🚨Urgent Marguerite's CAR T Cell Operation 🚨


🚨Urgent Marguerite's CAR T Cell Operation 🚨
Dear friends, family, and all concerned about Margerite's case, We want to update you that Margerite's travel date has been rescheduled for Friday, February 23rd. Unfortunately, due to insufficient funds, she was unable to travel for her operation. We are committed to covering all expenses this week. However, we still require $27,000 for the medical expenses incurred at Aubmc, the hospital where she received treatment, and an additional $50,000 for the upcoming operation abroad. Today, Margerite underwent her last chemotherapy session, and the doctors emphasized the urgency of the car T-cell operation scheduled for Friday. This procedure is crucial and the only way to save her life. Your support is vital in ensuring Margerite receives the care she desperately needs. Please consider contributing to her cause. We still need $77,000 to cover all expenses for Marguerite's urgent car T-cell operation. Your financial contribution or sharing of the fundraiser link can make a significant difference. 🙏 Donation Methods: 1. Donate here: https://fundahope.com/campaigns/help-marguerite-fight-cancer 2. For international donations, visit: gofundme.com/f/medical-emergency-support-needed 3. For alternative contributions (OMT, WhishMoney, or cash), please contact: - Eliane Gharios: 71-837877 - Lena Boyajian (Marguerite's Mother): 03-563 447 - Teddy Zadour Khajadourian: 71-258 821 Your kindness is greatly appreciated. Thank you for supporting Margerite's journey to recovery. 🌟

$32,135 raised Of $77,000

Save the Education in Tripoli


Save the Education in Tripoli
Help us raise an amount of 200,00$ in order to support the tuition fees of 500 vulnerable students across private schools in Tripoli. The socio-economic crisis in Lebanon has pushed three-quarters of the Lebanese population into poverty, with an acute cash crisis deteriorating living conditions for millions of people. It also had a very high impact on the already struggling education sector whereby: The low wages of teachers in private schools (an average of 200$) are not covering their transportation expenses, leaving them really incapable of making ends meets Actual tuition fees didn’t constitute enough revenues for schools to increase teacher wages, and cover running costs to keep classrooms lit or heated They had to raise tuition fees on an average of 300% and impose real (Fresh) dollar payment on parents. With the ¾ of the population facing poverty, parents losing their jobs, or still being really underpaid in many sectors, a lot of families are not being able to afford the increase of tuition fees. On the other hand, public education reached a new breaking point with the closure of many public schools, and on and off strikes of the public teachers who are left with a salary as low as 40$, with no insurance and hospitals coverage. Despite many trials, the Government has failed to properly address the problem, and suggest viable solutions. This complex situation has left more than 1 million children without education across Lebanon, and the level of school drop out is expected to sky rocket with the dollarization of tuition fees in private schools, and the bad situation of public education. Those critical times added strain on the already struggling Tripoli, the poorest city of the country, and it’s second largest. Even before the economic meltdown, the poverty rate in the city was 60%, and the unemployment rate has far exceeded this number. Education there is under threat and the impact of the collapsing system will be carried on for several generations, with school dropout rate exceeding 40%. Let’s always remember that Education of children is the most essential factor necessary for the recovery and future of our beloved country, and that the quality of education we used to have has always been a success factor to all of us, in and outside Lebanon..

$10,565 raised Of $200,000

Help My Mom


Help My Mom
مرحبا، انا اسمي موسى عم بكتب هالحالة نيابةً عن إمي. إمي صرلها من نهاية سنة ٢٠١٩ مريضة يعني تقريباً ٤ سنين،ما بتقدر تاكل أي أكل لانو بسرعة بيصير اسهال بهالأربع سنين امي تراجعت صحتها و ضعفت بشكل كتير كبير شفنا كتير دكاتره و كل شخص كان عم شخص الحالة بشكل مختلف و بالآخر تبيّن انو امي عندها هبوط المصارين، بيت الرحم و المبولة فهي بحاجة لعملية طارئة بشكل سريع لانو هالشي ممكن يعرضها و يسبب الها مرض السرطان و التهابات، وضعنا كتير صعب مش قدرتنا نأمن مبلغ ٦٠٠٠ الف دولار، انا بطلب من كل شخص قادر يتبرع لو بدولار واحد بيعمل فرق كتير كبير، الفحوصات و التفسير عن الحالة و ورقة تكلفة العملية كلن موجودين اذا بدكن تطلعوا عليهن، بتمنى و حلمي انو امي ترجع احسن من قبل و تخلص من وجعها من بعد ٤ سنين معانات شكرا لكل شخص رح يتبرع و إذا بدكن تفاصيل أكثر اتواصل ل على هيدا الرقم ٧١٢٨٥٧٣٥ شكرا للجميع Hello, my name is Moussa, and I am writing this message on behalf of my mother. My mother has been ill since the end of 2019, which is approximately four years now. She can't eat any food because she quickly experiences diarrhea. Over these four years, her health has deteriorated significantly. We consulted many doctors, and each one diagnosed the condition differently. In the end, it turned out that my mother has a prolapse of the pelvic organs, including the uterus and bladder. She urgently needs surgery because this could put her at risk of cancer and infections. Our situation is very difficult, and we cannot afford the $6,000 needed for the operation. I'm asking everyone who can to donate even just one dollar; it will make a significant difference. We have all the medical reports, explanations of the condition, and the cost of the surgery available if you'd like to review them. My hope and dream are for my mother to recover and be free from her pain after four years of suffering. Thank you to everyone who will donate, and if you need more details, please contact this number: +71285735. Thank you to all.

$225 raised Of $6,000