Schooling and education fees


Schooling and education fees
Last year, we at PEAKS WELLNESS, have successfully with your support completed a full year of education to 9 vulnerable girls aged between 4-18 who are living in Ghedres Orphanage Center. We will remind the context: These girls come from challenging backgrounds, and it is crucial to create an environment that promotes their physical, emotional, educational and psychological well-being. Considering that the girls come from different families with various vulnerabilities, we will factor and remind the following needs: - Provision of basic needs: Since the families are poor, the girls are in need of accessing basic needs such as food, clothing, and healthcare. - Cultural sensitivity and inclusion: Given the different religions and nationalities of the girls, the project will ensure that their religious and cultural sensitivities are taken into consideration, promoting an inclusive and respectful environment. - Education support: The girls in the center are struggling with their education due to unstable home environments. In addition to securing basic education, it is important to focus on vocational education, incorporating programs that provide educational support such as tutoring and mentoring programs will ensure the girls receive education support. - Rehabilitation support: Some girls are dealing with the aftermath of living with drug-addict parents or families that have gone through a divorce, death, or separation. As such, psychotherapeutic services and rehabilitation programs should be implemented to ensure they receive the necessary psychological and emotional support. Hence, the project will include several divisions: the rehabilitation and renovation of the center, developing a comprehensive plan for their daily routine with extra-curricular activities and psychotherapy, and providing vocational education to empower them for a brighter future. With the accumulation of crises in Lebanon, which led to the collapse of public education in the last years, we found ourselves forced to move these girls to private schools to complete their education process, which added to us an additional burden, which in addition to the regular expenses mentioned above, imposes on us a schooling fees ranging from 2,500 to 3,500 US dollars per year for each girl. Through your donations to PEAKS WELLNESS, you help sustain the provision of services and increase the capacity to accommodate more humanitarian cases. Thanks for your generous support!

$0 raised Of $30,000

Fund a Child’s Journey from Despair to Triumph


Fund a Child’s Journey from Despair to Triumph
I am organizing a campaign to raise funds for a 14-year-old child I care for. He is an orphan living with his grandmother. Five years ago, we visited them as part of a church group, and we discovered that he was struggling with severe psychological issues and deep sadness, with no one to care for him. I began to wonder how I could help. As a piano teacher, I decided to teach him piano, hoping that music could bring him some peace and happiness. I started giving him piano lessons once a week, and through our time together, we talked a lot. I soon realized that he is a very intelligent child. However, I discovered that he had been failing in school for three consecutive years. I asked myself why this was happening and then came to understand that he felt unloved and abandoned. His mother left him when he was just three years old, and his father is absent. His relatives don't care for him, and his grandmother, who is elderly and without financial means, is unable to provide the support he needs. Determined to help, I decided to collect donations and enroll him in a good school that offers extra assistance and specialized support. I found a school with a special department for psychological support and managed to raise the funds to cover tuition fees, transportation, books, and the cost of a special teacher. By the end of that year, after three years of failure, he succeeded. For the past five years, I have continued to do this to support him. This year, the school fees, after a discount, amount to $4,000. Please help him, as education is the key to changing his life for the better. أنا أنظم حملة لجمع التبرعات لطفل يبلغ من العمر 14 عامًا أعتني به. هو طفل يتيم يعيش مع جدته. قبل خمس سنوات، زرناهم كجزء من مجموعة الكنيسة، واكتشفنا أنه يعاني من مشاكل نفسية شديدة وحزن عميق، ولا يوجد من يعتني به. بدأت أتساءل كيف يمكنني مساعدته. كمدرس بيانو، قررت أن أعلمه العزف على البيانو، على أمل أن تجلب له الموسيقى بعض الهدوء والسعادة. بدأت أعطيه دروسًا في البيانو مرة واحدة في الأسبوع، وخلال وقتنا معًا، تحدثنا كثيرًا. سرعان ما أدركت أنه طفل ذكي للغاية. ومع ذلك، اكتشفت أنه كان يرسب في المدرسة لمدة ثلاث سنوات متتالية. تساءلت عن سبب حدوث ذلك، ثم فهمت أنه يشعر بأنه غير محبوب ومتروك. تركته والدته عندما كان عمره ثلاث سنوات فقط، ووالده غائب. أقاربه لا يهتمون به، وجدته، التي تعاني من كبر السن وقلة الحيلة، غير قادرة على تقديم الدعم الذي يحتاجه. عازمًا على مساعدته، قررت جمع التبرعات وتسجيله في مدرسة جيدة تقدم له المساعدة الإضافية والدعم المتخصص. وجدت مدرسة بها قسم خاص للدعم النفسي، وتمكنت من جمع الأموال لتغطية رسوم الدراسة والنقل والكتب وتكاليف المدرس الخاص. في نهاية ذلك العام، وبعد ثلاث سنوات من الرسوب، نجح. على مدى السنوات الخمس الماضية، استمررت في فعل ذلك لدعمه. هذا العام، تبلغ رسوم المدرسة، بعد الخصم، 4000 دولار. أرجو مساعدته، لأن التعليم هو المفتاح الوحيد لتغيير حياته نحو الأفضل.

