Abajour Beirut to Survive & Support

Solidarity with Lebanon

Abajour Beirut to Survive & Support
بعد اسبوعين من الاعتداء الاسرائيلي على لبنان، وبدء موجة اللجوء وتعطل الحياة اليومية. حاولنا في اباجور بيروت ان نمد أيدينا للمساعدة على قدر استطاعتنا، فقدمنا وجبات ساخنة مجانية لجيراننا اللاجئين، وفتحنا ابواب الغرف لتكون نقاط توزيع ومستودع لمبادرات صديقة، كما فتحنا الابواب لاستضافة عائلات افراد المؤسسة اللاجئين لبضعة ليال ليتجنبوا الخطر، وتطوع افراد المؤسسة في مساعدة العديد من الافراد لإيجاد مأوى. وفي الوقت عينه، عانينا كمؤسسة ككل المؤسسات الصغيرة من غياب الزبائن ونقص التمويل والقدرة على تسيير المقهى والمطعم والمطبخ، وتحمل التكاليف. ولكي لا نضطر الى غلق ابوابنا، نناشد الاصدقاء والرفاق في مساعدة اباجور بيروت للقيام بالمهام التالية: - تكملة طبخ الوجبات اليومية لمساعدة الجيران الللاجئين (حوالي ١٥٠ فرد يقطنون في مسافة بضعة اقدام) من خلال تقديم الوجبات في مطعمنا من خلال بوفيه - تقديم وجبات ساخنة يتم توزيعها على مراكز الايواء القريبة منا - فتح ابواب المؤسسة في خلال الفترة الصباحية لاستقبال كل الكوادر التي تعمل في الاغاثة مع تقديم حسم ٥٠٪ لهم/ن - فتح ابواب الغرف الجانبية لتكون مستودعا لتوزيع الاعاشات والمواد الطبية والغذائية نعتمد عليكم/ن في تبرعاتكم/ن لنكمل معا ما نستطيع القيام به للمساعدة في الظروف الصعبة التي يعيشها وطننا الغالي. Two weeks after the Israeli assault on Lebanon, as the wave of displacement began and daily life was disrupted, we at Abajour Beirut tried to extend a helping hand as much as we could. We provided free hot meals to our displaced neighbors, opened our rooms to serve as distribution points and storage for friendly initiatives, and offered temporary shelter to the families of our team members to keep them safe. Our staff also volunteered to help many individuals find refuge. At the same time, like all small businesses, we struggled with a lack of customers, funding, and the ability to operate our café, restaurant, and kitchen, while covering the costs. To avoid closing our doors, we are reaching out to friends and supporters to help Abajour Beirut continue with the following tasks: Continue cooking daily meals to help our displaced neighbors (about 150 individuals living just a few steps away) by serving buffet-style meals. Provide hot meals to be distributed to nearby shelters. Open our doors in the morning to welcome relief workers, offering them a 50% discount. Open our side rooms to be used as storage for distributing relief supplies, including medical and food items. We are counting on your donations to help us continue doing what we can to support during these difficult times in our beloved country.

$0 raised Of $10,000

Support Local, Sustain Hope

Solidarity with Lebanon

Support Local, Sustain Hope
In the midst of the ongoing crisis in Lebanon, countless small businesses are struggling to survive, indirectly affected by the war's ripple effects. These shops—bakeries, grocery stores, and clothing boutiques—are lifelines for families and communities, providing not just essential goods but also hope and stability. By donating to "Fund a Hope," you are directly supporting these vital businesses, ensuring they can continue to operate and thrive, while also enabling them to assist those in need, including refugees. Your contribution will help keep the heart of Lebanon beating, empowering families to rebuild their lives and strengthening our economy. Join us in making a difference—together, we can bring hope to those who need it most. Our mission is to empower small businesses in conflict-affected areas by creating a sustainable economic ecosystem that benefits local communities. While many organizations focus on immediate relief for refugees, we recognize that small businesses also play a crucial role in rebuilding their economies. By redirecting our spending towards local shops, bakeries, and artisans, we aim to help these businesses thrive despite the challenges they face. Our goal is to provide these entrepreneurs with the stability they need to support themselves and their families, fostering resilience and community strength. Your contributions will help us create a vibrant loop of support, ensuring that every dollar spent stays within the community and aids in their recovery.

