Empower Generations: Women,Kids,Arts, & Culture


Empower Generations: Women,Kids,Arts, & Culture
Hello, I am Flavia Juska Bechara, founder of Hunna Arts & Culture. Hunna was founded in 2022 with a simple vision where we believe it is necessary to provide women and children with spaces where arts and culture can be practiced jointly. Hunna offers a range of programs, focusing on family-friendly residencies, where parent artists can bring their children to stay with them during the residency, which makes it the only art residency in MENA that is children-friendly. Hunna provides Residency Grants to female artists with a focus on mother artists. We aim to support and empower women by opening our space to them and their children, and we are proud to be the only parent-friendly art residency in the Middle East. Additionally, we offer an Outreach Program and activities that are open to people of all ages and backgrounds with a mission to promote art appreciation and creative expression in the area of Okaibeh and its surroundings. To further this goal, we have created the LittleCreators Fund, which allows children to explore their creativity and develop new skills. Why support Hunna? There's a growing need for dedicated spaces for women/mothers in the arts, both in the Middle East and globally, as female artists play a crucial role in shaping the narratives of society. By contributing to Hunna, you're investing in arts, culture, motherhood, and womanhood, transcending borders and connecting communities. Hunna eliminates the unrealistic assumption that female artists can pause their lives once they become mothers, and affirms that mother artists can enjoy the experience of having a full residency while working on their practices in the presence of their children. As a result, Hunna's residencies welcome women and mother artists with their children. Empowering female artists also contributes to the diversification and growth of cultural industries, which fosters economic resilience. By providing platforms for women in the arts, we're amplifying their voices, promoting gender equality, and influencing social discourse. Hunna inspires a generation of women and children who defy limitations and contribute to cultural expression. EIGHT RESIDENCY GRANTS: Supporting Women-Led Artistic Projects Hunna's Women/Mother Art Residency offers dedicated time and space to female artists to work on their projects, connect with other artists, and share their experiences. The program aims to strengthen solidarity among women, especially those with children who are often isolated from cultural and artistic activities. Participants have the opportunity to engage with curators and cultural figures, which can help them discover new possibilities, stay motivated, and create inspiring works. Each year, the residency program awards fully-funded grants to eight women, covering accommodation, meals, children's activities, and workshops. These grants are made possible by donations from supporters, grants, as well as partnerships and collaborations with other organizations. The program accommodates various disciplines, such as visual artists, writers, poets, filmmakers, curators, painters, fashion designers, and others. ---------------------------- DONATE TO SUSTAIN HUNNA’ WOMEN/MOTHER ART RESIDENCY! Thank you for considering donating to Hunna's Spring/Summer Art Residencies of 2024. Your contribution is crucial to the success of this project. We are excited to inform you that we have received heartfelt applications from talented female and mother artists not only from Lebanon but also from Tunisia, the UK, Sweden, and other countries. Your every donation counts and helps to create cultural exchange, promote collaboration, and empower female artists worldwide. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LittleCreators Fund: Nurturing Kids' Artistic Talents at Hunna Our program for children at Hunna in 2024 aims to inspire and motivate them in the midst of the challenges faced in Lebanon and the broader Middle East. We plan to achieve this through a range of workshops, environmental campaigns, a lively kids' cine club, and various cultural and artistic activities. Our goal is to create a transformative space where children can flourish. The workshops we have designed specifically for children will help nurture their creativity and instill a sense of curiosity and resilience. From painting to storytelling, these sessions will offer a platform for self-expression, help develop valuable skills, and foster personal and artistic growth. Hunna's kids' cine club will take young minds on an exciting journey of imagination and discovery. We have selected enriching films with captivating narratives that will not only entertain but also encourage critical thinking and broaden perspectives. This cinematic journey will contribute to a deeper understanding of different cultures and societies, fostering empathy and cultural awareness. ---------------------------- DONATE TO LittleCreators Arts & Culture Program In these challenging times, providing children with such enriching experiences becomes essential. Our program seeks to be a source of motivation, offering a safe and stimulating environment where kids can explore, create, and connect without the burden of paying fees put on their parents. Supporting our Kids' program will help us produce the program, workshops, and screenings and present it free of charge, eliminating any occurrent financial obstacle on the parents. Your donation will also help sustain our “Collaboration with TACCATO”, a music platform that teaches music. Online, as part of the donation will proceed to grant free piano classes for four children in 2024. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hunna, So Far! The operation period took place from July 2022 till September 2023 in collaboration with Mophradat in Brussels, French Institute, and TACCATO in Lebanon. Hunna has held two fully funded editions of two-month art residency programs for seven female artists with five children, and over eight free-of-charge workshops facilitated by our artists and open to the public for women, men, and children of all ages. In 2023, Hunna also collaborated with Taccato, an online music teaching platform, and together, we sponsored a full course of free piano classes for two kids from Okaibeh. How will this crowd-funding help Hunna? We are running a crowdfunding campaign to support our upcoming program and to help Hunna grow. Your donations, no matter how big or small, will make a difference and give hope to women and children who use our space to create and connect with others. We can not continue our work without the gracious generosity and support of our network and donors. Your donation enables Hunna to keep on supporting artists, and more importantly to keep on contributing to a more fair and just artist residency field, where mother artists can thrive. Donations between $50 and $100 will receive a Hunna postcard as a token of our appreciation. Donations between $100 and $200 will receive a specially designed Hunna tote bag, created by Lilimarli and Elahe, the co-founders of Hunna. For larger donations, You will receive both a postcard and a tote bag. ---------------------------- We'd be happy to hear from you! If you would like to learn more about the project, collaborate with us, or join the team, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. If you'd like to visit us in person, please reach out to us at 00 961 76 163303. Follow us on Instagram @Hunnaartculturalcenter, and Facebook! Donating and sharing our campaign with your friends will allow us to make a difference in every possible way! Thank you so much for your support. We are grateful to you!

