Help for Education


Help for Education
Support the American Language and Training Center in Lebanon During These Challenging Times The American Language and Training Center (ALTC) is dedicated to providing essential educational services to students and aspiring professionals in our community. We offer a wide variety of programs, including: Afterschool Programs for both regular and special needs students, designed to help them excel academically and socially in a supportive environment. Vocational Training Programs aimed at empowering individuals to start their own businesses, gain new skills, and become financially independent. Our mission is not just to educate but to create opportunities for everyone, regardless of their background or challenges. However, due to the devastating war that began in Lebanon one month ago, we are facing enormous financial difficulties that threaten the survival of our center. Why We Need Your Support Now In these turbulent times, education is more important than ever. Many students and families are facing disruptions to their learning and career goals, and ALTC provides a lifeline for those who rely on our programs. Unfortunately, the war has created significant challenges for our operations, from covering essential expenses to ensuring our staff and students' safety. We urgently need operational funding to continue serving our community through: Sustaining Afterschool Programs that keep students engaged and learning during the most difficult circumstances. Expanding Vocational Training to help more individuals adapt to the changing job market and start their own businesses in these uncertain times. Supporting Special Needs Students, who are especially vulnerable to disruptions in education, with tailored learning programs that meet their unique needs. Your support will allow us to keep our doors open and help hundreds of students and aspiring entrepreneurs continue their education and training, even during the darkest days of war. Every contribution, no matter the size, will make a difference in ensuring that we can provide a stable, safe, and supportive environment for learning. How Your Donations Will Be Used: Operational Expenses: Help us cover rent, utilities, and essential supplies to maintain our educational programs. Staff Salaries: Support the dedicated teachers and trainers who continue to serve the community despite the hardships they face. Student Assistance: Provide scholarships and resources for students who are struggling financially due to the war. By supporting ALTC, you are not only investing in education but in the future of our community. Together, we can make sure that learning and growth do not stop, even in the midst of conflict. Thank you for standing with us during these challenging times.

$0 raised Of $20,000

Education basic needs


Education basic needs
I am writing to you today with a heartfelt appeal for support in response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Lebanon, where the devastating impacts of war have left countless families struggling for basic necessities and access to education. The situation in Lebanon is dire. Families are grappling with the aftermath of conflict, facing displacement, food insecurity, and limited access to essential services. Children, who should be in school, are suffering the most, with disrupted education and a lack of resources threatening their future. Basic living conditions—such as food, clean water, and shelter—are becoming increasingly difficult to maintain. We believe that every child deserves the right to an education and a safe environment to grow and thrive. Your support can help provide essential resources, including school supplies, food assistance, and safe spaces for children to learn and heal. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by this tragic situation. We kindly ask you to consider making a donation to our charity. Your generous contribution will go directly to initiatives aimed at providing educational materials and basic living necessities to families in need. No amount is too small; every dollar brings us one step closer to rebuilding lives and futures. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and for considering our request. We are hopeful that, with your support, we can bring hope and stability back to the children and families of Lebanon. Warm regards,

