Nawal A Journey of Hope and Resilience in Gaza


Nawal A Journey of Hope and Resilience in Gaza
### Nawal's Story In simple tents on the outskirts of Gaza, lives Nawal Khdeir, a 17-year-old girl. Nawal moves between her beautiful memories and lost dreams, as she once lived in a small house filled with love and happiness before everything changed. The war that swept through Gaza altered the course of her life. Nawal lost her home and moved with her family to tents, where she shares a difficult life filled with challenges alongside her blind mother and her brother, who suffers from heart problems. Nawal worries about her parents, especially since her mother needs help with everything, and her father’s heart pain prevents him from working. Despite these harsh conditions, Nawal clings to hope. Every morning, she wakes up to assist her mother with her needs and looks for ways to earn some money. She goes to the local market, where she showcases her skills in crafting handmade items, selling simple things she creates, like baskets and bracelets. Nawal dreams of finding an opportunity to study; she hopes to become a teacher one day, to help children learn and change their lives. In the nights that escape from reality, she sits with her mother and reads her beloved stories, bringing her joy and comfort. Nawal faces daily challenges, but she remains strong. She always remembers that there is hope for tomorrow and that family is the most precious thing she has. With her determination and resolve, Nawal continues to strive for a better life for her family, holding on to the hope and dreams that still light her path.

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Mohammed's Story Broken Hope in Times of War


Mohammed's Story Broken Hope in Times of War
The Story of Mohammed Riyad: From Hope to Challenge" Mohammed Riyad, a 25-year-old young man, had big dreams of becoming a laboratory doctor, to treat patients and save lives. Life was moving peacefully until the war came to turn everything upside down. Shelling forced his family to flee from northern Gaza to the south, leaving behind beautiful memories and shattered dreams. Mohammed, who was eagerly looking forward to completing his studies, found himself trapped between the ruins of war and the burden of responsibility. His father, who suffers from a disability, needed special care, adding to Mohammed's challenges. Amidst all this, Mohammed tried to be the backbone of his family, taking care of his younger siblings and working any available job, even if it meant enduring harsh conditions. Despite all the challenges, he did not lose hope. He dreamed of traveling to a distant place where he could live in peace and achieve his ambitions. But with each passing day, more difficulties arose. Food became scarce, resources were limited, and anxiety grew. Mohammed felt trapped, as if his dreams were slipping away from him. **A Call for Help:** Mohammed needs your support to rebuild his life and for you to be a part of his story. Your donation can help him obtain the education he deserves and can have a significant impact on his life and his family's life. In a world filled with despair, your generosity can be the beacon of hope that lights Mohammed's path toward a better future.

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الي حياة امنة


الي حياة امنة
إلى حياة آمنة مرحباً أصدقائي ، أعرفكم بنفسي .. أنا وسام خالد السيد ، أبلغ من العمر 34 سنة ، أعيش نازحاً مع عائلتي المكونة من أمي و أختاي اليتيمتين و زوجتي و أطفالي ال6 بالإضافة إلى اخي الكبير مع زوجته و أطفاله ال4 و أخي الصغير و زوجته و طفله الرضيع . سوف أشارككم معاناتي الأليمة منذ ال7 من أكتوبر ،حيث كان لدينا حلم و تحطم .. كنت أملك مخبزاً رائعاً أعيل به أسرتي العزيزة .. بالإضافة إلى بيت كبير يأوينا جميعاً .. لقد مرض أبي الغالي مرضاً خطيراً ،لقد كان يحتاج للعلاج من مرض السرطان خارج قطاع غزة ،لكن لم يستطيع بسبب إغلاق المعابر ، للأسف لقد توفي أبي بعد فترة وجيزة من مرضه .. أما عن أمي فهي تعاني من عدة أمراض منها مرض الضغط و الأعصاب بالإضافة إلى أنها تحتاج لتغيير مفاصل الركبتين .. إنها تتألم كثيراً و تحتاج للعلاج العاجل .. أما عن أخي الكبير فهو يتألم كثيرا ، انه يحتاج الي تغيير مفصل الحوض .. أهيب بكم أصدقائي لمساعدتنا العاجلة لتخفيف هذه المحنة الصعبة .. نحن لا نستطيع تأمين لقمة العيش و لا الدواء و لا الغطاء في هذا الشتاء القارس بالإضافة للبامبرز و الحليب للأطفال الرُضع .. نحتاج دعمكم و تبرعاتكم للخروج إلى بر الأمان .. نحبكم كثيراً

$0 raised Of $50,000

Help yousef and his family in Gaza


Help yousef and his family in Gaza
النص بالعربية في الأسفل My name is Youssef. I was born in Gaza, where I spent my childhood, completed my education, and established my own business. I am married and blessed with three children: Talal, Mohammed, and Mo’men. I had many ambitions to provide my children with a dignified life and secure a future where they could pursue their dreams and fulfill their potential. Then the war came, creating a new harsh reality that I, like all the people of Gaza, must endure due to the ongoing acts of destruction. My family and I lost everything we owned. Our home in northern Gaza was destroyed, forcing us to flee south in search of safety for our children. As the sole provider for my family, I lost my business, my livelihood, my computer, my motorbike, and the children lost their digital tablets and toys as well. Like any father, I strive daily to provide water and food for my children. My only dream now is to save them from these unbearable circumstances, which no child should ever have to experience. Just like any other child in the world, my children deserve safety under a roof that shelters them, clean water, food, and the joy of attending school and playing with their friends. We urgently need your help so that my family can survive this brutal war. I am deeply grateful for any support you can offer, no matter how small. أنا يوسف، ولدت في غزة، وفيها عشت طفولتي وأكملت تعليمي وأسست عملي الخاص. تزوجت ورزقت بثلاثة أطفال: طلال، محمد ومؤمن. كان لدي الكثير من الطموحات التي أسعى لها لينعم أطفالي بحياة كريمة ولكي أستطيع تأمين مستقبل وحياة يتمكنون فيهما من تحقيق ذاتهم وأحلامهم. جاءت الحرب وخلقت واقعاً جديداً أعاني فيه كما يعاني كل أهالي غزة بسبب حرب الإبادة المستمرة علينا. خسرنا فيها أنا وعائلتي كل ما نملك، تدمر منزلنا في شمال غزة واضطررنا للنزوح جنوباً لحماية أطفالنا. أنا المعيل الوحيد لأسرتي وخسرت عملي، مصدر رزقي، جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بي، دراجتي النارية وخسر الأطفال ايضاً ألواحهم الرقمية وألعابهم لأننا اضطررنا للنزوح فوراً ولم نتمكن من أخذ شيء من ممتلكاتنا معنا. كأي أب أسعى يومياً لتوفير الماء والطعام لأطفالي وأصبح حلمي وطموحي الوحيد في هذه الحياة أن أنجو بأطفالي من هذه الظروف التي لا يستحق أي طفل أن يعيش فيها. كأي طفل في هذا العالم يستحق أطفالي الحصول على الأمان تحت سقف منزل يضمهم، الماء النظيف، الطعام، وأن يستمتعوا بوقتهم في المدرسة ومع أصدقائهم. نحتاج مساعدتكم جميعاً لتتمكن أسرتي من النجاة في هذه الحرب القاسية. أشكركم وأقدر لكم أي مساعدة تستطيعون تقديمها مهما كانت بسيطة.

$216 raised Of $15,000