Help Me Regain My Health and Independence


Help Me Regain My Health and Independence
My name is Amer , and I’m reaching out because I desperately need your help to fight a health battle that’s taking over my life. I have a serious neck condition affecting the C5-C7 sections of my spine. The damaged discs are pressing on my nerves, causing unbearable pain, dizziness so severe it leads to fainting, blurry vision, and even problems with speech and balance. My daily reality is one of constant discomfort, and my nerves are being damaged more with each passing day. This condition isn’t just affecting my body—it’s taking away my ability to live a normal life. I can’t work to support myself, and I have no one to turn to for the urgent medical treatment I need. The longer I go without treatment, the worse my condition becomes, and I’m terrified that the damage might become permanent. To make matters worse, I also have a separate problem with my spine, adding to the pain and mobility challenges I face every day. Simple tasks like walking, concentrating, or even speaking clearly feel impossible some days. I’m not the type of person to ask for help lightly, but I’m at a point where I have no other choice. I need urgent medical care—diagnosis, treatments, and possibly surgery—to prevent my condition from worsening. But the costs are far beyond anything I can manage on my own. This is where I’m asking for your kindness. Every donation, no matter the size, will go directly toward my medical treatment and recovery. Your support can give me the chance to regain my health, my independence, and my life. If you’re unable to donate, please consider sharing my story with others. The more people who hear about my situation, the closer I get to finding the help I need. Thank you for taking the time to read my story and for any support you can provide. You have no idea how much it means to me.

$250 raised Of $1,000

Mahadi wants to see the world again on foot


Mahadi wants to see the world again on foot
I am Mahadi Hasan now 42 years old in a fatal road accident on June 27, 2024, one of my legs was completely amputated, another leg is progressing towards paralysis and my buttocks, urinary tract, defecation route and lumbar spine were severely injured, the left side of the pelvis bone was completely broken, I cannot urinate or defecate normally, 2 iron rods were inserted in my spine, during this time it was supported by various weapons. I can not get out of bed, sit or walk and am completely paralyzed, I have to lie down all the time, the infection can spread at any time, the doctor says that I need to get treatment in a developed country, I was under treatment at the Sheikh Hasina National Burn and Plastic Surgery Institute for 18 months. Due to being hospitalized, I had to bear a huge amount of money, which has become impossible for me as the sole earner of the family. Currently I have no source of income. I have a mother a wife and a 39 month old son. I feel helpless At this weak moment of life, when I can no longer find anyone by my side, I have extended my last hand to your Excellency. Not a beggar not a demand a little request to Survive. I do not dare to burden anyone with all my responsibilities. If only I could convey to you this little hope, the image of my breakdown from afar and the cry of pain through this writing. Your hands of prayer will give a little breath of relief in my life give my innocent child a little shelter to survive. In this hope, I request your court considering the above matter give me the opportunity to be eternally grateful. I will never have the power to repay your debt. But an old mother a helpless wife and an innocent child will have infinite prayers and love for you. Sincerely, from the bottom of my hearts, thank you for your kindness and generosity. Thank you in advance for your kindness and compassion. Please note - if you donate anonymously, I'm unable to thank you on the platform; however, I will do so via email.

$0 raised Of $100,000

Dad’s Surgery Fund: A Call for Support


Dad’s Surgery Fund: A Call for Support
My beloved father is currently facing a difficult battle against diabetes, which has severely affected his health. His feet are no longer receiving blood flow, and as a result, he is now in the hospital undergoing dialysis. Time is running out. The doctors have informed us that he urgently needs a surgery to install a "vascular access" and open the blood vessels to avoid amputation of his leg from the thigh. This surgery is his only chance to save his leg and avoid the devastating consequences of delayed treatment. Unfortunately, the cost of the procedure exceeds our financial capacity. Therefore, we are reaching out to kind-hearted people to help us during this critical time, so that my father can receive the life-saving treatment he desperately needs. Any donation, no matter how small, will make a significant impact on our lives. We deeply appreciate your support during this challenging time. Together, we can give him a chance for recovery and a better life. والدي العزيز يواجه حالياً معركة صعبة ضد مرض السكري الذي أثر بشكل كبير على صحته، فقد أصابه الضرر في قدميه لدرجة أن الدم لا يصل إليهما نهائيًا. بسبب هذه الحالة الحرجة، هو الآن في المستشفى يخضع لغسيل الكلى، والوقت يداهمنا. الطبيب أخبرنا أنه يحتاج إلى إجراء عملية عاجلة لتركيب "راصور" وفتح شرايين الدم لكي يتجنب بتر قدمه من الفخذ. هذه العملية هي الفرصة الوحيدة أمامه للحفاظ على قدمه وتجنب العواقب الوخيمة التي قد تترتب على تأخر العلاج. ولكن للأسف، تكاليف العلاج تتجاوز قدرتنا المالية. لذا، نحن نوجه نداءً من القلب لكل من يقدر مساعدتنا في هذا الوقت الصعب، حتى يستطيع والدنا الحصول على العلاج الذي ينقذ حياته. كل تبرع مهما كان صغيرًا سيكون له أثر عميق في حياتنا. نقدر لكم من أعماق قلوبنا دعمكم في هذه اللحظة الصعبة. معًا يمكننا أن نعطيه فرصة للشفاء والعيش حياة أفضل.

$1,185 raised Of $5,000