$0 raised Of $200,000

Fund a Child’s Journey from Despair to Triumph


Fund a Child’s Journey from Despair to Triumph
I am organizing a campaign to raise funds for a 14-year-old child I care for. He is an orphan living with his grandmother. Five years ago, we visited them as part of a church group, and we discovered that he was struggling with severe psychological issues and deep sadness, with no one to care for him. I began to wonder how I could help. As a piano teacher, I decided to teach him piano, hoping that music could bring him some peace and happiness. I started giving him piano lessons once a week, and through our time together, we talked a lot. I soon realized that he is a very intelligent child. However, I discovered that he had been failing in school for three consecutive years. I asked myself why this was happening and then came to understand that he felt unloved and abandoned. His mother left him when he was just three years old, and his father is absent. His relatives don't care for him, and his grandmother, who is elderly and without financial means, is unable to provide the support he needs. Determined to help, I decided to collect donations and enroll him in a good school that offers extra assistance and specialized support. I found a school with a special department for psychological support and managed to raise the funds to cover tuition fees, transportation, books, and the cost of a special teacher. By the end of that year, after three years of failure, he succeeded. For the past five years, I have continued to do this to support him. This year, the school fees, after a discount, amount to $4,000. Please help him, as education is the key to changing his life for the better. أنا أنظم حملة لجمع التبرعات لطفل يبلغ من العمر 14 عامًا أعتني به. هو طفل يتيم يعيش مع جدته. قبل خمس سنوات، زرناهم كجزء من مجموعة الكنيسة، واكتشفنا أنه يعاني من مشاكل نفسية شديدة وحزن عميق، ولا يوجد من يعتني به. بدأت أتساءل كيف يمكنني مساعدته. كمدرس بيانو، قررت أن أعلمه العزف على البيانو، على أمل أن تجلب له الموسيقى بعض الهدوء والسعادة. بدأت أعطيه دروسًا في البيانو مرة واحدة في الأسبوع، وخلال وقتنا معًا، تحدثنا كثيرًا. سرعان ما أدركت أنه طفل ذكي للغاية. ومع ذلك، اكتشفت أنه كان يرسب في المدرسة لمدة ثلاث سنوات متتالية. تساءلت عن سبب حدوث ذلك، ثم فهمت أنه يشعر بأنه غير محبوب ومتروك. تركته والدته عندما كان عمره ثلاث سنوات فقط، ووالده غائب. أقاربه لا يهتمون به، وجدته، التي تعاني من كبر السن وقلة الحيلة، غير قادرة على تقديم الدعم الذي يحتاجه. عازمًا على مساعدته، قررت جمع التبرعات وتسجيله في مدرسة جيدة تقدم له المساعدة الإضافية والدعم المتخصص. وجدت مدرسة بها قسم خاص للدعم النفسي، وتمكنت من جمع الأموال لتغطية رسوم الدراسة والنقل والكتب وتكاليف المدرس الخاص. في نهاية ذلك العام، وبعد ثلاث سنوات من الرسوب، نجح. على مدى السنوات الخمس الماضية، استمررت في فعل ذلك لدعمه. هذا العام، تبلغ رسوم المدرسة، بعد الخصم، 4000 دولار. أرجو مساعدته، لأن التعليم هو المفتاح الوحيد لتغيير حياته نحو الأفضل.

$0 raised Of $4,000

Sponsor a Needy    - إكفَل طفلاً من ذوي الاحتياجات


Sponsor a Needy - إكفَل طفلاً من ذوي الاحتياجات
يختص "مركز مصان" منذ العام 1993 برعاية 175 من الأطفال والشباب من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة، المركز مسؤول عن تعليم الأطفال ذوي الإعاقات الخاصة والجسدية والمشاكل العقلية والنفسية والاضطرابات الأخرى. كما يوفّر لهم جلسات علاجية مثل العلاج الفيزيائي والتدريب المهني والوظيفي والعلاج النفسي وعلاج النطق. يواجه الأطفال في مركز مُصان خاصّةً وفي لبنان عموماً، أحد أقسى تحديات الحياة، بسبب الأزمات الحاصلة في لبنان، مما أضطر معظم الأهالي لعدم إرسال أبنائهم الى مركزهم، بسبب ارتفاع كلفة المأكل والملبس ومصاريف النقل والعلاج وغيرها. لذلك نظم مركز مُـصان لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة، مبادرة مع الخيّرين لمساعدة الأطفال والشباب من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة، بحق التعليم وتلقي العلاجات الخاصة، وذلك من خلال حملة تكفّل خاصة للتبرع الشهري-السنوي-أو حسب الحاجة. إكفل أو ساعد طفلا من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة عبر التبرع لهم لتوفير التالي: - التعليم - جلسات العلاج (الفيزيائي-النطق واللغة-الإنشغالي-دعم نفسي سلوكي) - التعليم المهني (أشغال يدوية-خياطة-تدبير منزلي-سكرتاريا-فرن-نجارة-فنون) - التأمين الصحي - المواصلات - الطعام - الملابس والقرطاسية وسائل تعليمية واللوازم الأخرى يعتمد مركز مصان الشفافية والسرية في التعامل مع المبادرين، مع حق اختيار الأطفال أو التواصل مع ذويهم والأشخاص المعنيين للمساعدة. الرجاء المساعدة في إنقاذ مستقبلهم، والمساعدة في إكمال تعليمهم والمساعدة في توفير العلاجات اللازمة والمهمة لهم. أي مساهمة مهمة، يرجى التبرع قدر الإمكان، كما يرجى مساعدتنا في مشاركة طلبنا. فكل جهد يساعد. شكرًا جزيلاً على دعمكم وإحداث فرق! The Mosan Center has been specialized since 1993 with the care of 175 children and youth with special needs. The center is responsible for teaching children with particular and physical disabilities, mental and psychological problems, and other disorders. It also provides them with therapeutic sessions such as physical therapy, vocational and occupational training, psychotherapy, and speech therapy. Children in the Mosan Center in particular, and in Lebanon in general, face one of the harshest challenges of life, due to the crises in Lebanon, which forced most parents not to send their children to their center, due to the high cost of food, clothing, transportation and treatment expenses, and others. Therefore, the Mosan Center for People with Special Needs organized an initiative with benefactors to help children and young people with special needs, with the right to education and to receive unique treatments, through a particular sponsorship campaign for a monthly-annual donation, or as needed. Sponsor or help a child with special needs by donating to them to provide the following: - Education. - Therapy sessions (physical - speech and language - preoccupation - psychological support) Vocational education (handicrafts, sewing, housekeeping, secretarial, oven, carpentry, arts). - Health insurance. - Transportation. - Food. - Clothes, stationery, teaching aids, and others. The Mosan Center adopts transparency and confidentiality in dealing with initiators, with the right to choose children or communicate with their parents and concerned persons for assistance. Please help save their future, help complete their education and help provide them with necessary and essential treatments. Please make a donation as much as possible. Any contribution counts, & please help us to share our request. Every effort helps. Thank you very much for your support & making a difference!

