Labib Zebiane Urgent Open Heart Surgery


Labib Zebiane Urgent Open Heart Surgery
أبي بحاجة إلى عملية "قلب مفتوح" طارئة في أقل من أسبوع، ويُحتَمَل غسيل الكلى في غضون العملية الجراحية، وفقًا للتقارير المكتوبة أدناه. الجهة الضامنَة ستُغطّي حوالي ٦٪؜ من القيمة الإجمالية بعدما كانت تُغطّي ٨٠٪؜ والمبلغ الكامل ١٢١٩٥$ لإجرائها. في هذه الأيّام العصيبة، أمسى الشّعب بخدمة الشّعب، والتوسّل حاجة ماسّة، وخارج عن الإرادة. فطَلَبًا وليسَ أمرًا، ممَّن بإمكانِهِ المساهمة ولو بجزءٍ بسيطٍ، لإنقاذِ حياة أبي. شاكرينَ موَدّتكم ووقوفكم بجانبِنا بهذا الظرف، عسى أن يقدّرنا الله أن نردّ لكم هذا الجميل. My father urgently needs open-heart surgery within less than a week, and it is possible that he will need dialysis during the surgery, according to the reports written below. The insurance provider will cover approximately 6% of the total cost, down from 80%, and the full amount required for the surgery is $12,195. We ask, not demand, for anyone who can contribute even a small amount to help save my father's life. We appreciate your kindness and support in this situation. For any information contact us: 71933285

$11,545 raised Of $12,195

Little can make difference


Little can make difference
We're reaching out to you today with heavy hearts, on behalf of our beloved Uncle Ridwan Abdul Karim Nadi and his family seeking your support. Ridwan is a 66-year-old father of five and grandpa to two granddaughters. He has been suffering from Heart Arrhythmia for over 17 years. He's had a Pacemaker inserted over 3 times. Unfortunately, he now has a Dilated Cardiomyopathy and is in need of a Heart Transplant. Due to no heart available at this time, he must undergo a procedure where an LVAD (Left Ventricular Assist Device) needs to be inserted into his body. The cost of this is $150,000 US Dollars. Ridwan has been hospitalized for a little over a month in the ICU and is experiencing severe shortness of breath and edema, which is trapping fluid in his body, causing swelling and pain. He is experiencing many complications because of his heart not pumping efficiently. Without the machines and care provided at the hospital, he will not make it. Including his current hospital fees, this procedure will cost $180,000. This is the only option we have. We're asking for your help to give Ridwan a chance to live a healthy & happy life. Ridwan is a very kind and thoughtful person who is loved by everyone around him. He has always been there for friends and family, even when he wasn't in his healthiest state. He always puts others before himself. We'd like to pay it forward with the help of your donations to provide him with a functional heart. Ridwan would love to live to see his children get married and be successful in their careers. Together, we can help in this critical moment and make a difference in his life. Any and all donations are very much appreciated. If you are unable to donate, please share his story in efforts to reach our goal. Thank you.

$670 raised Of $180,000

Kidney transplant


Kidney transplant
Empowering Resilience: Join Hands to Fund Omar's Life-Changing Kidney Transplant   Dear Friends,   Today, I write to you with a heart brimming with hope and a story of unwavering resilience. I humbly seek your support for a critical and life-altering surgery - a kidney transplant. From a young age, I've been confronted with the challenges of glycogen storage disease, a condition that has cast a significant shadow over my life. Diagnosed at the tender age of 6, I grappled with the physical and emotional toll this illness imposed on my young spirit. My childhood was marked by the harsh reality of being different from my peers. In the face of adversity, I embarked on a journey that led me to a successful liver transplant, a testament to my unyielding determination. Through it all, I have steadfastly refused to surrender to despair. It's the unwavering support and love of individuals like yourselves that have fortified my resolve to persevere and helped me raise over $600,000 to make the transplant possible. Today, I am on the cusp of completing my master's degree in marketing from Beirut Arab University. However, the heavy medication required for my liver took its toll on my kidneys, leaving them severely damaged. For nearly 11 years, I have endured the rigors of dialysis, a journey that began when I was in grade 9. As a young person navigating the challenges of dialysis, I questioned my reality and the purpose of my existence. Surrounded by elderly patients, I struggled to find my place. Yet, despite these trials, I persevered and continued my education, culminating in my pursuit of a master's degree. My journey has been made possible by the kindness and support of many compassionate souls. Today, I turn to you, dear friends, with a heartfelt plea for your generous contribution towards my kidney transplant, a procedure that comes with a daunting price tag of $30,000. Your generosity will not only grant me the gift of a normal life but will also help me rediscover my purpose and become a symbol of resilience for those enduring similar tribulations. I'm incredibly grateful to share that my brother, who is a 100% match, has selflessly offered to be my donor, further solidifying the hope of a brighter future ahead. Your consideration and support mean the world to me. No donation is too small, for every gesture brings me closer to a life renewed and filled with promise. You are the ray of hope that lights up my path. Please join me in this transformative journey. Together, we can turn my dreams into reality and inspire others to persevere in the face of adversity. With heartfelt gratitude,   Omar

$31,384 raised Of $30,000

Stem cell infusion


Stem cell infusion
[FR] Ghazale : Un combat désespéré pour la survie au Liban Ghazaleh, 65 ans, mène un combat désespéré contre le cancer du sang. Dans le système de santé en ruine du Liban, elle a besoin d'urgence de 28 000 $ pour une perfusion de cellules souches vitales à l'AUBMC. Ghazaleh, célibataire et sans enfants, a perdu son emploi à cause de sa maladie. Sans aucune épargne ni assurance, elle se trouve face à une dure réalité. Ce traitement est sa seule chance de guérison. Le temps presse. Avec votre soutien, Ghazaleh peut recevoir le traitement crucial de 19 jours à l'AUBMC et avoir une chance de se battre pour sa vie. Chaque don, grand ou petit, la rapproche de la santé. Veuillez faire un don aujourd'hui et faites la différence entre la vie et la mort pour Ghazaleh. ———————————— [EN] 65-year-old Ghazaleh faces a desperate fight for survival against blood cancer. In Lebanon's collapsing healthcare system, she urgently needs $28,000 for a life-saving stem cell infusion at AUBMC. Ghazaleh, single and without children, lost her job due to her illness. With no savings or insurance, she faces a grim reality. This treatment is her only chance for recovery. Time is of the essence. With your support, Ghazaleh can receive the crucial 19-day treatment at AUBMC and have a fighting chance at life. Every donation, big or small, brings her closer to health. Please donate today and be the difference between life and death for Ghazaleh.

$0 raised Of $25,000