Fouad Maher Al Hassanieh 7-year-old boy - Lebanon


Fouad Maher Al Hassanieh 7-year-old boy - Lebanon
Little Fouad Maher Al Hassanieh, a 7-year-old boy from Choueifat, Lebanon, has been courageously battling severe bone deformities since birth. Despite undergoing eight arduous surgeries, including a recent spine stabilization procedure, his journey is far from over. His next step is a critical pelvic surgery that could potentially enable him to stand and walk. This will be followed by foot surgery and regular spine stabilizer adjustments to accommodate his growth. With unwavering hope and the support of loved ones and generous donors, Fouad has come this far. However, the financial burden of these essential surgeries is immense. We humbly appeal to your kind heart to help us provide Fouad with the chance to live a life free from pain and limitations. Every contribution, no matter how small, will bring us closer to realizing his dream of walking independently. الطفل فؤاد ماهر الحسنية، البالغ من العمر 7 سنوات، من الشويفات بلبنان، يكافح بشجاعة تشوهات عظمية شديدة منذ ولادته. وعلى الرغم من خضوعه لثماني عمليات جراحية شاقة، بما في ذلك عملية تثبيت العمود الفقري مؤخرًا، فإن رحلته لم تنته بعد. خطوته التالية هي جراحة الحوض الحرجة التي قد تمكنه من الوقوف والمشي. وسيتبع ذلك جراحة القدم وتعديلات تثبيت العمود الفقري المنتظمة لاستيعاب نموه. مع الأمل الذي لا يتزعزع ودعم الأحباء والمتبرعين الكرماء، وصل فؤاد إلى هذا الحد. ومع ذلك، فإن العبء المالي لهذه العمليات الجراحية الأساسية هائل. نناشد بتواضع قلوبكم الطيبة لمساعدتنا في منح فؤاد فرصة العيش خالية من الألم والقيود. كل مساهمة، مهما كانت صغيرة، ستقربنا من تحقيق حلمه في المشي بشكل مستقل.

$80 raised Of $15,000

advancing society through organic chicken farming


advancing society through organic chicken farming
Building Sustainable Chicken Farms for Community Well-Being ~ Our Mission Building a Sustainable Future for Our Community At NNFarm, we strive to create a local organic chicken farm that provides more than just quality food. Our goal is to make a positive difference in our community by creating jobs, supporting local food security, and providing fresh, healthy chicken produced with care and commitment to organic standards. This is not just a business, it is a mission to improve lives and empower local economies. ~ Our Vision for NNFarm Imagine a place where high-quality organic chicken is accessible to everyone, and every meal not only nourishes families, but also benefits the land and communities that make it possible. NNFarm is committed to this vision, producing fresh, healthy, organic chicken that is raised locally and free from harmful chemicals. Our dedication is not only to the quality of our product, but also to providing dignity, opportunity, and growth for our community. ~ Our Strategy Creating Opportunities for Local Businesses. We aim to support traditional restaurants that serve local cuisine. By connecting with local businesses and leveraging social media, we work to raise awareness of our farm’s mission and bring fresh, local food directly to those who value quality. With your support, we can reach more people, strengthen communities, and build loyalty to local produce. ~ Why NNFarm Is Different In a world dominated by big corporations, NNFarm offers a different approach. Fresh chicken that is locally raised, organic, and produced with love and a commitment to excellence. We believe that this difference in quality will have a lasting impact and inspire others to follow sustainable practices that respect people and nature. ~ How You Can Help Us Make This Dream a Reality Starting a sustainable farm requires resources that go beyond dedication. We need support for : Land : Space dedicated to a community-friendly farm that will provide stable employment and a safe, humane environment for raising chickens. Equipment : Farming equipment such as feeders and waterers to support the daily needs of the chickens. Supplies and Feed : Quality feed, vaccines, and vitamins to ensure our chickens grow healthy and strong. By supporting our campaign, you are not just helping us start a farm. You are joining a movement to build a local food system that values ​​people, health, and sustainability. Join Us in Making a Difference NNFarm is ready to make a significant contribution to the local organic chicken industry and create real positive change. By supporting our journey, you are empowering communities, creating jobs, and strengthening food security. With your donation, no matter the size, you are part of the journey towards a sustainable, vibrant, and healthier future for everyone. ~ Help Us Make This Vision a Reality With your help, NNFarm will set new standards for quality, integrity, and professionalism, giving back to the land and the communities that support it. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that fresh, organic, locally raised food reaches everyone in our community. Thank you for your support 🙏🙏

