyone to visit and see the results of their support. This isn’t just my project—it’s a community effort. How You Can Help Your contributions will go toward: Purchasing land in the mountains for the shelter. Constructing a well-equipped indoor space and a secure outdoor garden. Providing nutritious food, essential medications for their health, and proper care to ensure their safety and comfort. What You’ll Get in Return Acknowledgment: The names of the top 20 donors (who contributed the most) will be included on a wall of gratitude in the shelter, recognizing your generosity. Free Visits: Donors are welcome to visit the shelter and see firsthand the difference their contributions have made. Updates: Regular updates about the cats, the shelter’s progress, and its impact on the community. Why Now? The situation for animals in Lebanon is dire, and there’s an urgent need for action. By supporting this project, you’re not just helping cats—you’re helping create a model of kindness, care, and responsibility that can inspire others across the country. Join Me on This Journey This isn’t just about building a shelter; it’s about giving hope to animals who have none. Together, we can create a haven for cats and show that compassion is stronger than cruelty. Support this cause today, and let’s give every cat in Lebanon the safe and loving home they deserve. 🐾 مرحباً، اسمي باسل. عمري 32 عامًا، وأنا طبيب في الطب الطبيعي، ومدافع شغوف عن الحيوانات والطبيعة. اليوم، أتواصل معكم للانضمام إلي في إحداث فرق في حياة القطط في لبنان، حيث يواجه العديد منها الإساءة والإهمال وندرة الأماكن الآمنة. أحلم بإنشاء ملاذ في الجبال - ملجأ آمن ومحب للقطط. سيكون هذا المكان ملاذًا داخليًا يوفر الراحة والدفء، مكملًا بحديقة خارجية غنّاء حيث يمكن للقطط التجول بحرية والاستمتاع بالطبيعة. سيتولى المقربون مني وأنا إدارة هذا الملجأ بتفانٍ واهتمام، لضمان أن تجد كل قطة، بغض النظر عن حالتها، منزلًا مرحبًا. الرؤية سيكون الملجأ: مجاني وشامل: سيتم استقبال كل قطة، سواء كانت ضالة أو مصابة أو مهجورة، دون أي تكلفة. ملاذًا آمنًا: سيقدم المكان الداخلي الدفء والأمان، بينما ستوفر الحديقة الخارجية مساحة للتمارين واللعب والهواء النقي. لماذا هذا الملجأ مهم؟ حماية القطط من الإساءة: القطط في لبنان غالبًا ما تواجه القسوة والإهمال وظروفًا قاسية. سيكون هذا الملجأ ملاذًا يشعرون فيه بالأمان والمحبة. تشجيع التعاطف: من خلال إنشاء هذا المكان، نلهم الآخرين لتقدير الحيوانات وحمايتها. يتعلق الأمر ببناء ثقافة من التعاطف واللطف. توفير الشفافية: بمجرد بناء الملجأ، أرحب بزيارة أي شخص لرؤية نتائج دعمه. هذا ليس مشروعي فقط - إنه جهد مجتمعي. كيف يمكنك المساعدة؟ ستذهب مساهماتك نحو: شراء أرض في الجبال لإنشاء الملجأ. بناء مساحة داخلية مجهزة جيدًا وحديقة خارجية آمنة. توفير الطعام المغذي والأدوية الأساسية لصحته ورعايته لضمان سلامتهم وراحتهم. ماذا ستحصل في المقابل؟ الاعتراف: سيتم تضمين أسماء أول 20 متبرعًا (الذين ساهموا بأكبر قدر) على جدار الشكر في الملجأ، تقديرًا لكرمهم. زيارات مجانية: مرحبًا بالمتبرعين لزيارة الملجأ ورؤية الفرق الذي أحدثته مساهماتهم. تحديثات: تحديثات منتظمة حول القطط، تقدم الملجأ، وتأثيره على المجتمع. لماذا الآن؟ الوضع بالنسبة للحيوانات في لبنان مقلق، وهناك حاجة ملحة للعمل. من خلال دعم هذا المشروع، أنت لا تساعد القطط فحسب - بل تساهم في إنشاء نموذج من اللطف والرعاية والمسؤولية يمكن أن يلهم الآخرين في جميع أنحاء البلاد. انضم إلي في هذه الرحلة هذا ليس مجرد بناء ملجأ؛ إنه منح الأمل للحيوانات التي لا تملك أي أمل. معًا، يمكننا إنشاء ملاذ للقطط وإظهار أن التعاطف أقوى من القسوة. ادعم هذه القضية اليوم، ولنعطِ كل قطة في لبنان المنزل الآمن والمحب الذي تستحقه. 🐾

