From the Ashes of War to New Hope


From the Ashes of War to New Hope
Hello! I am Wesam, 28 years old. I used to live in the heart of the Gaza Strip, where the horizon is drawn by a turbulent sea and the domes of densely packed houses. Years ago, I started my journey from scratch as a sales employee, and then my ambition became greater. Thanks to God, I started importing and selling goods, and I established my own warehouse that housed the goods I carefully collected to secure my future and the future of my family. I worked hard until I had my own company, and every day I felt that I was taking a step towards more success. Despite all the challenges I faced in Gaza, I always found a way to overcome crises. My business flourished, and I began to be known among merchants and customers by my good reputation. But the war, which had always threatened us, stormed my life on a day I did not expect. On a fateful morning, the sirens went off, and then I heard the sound of bombing. In moments, everything had changed. The warehouse I had built stone by stone was destroyed, and my company, which I had worked to develop for years, disappeared among the rubble. I stood in front of the store, the scene before me was unbelievable: the shelves of goods in which I had placed all my hopes became empty and burned, and everything I had collected from the fatigue of the years was lost in a moment. Today, I stand on the ruins of what was my livelihood and my family's livelihood, and all I need is help to be able to stand again, although it is difficult for me to find myself asking for help. But I no longer have anything, but I still have hope and will. I am now looking for support from you, from everyone who can extend a helping hand to me, whether it is material or moral support, to start over. I know that life is full of challenges, but I believe that hope can be born from the midst of destruction, and that with your help and support I will be able to rebuild my future and my family's. Every help, no matter how small, will make a big difference in my life. I ask you to stand by me in this difficult moment that I do not wish anyone to be in so that I can rebuild what the war destroyed.

$0 raised Of $26,000

rebuild the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza


rebuild the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza
Rumah Sakit Indonesian is a hospital located in Bait Lahia, North Gaza Governorate, Gaza Strip, Palestine. The Indonesian Hospital in Gaza was first built in May 2011, and its inauguration was carried out by the former Vice President of Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla, in 2015. Located in Bait Lahiya, North Gaza, this hospital faces various challenges because it is located in a conflict area. Since its construction, the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza has experienced several attacks and bombings, resulting in damage and danger to medical staff, patients and visitors. On 14 November 2011, before completion of construction, an explosion in the vicinity of the hospital killed two people and injured several others. In 2021, Israel's invasion of Gaza will again threaten Indonesian hospitals. Although the hospital administration office sustained damage, there were no casualties among the medical staff and patients. However, Monday (20/11/2023), Indonesian Hospital was again the target of an Israeli attack. In the attack, at least eight people were reported killed, including two doctors, and many more were injured. The hospital's administrative offices and surgery section suffered serious damage. For this reason, MER-C (Medical Emergency Rescue Committee) is raising funds to rebuild the hospital. We will hand over all the money raised from fundraising to MER-C as the institution authorized to manage Indonesian Hospitals. Our hope is that by rebuilding the hospital it will be able to shelter all the victims of the war and be of benefit to everyone. So from us, we thank you for your attention. healthy greetings to all of us. let's donate

