Help Us Restore Safe Public Spaces in Oman!


Help Us Restore Safe Public Spaces in Oman!
Help Us Restore Safe Public Spaces in Oman! Across Oman, our parks, playgrounds, and public spaces play a vital role in community life. They provide places for children to play, families to gather, and residents to connect. However, when these spaces become damaged or unsafe, they pose serious risks, especially for our children and elderly citizens. Our goal is to restore and repair unsafe public infrastructure in Oman, ensuring that these spaces are safe and welcoming for all. Working in close cooperation with local authorities, we are identifying areas in need of urgent repair—whether it’s a broken swing in a playground, unsafe sidewalks, or damaged public facilities. With your help, we can act quickly to restore these spaces and ensure they meet the highest safety standards. Why Your Support is Crucial Repairing public spaces requires resources—construction materials, permits, labor, and expertise. While authorities are supporting us in the approval process, the actual repairs depend on the generosity of people like you. Every riyal you donate will directly fund the materials and labor needed to make these repairs happen. Your support will help make Oman’s public spaces safe and enjoyable for everyone, including families, children, and the elderly. Your Contribution Will Help: • Fix broken playground equipment in our parks, ensuring children can play safely. • Repair cracked or uneven walkways, preventing accidents and injuries. • Restore benches, lighting, and other public facilities to enhance community spaces. • Collaborate with local municipalities to ensure the highest safety standards are met. Let’s Work Together for a Safer Oman Whether you can give OMR 2 or OMR 200, (5 $ - 500 $ ) your donation will make a lasting impact on the safety of our communities. By joining us in this effort, you’re helping to protect Oman’s future, ensuring that our public spaces remain safe and vibrant for generations to come. Donate today and be a part of making Oman safer for everyone!

$0 raised Of $100,000

Aid for Displaced Families in Lebanon

Solidarity with Lebanon

Aid for Displaced Families in Lebanon
WHY CONTRIBUTE and SUPPORT? RDFL is seeking funds to provide essential needs to internally displaced families across Lebanon. Your donations will directly assist hundreds of families taking refuge in public areas and collective shelters in Beirut by offering: -Hot meals, food packages, and essential hygiene kits -Winter clothing for elderly individuals, women, and children -Pillows, mattresses, and covers -Shelters for refuge in public area Together, we can make a big difference and help our people overcome this crisis. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a difference and helps alleviate suffering. How You Can Help? You can make financial donations via the Fundahope platform or through - WHICH ACCOUNT: 76 161 121 - Via bank transfer: Bank name: Arab Bank FRESH USD 0332-318228-922 Account IBAN :LB61 0005 0000 0000 3323 1822 8922 FRESH EURO 0332-318228 -923 Account IBAN :LB34 0005 0000 0000 3323 1822 8923 FRESH L.L 0332-318228-990 LBP Account IBAN: LB68 0005 0000 0000 3323 1822 8990 SWIFT CODE : ARABLBBX Accountability & Transparency -RDFL will track all expenses and regularly post updates on its social media platforms. -RDFL will email each donor a monthly account of the use of donated funds and the impact achieved. -RDFL is part of the emergency room in the municipality of Beirut and coordinates directly with the Mayor of Beirut, Marwan Abboud, to ensure efficient assistance delivery. About the Lebanese Women Democratic Gathering - RDFL The Lebanese Women Democratic Gathering- RDFL is a feminist, grassroots and membership-based organization working to advance gender equality through advocacy, networking and solidarity work in Lebanon. It was established in 1976. Our values are rooted in non-discriminatory, secular feminism, democracy, transparency and intersectionality. Our work focuses on creating an enabling environment where girls and women are protected and empowered to be agents of change. RDFL’s vision is to achieve equality between women and men in all spheres, and to provide protection from gender-based violence. RDFL’s mission is to work on and advocate for the elimination of gender-based violence and all forms of discrimination, and to achieve full citizenship for women through a widespread and empowered membership and in collaboration with civil society. Learn more about us: - Website: - Facebook: - Instagram: -X:

$0 raised Of $2,000

Humanitarian support for displaced Lebanese

Solidarity with Lebanon

Humanitarian support for displaced Lebanese
Currently in Lebanon 70% of displaced families have children and 44.9% of them include the elderly. 33.7% of them currently have no shelter. Mass displacement has occurred as the South and East of Lebanon has become unsafe due to ongoing war. H.E.L.P is an NGO that was established in 2018 to provide social support to Lebanese and has now expanded its services to include providing humanitarian aid to displaced Lebanese families who have taken refuge in shelters across Tripoli, Lebanon. The aim of this campaign is to provide: - Clean drinking water - ⁠Hygiene kits (soap, washing powder, sanitary pads, shampoo) - ⁠Clothing (including second hand clothing) - ⁠Continence pads for the elderly - ⁠Blankets - ⁠Mattresses - ⁠Pillows - ⁠Baby formula - ⁠Nappies - ⁠Packaged/canned food that does not require refrigeration - ⁠Providing ongoing education to children (reading/writing) - ⁠Provide psychosocial support to children in the form of age appropriate activities With winter approaching, these basic necessities are currently not available to displaced Lebanese, as they have had to flee their homes in the South urgently. Our aim is to provide ongoing support as these necessities are currently unavailable. All donations will go directly towards supporting these people in need. Thank you for your kindness and generosity during an extremely difficult time for the Lebanese people. حالياً في لبنان 70% من الأسر النازحة لديها أطفال و44.9% منها تضم ​​كبار السن. 33.7% منهم حالياً ليس لديهم مأوى. لقد حدث نزوح جماعي حيث أصبح جنوب وشرق لبنان غير آمنين بسبب الحرب المستمرة. H.E.L.P هي منظمة غير حكومية تأسست عام 2018 لتقديم الدعم الاجتماعي للبنانيين ووسعت الآن خدماتها لتشمل تقديم المساعدات الإنسانية للعائلات اللبنانية النازحة التي لجأت إلى الملاجئ في جميع أنحاء طرابلس، لبنان. الهدف من هذه الحملة هو توفير: - مياه الشرب النظيفة - ⁠مستلزمات النظافة (صابون، مسحوق غسيل، فوط صحية، شامبو) - ⁠الملابس (بما في ذلك الملابس المستعملة) - ⁠وسادات البول لكبار السن - ⁠البطانيات - ⁠مراتب - ⁠الوسائد - ⁠ حليب الأطفال - ⁠ الحفاضات - ⁠الأغذية المعبأة/المعلبة التي لا تحتاج إلى تبريد - ⁠توفير التعليم المستمر للأطفال (القراءة / الكتابة) - ⁠ تقديم الدعم النفسي والاجتماعي للأطفال في شكل أنشطة مناسبة لعمرهم ومع اقتراب فصل الشتاء، فإن هذه الضروريات الأساسية غير متوفرة حاليًا للنازحين اللبنانيين، حيث اضطروا إلى الفرار من منازلهم في الجنوب بشكل عاجل. هدفنا هو تقديم الدعم المستمر لأن هذه الضروريات غير متوفرة حاليًا. ستذهب جميع التبرعات مباشرة لدعم هؤلاء الأشخاص المحتاجين. أشكركم على لطفكم وكرمكم خلال فترة صعبة للغاية بالنسبة للشعب اللبناني.

$125 raised Of $20,000