$0 raised Of $374,000

Homeless dogs need you this Christmas


Homeless dogs need you this Christmas
Hi! My name is Natalia, I'm organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Mount Lebanon Shelter. This Christmas, we all have the chance to make a life-changing difference for over 50 animals in need. Donate to make a dog’s Christmas wish come true. At Mount Lebanon Shelter, a small but mighty dog charity run by a single, devoted lady, who works tirelessly to care for and provide hope to animals who have been abandoned, neglected, or left without a home. Every dog has a story, and every dog deserves love and a future. Unfortunately, this work doesn’t come without a heavy cost. With medical bills mounting and limited resources, we are reaching out for your support. Together, we can give these animals the chance they deserve by covering critical medical expenses and providing them with the care they need to recover, thrive, and eventually find their forever homes, in Lebanon and abroad. By the end of this year, the goal is to raise enough funds, to clear these medical bills and ensure these animals can continue to receive the care they deserve. This holiday season, we ask for your help in making that possible. Every donation, no matter how small, brings us closer to giving these precious souls the care they need. As you celebrate the season of giving, consider the warmth you can bring to a shelter dog’s heart this Christmas. Even a small 10 dollar contribution, will make a big big difference. Let’s work together to make this a season of hope, love, and second chances. Thank you for your donations!

$2,075 raised Of $3,500

Helping Kittybounts to be reunited with us


Helping Kittybounts to be reunited with us
Hi Everyone, With a devastated and broken heart, I humbly ask for your help/support. My partner and I are facing difficult circumstances and are urgently seeking someone to foster our two beloved furbabies, or even adopt them temporarily, with the hope that we can reunite with them once our situation improves. My partner, lost his job recently and had to return to his home country for passport renewal and biometrics registration. Unfortunately when We applied for a tourist visa to be reunited and keep our furbabies, his application was rejected. Im also currently unemployed and left the UAE last month due to my high-risk pregnancy and because I was on a visit visa. I had no choice but to leave because of my current situation. We have tried everything to bring our furbabies with us. We sold everything we could to raise funds, but it still wasn’t enough. With limited time and funds, we had to leave the country. We used whatever money we had left to pay for pet boarding temporarily while we continue to hope that my partner will be able to return to the UAE, though we are uncertain when that will happen due to travel restrictions. Sadly, the pet caretaker cannot keep our furbabies for much longer. Our hearts are shattered into billion pieces but we need to ensure they are safe and loved. These two are the sweetest, most affectionate creatures. They have been together since they were little. They are sisters who are inseparable and deeply attached to each other. We are looking for someone who can foster them, preferably for free, as they deserve a loving, caring home. They are harmless, sweet, and full of love. Above all, we want to make sure they are not abandoned and are given the care they need. Thank you so much for taking the time to read our message. If you or anyone you know could adopt them or offer them a temporary home it would mean the world to us.

$0 raised Of $5,000



Hello Everyone, I am Lina from Lebanon. I have been rescuing dogs for the past 12 years, and I can honestly say that rescuing animals in Lebanon is probably the most challenging and draining mission a person could face. With no support from anyone you find yourself struggling constantly. The number of dogs dumped, and the level of torture and abuse is just beyond belief. In the past 12 years I have rescued over 3000 dogs, rehoming many over here and sending around 400 dogs abroad. I have so many left in boarding facilities and will stay there probably the rest of their lives, plus the new cases and intake never stop. (Around 90 dogs in my care now) I have been self sufficient most of the time and hardly relied on donations. But as you know our dear country Lebanon, has been struggling with so much lately. The crisis is escalating rapidly for both people and animals. Many people have fled either leaving their poor pets behind in war zones or bringing them along only to be forced to dump them later. This has obviosly affected our economy enormously, and my clothing business like most businesses, is suffering the consequences. All this is making it so difficult for me to cope with the my bills and overflow of dumped dogs. I have 90 dogs in my care now. 20 in my small shelter and 70 in paid facilities and foster homes. Half my rescues are small size dogs, so I need around 40 bags of 18kgs dry food per month. 20$ per bag(360$) and around 1500$ for paid foster homes and boarding facilities. I owe around 1000$ in medical bills. I need 80 pillls of nexgaurd, for worms and fleas, every 3 months worth at least 600$. The situation right now doesn't look good, and I am worried I might not be able to pay off my debts end of month. I am so heartbroken and so worried about my rescues. I am reaching out to you Trying to secure 2 months of expenses and pay off my medical bills to keep my rescues safe and in good shape till things get better hopefully. I have attached some of my past rescues that have affected me most and few new ones. For more info you can check my Facebook group "Dogs Rescue Lebanon ". Since my group is open for all the Lebanese rescuers to post please check rescues under my name Lina Farhat. and linoush2002 on Instagram(Not as active) For any further info that's my whatsapp number +9613373031. Thanks a lot and God bless💖💖🙏

$100 raised Of $5,000