Hope for Southern Lebanese أمل للبنانيين الجنوبيين


Hope for Southern Lebanese أمل للبنانيين الجنوبيين
A fundraising campaign to support Lebanese displaced persons, especially from the south, under the title: "Hope for Southern Lebanese, Reviving Lives Together." Objectives: 1. Providing medical assistance for the affected and displaced, and ensuring the provision of essential medications for them. 2. Supplying essential food and drink needs for affected and displaced families. 3. Providing temporary housing for displaced families until they can return to their normal lives. 4. Organizing cultural and social activities for children who have left their schools, and supporting them psychologically to recover from the traumas they have experienced. - Thank you for your support and participation in this humanitarian campaign. حملة تبرعات لمساعدة النازحين اللبنانيين، لا سيما من الجنوب، تحت عنوان: "أمل للبنانيين الجنوبيين، إحياء الحياة معا"، الأهداف: ١- تأمين مساعدة طبية للمتضررين والنازحين وتوفير بعض الأدوية الضرورية لهم. ٢- تأمين بعض الاحتياجات الضرورية من طعام وشراب للعائلات المتضررة والنازحة. ٣- توفير سكن مؤقت للعائلات النازحة حتى يعودوا إلى حياتهم الطبيعية. ٤- إقامة النشاطات الثقافية والاجتماعية للأطفال الذين تركوا مدارسهم، ودعمهم نفسياً للتعافي من الصدمات التي تعرضوا لها. شكرًا لدعمكم ومشاركتكم في هذه الحملة الإنسانية.

$0 raised Of $50,000

Help jean beat cancer


Help jean beat cancer
I am appealing for urgent assistance. My father, Jean Chaiban, is a cancer fighter who has undergone various treatments, including Keytruda sessions. By the grace of God and with kind-hearted help, we have been able to conduct 4 sessions of Keytruda, and after a successful Pet-scan, he responded well to the treatment, prompting the doctor to renew it for 3 extra sessions. Being unemployed with a non-functional amputated leg, alongside our difficult financial situation, makes this costly, long treatment unaffordable. Each session costs $6,000, not including hospital fees and additional medications. The doctor stressed the importance of completing the treatment we had begun, as we had reached an advanced stage to control the cancer and perform a tumor resection. This medicine is his last hope, as we have tried many chemotherapy and radiotherapy sessions. Your support is crucial in ensuring my father's recovery. Every contribution counts. Contact Rosine Chaiban at 76/504091 to assist or donate through Wishmoney at +96176504091. Together, we can save a life with even the smallest donation. "A widow's penny can save a person's life." أتوجه بنداء للمساعدة العاجلة. والدي، جان شيبان، مريض بالسرطان وقد خضع للعديد من العلاجات، بما في ذلك جلسات Keytruda. بنعمة الله وبمساعدة أصحاب القلوب الطيبة، تمكنا من إجراء 4 جلسات ناجحة من Keytruda، مما دفع الطبيبة إلى تجديد ثلاث جلسات إضافية من علاج المناعة Keytruda بجرعة 200 ملغ. والدي عاطل عن العمل، ولديه ساق مبتورة غير فعالة، ووضعنا المالي صعب للغاية. تكلفة كل جلسة تبلغ 6,000 دولار، وهذا لا يشمل رسوم المستشفى والأدوية الإضافية. أكدت الطبيبة على أهمية إكمال العلاج الذي بدأناه، حيث وصلنا إلى مرحلة متقدمة للسيطرة على السرطان على أمل إجراء عملية استئصال للورم في أسرع وقت. هذا الدواء هو آخر أمل له، حيث قمنا بتجربة العديد من جلسات العلاج الكيميائي والعلاج الإشعاعي. للأسف، لا يمكننا تحمل تكلفة العلاج بمفردنا. سيكون أي دعم، حتى لو كان بسيطًا، موضع تقدير كبير. إذا كنتم قادرين على تقديم المساعدة أو تحتاجون إلى مزيد من المعلومات، يرجى التواصل معي، روزين شيبان، على هذا الرقم: 76/504091. لديكم أيضًا الخيار للتبرع عبر Wishmoney إلى روزين شيبان على الرقم: +96176504091. "فلس الأرملة قادر على إنقاذ حياة إنسان"