$0 raised Of $250,000

Solidarité Liban

Solidarity with Lebanon

Solidarité Liban
Hello les ami.e.s, Je m'appelle Hind Hamdan, je suis Libanaise et Française, actuellement basée à Beyrouth. Au cours des deux derniers mois, le Liban a traversé l'une de ses pires crises humanitaires en raison des attaques israéliennes en cours. Près de 3 500 personnes ont été tuées, plus de 15 000 blessées, et environ 1,2 million de personnes ont été déplacées jusqu'à présent. Dans l'absence totale du gouvernement intérimaire et le manque de financement suffisant pour faire face à la crise, de nombreuses initiatives communautaires, existantes ou nouvellement créées, ont pris les devants pour soutenir les personnes déplacées en leur fournissant un abri, de la nourriture, des médicaments, des vêtements, ainsi que des activités éducatives et récréatives pour les enfants. Je suis en contact direct avec plusieurs de ces initiatives et j’ai déjà collecté des fonds pour certaines d’entre elles. Comme vous le savez peut-être, plus la crise se prolonge, moins les financements sont disponibles. Nous avons besoin de votre soutien. L’hiver approche et les besoins sont immenses. Tout soutien que nous pourrons recevoir sera crucial pour aider ceux qui affrontent des épreuves inimaginables en ce moment. Si vous ne pouvez pas faire de don mais souhaitez tout de même aider, veuillez envisager de partager ce message avec d’autres personnes qui pourraient être intéressées à contribuer. Plus nous pourrons diffuser ce message largement, plus nous pourrons rassembler de soutien pour ceux qui en ont besoin. Une fois la collecte de fonds terminée, tous les fonds seront redistribués en fonction de l’urgence et des besoins des initiatives suivantes : 1- Livraison quotidienne d'articles essentiels aux familles déplacées - Repas chauds et produits de première nécessité - Médicaments et traitements médicaux - Produits menstruels - Lait infantile - Vêtements d'hiver et chauffage Lien pour les deux initiatives: a. b. 2- Soutien aux enfants déplacés et à leur santé mentale : - Distribution de sacs-cadeaux avec des fournitures artistiques - Fourniture de mini-bibliothèques dans les écoles transformées en refuges Un lien pour l'initiative 3. Fourniture d’assistance aux travailleuses domestiques migrantes, souvent négligées et particulièrement vulnérables en cette période. Hello friends, My name is Hind Hamdan, I am Lebanese and French, currently based in Beirut. Over the past two months, Lebanon has gone through one of its worst humanitarian crises due to ongoing Israeli attacks. Nearly 3,500 people have been killed, over 15,000 injured, and about 1.2 million people have been displaced so far. In the complete absence of the interim government and the lack of sufficient funding to address the crisis, many community initiatives, both existing and newly created, have stepped up to support displaced people by providing shelter, food, medicine, clothing, as well as educational and recreational activities for children. I am in direct contact with several of these initiatives, and I have already raised funds for some of them. As you may know, the longer the crisis lasts, the less funding becomes available. We need your support. Winter is approaching, and the needs are immense. Any support we can receive will be crucial in helping those facing unimaginable hardships right now. If you are unable to make a donation but still want to help, please consider sharing this message with others who might be interested in contributing. The more widely we can spread this message, the more support we can gather for those in need. Once the fundraising is complete, all funds will be redistributed based on the urgency and needs of the following initiatives: 1. Daily delivery of essential items to displaced families - Hot meals and basic necessities - Medicine and medical treatments - Menstrual products - Baby formula - Winter clothing and heating Links for the two initiatives: a. 2. Support for displaced children and their mental health - Distribution of gift bags with art supplies - Providing mini-libraries in schools turned into shelters A link for the initiative: 3. Providing assistance to migrant domestic workers, who are often neglected and especially vulnerable during this period.

$4,930 raised Of $5,000