$350 raised Of $8,000

Michel Abou Sleiman - Parliamentary Elections 2022


Michel Abou Sleiman - Parliamentary Elections 2022
ادعموا الحملة الانتخابيّة للمرشّح عن الشّوف - عاليه ميشال ابو سليمان، تمكينًا لمشروع: ١.‏ التأكيد على تطبيق الدستور و أفكار وفق روحية مقدمته، و إقرار الدولة المدنية العادلة واعتبار سلطة الدولة والقانون سلطة العليا، بما يكفل العدالة وتكافؤ الفرص والحرية لجميع اللبنانيين. ‏٢. ضمان حرية الرأي والتعبير والعدالة الاجتماعية و تأمين الاستقرار الأمني والاقتصادي وفرص العمل والعيش الكريم. ٣. ضمان المساواة الكاملة بين المرأة والرجل أمام القانون و التمثيل السياسي والاجتماعي. ٤. تحرير القرار السياسي من التبعية للخارج، و إقرار سياسة دفاعية توفّر كافة عناصر القوة للجيش اللبناني بما يحفظ وحدة التراب والسيادة الوطنية. ٥. ضرورة تطبيق القرارات الدولية المتعلقة بلبنان والالتزام المجتمع الدولي، والحكومة اللبنانية ومؤسساتها بتطبيق هذه القرارات بما يؤمن مصالح لبنان الوطنية العليا. ٦. النضال من أجل تحقيق قيام حكومة انتقالية بصلاحيات تشريعية لإنجاز المهام التي رفعتها الانتفاضة وفي مقدمتها المعالجة الفورية والسريعة للأزمة النقدية و الانهيار المالي والاقتصادي والاجتماعي و تداعيات تفجير مرفأ بيروت.‏ ٧. استعادة الأموال المهربة والمنهوبة والناتجة عن الهندسة المالية واستعادت الاملاك البحرية والنهرية. ٨. إقرار قانون السلطة القضائية المستقلة لإطلاق يد القضاء العادل والقادر على تطبيق القوانين دون التميز او محاباة وتطهير الجسم القضائي. ٩. إعادة هندسة الإدارات العامة با أبعادها البنيوية وتعيين جهاز واحد مسؤول عن الإصلاح الإداري و إطلاق الحكومة الإلكترونية و الدولة الرقمية. ١٠. إعادة هيكلة أجهزة الرقابة والتدقيق وتطوير إطار التشريع الإداري.

