Solidarité Liban

Solidarity with Lebanon

Solidarité Liban
Hello les ami.e.s, Je m'appelle Hind Hamdan, je suis Libanaise et Française, actuellement basée à Beyrouth. Au cours des deux derniers mois, le Liban a traversé l'une de ses pires crises humanitaires en raison des attaques israéliennes en cours. Près de 3 500 personnes ont été tuées, plus de 15 000 blessées, et environ 1,2 million de personnes ont été déplacées jusqu'à présent. Dans l'absence totale du gouvernement intérimaire et le manque de financement suffisant pour faire face à la crise, de nombreuses initiatives communautaires, existantes ou nouvellement créées, ont pris les devants pour soutenir les personnes déplacées en leur fournissant un abri, de la nourriture, des médicaments, des vêtements, ainsi que des activités éducatives et récréatives pour les enfants. Je suis en contact direct avec plusieurs de ces initiatives et j’ai déjà collecté des fonds pour certaines d’entre elles. Comme vous le savez peut-être, plus la crise se prolonge, moins les financements sont disponibles. Nous avons besoin de votre soutien. L’hiver approche et les besoins sont immenses. Tout soutien que nous pourrons recevoir sera crucial pour aider ceux qui affrontent des épreuves inimaginables en ce moment. Si vous ne pouvez pas faire de don mais souhaitez tout de même aider, veuillez envisager de partager ce message avec d’autres personnes qui pourraient être intéressées à contribuer. Plus nous pourrons diffuser ce message largement, plus nous pourrons rassembler de soutien pour ceux qui en ont besoin. Une fois la collecte de fonds terminée, tous les fonds seront redistribués en fonction de l’urgence et des besoins des initiatives suivantes : 1- Livraison quotidienne d'articles essentiels aux familles déplacées - Repas chauds et produits de première nécessité - Médicaments et traitements médicaux - Produits menstruels - Lait infantile - Vêtements d'hiver et chauffage Lien pour les deux initiatives: a. b. 2- Soutien aux enfants déplacés et à leur santé mentale : - Distribution de sacs-cadeaux avec des fournitures artistiques - Fourniture de mini-bibliothèques dans les écoles transformées en refuges Un lien pour l'initiative 3. Fourniture d’assistance aux travailleuses domestiques migrantes, souvent négligées et particulièrement vulnérables en cette période. Hello friends, My name is Hind Hamdan, I am Lebanese and French, currently based in Beirut. Over the past two months, Lebanon has gone through one of its worst humanitarian crises due to ongoing Israeli attacks. Nearly 3,500 people have been killed, over 15,000 injured, and about 1.2 million people have been displaced so far. In the complete absence of the interim government and the lack of sufficient funding to address the crisis, many community initiatives, both existing and newly created, have stepped up to support displaced people by providing shelter, food, medicine, clothing, as well as educational and recreational activities for children. I am in direct contact with several of these initiatives, and I have already raised funds for some of them. As you may know, the longer the crisis lasts, the less funding becomes available. We need your support. Winter is approaching, and the needs are immense. Any support we can receive will be crucial in helping those facing unimaginable hardships right now. If you are unable to make a donation but still want to help, please consider sharing this message with others who might be interested in contributing. The more widely we can spread this message, the more support we can gather for those in need. Once the fundraising is complete, all funds will be redistributed based on the urgency and needs of the following initiatives: 1. Daily delivery of essential items to displaced families - Hot meals and basic necessities - Medicine and medical treatments - Menstrual products - Baby formula - Winter clothing and heating Links for the two initiatives: a. 2. Support for displaced children and their mental health - Distribution of gift bags with art supplies - Providing mini-libraries in schools turned into shelters A link for the initiative: 3. Providing assistance to migrant domestic workers, who are often neglected and especially vulnerable during this period.

