Zahnish's Sound Journey: A Call for Support


Zahnish's Sound Journey: A Call for Support
In a world where silence can be as vast as the night sky, there exists a girl named Zahnish, whose spirit radiates brighter than the sun at dawn. Despite being born into a realm of quietude, Zahnish's heart beats with the rhythm of life's unseen melodies. Enter the stage, a technological marvel known as the cochlear implant, a beacon of hope amidst the hush. With its arrival, Zahnish's world transformed into a symphony of sound, each note a brushstroke painting her existence in vibrant hues. Yet, as time unfurls its inevitable tapestry, Zahnish finds herself standing at a crossroads. Her faithful companion, the cochlear implant, now shows signs of age, its melodies waning like a fading melody. But fear not, for heroes are not confined to tales of old. You, dear reader, hold within you the power to change Zahnish's narrative. Your contribution can pave the way for a new chapter, one where the melody of Zahnish's life continues to crescendo, unfettered by the constraints of silence. Join us, as we embark on a quest to ensure that Zahnish's symphony never reaches its final note. With your support, we can gift her a new cochlear implant, igniting a symphony that resonates with the beauty of life itself. Stand with us, dear friend, and together, let us paint the canvas of Zahnish's world with the vibrant colors of sound. Your generosity is the melody that keeps Zahnish's spirit dancing in the wind, her laughter echoing through the corridors of time. Thank you for being the orchestrator of her joy, the maestro of her melody.

$0 raised Of $20,000

Women's Health: Keen Mom's Club (Maternity)


Women's Health: Keen Mom's Club (Maternity)
To ensure that women’s health is a priority, Keen International is launching a social enterprise initiative. We are planning this initiative in collaboration with Dr. Lawrence M. Nelson and the Mary Elizabeth Conover Foundation. Maternal Health (Mental, Physical and psychological) + Postpartum Depression (PPD) The importance of this project is crucial and deserves attention, especially to ensure a healthy and thriving society. Through Empowering, advocating, educating, supporting, facilitating, and leading women to enhance their lives, Keen International will work on global crowd-funding to raise awareness and health care through care for Lebanese women in need. Description: Maternal Health (Mental, Physical and psychological) + Postpartum Depression (PPD) Despite advancements in healthcare, maternal mortality and morbidity rates remain high in certain regions such as Lebanon. This project aims to address critical issues that affect maternal health to emphasize accessible quality care. To ensure a positive experience for Lebanese women during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum, a dedicated club will be launched where women can gather to network and have access to awareness sessions and join "Keen Mom’s Club" which will host maternal physical health care and pre-birth exercises, psychological, and mental healthcare, informative and educational sessions, and networking activities for Lebanese moms to be; and other relevant events to increase awareness, maternal education and the period right after childbirth. In Lebanon, most moms depend only on their mothers or mothers-in-law who provide old instructions that are obsolete, and it’s not common for pregnant women to join such a club. Here she will acquire information from physicians, yoga coaches, psychotherapists, and trainers based on (WHAT YOU EXPECT WHEN YOU’RE EXPECTING, 4TH EDITION, By Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel, Foreword by Charles J. Lockwood, MD, Chair, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, Yale University School of Medicine) book, with support and dealing with baby for the first year based on (WHAT TO EXPECT THE FIRST YEAR, 2ND EDITION, By Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel, Foreword by Mark D. Widome, M.D., M.P.H., Professor of Pediatrics, The Penn State Children’s Hospital, Hershey, Pennsylvania) book. By ensuring the importance of the quality of maternal and mental health, and contributing to improving reproductive and gynecological health, health equity, empowerment, and education; we will be contributing to the well-being of women in Lebanese societies to foster healthier communities overall. To guarantee the sustainability of our project, at a later stage and where the fund is not secured, we may charge affordable fees for club joiners to access various activities. Objectives: - Ensuring the preventive measures are met such as vaccination, clinical visits, blood tests, and health education to manage health issues early. - Reducing maternal mortality and morbidity through delivering pregnancy support and PPD support. - Providing psychological and mental health support throughout different stages. - Ensuring equal access to healthcare services (health equity). - Empowering women through information and education, ensuring their ability to actively participate in decisions related to their needs and wants. - Having equal opportunities for all women around Lebanon by providing access to our services online and on-site. - Knowing, experiencing, and practicing self-care. - Spending purposeful time rather than staying alone. - Increasing the cultural level and well-being of women in our community. - Understand her value and we’re here to support her. - Creating awareness of moms to be and after birth about their body and other changes and the development of their babies, month after month, before and after birth. - Networking that will open opportunities for women. - Applying contemporary and scientific approaches in dealing with themselves and their babies rather than old worn out techniques. Thank you for believing in us and in our cause! Thank you for supporting women!

