Learning Domes By LAL  : Continous Learning


Learning Domes By LAL : Continous Learning
The ongoing war on Lebanon has displaced over 1.2 million people, including approximately 350.000 children. The future of an entire generation hangs in the balance, with schools closed or repurposed as shelters, leaving countless children without access to education. If we do not act fast, the long-term impact on their education could be devastating. To address this urgent crisis, LAL is launching the "Learning Domes" initiative. This initiative aims to create multiple learning domes in areas hosting large numbers of displaced families and provide children with access to education. These domes are quick and easy to set up and will serve as temporary learning hubs where children can enjoy a safe and stable environment to continue their studies despite the instability surrounding them. Our pedagogical approach is built on an innovative self-directed learning using digital offline content from TABSHOURA ensuring that children can continue learning independently even in areas with no internet access. By employing displaced teachers as facilitators, we will empower both students and educators, giving teachers the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to their communities while earning an income. Through the generosity of our partners, 6 domes have been secured and we will repurpose our container in Akkar to serve the same goal. Designed by our innovative collaborators, Design 4 Communities, these Learning Domes are quick and easy to set up, serving as temporary learning hubs where children can enjoy a safe and stable environment to continue their studies despite the instability around them. Each 7x7 meter dome can accommodate up to 40 people and will be equipped with tablets, computers, internet access, a seating area, and an offline access box. By contributing, you support the remaining learning spaces and ensure that thousands of displaced children do not lose their chance at an education. Together, we can provide these children with hope, stability, and the opportunity to continue learning despite immense challenges.

$0 raised Of $19,500

Art Therapy for children in kenya's slums


Art Therapy for children in kenya's slums
"Our goal is to raise $100,000 to provide art therapy to 100 children living in the slums over the next two years. It costs just $500 to support one child for an entire year. We’re seeking 200 generous donors who can each sponsor a child for one year with a $500 contribution, or $1000 over two years!! One of the children shared, 'Before, I was always scared and quiet. Now, with painting, I feel like I can finally talk to others, even if it's just through my colors.' The Hummingbird Wellbeing’s Mission: We aim to bring hope and resilience to children in Kangemi slums, Kenya, through our innovative Art and Wellbeing Curriculum. This program is designed to improve mental health by teaching essential life skills through art therapy, mindfulness, and social-emotional learning. What We Do: 1. Empower Children: Reach: 100 children Activities: Weekly art therapy, mindfulness workshops, and social-emotional learning Benefits: Develop emotional resilience, coping skills, and self-expression 2. Train Local Facilitators: Number of Facilitators: 30 (including local high schoolers, youth, and teachers) Impact: Build local leadership and ensure the program’s sustainability 3. Strengthen the Community: Awareness: Foster a culture of mental health support Long-Term Goal: Create a lasting positive impact in Kangemi Our Approach: Safe and Supportive Environment: Provide a nurturing space for children to explore their emotions through creative expression. Holistic Skill Development: Focus on emotional regulation, decision-making, and resilience through art, movement, and mindfulness. Strength-Based Focus: Shift from “What’s wrong?” to “How do you feel?” and empower children to express themselves. How It Works: 1. Art & Wellbeing Curriculum: Duration: 1 year Components: Yoga, dance, mindfulness, play, art therapy, and gratitude 2. Facilitator Training: Activities: Interactive workshops, art-based activities, role-playing, and peer feedback Goal: Equip facilitators with skills to lead and create a supportive learning environment 3. Exhibition: Purpose: Celebrate achievements, spread awareness, and engage the community Features: Interactive displays and public open days Our Goals: For Children: Improve mental well-being and emotional resilience through creative self-expression. For Facilitators: Build skills and confidence to lead effectively and create a lasting impact. For the Community: Foster mental health awareness and create a supportive environment for children. Your Impact: With Your Support: $20,000: Funds art kits ,mindfulness materials, trips,training material,children meals, transportation,space for one year $15,000: Covers facilitator training, curriculum development, local facilitators stipend, children consultation one-on-one sessions $50,000: Supports the full 1 year program for 100 children.local team salaries, exhibition, $15,000: Ensures long-term sustainability, community outreach, and future expansions We will provide regular updates on our progress, sharing stories of impact and financial reports. Join Us: Help us transform the lives of children in Kangemi by supporting our Art and Wellbeing Curriculum. Your contribution will provide vital resources and training, creating a lasting impact on the lives of these children and their community. Donate today and be a part of this meaningful change. Together, we can make a difference.