$0 raised Of $80,000

Josephine Zgheib - Forces of Change candidate


Josephine Zgheib - Forces of Change candidate
استثمروا بالتبرع لحملة مرشحة قوى التغيير في كسروان الفتوح جبيل جوزفين زغيب في لائحة "صرخة وطن" من هي؟ • مرشحة عن دائرة كسروان - جبيل لانتخابات عام 2022 لانقاذ وطنها من الازمات المتتالية وهجرة الشباب • ناشطة اجتماعية وسياسية منذ اكثر من 20 عاما • دكتوراه في الحوكمة على التنمية المحلية من جامعة برمنجهام في المملكة المتحدة • درجة الماجستير في القيادة والإدارة ودبلوم النظام البلدي والادارة المالية من الجامعة اللبنانية الامريكية في بيروت • درجة البكالوريوس في العلاج الفيزيائي من جامعة نوتردام، • مدربة معتمدة عالميا في الحوكمة والقيادة، المساءلة الاجتماعية ومحاربة الفساد المناصرة والمواطنة • نائبة رئيس الشبكة العربية للمساءلة الاجتماعية • عضو مجلس إدارة في الحركة البيئية اللبنانية • عضو مجلس إدارة في جمعية مبادرة الشراكة الشرق الأوسطية للخريجين اللبنانيين • أطلقت العديد من الحملات الحقوقية نحو العدالة الاجتماعية: "بدنا وزيرات"، "بيتي بيتك"، "العيد سوى أحلا" • انتخبت عضو مجلس بلدية كفردبيان عام 2010، وجددت الثقة لها للمرة الثانية في انتخابات 2016 • كقائدة وامرأة مناضلة أسست المكتب النسائي الانمائي، المكتب النموذجي الأول في بلدتها كفرذبيان • مرشحة سابقة للانتخابات النيابية 2013 قبل التمديد ولسنة 2018 على لوائح (كلنا وطني) . . جوزيفين زغيب كونوا جزء من ورشة بناء الدولة في وجه السلطة الفاسدة عبر دعمكم للمرشحة 0096170584398للمزيد من المعلومات http://josephinezgheib.com/ Invest by donating to the campaign of the Forces for Change candidate in Kesrouan Al Fotouh, Jbeil, Josephine Zgheib who is she? • A candidate for the Kesrouan-Jbeil constituency for the 2022 elections to save her country from successive crises and the emigration of young people • A social and political activist for more than 20 years • PhD in Governance on Local Development from the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom • Master's degree in leadership and management and a diploma in municipal system and financial management from the Lebanese American University in Beirut • Bachelor's degree in Physical Therapy from the University of Notre Dame, • A globally accredited trainer in governance and leadership, social accountability and anti-corruption, advocacy and citizenship • Vice President of the Arab Network for Social Accountability • Member of the Board of Directors of the Lebanese Environmental Movement •Member of the Board of Directors of the Association of the Middle East Partnership Initiative for Lebanese Graduates • Launched several human rights campaigns towards social justice: "We want women ministers", "My Home is Your Home", and "The Eid is only better." • She was elected as a member of the Kfardebian Municipal Council in 2010, and got elected for the second time in the 2016 elections • As a leader and a woman fighter, she founded the Women's Development Office, the first model office in her town of Kfardebian • A former candidate for the 2013 parliamentary elections before the extension and for the year 2018 on the (Koulouna irada) lists. Be part of the nation-building workshop in the face of corrupt authorities by supporting the candidate Josephine Zgheib! For more information, 0096170584398 http://josephinezgheib.com/

