Request for Support in my Health Journey


Request for Support in my Health Journey
Dear Friends, My name is Drea, and I’m reaching out during a particularly challenging time in my life. Since February 28th, I have been experiencing heavy bleeding, extreme fatigue, lightheadedness, and severe pelvic pain. This ongoing issue has led to anemia, significantly affecting my daily life. After undergoing several tests, including a transvaginal ultrasound and biopsy, I was diagnosed with submucosal fibroids—non-cancerous growths in or around the uterus. These fibroids have drastically impacted my quality of life, making it difficult for me to work or engage socially, as I often cannot leave the house without fear of an accident. My doctor has advised that, due to the size and location of my fibroids, a myomectomy may not be the best option. Instead, a hysteroscopic myomectomy has been recommended. Unfortunately, the healthcare system in my country does not offer minimally invasive procedures, so I have had to seek treatment abroad. The total cost for the surgery, including travel and accommodation, amounts to $7,000. I am reaching out to ask for your support. Your generosity would help cover the cost of the procedure, my stay, and my flight. This assistance would mean the world to me and would help me regain the quality of life I once enjoyed. Thank you for considering my request. I truly appreciate any help you can provide, no matter how small. I look forward to sharing my journey and eventual victory with all of you.

$20 raised Of $7,000

Fouad Maher Al Hassanieh 7-year-old boy - Lebanon


Fouad Maher Al Hassanieh 7-year-old boy - Lebanon
Little Fouad Maher Al Hassanieh, a 7-year-old boy from Choueifat, Lebanon, has been courageously battling severe bone deformities since birth. Despite undergoing eight arduous surgeries, including a recent spine stabilization procedure, his journey is far from over. His next step is a critical pelvic surgery that could potentially enable him to stand and walk. This will be followed by foot surgery and regular spine stabilizer adjustments to accommodate his growth. With unwavering hope and the support of loved ones and generous donors, Fouad has come this far. However, the financial burden of these essential surgeries is immense. We humbly appeal to your kind heart to help us provide Fouad with the chance to live a life free from pain and limitations. Every contribution, no matter how small, will bring us closer to realizing his dream of walking independently. الطفل فؤاد ماهر الحسنية، البالغ من العمر 7 سنوات، من الشويفات بلبنان، يكافح بشجاعة تشوهات عظمية شديدة منذ ولادته. وعلى الرغم من خضوعه لثماني عمليات جراحية شاقة، بما في ذلك عملية تثبيت العمود الفقري مؤخرًا، فإن رحلته لم تنته بعد. خطوته التالية هي جراحة الحوض الحرجة التي قد تمكنه من الوقوف والمشي. وسيتبع ذلك جراحة القدم وتعديلات تثبيت العمود الفقري المنتظمة لاستيعاب نموه. مع الأمل الذي لا يتزعزع ودعم الأحباء والمتبرعين الكرماء، وصل فؤاد إلى هذا الحد. ومع ذلك، فإن العبء المالي لهذه العمليات الجراحية الأساسية هائل. نناشد بتواضع قلوبكم الطيبة لمساعدتنا في منح فؤاد فرصة العيش خالية من الألم والقيود. كل مساهمة، مهما كانت صغيرة، ستقربنا من تحقيق حلمه في المشي بشكل مستقل.

$80 raised Of $15,000

Give Baby Jawad a life-saving heart surgery


Give Baby Jawad a life-saving heart surgery
UPDATE: We have lowered the fundraising goal because the family has been able to find another hospital, Hotel Dieu, with specialists who can do the surgery at a much lower cost than the American University of Beirut Medical Center. The total cost of the surgery will be $20,000, and $10,000 of that will be covered by a philanthropic fund. HOWEVER, the hospital will not admit baby Jawad or do the surgery until the receive the full amount. In addition, the family has already incurred several thousand dollars in costs for his care at the hospital where he was born, which does not have the ability to do the surgery. We urgently need to reach $10,000 in order to be able to get him admitted to Hotel Dieu and into surgery. Baby Jawad was born in a Beirut hospital with a heart defect that requires open heart surgery. He urgently needs to be transferred to the American University of Beirut Medical Center where specialists are prepared to perform the surgery, but the cost - even after a discount from the hospital and contribution by a philanthropic fund - is $41,000, and the hospital requires an upfront payment of $20,000 before they will transfer him. Baby Jawad's parents have no way to raise that kind of money. His mother's heart is breaking. Please help save Baby Jawad's life and give him and his family a future. If the full amount of funds is not raised via this campaign, the money will still be given to the family to go toward the medical costs for baby Jawad's care.

$4,871 raised Of $15,000

Help Oum Bilal in Gazza with Meryem Simply


Help Oum Bilal in Gazza with Meryem Simply
Dear Donor, I am writing to you with a heart full of hope and challenge, despite the difficult circumstances I am facing. I am a 73-year-old woman who used to live in the northern Gaza Strip, but after the recent escalation, I was forced to flee to Khan Younis, then Rafah, and finally to the central area of Gaza. During this tragic journey, I lost my husband due to shelling on the area where we lived, and my life turned into a nightmare of homelessness and loss of hope. I now live in a simple shelter made of plastic and wood, and although I tried to continue to endure, the recent rains destroyed what I had. I have seventy grandchildren from ten children, and I suffer as I see their basic needs. They need baby formula, diapers, and healthy food other than canned food, especially in light of the deteriorating economic conditions. They also lack warm clothes to protect them from the cold of the coming winter. With each passing day, I feel more hopeless about my inability to help them. I only dream of having a tent to shelter myself and my grandchildren in this harsh winter. I also need financial support to cover the costs of treatment after the borders are opened, so that I can return to Gaza, which I do not intend to leave or live outside of. I do not ask for more than what any human being needs, and I know that there are many kind hearts who want to help. Any support you provide will have a huge impact on my life and the lives of my grandchildren.

$0 raised Of $5,000