$1,265 raised Of $20,000

Help Restore a Graphic Designer's Vision


Help Restore a Graphic Designer's Vision
Hello everyone, I’m Mark, and I'm reaching out to you today with a story of resilience and hope. As a passionate graphic designer and artist, my world was turned upside down when I was diagnosed with a neuro-bacterial infection in my optic nerves. For two long months (early November to early January), I was plunged into darkness, I had less than 10% vision, hospitalised for 2 weeks on antibiotics IV in January, unable to see the vibrant colors and intricate details that once inspired my creativity. I’ve tried to overcome this setback by selling my existing art on Instagram (www.instagram.com/markisnotgoth), but unfortunately, it hasn’t yielded the financial support I desperately need. Thanks to the unwavering support of my loved ones and the expertise of my medical team, I'm slowly regaining my sight. However, the road to full recovery is a challenging one, the ophthalmologist said it might take up to 12 months for me to get 90% of my vision back, and I'm facing unexpected hurdles along the way. Despite my progress, I still struggle to perceive colors and details correctly, making it impossible for me to resume my work as a graphic designer and artist. As I go through this journey of healing and restoration, I'm faced with mounting bills and financial uncertainty. Without the ability to work, I find myself in a difficult position, unable to support myself financially while I focus on regaining my vision. That's why I'm turning to the generosity of the community for support. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a meaningful difference in my life and bring me one step closer to reclaiming my passion for design and art. Your support will not only help me overcome this obstacle but will also serve as a powerful reminder of the incredible strength and compassion that exists within our community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read my story and for considering supporting me on this journey. Together, we can turn darkness into light and restore the colors of creativity to my world. If you would like to support me in other ways, please buy my art on Instagram @markisnotgoth With gratitude, Mark Mansour

$4,800 raised Of $6,000

Women's Health: Keen Mom's Club (Maternity)


Women's Health: Keen Mom's Club (Maternity)
To ensure that women’s health is a priority, Keen International is launching a social enterprise initiative. We are planning this initiative in collaboration with Dr. Lawrence M. Nelson and the Mary Elizabeth Conover Foundation. Maternal Health (Mental, Physical and psychological) + Postpartum Depression (PPD) The importance of this project is crucial and deserves attention, especially to ensure a healthy and thriving society. Through Empowering, advocating, educating, supporting, facilitating, and leading women to enhance their lives, Keen International will work on global crowd-funding to raise awareness and health care through care for Lebanese women in need. Description: Maternal Health (Mental, Physical and psychological) + Postpartum Depression (PPD) Despite advancements in healthcare, maternal mortality and morbidity rates remain high in certain regions such as Lebanon. This project aims to address critical issues that affect maternal health to emphasize accessible quality care. To ensure a positive experience for Lebanese women during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum, a dedicated club will be launched where women can gather to network and have access to awareness sessions and join "Keen Mom’s Club" which will host maternal physical health care and pre-birth exercises, psychological, and mental healthcare, informative and educational sessions, and networking activities for Lebanese moms to be; and other relevant events to increase awareness, maternal education and the period right after childbirth. In Lebanon, most moms depend only on their mothers or mothers-in-law who provide old instructions that are obsolete, and it’s not common for pregnant women to join such a club. Here she will acquire information from physicians, yoga coaches, psychotherapists, and trainers based on (WHAT YOU EXPECT WHEN YOU’RE EXPECTING, 4TH EDITION, By Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel, Foreword by Charles J. Lockwood, MD, Chair, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, Yale University School of Medicine) book, with support and dealing with baby for the first year based on (WHAT TO EXPECT THE FIRST YEAR, 2ND EDITION, By Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel, Foreword by Mark D. Widome, M.D., M.P.H., Professor of Pediatrics, The Penn State Children’s Hospital, Hershey, Pennsylvania) book. By ensuring the importance of the quality of maternal and mental health, and contributing to improving reproductive and gynecological health, health equity, empowerment, and education; we will be contributing to the well-being of women in Lebanese societies to foster healthier communities overall. To guarantee the sustainability of our project, at a later stage and where the fund is not secured, we may charge affordable fees for club joiners to access various activities. Objectives: - Ensuring the preventive measures are met such as vaccination, clinical visits, blood tests, and health education to manage health issues early. - Reducing maternal mortality and morbidity through delivering pregnancy support and PPD support. - Providing psychological and mental health support throughout different stages. - Ensuring equal access to healthcare services (health equity). - Empowering women through information and education, ensuring their ability to actively participate in decisions related to their needs and wants. - Having equal opportunities for all women around Lebanon by providing access to our services online and on-site. - Knowing, experiencing, and practicing self-care. - Spending purposeful time rather than staying alone. - Increasing the cultural level and well-being of women in our community. - Understand her value and we’re here to support her. - Creating awareness of moms to be and after birth about their body and other changes and the development of their babies, month after month, before and after birth. - Networking that will open opportunities for women. - Applying contemporary and scientific approaches in dealing with themselves and their babies rather than old worn out techniques. Thank you for believing in us and in our cause! Thank you for supporting women!