$125 raised Of $30,000

Elias Jradeh: Making a change


Elias Jradeh: Making a change
Dr. Elias F. Jradeh is a graduate of Harvard Medical School with two certificates of fellowship in cornea and refractive surgery. He has made major contributions to the development of new concepts of keratoconus treatment. Dr. Elias is also credited with the discovery of a new treatment for the blinding disease DLK stage IV he invented two new formulas (Jarade's formula and Jarade's method) for accurate corneal power measurement after LASIK surgery. In addition, he developed a new technique in refractive surgery for the treatment of high myopia and thin cornea. As a conventional land farming lover and an unconventional revolutionist, he decided to contribute to the development of his homeland and town, through investing in many farming fields thus keeping the very close relation with the people and giving the opportunities for others to share his passion and gain interest of allowed opportunities. After all we have had and still going through in Lebanon, politically, economically, financially and socially, Dr. Elias has decided to be part of a rising hope that many of us as Lebanese citizens are dreaming of, by contributing into the public life and to a survival work plan. Notwithstanding with the above, he is willing to lead a movement of change through the coming parliament elections in Lebanon in May 2022. As a surgent's first priority to stop the bleeding, your contribution and support can help stop the bleeding of a stolen county. Be part of it by supporting us before the elections of May 15th, 2022. إنّ خوضَ معركةِ الإنتخابات حتّمَتهْا المسؤوليّةُ تُجاهَ الشبابِ الذينَ يحملونَ الوطنَ جوازَ سفَرٍ وحقيبةَ خيبات. نخطُّ مسارَ التغييرِ معًا لنبنيَ سويًّا دولةً تليقُ بأحلامِنا وإراداتِنا الصلبة. من أجلِكم يا أبناءَنا، اخترْنا الإشتباكَ ديمقراطيًّا معَ سلطةٍ جائرةٍ في معركةٍ وجوديّة، فما عاد بإمكانِنا الوقوفُ على ضِفّةِ الحيادِ، نراقبُ بِصَمْتٍ جُثمانَ وطنٍ يعبرُ النهر. لن نعطِيَ صكَّ براءةٍ لِمَنْ نَحَرَ الحياةَ حاضرًا ومستقبلًا، ولِمَنْ أجرَمَ في حقِّ إنسانِنا وقيمِنا وحضارتِنا. لن نخُطَّ بِيَدِنا ورقةَ وفاتِنا إذعانًا لِسَماسرةِ السياسةِ وللمعتدين على المالِ الخاصِّ والعامّ، لن نرتديَ الحِداد زِيًّا، فالربيعُ أزهرَ فينا غضَبًا وعِصيانًا، وأيْعَنَ فينا ثمارَ أملٍ وثقةً بالذات ووعدًا بمستقبلٍ أفضل. لم ولن نسعى خلفَ المناصبِ والرُتَب، إنّما نسعى إلى أن نكون لشبابِنا قدوةً، فنقدّمُ لهم نموذجًا عصريًّا للعملِ السياسيِّ يؤكّدُ على الحوارِ ويقومُ على التعدّديةِ والمشاركةِ والتمكين. سنمهّدُ لهمُ الطريقَ كي نؤهِّلَهم للمشاركةِ في إدارةِ شؤونِ البلادِ وتأمينِ مصالحِ المجتمعِ في دولةٍ تليقُ بِناسِها شيبًا وشبابًا. سنُعِدُّهم أحرارًا، خارجَ قُيودِ الإذعانِ والتّبعيّةِ العمياءِ والإتكالِ على الزعيم. سنُعلِنُها مَعَهُم ثورةً في وجهِ سُلطةٍ سَلّعَتِ الحقوق: 1- فالتربيةُ والتعليمُ حقٌّ لجميعِ أطفالِنا وشبابِنا، وركيزةٌ للإرتقاءِ والتحضّرِ، وعلى مدارسِنا وجامعتِنا، الرسميّةِ منها والخاصّة، المساهمةُ في ربطِ التعليمِ بسوقِ العملِ كي تؤسّسَ لهجرةٍ عكسيّةٍ تعيد الشباب الى القرى فيبدعون إنتاجا وزرعًا وصناعةً. 2- المشاركةُ السياسيّةُ حقٌّ لكلِّ مواطنٍ يكرّسُهُ الدستور. علينا تعديلُ القوانينِ التمييزيّةِ والطائفيةِ التي تعرقلُ هذا الحقَّ وتنتهِكُهُ، مثلَ قانونِ الإنتخاباتِ وقانونِ الأحزاب. 3- الصحةُ وضمانُها حقٌّ لكلِّ الناس، علينا كسرُ احتكاراتِ الدواءِ وكارتيلاتِهِ وتشجيعُ إنتاجِهِ محلّيًا. علينا تأمينُ البطاقةِ الصحيةِ الموحَّدةِ لكلِّ مواطن، وتصويبُ أداءِ المؤسّساتِ الضامنةِ وشركاتِ التأمين، كما تأمينُ كافّةِ الخدماتِ الصحيةِ والحفاظُ على جودتِها ونوعيتِها، والحدُّ منِ استنزافِ الطاقَمِ الطبّيِّ وهجرةِ الأدمغةِ والمبدعينَ في مجالاتِ الصحةِ كافة. نُؤمِنُ أنّنا مواطنون ولَسْنا رعايا، لذلكَ نُناضِلُ في سبيلِ لبنان: دولةٌ قابلةٌ للحياة!