$4,930 raised Of $5,000

Essential help for Lebanese Displaced Families

Solidarity with Lebanon

Essential help for Lebanese Displaced Families
لقد عملت يوميًا على ما مدى شهرين لمساعدة أهالينا النازحين من البقاع والجنوب وبيروت وكافة المدن التي نُكِبت جرّاء الحرب والقصف العنيف. رأيت من خسر بيته وأفراد من عائلته وجميع ثروته التي خزنها في المنزل الذي دُمِّر (بسبب فقدان اللبنانيين الثقة بالبنوك جرّاء الإنهيار الإقتصادي ، خبّأ أغلب الشعب اللبناني ما يملك من نقود ودهب في المنزل). رأيت أهلي وناسي وشعب الكرامة يفترش الطرقات ويصطفّ ليحصل على الحليب لطفله.. ولكم أن تتخيّلوا ما شاهدت من كوارث صعبٌ وصفها. لكنني بفضل الله وبفضلكم استطعت أن أأوي أكثر من ٥ عائلات تحت سقف منزل وأعيل أكثر من ٥٠ عائلة وتأمين الأدوية المزمنة إلى أكثر من ١٠٠ شخص على مدى الشهرين الماضيين . وبسبب نقص المساعدات التي تصل إلى المناطق المستهدفة والخطرة، كنت أذهب أسبوعيًا إلى منطقة منهم للمساعدة قدر الإمكان. لم تزل الحرب على لبنان مستمرّة ولم يزل أهلنا بحاجة للمساعدة من : تأمين إيجارات البيوت التي سبق إستئجارها إلى تأمين الحليب والحفاضات للرضّع إلى الأدوية المزمنة للمسنّين. كل ١$ يحدث فارقًا، نحن ما زلنا بأمسّ الحاجة إليكم . نعمل جاهدين ليلًا نهارًا لإيصال تبرّعاتكم وتوثيقها . أجركم عند الله كبير إن شاء الله 🙏🏻 - سِلين غندور

$215 raised Of $10,000

2ila al Nas (To the People)

Solidarity with Lebanon

2ila al Nas (To the People)
“2ila al nas” is a social and humanitarian youth organization founded in January 2024, aiming to unite young people around local cooperative work to support the community at various stages. Before the expansion of the Israeli war on Lebanon, the organization visited our people along the border, providing them with essential supplies. In September, the organization facilitated the reception of displaced individuals in several areas of Beirut and villages in Northern Metn, such as Zaroun, Dhour El Choueir, and Mtein. Since then, it has been assisting in meeting the needs of displaced people in 11 shelter centers, in addition to supporting more than 2,000 individuals in homes across Beirut, Metn, and Keserwan. جمعية "إلى الناس" هي منظمة اجتماعية وإنسانية شبابية تأسست في كانون الثاني 2024، وتهدف إلى توحيد الشباب حول العمل التعاوني المحلي لدعم المجتمع في مختلف المراحل. قبل توسّع الحرب الإسرائيلية على لبنان، قامت الجمعية بزيارة أهلنا على الشريط الحدودي وتوفير الأساسيات لهم. وفي أيلول، سهّلت الجمعية استقبال النازحين في عدة مناطق في بيروت وقرى المتن الشمالي، مثل زرعون، ضهور الشوير، والمتين. ومنذ ذلك الحين، تساهم في تلبية احتياجات النازحين في 11 مركز إيواء، بالإضافة إلى دعم أكثر من 2000 شخص في المنازل ضمن بيروت والمتن وكسروان. تركّز الجمعية بشكل أساسي على توفير الاحتياجات الطبية، الفُرش والبطانيات، المواد الغذائية، إلى جانب تنظيم برامج ثقافية وترفيهية تهدف إلى خلق بيئة سليمة ومستقرة لأهلنا النازحين.

$1,100 raised Of $20,000

Support My Family & Displaced Ones Amid War Crisis

Solidarity with Lebanon

Support My Family & Displaced Ones Amid War Crisis
My name is Lea, and I am reaching out with hope and urgency. Lebanon, our beloved home, is enduring one of the most difficult periods in its history. War, economic collapse, and widespread humanitarian crises have left countless families struggling just to survive. My own family is among those trying to navigate these harsh realities, and the road ahead feels more daunting each day. Today, I am launching this campaign with a heartfelt goal: to raise $13,000 to help my family regain stability, nurture a more secure future through business development, and extend relief to displaced families who are facing life-threatening conditions. Our Goals: 1. Immediate Relief for My Family ($6,000) Debt Relief ($3,000): Your support can help us pay off urgent debts that weigh heavily on us, allowing us to breathe and rebuild. Winter Preparations ($500): This will help winterize our home, bringing warmth and safety to my loved ones during the cold months. Home Expenses ($1,500): Essential costs for everyday living are a continuous struggle, and this portion will help meet our basic needs. Business Development ($1,000): By investing in my small business, I hope to build a sustainable path forward, shielding us from future crises and providing hope for better days. 2. Relief for Displaced Families ($6,000) Your generosity can provide essential medical supplies, devices, and winter equipment to displaced families whose lives have been torn apart by conflict. These families are enduring unimaginable hardship, and timely assistance can be a matter of life and death. 3. Campaign Support and Future Efforts ($1,000) This will cover the platform fees and create a modest reserve to continue aiding those who need it most through future campaigns. Commitment to Transparency and Accountability I promise to be fully transparent about how every dollar is spent, especially for the relief efforts for displaced families. I will share updates and documentation to show how your kindness has touched lives and sparked change. Why Your Help Matters Your contribution means more than financial support—it is a beacon of hope. It tells families like mine and those displaced that they are not alone, that someone out there sees their suffering and cares enough to act. With your help, I can create a path to a sustainable livelihood and provide critical aid to those whose voices are often unheard. Please, join me in this mission. Your donation, no matter the size, will ripple out to bring relief, warmth, and hope. If you cannot contribute financially, sharing this campaign with your network would be an incredible act of kindness that can help us reach others willing to help. From the depths of my heart, thank you for your compassion and belief in the power of community and kindness.