$110 raised Of $100,000

Support Free Summer Workshops for Children


Support Free Summer Workshops for Children
Dear Friends and Supporters, We are reaching out to you today with an exciting opportunity to support the creative growth of children in Okaibeh, Lebanon, specifically through Hunna Arts & Culture. Okaibeh is a rural coastal village thirty minutes from the capital and lacks activities for children and adults. Hunna, the first and only women/mother artist residency in the Arab world, has been a beacon of support for women artists with their children, and the community of adults and children around it. Hunna is located in Okaibeh and has been operational since 2022. From July to September, we plan to organize 9 free workshops for kids who join us from Beirut, Okaibeh, and all of Lebanon this summer. The workshops will focus on creativity, environmental awareness, education, and fun. We believe that in these challenging times in Lebanon, providing a safe and nurturing environment for artistic expression is more crucial than ever. We aim to engage children in meaningful activities, offering them respite from daily difficulties. Since our establishment, Hunna has led many successful programs, such as residencies, public workshops, concerts, and exhibitions. We need your help to include more children to learn, create, and grow. Our first workshop kicked off on the 6th of July with a session on upcycling paper, and we are committed to making these workshops accessible to all without placing any financial burden on parents. Your generous contributions will help cover the costs of materials, facilitators, and operational expenses, ensuring that these workshops remain free of charge. Please join us in making a difference by donating to our crowdfunding campaign. Together, we can ensure that Hunna remains a thriving hub of artistic interaction and cross-cultural exchange. Thank you for your generosity and support. Hunna's Founder Flavia Juska Bechaea

$0 raised Of $3,300

Together Towards Lebanon


Together Towards Lebanon
اهلاً بكم في مدرستنا، مدرسة خرّجت أجيالاً عديدة. تقع مدرستنا في القاع، على الحدود اللبنانية- السورية في منطقة نائية. تسعى مدرستنا الى تطوير قدراتنا ودعمنا على كافة الصعد. لذا، ساعدتنا لنكون ضمن مشروع العمل التعاوني المدرسي الذي تأسس كمشروع تعاون بين التعاونيات الإيطالية في ترنتو Cooperazione Trentina. وأسسنا ضمن هذا المشروع تعاونيتنا الخاصة التي تهدف الى تسليط الضوء على الأماكن السياحية المهملة في لبنان. في الفيديو، نصطحبكم في رحلتنا مع عينك على بلدك، وهي تعاونية مدرسية مخصصة لعرض المناطق السياحية الأقل شهرة في لبنان. تتألف حملتنا من مبادرتين مهمتين: الأولى تتضمن زيارة هذه الأماكن غير المعروفة لالتقاط مقاطع فيديو مذهلة سيتم مشاركتها لاحقًا على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي. نحن نؤمن بأن هذه المواقع تستحق أن يراها الجميع ويقدرونها، ونحن ملتزمون بتسليط الضوء على جمالها. بالإضافة إلى عرض هذه الجواهر المخفية، فإننا ملتزمون أيضًا بالحفاظ على البيئة. وبينما نستكشف هذه المناطق، سنقوم بحملات نظافة وسنحفز الأولاد الآخرين على المحافظة على النظافة. ومن خلال القيام بذلك، فإننا لا نحافظ على نظافة هذه المناظر الطبيعية فحسب، بل نساهم أيضًا في حماية البيئة. ولتحقيق مهمتنا، نسعى إلى جمع 5000 دولار. كل مساهمة ستحدث فرقاً في جهودنا لإبراز جمال لبنان الخفي وحماية بيئته. انضم إلينا في هذه القضية المهمة وكن جزءًا من شيء مميز حقًا. Welcome to our school, a school that has graduated many generations. Our school is located in al-Qaa, on the Lebanese-Syrian border in a remote area. Our school seeks to develop our capabilities and support us at all levels. It helped us to be part of the school cooperative program that was developed after a methodology created by the Cooperazione Trentina (Italian cooperation in Trento). As part of this project, we established our own cooperative that aims to highlight neglected tourist places in Lebanon. In the video, we take you on our journey with your eye on your country, a school cooperative dedicated to highlight on the less familiar tourist areas of Lebanon. Our campaign consists of two important initiatives: the first involves visiting these little-known places to capture amazing videos that will later be shared on social media platforms. We believe that these sites deserve to be seen and valued by everyone, and we are committed to highlighting their beauty. In addition to displaying these hidden gems, we are also committed to preserving the environment. As we explore these areas, we will conduct cleaning campaigns and motivate other children to keep the places they visit clean. By doing so, we not only keep these landscapes clean, but we also contribute to protecting the environment. To achieve our mission, we seek to raise $5,000. Every contribution will make a difference in our efforts to highlight Lebanon's hidden beauty and protect its environment. Join us on this important cause and be part of something truly special. Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/3aynak.3a_baladak?igsh=cjM0NzhnY3A5YzQx Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093008274937&mibextid=LQQJ4d

