
Let their best memories be tomorrow
Karma is a Lebanese NGO advocating for equal access to the basic human right of healthcare for children. Karma’s mission is to support the treatment of vulnerable pediatric patients with cancer and thalassemia in Lebanon. To date, Karma has supported the treatment of more than 120 children with cancer and 130 children with thalassemia. Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that causes chronic anemia. Patients require life-long blood transfusions among other medical services necessary to keep them in good health and prevent complications of the disease. Left untreated, the life expectancy of a thalassemia patient drops significantly. Since June 2023, Karma delivers comprehensive multidisciplinary care to 90 vulnerable children with Transfusion Dependent Thalassemia in Lebanon. Karma’s aim is to increase their chances of survival, prevent complications of the disease, and improve the quality of their lives. Karma free of charge services include covering the cost of hospitalization for phenotyped blood transfusions at Elias Hrawi Governmental Hospital in Zahle, organization of blood donation campaigns in partnership with the Lebanese Red Cross, distribution of medications, granting transportation allowance for the families, and referrals for medical consultations. Today, Karma is asking for your support to be able to sustain this project, and continue delivering the care necessary for our little patients’ survival and growth, hoping that their best memories will be tomorrow.

$2,632 raised of $150,000


Medicine fund
Am 34 years old .. Having lung cancer that is spread in my brain, glands, liver ... and caused by a gene mutation, am in need to continue my treatment by taking xalcori crizotinib all my life .. this medicine is soo expensive that I can't afford, and the ministry of public health is totally absent from doing its job ! The ministry should be ashamed of the situation they've put us in ... Looking forward for ur help to fund xalcori .. through my life .. my father had cancer and he made a surgery that we thought it might save his life but things went worse .. we tried chemotherapy .. I used to take him for the chemotherapy treatment and try to get him the medicine that used to be unavailable for months .. it was a suffering... at the latest days of my father when cancer spread in his body and he was suffering a strong pain that no medicine was able to heal it .... I suddenly knew that i also have a stage 4 spread cancer .. my father died and everything that we've tried didn't save his life .. It was a shock especially that I was making the tests for my cancer .. living all my dad's suffering and the pain of his death .. I started with the treatment journey from the same disease that I've lost my father because of .. Cancer was spread in my lungs , liver , glands and brain ... I had Radiotherapy for my brain and it was very expensive and I have to check every 3 months what happens if the tumor shrinked or I need more ... then for the rest of my body .. the lungs , the liver , the glands ... being a non smoker and of young age , the dr. Knew that the lungs are the origin of all the spread cancer and decided to make DNA analysis to realize that my case is because of DNA mutation in a gene and my cancer treatment is a medicine.. This medicine called Xalcori 250 that prolong my life and might even cure me is not available in the ministry of public health.. and its expensive to buy it ... I have to take this medicine daily .. this medicine is my only left hope .. I have to maintain its price to get it .. We are ashamed to be in such a government that doesn't care for her patients.. they are the ones who should provide us with the treatment and the medicine but unfortunately they don't even care .. Thanks for everyone who has the will to help .. You are our only left hope ..

$704 raised of $3,400


Kidney transplant
Empowering Resilience: Join Hands to Fund Omar's Life-Changing Kidney Transplant   Dear Friends,   Today, I write to you with a heart brimming with hope and a story of unwavering resilience. I humbly seek your support for a critical and life-altering surgery - a kidney transplant. From a young age, I've been confronted with the challenges of glycogen storage disease, a condition that has cast a significant shadow over my life. Diagnosed at the tender age of 6, I grappled with the physical and emotional toll this illness imposed on my young spirit. My childhood was marked by the harsh reality of being different from my peers. In the face of adversity, I embarked on a journey that led me to a successful liver transplant, a testament to my unyielding determination. Through it all, I have steadfastly refused to surrender to despair. It's the unwavering support and love of individuals like yourselves that have fortified my resolve to persevere and helped me raise over $600,000 to make the transplant possible. Today, I am on the cusp of completing my master's degree in marketing from Beirut Arab University. However, the heavy medication required for my liver took its toll on my kidneys, leaving them severely damaged. For nearly 11 years, I have endured the rigors of dialysis, a journey that began when I was in grade 9. As a young person navigating the challenges of dialysis, I questioned my reality and the purpose of my existence. Surrounded by elderly patients, I struggled to find my place. Yet, despite these trials, I persevered and continued my education, culminating in my pursuit of a master's degree. My journey has been made possible by the kindness and support of many compassionate souls. Today, I turn to you, dear friends, with a heartfelt plea for your generous contribution towards my kidney transplant, a procedure that comes with a daunting price tag of $30,000. Your generosity will not only grant me the gift of a normal life but will also help me rediscover my purpose and become a symbol of resilience for those enduring similar tribulations. I'm incredibly grateful to share that my brother, who is a 100% match, has selflessly offered to be my donor, further solidifying the hope of a brighter future ahead. Your consideration and support mean the world to me. No donation is too small, for every gesture brings me closer to a life renewed and filled with promise. You are the ray of hope that lights up my path. Please join me in this transformative journey. Together, we can turn my dreams into reality and inspire others to persevere in the face of adversity. With heartfelt gratitude,   Omar