$0 raised Of $15,000

Support Patricia & Elie rebuild their home


Support Patricia & Elie rebuild their home
Dear friends, family and kind supporters, In a heartbeat, dreams built over years of hard work can be shattered. This harsh reality has struck my sister and her family. On Sunday 17 March, the house of Patricia Nawar & Elie Hayek on the southern Lebanese border was destroyed. Their cherished home which they have worked years to build was mercilessly torn apart by the ravages of a war they were never involved in. Imagine the sheer devastation of waking up to find that the home you've poured your blood, sweat, and tears is reduced to rubble in mere seconds. For Patricia, Elie and their children, this nightmare became a heart-wrenching reality. The sanctuary where they planned their futures with their two kids is now a haunting memory, buried beneath the debris of conflict. But amidst this devastation, there is hope. Your generosity can be help them rebuild their lives and dreams from the ground up, brick by brick. Your contribution will not only provide Patricia and Elie with the tangible resources they need but also with a glimmer of hope in a very dark time of their lives. Let us stand together as a community and show Patricia and Elie that they are not alone in this journey. Every dollar you donate will be a testament to our collective compassion and resilience, reminding them that brighter days lie ahead. Together, we can help Patricia and Elie rebuild the life they once knew. Your support will make a world of difference in their journey towards healing and restoration. Thank you for your unwavering compassion and generosity. Patricia Nawar & Elie Hayek's relatives """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Chers amis, familles et généreux contributeurs, Le rêve construit après de très dures années de travail peut être anéanti en une fraction de seconde. C’est cette dure réalité qui a frappé ma sœur et sa famille le dimanche 17 mars. La maison de Patricia Nawar et Elie Hayek, située à la frontière sud du Liban, a été complètement détruite. Cette belle maison, construite au fil des années et achevée il y a 9 mois seulement, a été impitoyablement démolie par les ravages d’une guerre dont ils n’étaient pas impliqués. Imaginez la dévastation et l’incompréhension de se réveiller un matin en découvrant que ce dont vous avez tant rêvé et construit par des années de travail, d’austérité et d’économies, a été démoli en une fraction de seconde. Malheureusement, pour Patricia, Elie et leurs deux enfants, ce cauchemar est devenu une réalité déchirante ce dimanche 17 mars 2024. Cette belle demeure où ils avaient planifié leur avenir n'est plus qu'un mauvais souvenir, enfoui sous les débris du conflit. Refusant de céder à haine et à la rancœur, au milieu de cette dévastation, cette famille veut garder espoir. Votre générosité pourrait les aider à reconstruire leur vie et leurs rêves à nouveau, brique par brique. Votre contribution ne leur fournira pas seulement les ressources dont ils ont besoin, mais aussi une lueur d'espoir et de courage inépuisables dans cette période très sombre de leur vie. Soyons solidaires et montrons à Patricia et à Elie qu'ils ne sont pas seuls dans cette épreuve. Chaque centime renforcera leur résilience collective et leur stoïcisme, leur rappelant que des jours meilleurs les attendent. Ensemble, nous pouvons participer à reconstruire ce qu’ils ont perdu. Merci pour votre soutien et votre générosité. Les proches de Patricia Nawar et Elie Hayek

