support and save a whole family from a big problem


support and save a whole family from a big problem
My family and I seek help from God and then from you. My family and I are in a very big problem. We are a family of five boys and a girl and my father and mother, (my eldest brther is 38 years old, suffers from epilepsy (nervous convulsions) and does not work because of his illness, and two of my brothers and sister, ages 30, 28, 26, they are from special needs, they have a motor disability and also have epilepsy and take a lot of medications, and my younger brother is still studying in high school. My father is 67 years old and my mother is 57 years old and they do not work, and my mother helps my brothers and sister. I am 32 years old and I work in the field of contracting and finishing. We recently entered into a project in the field of contracting with the money we had, but we lost our money, which forced us to take loans from some banks and money from some people but we were unable to pay. Now (my father, mother and brother) have court rulings against them because of these debts and these loans. And I couldn't satisfied with my needs and the needs of my family due to the difficult living conditions and high prices in Egypt. ((Everything I said is documented with evidence, documents and court rulings are available))) My family and I are going through very difficult circumstances. We are mentally tired and our circumstances are very, very difficult. (((we need your support to improve the family's situation, pay off their debts, help them live in peace, and start a business project that helps them survive))). I hope to God and to you that you help us and save us from all these problems and these debts. Please help us and I hope that you will kindly extend assistance to me and my family by helping us pay off these loans and debts and save my family. I hope that you will look at my request with compassion, mercy and acceptance.

$0 raised Of $100,000

Help Us Clear Debt And Empower Our Future


Help Us Clear Debt And Empower Our Future
My name is Lea, and I’m reaching out to you for support during a challenging time in my life. I am working hard to overcome multiple obstacles, and your help can make a significant difference for my family and me. First and foremost, I am struggling with financial debt. Clearing these debts is essential to alleviating the constant stress and worry that come with financial instability. This will allow me to focus on creating a stable future for my family. In addition to financial support, I need help providing essential care for my family. My mother is in dire need of dental implants. She cannot wear dentures due to severe gum issues, making it difficult for her to eat properly. This not only affects her physical health but also her mental well-being and self-confidence. Dental implants would drastically improve her quality of life. I also have two cats who are very dear to me. One of them suffers from chronic kidney stones and requires special food to manage his condition. Ensuring he gets the proper care is crucial to his health and happiness. Lastly, I am seeking to empower my side hustles to stabilize our financial situation long-term. Investing in business development will enable me to create a sustainable source of income, providing security and stability for my family. Your support will help us in so many ways, from clearing debts to improving health and well-being, and securing a stable future. Any contribution, no matter how small, will have a tremendous impact. Please consider donating and sharing our campaign with others. Your kindness and generosity can help us build a brighter, more secure future. Thank you for taking the time to read our story and for any support you can offer.

$0 raised Of $15,616

Help Us Restart Our Car Rental Business


Help Us Restart Our Car Rental Business
Dear Friends and Supporters, My name is Mohamed, and I am reaching out to you with a heavy heart but also with hope for a brighter future. I am seeking your support to help me rebuild my life and my business after losing everything in the devastating war in Sudan. The war in Sudan has left a trail of destruction and heartbreak in its wake. Our family home, once a place of love and safety, is now just a memory, reduced to rubble by the relentless conflict. Along with our home, I lost my car rental business, which was the sole source of income for my family. I am the responsible of seven brothers, and we live together with our beloved mother and my sister's young son, who is only five years old. As the primary breadwinner, I have always worked hard to provide for our large family. The loss of our home and business has been devastating, leaving us struggling to meet even our most basic needs. Despite these challenges, I am determined to rebuild and create a better future for my family. My dream is to restart my car rental business, a venture that once provided us with stability and hope. With your help, I aim to purchase two cars, which will allow me to kickstart the business again and provide for my family. Each used car costs $10,000 USD, and a new car costs $30,000 USD. By purchasing two cars, either used or new, I can offer reliable services to our community and generate enough income to support my family. Restarting our car rental business will enable me to ensure that my family has access to education, proper nutrition, and a safe place to live. We are seeking to raise $60,000 USD to purchase two cars and include initial operational costs. Your generous contributions will directly impact our ability to rebuild our lives and secure a stable future for our family. We understand that these are difficult times for many, and any support you can provide will be deeply appreciated. Your donations, no matter how small, will bring us one step closer to achieving our dream of rebuilding our business and our lives. We promise to keep you updated on our progress and the positive impact your support will have on our family. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for taking the time to read our story and for considering supporting our cause. Together, we can turn our dreams into reality and rebuild a life filled with hope, dignity, and stability. With gratitude and hope, Mohamed and Family - Please contribute whatever you can to help us reach our goal. - Spread our story with your friends, family, and social networks. - Any form of support, including words of encouragement, means the world to us.

$0 raised Of $60,000

Illuminating a new HOPE


Illuminating a new HOPE
A Story of Grit and Hope. Who: Mohamad , a 32-year-old man from Tripoli, Lebanon, with a remarkable past. Why: Mohamad , burdened by childhood hardships and the loss of everything to addiction, seeks to reclaim his life and contribute to his community. What: Mohamad desires to pay off debts, support his family, rent a center, and restart his career in teaching and training, while ensuring his mother's well-being and access to medication. Where: Tripoli, Lebanon. When: Now, at a pivotal moment in his life, Mohamad stands ready to rebuild on the lessons learned and the resilience forged through struggles. The Story: Mohamad 's narrative is one of remarkable tenacity. From the tender age of seven, he shouldered the responsibility of supporting his family, sacrificing his childhood to the harsh realities of life. This early exposure to hardship molded him into a street-smart survivor, but the burden took its toll. By 30, Mohamad succumbed to drug addiction, losing everything he had built. However, this is not the end of Mohamad 's story. Recognizing the depths of his fall, he bravely entered treatment and emerged clean. Now, fueled by a resolute spirit and a desire to contribute, Mohamad seeks to rebuild his life and make a positive impact. The plan? To establish a training center in Tripoli, a city teeming with underprivileged youth like himself. He envisions a space where he can share his hard-earned knowledge and experience, guiding others towards a brighter future. But to make this dream a reality, Mohamad needs support. He needs to clear the debts incurred during his dark days, ensuring financial stability for himself and his family. His mother, a 66-year-old woman who has stood by him through thick and thin, deserves access to vital medication and freedom from the grip of depression. Finally, establishing the training center requires capital, a haven for vulnerable youth seeking guidance and opportunity. How You Can Help: By contributing to Mohamad 's cause, you invest in the future of vulnerable youth in Tripoli. Your support will empower Mohamad to pay off debts, provide for his family, establish his training center, and make a life-changing impact on countless individuals. Remember, a hand extended in the right moment can rewrite a story. Mohamad 's tale is a testament to the power of human resilience and the transformative potential of community support. Be a part of his journey to reclaim his life and become a beacon of hope for others.

$0 raised Of $15,000