$0 raised Of $100,000

Aid for Tyre City: Food, Meds, Essentials

Solidarity with Lebanon

Aid for Tyre City: Food, Meds, Essentials
With the intensifying Israeli bombardment of Tyre city (Sour) and its surrounding areas, many families have been forced to flee. However, over a thousand families, including the elderly, children, the sick, and those with special needs, remain trapped in the city. These individuals were unable to evacuate due to economic hardships and logistical constraints. As a result of ongoing airstrikes and evacuation orders, relief organizations are struggling to access these areas, leaving those who remain in urgent need of assistance. In response to this critical situation, we—a group of locals—have launched a campaign to gather donations and provide essential aid to these families. This initiative supports on-the-ground efforts led by Mohamed Said, one of the few who has stayed behind in Tyre city, working tirelessly to deliver much-needed assistance. Mohamed is dedicated to ensuring that food, medicine, and other essentials reach those most affected by the conflict. A donation of just $25 can supply an aid package that includes food, medication, and basic necessities, sufficient for a family of four. Mohamed Said regularly documents his efforts, providing transparency and accountability as he delivers aid. You can follow his updates on Instagram at @mhamdsaidd Your support is vital in securing the survival and well-being of these families during the coming weeks. For direct contributions or further inquiries, please reach out to Mohamed at +96178907688 ____________________ مع تصاعد القصف الإسرائيلي على مدينة صور وضواحيها، كتير عيل اضطرّت تترك بيوتها وتهرب. بس للأسف، أكتر من ألف عيلة، بيناتن كبار بالسن، أطفال، مرضى وذوي احتياجات خاصة، بعدهن محاصرين بالمدينة. هالعيل ما قدروا يفلّوا بسبب الظروف المادية الصعبة والمشاكل اللوجستية. ومع استمرار الغارات وأوامر الإخلاء، الجمعيات الإغاثية ما عم تقدر توصل لهالمناطق، والعيل اللي باقيين بحاجة ماسّة للمساعدة. بهالظروف الصعبة، نحنا مجموعة من الأفراد المحلية، أطلقنا حملة لجمع تبرعات وتقديم المساعدات الضرورية لهالعيل. هالمبادرة عم تدعم الجهود اللي عم يقوم فيها أفراد متل محمد سعيد، واحد من الأشخاص اللي بعده موجود بصور وعم يشتغل ليل نهار ليوصل المساعدات الضرورية. محمد عم يشتغل بجهد كبير ليضمن إنه الأكل، الدوا، وكل الأساسيات يوصلوا لأكتر الناس اللي بحاجة. بمبلغ 25 دولار بس، فيك تساهم بتحضير رزمة مساعدات بتكفي عيلة من أربع أشخاص، وبتتضمن أكل، دوا، وأغراض أساسية. محمد سعيد بيّوثق كل خطواته وبيضمن الشفافية بتوصيل المساعدات. فيكن تتابعوا كل التحديثات على إنستغرام @mhamdsaidd مساعدتكن كتير مهمة بهالوقت الحرج، لحتى نقدر نأمن سلامة وبقاء هالعيل بالأسابيع الجاية. للتبرعات المباشرة أو للاستفسار، فيكن تتواصلوا مع محمد على 96178907688

$1,992 raised Of $5,000

From all over the world, Here is Lebanon

Solidarity with Lebanon

From all over the world, Here is Lebanon
From all over the world, Here is Lebanon: A Call to Fulfill Our Duty to Help As part of our ongoing campaign, The Social Front is urgently launching "From all over the world, Here is Lebanon." The situation in Lebanon is rapidly deteriorating due to the war launched by Israel, and with a potential ground invasion looming, the need for support is more critical than ever. At The Social Front, we believe that standing by and helping our brothers and sisters in Lebanon is not just an act of kindness, it is a duty. Our relief center in Sidon has reached full capacity, sheltering 1,500 displaced people and providing them with three meals a day. To meet the growing need, we are preparing to open a second relief center, which will house an additional 2,000 people. This is a moment of responsibility, and we need your urgent support: *Donate: Your contributions will help us sustain our current relief efforts and fund the opening of our second center to accommodate more families in need. *Share: Spread the word about The Social Front’s mission to help Lebanon and Gaza. Together, we can bring more attention to this urgent cause. *Advocate: Use your voice to remind others that supporting Lebanon in this time of crisis is our collective duty. Every action counts. In this critical time, it is our responsibility to stand with the people of Lebanon. Your donations will ensure that those who have lost everything are provided with food, shelter, and hope. Donate Today to fulfill this duty and help The Social Front expand its relief efforts in Lebanon . Together, we can make a lasting impact. Thank you for your compassion and commitment to helping our people in Lebanon

$0 raised Of $50,000