$11,000 raised Of $55,000

The Sunflower theater will shine again


The Sunflower theater will shine again
THE SUNFLOWER A CULTURAL LANDMARK OF BEIRUT, LEBANON, AND THE REGION. On July 6, 2023, a fire ravaged and destroyed The Sunflower main entrance. The smoke also spread beyond the entrance and severely damaged the rest of the space. Everything in it either needs to be replaced or deep cleaned. The Sunflower is an indispensable hub for the youth, and its activities include incubations, productions, disseminations, festivals, workshops, seminars, debates, and exchanges at the local, regional and international levels. Immediate action is needed to put the space back on its feet. It can not reopen to the large public without repairing the following damage caused by the fire: A- The whole space needs deep cleaning. B- The main entrance needs the below: 1- Removal of all the destroyed items including the false ceiling, the cafeteria, the furniture, etc… 2- Repairing the main doors. 3- Replacing the floor tiles. 4- Deep cleaning the stairs. 5- Repairing the elevator mainly used by persons with mobility impairments. 6- Designing a new look for the entrance. 7- Installing a new electrical system (Electrical box, circuit breaker, cables, etc) 8- Installing a new lighting system. 9- Installing a new air conditioning system. 10- Installing new security cameras. 11- Installing new signage – indoors and outdoors 12- Painting the walls. 13- Repairing the ceiling. 14- Redecorating the main entrance. 15- Buying furniture for the cafeteria. 16- Buying a Fridge, a Coffee machine and other items for the cafeteria. 17- Installing a new automatic fire extinguisher in the main entrance and the theater (The theatre is equipped with a fire extinguishing system; it is however advised to replace the old one after a fire). 18- Installing new smoke and fire sensors. The Sunflower was established by SHAMS in 2005. Since its creation in 1999, SHAMS, The Cultural Cooperative Association for Youth in Theatre and Cinema, has faced one challenge after another, including technical, cultural, or even security, economic and social challenges. Thus far, the association was able to overcome all obstacles and hardships it was forced to face in Lebanon for the past 24 years and remain open and functional. In the fall of 1999, SHAMS' activities were launched, while Lebanon was still suffering from the Israeli occupation, the Syrian influence, and the difficulties of finding spaces for artistic expression. SHAMS sought to attract Lebanese youth from various regions by providing artistic and technical capabilities and creating the appropriate atmosphere to facilitate cultural exchange between young men and women belonging to different cities and factions forming the Lebanese society. Festivals and forums were the way to facilitate the meeting of the other coming from "afar". This meeting, which many feared, managed to create an artistic and cultural movement that imposed itself on the local, regional, and international levels. The "SHAMS Youth Festival" became the focus of the cultural and artistic movement and the meeting place for Lebanese youth to meet with one another and with regional and international artists. SHAMS was able, with modest means, to overcome the despair prevailing at that time. The doors were opened for young men and women who, with the direct and indirect help of SHAMS, launched their own projects or institutions - some of which are still alive and effective in the artistic and social scene to this day. The SHAMS Association, after running the Beirut theater for five years, and in response to the artistic and cultural need of the time, responded to the desire of young men and women active in the field and opened “The Sunflower Cultural Space” in the fall of 2005. This space, which today stands as one of the country’s few cultural landmarks still in operation, contains two performance halls, an exhibition hall, and two multipurpose studios. The Sunflower also currently hosts four associations: Khayal, ICARE, Koon and the Caravan, as well as the Art School (art activities and workshops for children). In order to be able to open the first independent cultural space, SHAMS had to face financial and ethical challenges. At that time, some of the employees of SHAMS agreed to not receive a salary for a specific period of almost 5 years, and SHAMS was able to obtain a bank loan equivalent to three times its annual budget. The loan was repaid in five years. The space, which itself became the main project of SHAMS, faced several challenges like many other Lebanese cultural projects, the most important of which were: the assassination of Rafik Hariri (2005), the July War (2006), bombings and assassinations - Beirut (2007), the closure of Beirut (2008), the tense political / security situation (2010), The beginning of the events in Syria (2011), the suicide bombings in the suburbs of Beirut (2014), the October 17 revolution (2019), the Covid-19 epidemic, the Beirut Blast (2020) and the Tayouneh Incident (October 2021). All these events negatively affected SHAMS’ financial capabilities, but they acted as a moral impetus which doubled down on the importance of keeping this association as an active member in Lebanese society, with the Sunflower being its central hub for cultural encounters and artistic expression. SHAMS organizes and implements cultural projects in several Lebanese regions. SHAMS cooperates with many Lebanese, Syrian, Egyptian, Jordanian, Palestinian associations (in Lebanon - the Palestinian Authority), French, Italian, etc... SHAMS is also a founding member of the Tamasi Collective ( The audience of SHAMS is a melting pot of genders, ages, and socio-economic backgrounds. SHAMS offers most of the cultural services and shows, either free of charge or at nominal prices. For example, SHAMS always offers the theater space for the senior projects of the students of the Theater Department at the Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture \ Lebanese University for a whole month free of charge. SHAMS has an important archive and plays an exceptional role in spreading the memory of the Lebanese theater and evaluating it through recorded works, interviews, special recordings and films… In conclusion, culture and art constitute a fundamental axis for building civilizations. And SHAMS, through its participation in local, regional, and international forums, looks forward to setting long-term policies to meet the cultural and artistic needs and aspirations of Lebanese youth in particular and Arab youth in general, which contributes to the development of societies and the consolidation of civilizations.

$6,995 raised Of $60,000