$1,550 raised Of $5,000

Circus For The Displaced Children Of Artsakh


Circus For The Displaced Children Of Artsakh
I am Paramaz Garabet Yepremian, the founder of Circus Hub, specializing in designing and manufacturing circus props, teaching circus arts, and performing. In response to the aftermath of the Artsakh war in 2020, I initiated a successful crowd funding campaign. This enabled me to travel from Lebanon to Armenia, conducting 12 circus art workshops and reaching 250 displaced children in December 2020. Building on that success, I extended my efforts to the Martakert region in Artsakh in September 2022, where I provided circus art workshops to children affected by the conflict. Despite numerous organizations addressing basic needs, there's a gap in providing essential play and education for these displaced children. In light of the current situation, where the entire Armenian population was deported from their homeland Nagorno Karabakh during the month of September 2023. With 26,400 children and their families in urgent need, I've committed to reaching out to 250 displaced children in Armenia and provide circus art workshops and shows. "Play is a universal language that transcends borders and heals wounds. In times of trauma, circus arts becomes a powerful tool for resilience. They instill confidence, foster creativity, and provide a safe space for expression. By supporting this campaign, you're not just funding my costs of travel in this trip; you're investing in the well-being and future of these resilient children." The funds raised will cover my travel expenses from Lebanon to Armenia and transportation within the country to reach children scattered across various regions. All campaign details and updates will be posted on an event page where you can follow and stay up to date: Facebook event page: (Donate Now to Help Bring Circus to The Displaced Children of The Artsakh War) For more information or inquiries, please reach out to me via email or WhatsApp. Contact details: [email protected], 0096181245146. You can also connect on Facebook (Paramaz Yepremian), Instagram (circus_hub), and visit our website at www.circus-hub.com Your support can bring hope and joy to these children through circus art workshops and shows.