$6,025 raised Of $300,000

Beirut Madinati Electoral Campaign - PE 2022


Beirut Madinati Electoral Campaign - PE 2022
Beirut Madinati is a political, civil movement originally launched in 2016 in the context of the Municipal elections of Beirut. It was the first electoral breakthrough of an independent list ever that competed against traditional political parties. Today, Beirut Madinati has decided to run for the upcoming Parliamentary Elections, to set the basis for the kind of country we all strive to build. We feel it is our duty and responsibility to be present and active for the citizens who want to have the choice to select the candidates to represent them in the parliament, and to support a political programme they believe in. Instead of the classical scenario where individuals are put forward, Beirut Madinati has a project of change that intends to break away from the existing power model, to enable the emergence of an empowered and inclusive nation with citizenship at its heart, and free from the prevailing sectarianism and clientelism. Our programme and our candidates reflect our approach to change. We have two lists in Beirut 1 and Beirut 2 under the name of Beirut Madinati in an attempt to unify the city. Our candidates in both lists are running for the same political programme and have the same discourse and objectives. More than ever we believe in the change we started in 2016 and we are not letting go of our common dream. While thanking you for your interest in Beirut Madinati, we hope we can pursue together this project of change with your trust and support. Let's join forces! "Giving is not just about making a donation, it is about making a difference"

$4,303 raised Of $100,000

علي مراد - مرشح لائحة معا نحو التغيير


علي مراد - مرشح لائحة معا نحو التغيير
علي مراد أستاذ جامعي وناشط سياسي وحقوقي. عضو مؤسس في "عامية 17 تشرين" و مرشح في دائرة الجنوب الثالثة – قضاء بنت جبيل على لائحة المعارضة الموحدة "معا نحو التغيير" دائرة الجنوب الثالثة تضم أربعة أقضية، حاصبيا،مرجعيون، بنت جبيل والنبطية، وهي من أكبر الدوائر الإنتخابية في لبنان من حيث المساحة ومن حيث عدد الناخبين الذي يصل الى نصف مليون ناخب تقريباً. تعتمد اللائحة على التمويل الذاتي من المرشحين ،من الناشطين والناشطات ومن القوى التغييرية الناشطة في الجنوب الثالثة، بالتالي نحن بحاجة لدعمكم المالي لنتمكن من استكمال المعركة الإنتخابية في وجه قوى النظام الطوائفي. ساهموا في صنع التغيير ادعموا لائحة "معا نحو التغيير". ................................................................. Ali Mourad University professor, political and human rights activist. A founding member of “Amiyat 17 October ” and a candidate in the third South Constituency-Bint Jbeil District, on the unified opposition list “Together for Change”. The third South Constituency includes four districts, Hasbaya, Marjayoun, Bint Jbeil and Nabatiyeh. It is one of the largest electoral districts in Lebanon in terms of area and number of voters, around 500 thousand voters. The opposition list is financed by the running candidates, activists, and by the coalition of change forces active in the South. Therefore, we need your financial support to be able to complete the electoral battle against the forces of the sectarian system. Contribute to support change. Support the "Together for Change" list.

$8,550 raised Of $20,000