$0 raised Of $4,000

Help Me Escape War and Pursue my Master's Degree


Help Me Escape War and Pursue my Master's Degree
Introduction: My name is Jana, and I am reaching out for your support to help me escape the devastating effects of war in my country and fulfill my dream of pursuing a master’s degree. The ongoing conflict has turned my life upside down, and it is no longer safe for me to stay. I am determined to relocate to Switzerland to find safety, rebuild my life, and continue my education. Your support will be crucial in helping me achieve this dream. My Story: This is not the first war I have faced. When I was just 6 years old, my childhood was shattered by conflict. I remember the day my childhood bedroom was bombed, the place that once held my toys and dreams reduced to rubble. The fear and uncertainty of that moment are etched in my memory forever. My family and I were forced to flee from one place to another, constantly seeking safety. With each airstrike, the entire building would shake violently, and I would feel the walls tremble around me. I was just a child, and the terror of those moments led to severe panic attacks. I remember clinging to my parents, my heart pounding in my chest, as we listened to the sounds of explosions, unsure if we would make it through the night. These experiences have left deep scars, but they have also shaped who I am today. Despite the trauma, I pushed myself to pursue my education with all my strength. I earned a BA in Communication with a focus on Journalism, graduating with a GPA of 3.55, which placed me on the honor list. My passion for journalism stems from a deep-seated desire to tell stories that matter, to give a voice to those who are often unheard, and to contribute to positive change in the world. My Goals and Dreams: Moving abroad to get my Masters means everything to me, as it will not only provide a safe environment but also allow me to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to contribute meaningfully to society. I dream of using my education to work in international organizations to support war-torn communities But my dreams go beyond my education. I want to build a life free from fear, to get married and start a family in a place where my children can grow up without the constant threat of violence. I want to create a home filled with love and safety, something that was taken from me as a child. Moving to a safer city will give me the chance to start over, to heal, and to build a future filled with hope. Why I Need Your Help: Relocating to a safer place and pursuing a master's degree is an expensive endeavor, and I cannot do it alone. I am humbly asking for your help to cover the costs of: - Relocation Expenses: Travel to Switzerland and temporary accommodation until I can settle down. - Tuition Fees:The cost of the master’s program, which will enable me to further my education and career. - Living Expenses: Basic needs such as food, rent, and utilities while I establish myself in a new city. - Unexpected Costs: Potential visa fees, healthcare, and other emergencies that may arise during the transition. How Your Support Will Make a Difference: Your contribution, no matter how small, will bring me closer to safety and a brighter future. By supporting my education, you are not only helping me escape the immediate dangers of war but also investing in a better future for myself and others. With the knowledge and skills I gain, I am committed to giving back and making a positive impact in the world. Gratitude and Updates: I am incredibly grateful for any support you can offer. I will provide regular updates on my progress, sharing milestones as I relocate and begin my studies. Your kindness and generosity will not be forgotten, and I hope to make you proud by achieving my goals and paying forward the kindness I receive. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read my story and considering supporting me in this journey. Together, we can make a difference.