$0 raised Of $13,000


Solidarity with Lebanon

Help the Displaced in Lebanon – Direct Support from People to People In Lebanon, millions are facing an unprecedented crisis, with families displaced due to economic collapse, political instability, and the devastating aftermath of the Beirut explosion. While many organizations are doing important work, we believe in the power of direct, community-driven support — that’s why we’re raising funds **from people to people**. Our mission is simple: to provide immediate relief to those who need it most. The funds we raise will go directly to displaced individuals and families, bypassing large institutions to ensure that every penny supports real people, facing real challenges. ### How We Help: - **Emergency Aid**: We provide essential resources such as food, water, and hygiene products to families who have lost their homes and livelihoods. - **Shelter Support**: We help secure temporary housing or shelter for those living in unsafe or overcrowded conditions. - **Healthcare Assistance**: We connect displaced individuals with medical care, providing access to doctors, medications, and other necessary health services. - **Education for Children**: We ensure displaced children continue their education by providing them with school supplies, tuition support, and learning resources. ### How We Work: - **100% of Donations Go Directly to Those in Need**: We ensure full transparency in how funds are distributed. We work closely with local volunteers, trusted community leaders, and grassroots activists to make sure donations reach those who need them most. - **No Middlemen, No Bureaucracy**: This initiative is powered entirely by the generosity of individuals like you, with no large organizations or administrative costs taking a cut. We believe in direct, unfiltered support, so the help you give reaches the people who need it without delay. - **Transparency**: We provide regular updates on how funds are being used and the impact of your donation. Photos, videos, and stories from the people we’re helping will be shared so you can see the direct impact of your generosity. ### How You Can Help: - **Donate Today**: Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference. Your donation will be used to provide urgent relief and long-term support for displaced families. - **Spread the Word**: Share our campaign with your friends, family, and social networks. The more people who know about this initiative, the more we can achieve together. - **Get Involved**: You can also volunteer your time, resources, or skills to help with local distributions and other efforts on the ground. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of displaced families in Lebanon. Let’s come together to rebuild what’s been lost, one person at a time.

$0 raised Of $2,000

Warmth and Safety for Abbey Shelter Families

Solidarity with Lebanon

Warmth and Safety for Abbey Shelter Families
Help us provide a safer, warmer environment for 180 people currently seeking refuge in an old school building in Abbey, Aley District. This school, now a shelter for Lebanese families displaced from conflict zones, urgently needs repairs to withstand the winter. We’re raising $1,000 to rebuild windows and doors throughout the building, offering essential protection from the harsh winter weather. Your donation will go directly toward securing this shelter, ensuring that families, including many children, are safe and protected from the cold. Together, we can help these families face the winter with dignity and comfort. ساعدنا في توفير بيئة أكثر أماناً ودفئاً لـ 180 شخصاً يلجأون حالياً إلى مبنى مدرسة قديم في بلدة عبيه، قضاء عاليه. تُستخدم هذه المدرسة الآن كملجأ للعائلات اللبنانية النازحة من مناطق النزاع، وتحتاج بشكل عاجل إلى إصلاحات لتحمل ظروف الشتاء القاسية. نسعى لجمع ١٠٠٠ دولار لإعادة بناء النوافذ والأبواب في المبنى، مما يوفر حماية أساسية من برد الشتاء. ستذهب تبرعاتكم مباشرة لتأمين هذا الملجأ، وضمان أن تكون العائلات، بما في ذلك العديد من الأطفال، في أمان بعيداً عن البرد. معاً، يمكننا مساعدة هذه العائلات على مواجهة الشتاء بكرامة وراحة.

$0 raised Of $1,000