$0 raised Of $30,000

Educate children with special needs


Educate children with special needs
(Français ci-dessous) Acsauvel is a Lebanese NGO in Deir Tamish, founded 1979. We are educating Lebanese and refugee children with Learning and Intellectual Disabilities. We also run protected workshops for adults with intellectual disabilities. The crisis in Lebanon hits us hard and we are fighting for our survival. The Lebanese government support is delayed and insufficient, the pandemic prevents us from organising our regular fundraising activities and the currency devaluation leads to poverty among our families and everyone around us. You can help our 125 children and adults and contribute to their education and wellbeing. This will also help our teachers and therapists to remain in employment. If you can, please make a donation. Any contribution counts. If you can’t donate, please help us to share our request. Every effort helps. Thank you very much for making a difference! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Acsauvel est un ONG libanais,dans la région de Deir Tamish, fondé en 1979. Nous éduquons des enfants libanais et réfugiés ayant des troubles d'apprentissage et des troubles intellectuels. Nous accueillons également dans nos ateliers protégés des adultes handicapés mentaux. La crise au Liban nous frappe durement et nous luttons pour notre survie. Le soutien du gouvernement libanais est tardif et insuffisant, la pandémie nous empêche d'organiser nos activités régulières de collecte de fonds et la dévaluation de la monnaie entraîne la pauvreté parmi nos familles et tout le monde autour de nous. Vous pouvez aider nos 125 enfants et adultes en contribuant à leur éducation et à leur bien-être. Cela aidera également nos enseignants et nos thérapeutes à conserver leur emploi. Si vous le pouvez, merci de faire un don. Toute contribution compte. Si vous ne pouvez pas faire de don, aidez-nous en partageant notre demande. Chaque effort compte. Merci beaucoup de faire une différence!

$10,085 raised Of $20,000

Teach a Child with Special Needs


Teach a Child with Special Needs
The Special Education Department at Adduha High School caters for children with communication disorders needs. The aim of the department was to provide its student with an integration setting, allowing them to benefit from the regular classrooms' setting and school activities, while also receiving the therapies and support they need. Due to the ongoing crisis in Lebanon, the regular classes at Adduha High School will be suspended for the academic year 2021-2022. Nevertheless, we are working hard to keep the special education department functioning in order to provide our students, and any student with special needs with the services they need and deserve. Our Special Education Department aims to be able to offer children with special needs with a welcoming non-judgmental environment where they benefit from Individualized Educational Plans, Speech and Language Therapy as well as Psychomotor Therapy. Some of the students joined our special education department 11 years ago when they were 3 years old; we've been tailoring their educational programs and adjusting them to their needs and potential throughout the past years. These students will have a very tough transition if they were to move to a different institution, or would have to stay at home for the coming academic year. By keeping our Special Education Department open, we will be able to continue providing them with their educational and therapeutic needs.

$2,867 raised Of $20,000