donation for my beloved father's heart surgery


donation for my beloved father's heart surgery
[Help Our Father Fight: Open Donation for Home Care Costs] Hi friends, family, and all the good people out there, We would like to share about the condition of our father (Mr. Zulkarnain) who is currently fighting his illness. Some time ago, my father had a heart attack and had to undergo a ring installation surgery. However, after the operation, my father immediately fell into a critical condition and went into a coma. His heart stopped for a moment, causing the medical team to have to perform a pacemaker 17 times to restore its beat. As a result of the cardiac arrest, the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain was stopped, which caused serious damage to brain function. After being treated intensively in the ICU with various medical efforts, including the installation of a breathing apparatus, the doctor finally performed a tracheostomy (installation of a hole in the throat) so that my father could breathe more easily. Seeing that my father's condition did not show any improvement, the hospital finally suggested that my father be sent home because there was no further medical action that could be taken. Dad also has a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) bracelet, which means that in the event of an emergency, the medical team will not perform resuscitation. Currently, Dad needs oxygen all the time, and the oxygen tank we have only lasts about 4-5 hours before it needs to be refilled. In addition, we also often need the help of nurses to re-install the nasogastric tube (feeding/medication tube through the nose) which often comes off due to sneezing or body movements. All the costs of home care, including oxygen, nurses, and other medical needs, are very large and quite heavy for our family. Therefore, we are opening donations for anyone who wants to help ease this burden. Any amount of assistance given will mean a lot to us. Any amount you give is very valuable to us. Thank you very much for your attention, prayers, and assistance. May your kindness be repaid many times over.

$0 raised Of $15,000

Please Donate To Help


Please Donate To Help
Dear All , Neifé Al Asmar has a critical heart problem. Please Help If you are able to donate! please do so by using *the provided link of Fundahope.* *or through Omt pay wallet or western Union to Mansour Abou Hawbar* *Whish* Money also to Mansour Abou Hawbar Mobile Number *03/691767* *Or support us by sharing the links and infos with your Social Media Networks and other platforms* to help spread the Word. ................. Neifé was diagnosed having a Severe Symptomatic Mitral Valve Regurgitation : It is a Heart Valve condition in which the flaps of the Mitral Valve do not close properly causing backward flow of blood to the heart ; This incompetence results in an abnormal heart rhythm characterised by : *Rapid and irregular Heart beating night and day *Shortness of breath *Sleepless nights *Weight loss *Anemia *Dizziness *Nausea and Overall Tiredness... According to Cardiologists she cannot do an Open Heart Surgery to repair the Mitral valve cause it will be so dangerous for her . After various tests and imaging ,the only viable procedure to save her life is the " *Mitra Clip* " It is a minimally invasive cardiac intervention that can relieve her bad symptoms and give her a chance for a better life. Mam's life saving operation costs 57.000 $ an amount beyond what we can afford ,especially after the suffering of our dearest Lebanon. We can't do it alone and therefore we are kindly asking for your Help . "Mama "was and still an inspiration to us and to many others with her kind heart and Love. Please let us come together to give Neifé the chance to live and stand for us again ... Mama means the World To Us. Every donation no matter how much it is will make a big difference.. Neifé and her family Thank you in advance from the bottom of Our Hearts .. After all aren't we "Humans "A big Family !!! We believe in the power of compassion and community... Thank you for your Beauty within ,Time,Generosity , and Prayers !!! May God give you back Prosperity and preserve your Health and Families . 🙏🌹🌹🌹

