Liver op. (Transhepatic embolization of varies)


Liver op. (Transhepatic embolization of varies)
Dear friends, I write to you with a heart overflowed with hope and a story of steady resilience. I humbly seek your support for a critical and life-altering surgery. Two years ago, I was infected with the Corona virus, and my health condition began to deteriorate. I began to suffer from blood clots in the spleen, which prevented blood from reaching the liver, which led to its cirrhosis. I had the necessary tests done and it turned out that I was suffering from bleeding, which led to a severe drop in blood. Then, after undergoing several new laboratory tests, it became clear that I was suffering from cirrhosis of the liver, an enlarged spleen, in addition to blood vessel phlegm. Also, 4 months ago, I underwent a phlebitis operation in the stomach. For those who may be concerned, the patient, Kamel Ibrahim Makari, 19 years old, suffers from cirrhosis of the liver and cirrhosis of the stomach and intestines, and he needs an urgent operation (Transhepatic embolization of varies) that costs $13,000. Note that the patient is being treated by Dr. Abbas Shams El-Din- AUB For more information please get in touch with Diala the dr's secretary: 03808551 The patient's number: 81898879 Your support is crucial to me. No donation is too small, for every gesture brings me closer to a life renewed and filled with promise. You are the ray of hope that lights up my path. Together, we can turn my dreams into reality and inspire others to persevere in the face of adversity. With heartfelt gratitude,

$157 raised Of $13,000

Help a Soul


Help a Soul
Dear friends and compassionate supporters, My name is Ghass, and I am reaching out to you with a heartfelt plea for assistance. I am currently facing a significant medical challenge: the need for a critical surgery to remove a tumor. This surgery is essential for my health and well-being, but the associated costs are overwhelming. Why Your Help is Crucial The tumor removal surgery involves extensive medical procedures, hospitalization, and post-operative care, all of which come with substantial expenses. Despite insurance and personal savings, there remains a significant financial gap that I cannot bridge alone. How Your Donation Will Make a Difference Every donation, no matter the size, will directly contribute to covering the medical expenses, including: Surgery costs Hospital stays Medications and treatments Follow-up appointments and care Your support will not only alleviate the financial burden but also provide me with the peace of mind needed to focus on recovery and healing. A Personal Note This journey has been incredibly challenging, but it has also shown me the strength and kindness of my community. Your generosity and support mean the world to me. Together, we can make this surgery possible and give me a chance at a healthier future. How to Donate You can contribute to my fundraiser. Every bit of support counts and brings me closer to the goal of a successful surgery and recovery. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and support. Please share this campaign with your networks to help spread the word. 9800 amount of the 22,000 still remaining. With gratitude, Ghass

$0 raised Of $9,800

Zahnish's Sound Journey: A Call for Support


Zahnish's Sound Journey: A Call for Support
In a world where silence can be as vast as the night sky, there exists a girl named Zahnish, whose spirit radiates brighter than the sun at dawn. Despite being born into a realm of quietude, Zahnish's heart beats with the rhythm of life's unseen melodies. Enter the stage, a technological marvel known as the cochlear implant, a beacon of hope amidst the hush. With its arrival, Zahnish's world transformed into a symphony of sound, each note a brushstroke painting her existence in vibrant hues. Yet, as time unfurls its inevitable tapestry, Zahnish finds herself standing at a crossroads. Her faithful companion, the cochlear implant, now shows signs of age, its melodies waning like a fading melody. But fear not, for heroes are not confined to tales of old. You, dear reader, hold within you the power to change Zahnish's narrative. Your contribution can pave the way for a new chapter, one where the melody of Zahnish's life continues to crescendo, unfettered by the constraints of silence. Join us, as we embark on a quest to ensure that Zahnish's symphony never reaches its final note. With your support, we can gift her a new cochlear implant, igniting a symphony that resonates with the beauty of life itself. Stand with us, dear friend, and together, let us paint the canvas of Zahnish's world with the vibrant colors of sound. Your generosity is the melody that keeps Zahnish's spirit dancing in the wind, her laughter echoing through the corridors of time. Thank you for being the orchestrator of her joy, the maestro of her melody.

$0 raised Of $20,000

Labib Zebiane Urgent Open Heart Surgery


Labib Zebiane Urgent Open Heart Surgery
أبي بحاجة إلى عملية "قلب مفتوح" طارئة في أقل من أسبوع، ويُحتَمَل غسيل الكلى في غضون العملية الجراحية، وفقًا للتقارير المكتوبة أدناه. الجهة الضامنَة ستُغطّي حوالي ٦٪؜ من القيمة الإجمالية بعدما كانت تُغطّي ٨٠٪؜ والمبلغ الكامل ١٢١٩٥$ لإجرائها. في هذه الأيّام العصيبة، أمسى الشّعب بخدمة الشّعب، والتوسّل حاجة ماسّة، وخارج عن الإرادة. فطَلَبًا وليسَ أمرًا، ممَّن بإمكانِهِ المساهمة ولو بجزءٍ بسيطٍ، لإنقاذِ حياة أبي. شاكرينَ موَدّتكم ووقوفكم بجانبِنا بهذا الظرف، عسى أن يقدّرنا الله أن نردّ لكم هذا الجميل. My father urgently needs open-heart surgery within less than a week, and it is possible that he will need dialysis during the surgery, according to the reports written below. The insurance provider will cover approximately 6% of the total cost, down from 80%, and the full amount required for the surgery is $12,195. We ask, not demand, for anyone who can contribute even a small amount to help save my father's life. We appreciate your kindness and support in this situation. For any information contact us: 71933285

$11,545 raised Of $12,195