$3 raised Of $40,580

Improve the Quality of Life of COVID-19 Patients


Improve the Quality of Life of COVID-19 Patients
The Solidarity project June 1 - November 30 2021 The Lebanese health sector (both public and private), is suffering from a serious shortage in medical equipment as well as in the supply of critical medicines and consumables. Inflation and diminishing budgets have led several health service provider institutions to lay off health personnel and cut down on services. The corona pandemic has added to the burden in terms of medical treatment and intensive care. This project is seeking to identify immediate needs in order to be able to better serve patients and their families at the Lebanese public hospitals in addition to showing solidarity to the medical staff by alleviating the daily pressures. Rafiq Hariri University Hospital (RHUH) is the main referral public hospital for COVID-19 treatment in Lebanon, and has been at the forefront of the national response throughout the pandemic. As such, the pandemic has caused its medical supplies to be exhausted and has affected its staff on all levels specifically from a financial, social and psychological perspective. This project aims to address the needs of (RHUH), reinforce the system already in place, and apply it as a pilot model for a period of 6 months to be implemented in other hospitals in coming phases of the project. The generated funds will address the following needs: 1. Increasing the number of Nurse Helpers Due to the understaffing of nurses, patients are not receiving the adequate assistance that is not necessarily medical, i.e., assistance in feeding patients, moving them to avoid bedsores, assisting them in WCs etc... The hospital currently needs 10 additional Nurse Helpers to take over some of the low-skill tasks of the Nurses who are overwhelmed and exhausted because of the Pandemic. The objective is to relieve the nurses and better serve the patients and their families. Total funds needed: 72 000 000 LBP Secured: 55,500,000 LBP Remaining: 16 500 000 LBP (Equivalent to 1,100 USD as per the current market exchange rate / 1 USD = 15,000 LBP) 2. Equipment, supplies and medications for the prevention and treatment of Bed Sores Patients, including those suffering from Covid 19, tend to develop severe bedsores due to the fact that they are often bedridden for long stretches of time. The optimal prevention is by intensive nursing care (to move patients regularly, to remove moisture, to apply creams and foams, etc.) and to provide barrier creams and medications. The hospital is suffering from a severe short supply of appropriate equipment and medications. Moreover, as most families are already suffering from economic constraints, they are often unable to supply these medications themselves. Purchasing and supplying RHUH with the needed materials, creams, and medications would serve to address this urgent need and will help cure the extremely painful bedsores that the patients are suffering from. Total funds needed: 65,000 USD Secured: 1,000 USD Remaining: 64,000 USD 3. Improving Communication between patients and their families One of the concerns of COVID-19 patients and their families is the isolation and inability to communicate once they are in the hospital, especially when visits are not allowed. This causes extreme anxiety and heightened stress on both patients and family members. Some are losing their lives without having been able to say goodbye to their families. The communication between patients and their families is crucial in improving their psycho-social wellbeing and therefore in helping them heal. RHUH has identified this issue as an important need and has put in place an innovative solution. A mobile large screen TV is in place in both the ICU unit and COVID ward through which families can connect via Skype in order to see and speak with patients. Furthermore, a designated space in the hospital has been made available equipped with a laptop and speakers to enable families who cannot access the internet from home to come in and virtually see and speak to the patients. This is a very welcomed initiative that has a lot of potential to be expanded and the screens to be used can continue to serve future patients with infectious diseases. We have helped RHUH increase the number of screens available to patients and the number of devices available for families in the hospital. 6 tablets were kindly donated by “CISCO” and “Ahla Fawda” to serve this purpose. For now, all needs were secured for RHUH for this component of the project. However, similar needs for other hospitals will need to be addressed at a later stage. 4. Providing incentive to the nursing staff There is a pressing felt need to provide nursing staff of all levels with some form of recognition for their services and unwavering dedication. This applies to RHUH staff as well as all nurses in Lebanon. No budget has been allocated for this pillar as all the funds remaining after the accomplishments of the pillars mentioned above will serve to ensure an incentive to the hospital nurses based on their assessed needs. Your support is highly appreciated to be able to provide all funds needed to ensure the best quality of life for both the COVID-19 patients and the medical team. The project related costs are estimated in USD according to daily market rate. We gratefully accept donations in USD, bank USD and LBP. Funding Goal: 70,000 USD

$0 raised Of $70,000