$0 raised Of $40,000

Art Therapy for children in kenya's slums


Art Therapy for children in kenya's slums
"Our goal is to raise $100,000 to provide art therapy to 100 children living in the slums over the next two years. It costs just $500 to support one child for an entire year. We’re seeking 200 generous donors who can each sponsor a child for one year with a $500 contribution, or $1000 over two years!! One of the children shared, 'Before, I was always scared and quiet. Now, with painting, I feel like I can finally talk to others, even if it's just through my colors.' The Hummingbird Wellbeing’s Mission: We aim to bring hope and resilience to children in Kangemi slums, Kenya, through our innovative Art and Wellbeing Curriculum. This program is designed to improve mental health by teaching essential life skills through art therapy, mindfulness, and social-emotional learning. What We Do: 1. Empower Children: Reach: 100 children Activities: Weekly art therapy, mindfulness workshops, and social-emotional learning Benefits: Develop emotional resilience, coping skills, and self-expression 2. Train Local Facilitators: Number of Facilitators: 30 (including local high schoolers, youth, and teachers) Impact: Build local leadership and ensure the program’s sustainability 3. Strengthen the Community: Awareness: Foster a culture of mental health support Long-Term Goal: Create a lasting positive impact in Kangemi Our Approach: Safe and Supportive Environment: Provide a nurturing space for children to explore their emotions through creative expression. Holistic Skill Development: Focus on emotional regulation, decision-making, and resilience through art, movement, and mindfulness. Strength-Based Focus: Shift from “What’s wrong?” to “How do you feel?” and empower children to express themselves. How It Works: 1. Art & Wellbeing Curriculum: Duration: 1 year Components: Yoga, dance, mindfulness, play, art therapy, and gratitude 2. Facilitator Training: Activities: Interactive workshops, art-based activities, role-playing, and peer feedback Goal: Equip facilitators with skills to lead and create a supportive learning environment 3. Exhibition: Purpose: Celebrate achievements, spread awareness, and engage the community Features: Interactive displays and public open days Our Goals: For Children: Improve mental well-being and emotional resilience through creative self-expression. For Facilitators: Build skills and confidence to lead effectively and create a lasting impact. For the Community: Foster mental health awareness and create a supportive environment for children. Your Impact: With Your Support: $20,000: Funds art kits ,mindfulness materials, trips,training material,children meals, transportation,space for one year $15,000: Covers facilitator training, curriculum development, local facilitators stipend, children consultation one-on-one sessions $50,000: Supports the full 1 year program for 100 children.local team salaries, exhibition, $15,000: Ensures long-term sustainability, community outreach, and future expansions We will provide regular updates on our progress, sharing stories of impact and financial reports. Join Us: Help us transform the lives of children in Kangemi by supporting our Art and Wellbeing Curriculum. Your contribution will provide vital resources and training, creating a lasting impact on the lives of these children and their community. Donate today and be a part of this meaningful change. Together, we can make a difference.

$110 raised Of $100,000

Inclusive Marketing Training


Inclusive Marketing Training
Our initiative aims to create a transformative opportunity for individuals with special needs by offering specialized marketing courses designed to equip them with valuable skills for the job market. Through this program, we seek to provide a pathway to employment, helping participants develop competencies in digital marketing, brand management, and market research. By investing in this program, you will help us create a more inclusive workforce and provide valuable opportunities for individuals who are often overlooked. Together, we can build a future where everyone has the chance to succeed. تهدف مبادرتنا إلى خلق فرصة تحويلية للأفراد ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة من خلال تقديم دورات تسويقية متخصصة مصممة لتزويدهم بمهارات قيمة لسوق العمل. نسعى من خلال هذا البرنامج إلى توفير طريق للتوظيف، ومساعدة المشاركين على تطوير الكفاءات في التسويق الرقمي، وإدارة العلامات التجارية، وأبحاث السوق. من خلال الاستثمار في هذا البرنامج، سوف تساعدنا في إنشاء قوة عاملة أكثر شمولاً وتوفير فرص قيمة للأفراد الذين غالبًا ما يتم تجاهلهم. معًا، يمكننا بناء مستقبل يتمتع فيه الجميع بفرصة النجاح.

$10 raised Of $40,000

Support Free Summer Workshops for Children


Support Free Summer Workshops for Children
Dear Friends and Supporters, We are reaching out to you today with an exciting opportunity to support the creative growth of children in Okaibeh, Lebanon, specifically through Hunna Arts & Culture. Okaibeh is a rural coastal village thirty minutes from the capital and lacks activities for children and adults. Hunna, the first and only women/mother artist residency in the Arab world, has been a beacon of support for women artists with their children, and the community of adults and children around it. Hunna is located in Okaibeh and has been operational since 2022. From July to September, we plan to organize 9 free workshops for kids who join us from Beirut, Okaibeh, and all of Lebanon this summer. The workshops will focus on creativity, environmental awareness, education, and fun. We believe that in these challenging times in Lebanon, providing a safe and nurturing environment for artistic expression is more crucial than ever. We aim to engage children in meaningful activities, offering them respite from daily difficulties. Since our establishment, Hunna has led many successful programs, such as residencies, public workshops, concerts, and exhibitions. We need your help to include more children to learn, create, and grow. Our first workshop kicked off on the 6th of July with a session on upcycling paper, and we are committed to making these workshops accessible to all without placing any financial burden on parents. Your generous contributions will help cover the costs of materials, facilitators, and operational expenses, ensuring that these workshops remain free of charge. Please join us in making a difference by donating to our crowdfunding campaign. Together, we can ensure that Hunna remains a thriving hub of artistic interaction and cross-cultural exchange. Thank you for your generosity and support. Hunna's Founder Flavia Juska Bechaea

$0 raised Of $3,300