Help a Queer Couple Launch Their Catering Business


Help a Queer Couple Launch Their Catering Business
Hello, my name is Ali. I want to share a personal story. Recently, I faced a life-threatening situation when my father discovered my sexuality and pointed a rifle at me in a fit of rage. My mother’s attempts to intervene were half-hearted, leaving me trapped in my own bedroom. Eventually, she called him away, giving me a chance to escape. I left my home with nothing, relying on borrowed money from friends to secure a small rented room. In the midst of this hardship, something incredible happened—I met Moataz. He, too, had fled from a similar situation at home in Syria, and together, we found solace in each other. We bonded over our shared experiences and a mutual love for cooking. From this bond, an idea was born: Lunch Box. Lunch Box is more than just a catering business—it’s a symbol of our resilience and a step toward reclaiming our lives. We aim to share delicious, home-cooked meals with our community, prepared in our own kitchen. Operating as an openly LGBTQ-run business in a challenging environment, we aim to stand proud and create a space where we—and others like us—can thrive. But we can’t do this alone. We need your support to turn this dream into reality. Your donations will help us secure a safe home, purchase the necessary kitchen equipment, and cover our living expenses as we establish Lunch Box. By supporting us, you’re not just contributing to the start of a business—you’re helping us build a foundation for a brighter, safer future for ourselves and the LGBTQ community in a place where being ourselves is an act of courage. Please consider donating to help us build a brighter, safer future. Thank you for your support.

$0 raised Of $3,000

rebuild the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza


rebuild the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza
Rumah Sakit Indonesian is a hospital located in Bait Lahia, North Gaza Governorate, Gaza Strip, Palestine. The Indonesian Hospital in Gaza was first built in May 2011, and its inauguration was carried out by the former Vice President of Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla, in 2015. Located in Bait Lahiya, North Gaza, this hospital faces various challenges because it is located in a conflict area. Since its construction, the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza has experienced several attacks and bombings, resulting in damage and danger to medical staff, patients and visitors. On 14 November 2011, before completion of construction, an explosion in the vicinity of the hospital killed two people and injured several others. In 2021, Israel's invasion of Gaza will again threaten Indonesian hospitals. Although the hospital administration office sustained damage, there were no casualties among the medical staff and patients. However, Monday (20/11/2023), Indonesian Hospital was again the target of an Israeli attack. In the attack, at least eight people were reported killed, including two doctors, and many more were injured. The hospital's administrative offices and surgery section suffered serious damage. For this reason, MER-C (Medical Emergency Rescue Committee) is raising funds to rebuild the hospital. We will hand over all the money raised from fundraising to MER-C as the institution authorized to manage Indonesian Hospitals. Our hope is that by rebuilding the hospital it will be able to shelter all the victims of the war and be of benefit to everyone. So from us, we thank you for your attention. healthy greetings to all of us. let's donate

$0 raised Of $15,000

Help the children of Lebanese Mothers


Help the children of Lebanese Mothers
MASIR, a leading Lebanese NGO since 2012, advocates for families affected by Lebanon’s gender-discriminatory nationality laws and supports marginalized communities. Lebanese laws prevent children of Lebanese women married to foreigners from automatically acquiring Lebanese nationality, leaving many stateless and without basic rights. Our work with these families, particularly those with Syrian fathers, reveals a dire issue: many children of Lebanese mothers impacted by gender-discriminatory nationality laws lack identity cards, relying on individual documents or passports for residency permits. Recent Lebanese regulations have made securing these permits nearly impossible without proper identification. Economic hardships and high costs for Syrian passports exacerbate their plight, leaving them exposed to dangerous risks and worsening their living conditions. In addition, the threat of deportation to conflict-ridden Syria due to their lack of documentation poses additional threats to these children’s safety. To tackle this pressing issue, MASIR is launching a campaign to support 50 individuals in its first phase. Our goals are to: 1. Cover the fees for “zeyaret Qotor”, a special permission issued by the Syrian embassy. This permission allows people to travel to Syria to obtain essential documents or address legal matters that require their physical presence. 2. Fund travel to Syria for document procurement. 3. Cover the costs of obtaining identity documents and passports in Syria. 4. Fund their return to Lebanon with the necessary documentation to prevent statelessness. Your support can provide these vulnerable individuals with legal identity and security. Donate now to make a difference and help ensure a safer future. For more information on our work, visit our website at

$0 raised Of $30,000

Help Kaia Fight Epilepsy


Help Kaia Fight Epilepsy
Dear friends and supporters, Meet Kaia, our brave 17-month-old daughter diagnosed with refractory epilepsy —the first known case in Lebanon. This rare condition has led to developmental delays and severe, refractory seizures. Kaia had her first seizure at just three months old, resulting in her first hospital admission. Since then, she has been on a challenging medical journey. Kaia relies on different medications, a feeding tube, and various types of therapies. She continues to have weekly or biweekly hospital visits and has experienced prolonged seizures lasting 40 and 20 minutes, respectively. These status seizures necessitate the use of rescue medication to prevent brain damage or death. Unfortunately, due to the situation in Lebanon, we face numerous challenges in obtaining these medications, including the rescue medication. This has been an incredibly stressful journey for our family. Recently, Kaia was admitted to the PICU twice for pneumonia. She is now on an ND-tube due to weakness in eating and failure to thrive. Kaia is non-verbal, has hypotonia, and cannot sit or walk. There is no adequate support or inclusion for her needs at the country level. Despite these immense challenges, Kaia continues to fight with incredible strength and courage. We are reaching out for your support to help us cover her mounting medical expenses, including ongoing hospital visits, treatments, and specialized care. All her medications must be bought from abroad, and future medications will heavily burden our family financially. Kaia's required medications, therapies, and equipment include(Currently and within the upcoming months): - Keppra 100mg/ml is no longer available in Lebanon. - Clobazam is not available in Lebanon. - Depakine. - Stiripentol is not available in Lebanon, with a monthly cost of 175 euros. - Finfloramine, which will require Kaia to travel abroad to try the medication, as it is highly controlled (around 10,000USD administered in Lebanon) - Rivotril and Valium as rescue medications. - Physiotherapy, psychomotor, occupational therapy, and feeding therapy on a monthly basis. - Monthly feeding machine rentals and feeding bags costs.ETC These are the main monthly expenses needed to ensure Kaia has access to the necessary medication and care. Along with long hospital stays, we also urgently use machines such as a suction machine, pulse oximeter, and oxygen. In addition, our house needs modifications to accommodate Kaia’s disabilities, as well as specialized equipment for her rare case, which doesn't exist in Lebanon. Part of this campaign aims to highlight Kaia's case alongside the nearly 20 to 40 reported cases worldwide. By doing so, we hope to raise awareness among research institutions, physicians, and caregivers about our existence. We encourage other caregivers to come forward and advocate for a treatment and, ultimately, a cure. Your generosity will make a significant difference in Kaia's life and help us provide her with the best possible care. Thank you for your kindness and support. Follow Kaia's journey on Instagram: With gratitude,

$5,663 raised Of $300,000