Dad’s Surgery Fund: A Call for Support


Dad’s Surgery Fund: A Call for Support
My beloved father is currently facing a difficult battle against diabetes, which has severely affected his health. His feet are no longer receiving blood flow, and as a result, he is now in the hospital undergoing dialysis. Time is running out. The doctors have informed us that he urgently needs a surgery to install a "vascular access" and open the blood vessels to avoid amputation of his leg from the thigh. This surgery is his only chance to save his leg and avoid the devastating consequences of delayed treatment. Unfortunately, the cost of the procedure exceeds our financial capacity. Therefore, we are reaching out to kind-hearted people to help us during this critical time, so that my father can receive the life-saving treatment he desperately needs. Any donation, no matter how small, will make a significant impact on our lives. We deeply appreciate your support during this challenging time. Together, we can give him a chance for recovery and a better life. والدي العزيز يواجه حالياً معركة صعبة ضد مرض السكري الذي أثر بشكل كبير على صحته، فقد أصابه الضرر في قدميه لدرجة أن الدم لا يصل إليهما نهائيًا. بسبب هذه الحالة الحرجة، هو الآن في المستشفى يخضع لغسيل الكلى، والوقت يداهمنا. الطبيب أخبرنا أنه يحتاج إلى إجراء عملية عاجلة لتركيب "راصور" وفتح شرايين الدم لكي يتجنب بتر قدمه من الفخذ. هذه العملية هي الفرصة الوحيدة أمامه للحفاظ على قدمه وتجنب العواقب الوخيمة التي قد تترتب على تأخر العلاج. ولكن للأسف، تكاليف العلاج تتجاوز قدرتنا المالية. لذا، نحن نوجه نداءً من القلب لكل من يقدر مساعدتنا في هذا الوقت الصعب، حتى يستطيع والدنا الحصول على العلاج الذي ينقذ حياته. كل تبرع مهما كان صغيرًا سيكون له أثر عميق في حياتنا. نقدر لكم من أعماق قلوبنا دعمكم في هذه اللحظة الصعبة. معًا يمكننا أن نعطيه فرصة للشفاء والعيش حياة أفضل.

$1,185 raised Of $5,000

*Help Save Baraa: A Father’s Plea for Urgent Medic


*Help Save Baraa: A Father’s Plea for Urgent Medic
Help Save Baraa: A Father’s Plea for Urgent Medical Support* As the father of Baraa Raed Abu Mansi, I am reaching out to share his story—a journey of resilience and hope against all odds. Baraa, from birth, has faced serious health issues, including complex heart, facial, and jaw conditions. His young age and inability to speak make it hard for him to express his struggles, so I’m here to speak for him. Baraa has already endured multiple heart surgeries and now relies on a pacemaker, an essential yet costly device that will need replacement as he grows. His health challenges are ongoing, with urgent needs for bone implants, dental reconstruction, and surgeries for his nose and jaw. Despite all the hardships, Baraa’s spirit remains unbreakable. Against all expectations, he has survived and shown remarkable courage. But the journey ahead is long and filled with uncertainties. Your support could provide Baraa with the life-saving medical treatments he urgently needs. Every contribution—no matter how small—brings us closer to a brighter future for him. I am asking for help not only for financial aid but for hope. As a father, my greatest wish is to see my son grow up healthy, happy, and free from pain. To all parents and compassionate souls, I ask you to stand with us. Your support is not just a donation; it is a lifeline for Baraa, helping him to smile, thrive, and live without suffering. Thank you for your kindness and prayers. With your help, Baraa will continue to defy the odds and keep his heart beating strong. With heartfelt gratitude, *Raed Abu Mansi*

$0 raised Of $50,000

Together for Jaafar: Help Save His Heart and Futur


Together for Jaafar: Help Save His Heart and Futur
Jaafar Zammam, a 7-year-old boy in Syria, urgently needs a life-saving heart surgery. Born with a serious heart defect, Jaafar had surgery as a baby to correct the position of his arteries. Now, his heart faces severe blockages in the pulmonary valve, causing high pressure and extreme strain on his heart, which could lead to heart failure without immediate intervention. The ongoing crisis in Syria has made advanced medical care inaccessible, and Jaafar's family cannot afford the costly procedure he needs. With your support, Jaafar can receive this critical surgery, giving him the chance for a healthy, hopeful future. جعفر زمام، طفل يبلغ من العمر 7 سنوات في سوريا، يحتاج بشكل عاجل إلى جراحة قلب لإنقاذ حياته. وُلد جعفر بعيب خلقي في القلب، وخضع لجراحة في صغره لتصحيح وضع شرايين قلبه. الآن، يعاني قلبه من انسداد شديد في الصمام الرئوي، مما يسبب ضغطاً عالياً وإجهاداً شديداً على قلبه، وقد يؤدي ذلك إلى فشل القلب إذا لم يتم التدخل الطبي العاجل. الأزمة المستمرة في سوريا جعلت الرعاية الطبية المتقدمة غير متاحة، وعائلة جعفر غير قادرة على تحمل تكلفة العملية الجراحية الباهظة التي يحتاجها. بدعمكم، يمكن لجعفر أن يحصل على هذه الجراحة الحيوية التي ستمنحه فرصة لحياة صحية ومستقبل مليء بالأمل.

$0 raised Of $10,000

Request for Support in my Health Journey


Request for Support in my Health Journey
Dear Friends, My name is Drea, and I’m reaching out during a particularly challenging time in my life. Since February 28th, I have been experiencing heavy bleeding, extreme fatigue, lightheadedness, and severe pelvic pain. This ongoing issue has led to anemia, significantly affecting my daily life. After undergoing several tests, including a transvaginal ultrasound and biopsy, I was diagnosed with submucosal fibroids—non-cancerous growths in or around the uterus. These fibroids have drastically impacted my quality of life, making it difficult for me to work or engage socially, as I often cannot leave the house without fear of an accident. My doctor has advised that, due to the size and location of my fibroids, a myomectomy may not be the best option. Instead, a hysteroscopic myomectomy has been recommended. Unfortunately, the healthcare system in my country does not offer minimally invasive procedures, so I have had to seek treatment abroad. The total cost for the surgery, including travel and accommodation, amounts to $7,000. I am reaching out to ask for your support. Your generosity would help cover the cost of the procedure, my stay, and my flight. This assistance would mean the world to me and would help me regain the quality of life I once enjoyed. Thank you for considering my request. I truly appreciate any help you can provide, no matter how small. I look forward to sharing my journey and eventual victory with all of you.

$20 raised Of $7,000