$3 raised Of $40,580

Help Us Save Our Dogs from Disease!


Help Us Save Our Dogs from Disease!
Many of our shelter dogs come to us plagued by a silent but deadly threat: fleas and ticks. We recently lost Nugget due to the silent nature of parasites. These parasites not only cause discomfort and distress but can also lead to severe health issues if left untreated. That's why we're reaching out to you today with an urgent plea for help. We're launching a fundraising campaign to provide Nexgard, a crucial flea and tick treatment, to our furry residents. Nexgard is more than just a preventive measure; it's a lifeline for these vulnerable animals. We need to raise $1235 to cover Nexgard fees for our dogs. Your donation, no matter how big or small, will make a world of difference. With Nexgard, we can safeguard these precious lives against the perils of parasitic infestations, giving them a fighting chance at finding their forever homes. But that's not all. We also need your support for our 4DX tests, which are vital for our dogs' health. These tests cost us over $2000 USD, but they provide invaluable insights into our dogs' well-being, ensuring they're in top shape before they find their forever homes. We take pride in giving our dogs the best care possible, and we couldn't do it without your support! Your donations help us cover the costs of these tests, allowing us to continue providing top-notch care and support for our beloved pups. Please, don't let these dogs suffer needlessly. Donate now and be a hero in their eyes. Together, we can make a tangible difference in the lives of shelter dogs. Thank you for your compassion and generosity.

$20 raised Of $3,235

Save Ali from Blindness


Save Ali from Blindness
Dear friends and community, I'm Ali's wife and it is with a heavy heart that I share the story of my husband, who just turned 30. Few years ago Ali stared developing serious visual symptoms that showed up starting with tripping and knocking into stuff that where right infront of him, unable to see at night and taking him a little too long to notice things around. So we went to a specialist who diagnosed Ali with Retinitis Pigmentosa a rare eye disease affecting around one in every 4,000 people worldwide, that causes visual impairment that impacts daily life and when we asked about the next steps, the doctor replied, “There’s really nothing you can do about this” and estimated that he will lose his sight in 7 yrs from now. The shocking news where devastating and the stress & sadness overtook us for a while. However, although retinitis pigmentosa is not treatable you can still get help to manage the condition with restoration therapy to restore visual function and increase functionality of preserved cells which leads to improvement in vision and slower the progression of the disease and thus he can preserve his vision for a longer period of time. Going through restoration therapy is Ali's only hope for him to preserve his vision and fulfill his only wish of expanding our family and have children without him being worried that he wont be able to see there faces or protect them from any harm. So my friend your support will mean the world for us, it will be an inspiration to hold out hope, especially from people who understands the emotional side of things and what you and your family members are going through. Hope this letter reaches you. Thank you Sincerely.

$10 raised Of $180,000