$5 raised Of $1,000

Send Lebanese Robotics Champs to Panama


Send Lebanese Robotics Champs to Panama
My students need your help! I'm Charbel Daoud, a proud Robotics & Coding Mentor with over 8 years of experience in the field. For the past 8 months, I've been coaching two remarkable teams in Lebanon, and their dedication has led to an incredible achievement. In the July 2023 national competition in Lebanon, my two teams, APROMON and GREEN SAILER, excelled, securing first place in the senior categories of Future Engineers and Future Innovators. Now, they have the honor of representing Lebanon in Panama this coming November 2023, an opportunity that means the world to them. Team APROMON, consisting of Jonathan Achkouty, Charbel Estephan, and Jad Mouawad, has designed an impressive autonomous car using Arduino technology. This self-driving car, equipped with ultrasonic sensors and Pixy Cam v2.1, demonstrates remarkable precision as it tackles challenges that mimic real-life situations. On the other hand, Team GREEN SAILER, composed of Rayan Baaklini, Alexandre Saghbini, and Jean Zaatar, has crafted a solar boat using Arduino and developed a mobile application to control it. We believe in the power of robotics and creativity to shape the future, and we invite you to join us in supporting these talented individuals on their journey to the World Robotics Competition in Panama. Your generous donations will help them showcase their innovation and hard work on a global stage. This year's International World Robotics Competition, hosted in Panama, is an exciting opportunity for our teams to shine once again. Last year in Lebanon, we emerged victorious in the same competition and even competed in Germany, achieving a remarkable 20th place worldwide. With your support, we aim to reach an even higher rank this year. However, this victory comes with a financial challenge. The Championship entails expenses of $3,700 per individual, and we are a team of seven: six students and one coach. This cost covers flights, transportation, seven days of food and accommodation for the team. In addition to that, the transportation of our high-tech robots to Panama. Robotics is an enriching but costly endeavor. Entry fees, robotics parts, promotional items like team shirts and buttons, and international travel expenses add up significantly. As a coach, I cannot shoulder this financial burden alone. We humbly request the support of parents, relatives, friends, and generous donors who believe in our cause and want to contribute to the success of these aspiring young innovators. Together, we can make a difference through the power of robotics and creativity. Your support will not only enable our teams to compete but also foster a passion for STEM education in our students, helping them achieve their dreams and represent Lebanon with pride on the global stage.

$11,955 raised Of $29,000

Representing Lebanon at the World Robotics Olympia


Representing Lebanon at the World Robotics Olympia
Hello dear tech lovers and all kinds of supporters! 2 teams from Lebanon (six 16 year olds, three in each team -hey it rhymes!) were listed as finalists in the “World Robot Olympiad” and will be representing the country in 2 different categories. The first team: Robosports (Lebanon for the first time ever!) The second team: Future Innovators => Check their work https://instagram.com/metamed.lb?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= They competed against 85 countries and 30 different schools in Lebanon, and today they are finalists, competing against several other countries (They did it independently with only the support of the amazing NinjaCo. instructors) => Info Here: https://www.wro2022.org/theme The finals are taking place in Germany, City of Dortmund on the 16th of November 2022. Unfortunately, with the degrading economic situation in Lebanon, their families are incapable of financially supporting their trip. Those kids are the future of this country and the innovators that will make Lebanon a tech hub. This will open up for them many scholarship opportunities when graduating highschool and we believe they have a huge chance to win. NinjaCo’s mission is to implement modern computing education in Lebanon and the middle east, all while highlighting the importance of codifying as a constructive hobby that every child needs to adopt with our shifting digital world. And Now we are looking to raise 8000 euros to help all 6 students and a chaperon to travel and represent Lebanon in the finals. If we reach 1600 people each donating maybe only 5 euros, this dream can turn into reality. The deadline to register is on the 8th of october (yes in a couple of days) we want to risk it anyways and we found a way to cover the admission fees. But: Tickets (that are currently extremely expensive), transportation, special cases for their robots and inventions, as well as equipment to finalize their projects, visas and F&Bs are still not covered. On that note, if we don’t reach the 8000 euros but maybe reach only 2600 to support 1 youngster from each team to go and represent their teams (and Lebanon!) would be more than enough. My beautiful people, still residing in Lebanon (if you can) and working expats, if we reach 1600 people donating 5euros each, this dream can turn into reality. Pleaseee spread the word and love. We are looking forward to sharing with you the journey of these youth on NinjaCo’s official instagram page.

$393 raised Of $2,022