$31,384 raised of $30,000


liver transplantation surgery
youssef is an 18 months year old boy was diagnosed with a genetic disease called Alagille Syndrome affected his heart and liver, at the age of 3 months he underwent an open heart surgery in AUBMC performed by Dr. Yehya Jassar, youssef now suffering from a liver failure he needs to be asses for a liver transplantation surgery from a relative living donor as soon as possible. pleases help save Youssef's life. يوسف يبلغ من العمر 18 شهراً، تم تشخيص إصابته بمرض وراثي يسمى متلازمة ألاجيل أثر على قلبه وكبده، وفي عمر 3 أشهر خضع لعملية قلب مفتوح في المركز الطبي في الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت أجراها الدكتور يحيى جسار، ويعاني يوسف الآن من فشل في الكبد، وهو يحتاج إلى إجراء عملية زرع كبد من متبرع حي قريب في أسرع وقت ممكن. الرجاء المساعدة في إنقاذ حياة يوسف. Youssef est un bébé de 18 mois, atteint d’une maladie génétique appelée le syndrome d'Alagille. Cela affecte son cœur et son foie. À l'âge de 3 mois, il a subi une opération à cœur ouvert à l'AUBMC réalisée par le Dr Yehya Jassar, au Liban. Youssef souffre maintenant du foie et doit être soumis à une opération de transplantation hépatique (greffe du foie) à partir d'un donneur vivant, le plus vite possible. Cette opération devra se faire à l’étranger car les hôpitaux au Liban n’ont pas le matériel nécessaire à une telle intervention. S’il vous plaît, aidez à sauver la vie de Youssef.

$4,700 raised of $4,700


Help jean beat cancer
I am appealing for urgent assistance. My father, Jean Chaiban, is a cancer fighter who has undergone various treatments, including Keytruda sessions. By the grace of God and with kind-hearted help, we have been able to conduct 4 sessions of Keytruda, and after a successful Pet-scan, he responded well to the treatment, prompting the doctor to renew it for 3 extra sessions. Being unemployed with a non-functional amputated leg, alongside our difficult financial situation, makes this costly, long treatment unaffordable. Each session costs $6,000, not including hospital fees and additional medications. The doctor stressed the importance of completing the treatment we had begun, as we had reached an advanced stage to control the cancer and perform a tumor resection. This medicine is his last hope, as we have tried many chemotherapy and radiotherapy sessions. Your support is crucial in ensuring my father's recovery. Every contribution counts. Contact Rosine Chaiban at 76/504091 to assist or donate through Wishmoney at +96176504091. Together, we can save a life with even the smallest donation. "A widow's penny can save a person's life." أتوجه بنداء للمساعدة العاجلة. والدي، جان شيبان، مريض بالسرطان وقد خضع للعديد من العلاجات، بما في ذلك جلسات Keytruda. بنعمة الله وبمساعدة أصحاب القلوب الطيبة، تمكنا من إجراء 4 جلسات ناجحة من Keytruda، مما دفع الطبيبة إلى تجديد ثلاث جلسات إضافية من علاج المناعة Keytruda بجرعة 200 ملغ. والدي عاطل عن العمل، ولديه ساق مبتورة غير فعالة، ووضعنا المالي صعب للغاية. تكلفة كل جلسة تبلغ 6,000 دولار، وهذا لا يشمل رسوم المستشفى والأدوية الإضافية. أكدت الطبيبة على أهمية إكمال العلاج الذي بدأناه، حيث وصلنا إلى مرحلة متقدمة للسيطرة على السرطان على أمل إجراء عملية استئصال للورم في أسرع وقت. هذا الدواء هو آخر أمل له، حيث قمنا بتجربة العديد من جلسات العلاج الكيميائي والعلاج الإشعاعي. للأسف، لا يمكننا تحمل تكلفة العلاج بمفردنا. سيكون أي دعم، حتى لو كان بسيطًا، موضع تقدير كبير. إذا كنتم قادرين على تقديم المساعدة أو تحتاجون إلى مزيد من المعلومات، يرجى التواصل معي، روزين شيبان، على هذا الرقم: 76/504091. لديكم أيضًا الخيار للتبرع عبر Wishmoney إلى روزين شيبان على الرقم: +96176504091. "فلس الأرملة قادر على إنقاذ حياة إنسان"

$1,265 raised of $20,000


Help Restore a Graphic Designer's Vision
Hello everyone, I’m Mark, and I'm reaching out to you today with a story of resilience and hope. As a passionate graphic designer and artist, my world was turned upside down when I was diagnosed with a neuro-bacterial infection in my optic nerves. For two long months (early November to early January), I was plunged into darkness, I had less than 10% vision, hospitalised for 2 weeks on antibiotics IV in January, unable to see the vibrant colors and intricate details that once inspired my creativity. I’ve tried to overcome this setback by selling my existing art on Instagram (, but unfortunately, it hasn’t yielded the financial support I desperately need. Thanks to the unwavering support of my loved ones and the expertise of my medical team, I'm slowly regaining my sight. However, the road to full recovery is a challenging one, the ophthalmologist said it might take up to 12 months for me to get 90% of my vision back, and I'm facing unexpected hurdles along the way. Despite my progress, I still struggle to perceive colors and details correctly, making it impossible for me to resume my work as a graphic designer and artist. As I go through this journey of healing and restoration, I'm faced with mounting bills and financial uncertainty. Without the ability to work, I find myself in a difficult position, unable to support myself financially while I focus on regaining my vision. That's why I'm turning to the generosity of the community for support. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a meaningful difference in my life and bring me one step closer to reclaiming my passion for design and art. Your support will not only help me overcome this obstacle but will also serve as a powerful reminder of the incredible strength and compassion that exists within our community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read my story and for considering supporting me on this journey. Together, we can turn darkness into light and restore the colors of creativity to my world. If you would like to support me in other ways, please buy my art on Instagram @markisnotgoth With gratitude, Mark Mansour

$4,800 raised of $6,000