$50 raised Of $57,000

Help support my dad to get his urgent surgery


Help support my dad to get his urgent surgery
مرحبًا. عم نتواصل معكن لمساعدة مادية لكلفة عملية جراحية مستعجلة بمستشفى الرسول الأعظم ببيروت تفاصيل الحالة: - الاسم: مصطفى أحمد عيتاني - عمر: 75 سنة - مكان السكن: خلدة - الوضع الصحي: عنده انسداد حاد بشرايين الرقبة اليمنى (RT Carotid) ولازم عملية مستعجلة (Endarterectomy) مع رقعة طبية (Hemacarotid). - تكلفة العملية و فحوصات طبية شاملة قبل و بعد العملية و مراجعة الطبيب لمدة شهرين للمراقبة: 15,000$ - الطبيب المعالج: د. محمد صعب الوضع المادي: الوالد عاطل عن العمل، والظروف المادية صعبة وما بيقدر يغطي كلفة العلاج. المستندات المتوفرة: - تقرير طبي من مستشفى الرسول الأعظم - للتواصل: - الاسم: سهى عيتاني - الرقم: 009613688039 . شكراً جزيلا Hello, We are reaching out to request financial assistance for an urgent surgical procedure at Al-Rassoul Al-Azam Hospital in Beirut. Case details: - Name: Mostapha Ahmad Itani - Age: 75 years old - Residence:Khaldeh - Medical condition: He has a severe blockage in the right carotid artery (RT Carotid) and requires an urgent *endarterectomy* with a medical patch (Hemacarotid). - Surgery cost including pre and post medical tests and follow up with the doctor and close monitoring for 2 months: $15,000 - Treating doctor:Dr. Mohammad Saab Financial situation: The patient is unemployed, and the family's financial situation is difficult, making it impossible to cover the cost of treatment. Available documents: - Medical report from Al-Rassoul Al-Azam Hospital Contact information: - Name: Suha Itani - Phone number: 009613688039 Thank you very much.

$7,197 raised Of $15,000

Urgent rheumatisim surgery


Urgent rheumatisim surgery
رسالة الى اصحاب القلوب الطيبة و النوايا الحسنة السي الخوري تم تشخيصها "مرض الروماتيزم بمراحل متقدمة تزامننا مع إلتهاب المفاصل" بعد مراحل من التحاليل المكثفة في مستسفى ابو جودة .. تبين لاحقا ان هذا المرض تسسب في ذوبا الجيلاتين في الركبتين التي بدورهما مسؤلين عند عدم احتكاك عظام الركبة ببعضها البعض مما يسبب بألم لا يوصف لدرجة عدم النوم و الوقوف وابسط الحركات السي هي ام لطفل عمره ١٤ وحيد بدون اب توقف عن الدراسة و الذهاب الى المدرسة من اجل مراعته لوالدته . ليس هناك حل لألسي الى بعملية زرع البروتيز بكلا الركبتين لمنع احتكاك العظام ببعضها البعض . تكلفة العملية هي ١٥٠٠٠$ لكل ركبة ٧٥٠٠$ الكلمة الأخيرة هي لكم و شفاء السي الخوري هي داخل رحمة قلوبكم لو تراحم الناس لما كان بينهم جائع ولا مغبون، ، فالرحمة تمحو الشقاء من المجتمع ( ارحمو ما في الأرض يرحمكم من في السماء ) و شكرا A message to those with kind hearts and good intentions: Md. Elsy Khouri has been diagnosed with “rheumatism in advanced stages, accompanied by arthritis.” After a series of intensive tests at Abu Joudeh Hospital, it was discovered that this condition caused the gelatinous substance in her knees to dissolve. As a result, the knee bones are not able to glide smoothly against each other, leading to indescribable pain that prevents her from sleeping, standing, or even performing simple movements. She is a mother to a 14-year-old child, her only son, who has stopped attending school to take care of his mother. There is no solution for her except a knee prosthesis surgery for both knees to prevent the bones from rubbing together. The cost of the surgery is $15,000, with $7,500 for each knee. The final word is with you, and the healing of Md. elsy Khouri lies in your compassionate hearts. If people showed more mercy, there would be no hunger or injustice among them. Mercy wipes away hardship in society. (Show mercy to those on earth, and you will be shown mercy by the One in the heavens.) Thank you.

$0 raised Of $15,000