Help My Mom: corticobasal degeneration (CBD)


Help My Mom: corticobasal degeneration (CBD)
My mother have been diagnosed with aphasia 2 years ago and all the medicine in Lebanon are saying that there are no cures or any medication for this case. Sadly things are getting worse since we find about her case. On the last visit to the doctor, he said that my mom has corticobasal degeneration (CBD). Corticobasal degeneration (CBD) is a rare condition that can cause gradually worsening problems with movement, speech, memory, and swallowing. CBD is caused by increasing numbers of brain cells becoming damaged or dying over time. that what IRM test shows she has brain damage. All we can do is give her care and help. With the economic crisis here in Lebanon, we are in need to provide her with the necessary care for his situation. Medication – to improve stiffness and muscle spasms, sleep and mood, pain or memory Physiotherapy – to help with movement and balance difficulties in speech. Language therapy – to help with communication and swallowing problems. Occupational therapy – to improve the skills and abilities needed for daily activities at home. All of the above are costing us around 1500$ per month. please help her, she is everything to me I can't lose her now. It has become very difficult for the family to keep up with these bills while caring for her on a daily basis. Your donation would contribute towards those bills, food, toiletries, and any future payments needed for a care facility. Any help would be appreciated Many of us have known Samar for decades, while others only for a few short months. If you knew her at all, you’d know that she would deeply appreciate any and all donations. We thank you sincerely in advance and hope that our mom is as comfortable and happy as possible while she deals with this horrible illness. Thank you everyone! Thank you

$120 raised Of $20,000

Nadim SMA baby needs your help


Nadim SMA baby needs your help
Hi, My name is Nadim Chuaib . i am 7 months old. 2 months ago i was diagnosed with a rare disease which is SMA ( SPINAL MUSCULAR ATORPHY ) type 1. The disease is a genetic disorder that weakens the nerves responsible for the movement of the muscles in the body and especially type 1 is very dangerous if the treatment is not taken ASAP. The only treatment is a medicine called ( zolgensma ) which costs around 2125000 dollars. The full cost including zolgensma and the hospital's cost at aljalila children's hospital in dubai is 2180000$. It's too expensive and we need your support. every dollar could help. this fund raise will help me get cured from this disease and give me a new chance in life. with each coming day the disease grows stronger and it's complications might lead to death. thank you for your donation, please share as much as possible to reach my goal and live a normal life like any other child . مرحبا اسمي نديم شعيب. عمري 7 أشهر. منذ شهرين ، تم تشخيصي بمرض نادر وهو SMA (ضمور عضلي شوكي) من النوع الأول. هذا المرض هو عبارة عن طفرة جينية تؤدي الى نقص في البروتين SMN بالتالي مع الوقت تضمر الأعصاب المسؤولة عن حركة العضلات في الجسم،وخاصة النوع الأول يكون خطيرًا جدًا إذا لا يتم أخذ العلاج في أسرع وقت ممكن. العلاج الوحيد هو عبارة عن حقنة و هو (zolgensma) وتبلغ تكلفته حوالي 2125000 دولار. التكلفة الكاملة هي 2180000 دولار و تشمل zolgensma وتكلفة المستشفى في مستشفى الجليلة للأطفال في دبي. هذا العلاج مكلف للغاية و يفوق قدرتنا لذلك نحتاج إلى دعمكم لتحقيق الهدف. كل دولار يمكن أن يساعد. سيساعدني هذا المبلغ المالي على الشفاء من هذا المرض ويمنحني فرصة جديدة في الحياة. مع كل يوم قادم يزداد المرض قوة وقد تؤدي مضاعفاته إلى الوفاة. شكرا لتبرعكم ، يرجى مشاركة أكبر قدر ممكن للوصول إلى هدفي والعيش حياة طبيعية مثل أي طفل آخر.

$49,848 raised Of $2,180,000