Rare disease (limbic encephalitis)


Rare disease (limbic encephalitis)
My sister Lilas Abo alsbaa, is 17 years old, and she is in the 11th grade of secondary school, top of her class and so talented in painting and has a page on youtube https://youtube.com/@lilasart1 The symptoms of her illness began after the earthquake that hit Turkey, Syria, and Lebanon. We noticed changes in her behavior , and she became very anxious thinking that the building we live in will collapse but we considered this to be normal as a result of the horror and psychological trauma. After two days, when she didn't care about missing school when she had an exams, we started the diagnostic, so we went to two doctors and 3 hospitals, and they said that it was a psychological shock, until the symptoms of her illness gradually increased.  From lack of sleep, anxiety, lack of concentration, forgetfulness, hallucinations, etc., until she had epileptic seizures, on 25/2/2023 we went to the hospital (Saint George Hospital) where she is still staying in intensive care.  Her condition is stable now, but there is no consciousness, there is some infection in the lungs, and she needs a feeding tube insertion operation also called Jejunostomy. After that, she will transfer to a normal room until she regains consciousness, then the body will be examined to ensure that there are no other diseases because recently it appeared in one of the CT scans that something appeared on the kidneys, the possibility of a cancerous disease. She has very rare disease and occurs every 10 years in Lebanon. I want to help collect the costs of my sister’s treatment because the gastric feeding tube operation was stopped due to the accumulation of money on my family and the possibility of stopping treatment and leaving the hospital. $45,000 has been paid and $60,000 remains. The living situation in Lebanon is very difficult to secure such a huge amount. I hope you help us in securing it. Thank you very much.  For those who are interested in seeing medical reports and proof of financial amounts, please feel free contacting us

$6,673 raised Of $60,000

Mia, 11 years. Her lungs are rapidly deteriorating


Mia, 11 years. Her lungs are rapidly deteriorating
Mia Abou Zeidan was born on June 4, 2011, diagnosed with cystic fibrosis تليف رئوي at birth, is a carrier of a heterozygous composite Delta F5 108 and S4X CFTR mutation. We, doctors, discussed the use of recently available CFTR modulating therapy with the family. This treatment could significantly improve respiratory function. Given the very high price of this treatment intended to be continued for years, the family is looking for help in obtaining it. The recommended treatment is “Trikafta”, “Kaftrio” or “Trixacar”. The cost of which in Lebanon amounts to more than $6,000 (as per the attached medical report) per month and we are doing our best to afford the generic it will be more cheap. We, Mia and family thank you for the help you could provide to us since Mia respiratory condition is gradually deteriorating and whose medium-term prognosis is compromised. You donation will bring her breathe back, Please help our daughter. ولدت ميا أبو زيدان في 4 يونيو 2011 ، وتم تشخيص إصابتها بالتليف الكيسي عند الولادة ، وهي حاملة لطفرة مركب متغاير الزيجوت Delta F5 108 و S4X CFTR. ناقشنا نحن الأطباء مع العائلة استخدام علاج تعديل CFTR. وهذا العلاج يمكن أن يحسن وظيفة الجهاز التنفسي بشكل كبير. نظرًا لسعره المرتفع فإن الأسرة تبحث عن المساعدة في الحصول عليه. العلاج الموصى به هو تريكافتا أو كفتريو أو تريكساكار. تبلغ تكلفته في لبنان أكثر من 6000 دولار (حسب التقرير الطبي) شهريًا ونحن نبذل قصارى جهدنا لنؤمن البديل عنه وسعره أرخص. نشكركم على المساعدة التي يمكن أن تقدموها لإبنتنا لأن حالة جهازها التنفسي تتدهور تدريجيًا. تبرعكم بالقليل سيعيد لها أنفاسها.

$0 raised Of $40,000

Help My Mom: corticobasal degeneration (CBD)


Help My Mom: corticobasal degeneration (CBD)
My mother have been diagnosed with aphasia 2 years ago and all the medicine in Lebanon are saying that there are no cures or any medication for this case. Sadly things are getting worse since we find about her case. On the last visit to the doctor, he said that my mom has corticobasal degeneration (CBD). Corticobasal degeneration (CBD) is a rare condition that can cause gradually worsening problems with movement, speech, memory, and swallowing. CBD is caused by increasing numbers of brain cells becoming damaged or dying over time. that what IRM test shows she has brain damage. All we can do is give her care and help. With the economic crisis here in Lebanon, we are in need to provide her with the necessary care for his situation. Medication – to improve stiffness and muscle spasms, sleep and mood, pain or memory Physiotherapy – to help with movement and balance difficulties in speech. Language therapy – to help with communication and swallowing problems. Occupational therapy – to improve the skills and abilities needed for daily activities at home. All of the above are costing us around 1500$ per month. please help her, she is everything to me I can't lose her now. It has become very difficult for the family to keep up with these bills while caring for her on a daily basis. Your donation would contribute towards those bills, food, toiletries, and any future payments needed for a care facility. Any help would be appreciated Many of us have known Samar for decades, while others only for a few short months. If you knew her at all, you’d know that she would deeply appreciate any and all donations. We thank you sincerely in advance and hope that our mom is as comfortable and happy as possible while she deals with this horrible illness. Thank you everyone! Thank you

$120 raised Of $20,000