Together for Jaafar: Help Save His Heart and Futur


Together for Jaafar: Help Save His Heart and Futur
Jaafar Zammam, a 7-year-old boy in Syria, urgently needs a life-saving heart surgery. Born with a serious heart defect, Jaafar had surgery as a baby to correct the position of his arteries. Now, his heart faces severe blockages in the pulmonary valve, causing high pressure and extreme strain on his heart, which could lead to heart failure without immediate intervention. The ongoing crisis in Syria has made advanced medical care inaccessible, and Jaafar's family cannot afford the costly procedure he needs. With your support, Jaafar can receive this critical surgery, giving him the chance for a healthy, hopeful future. جعفر زمام، طفل يبلغ من العمر 7 سنوات في سوريا، يحتاج بشكل عاجل إلى جراحة قلب لإنقاذ حياته. وُلد جعفر بعيب خلقي في القلب، وخضع لجراحة في صغره لتصحيح وضع شرايين قلبه. الآن، يعاني قلبه من انسداد شديد في الصمام الرئوي، مما يسبب ضغطاً عالياً وإجهاداً شديداً على قلبه، وقد يؤدي ذلك إلى فشل القلب إذا لم يتم التدخل الطبي العاجل. الأزمة المستمرة في سوريا جعلت الرعاية الطبية المتقدمة غير متاحة، وعائلة جعفر غير قادرة على تحمل تكلفة العملية الجراحية الباهظة التي يحتاجها. بدعمكم، يمكن لجعفر أن يحصل على هذه الجراحة الحيوية التي ستمنحه فرصة لحياة صحية ومستقبل مليء بالأمل.

$0 raised Of $10,000

Help Me Rebuild Hope This Christmas

Solidarity with Lebanon

Help Me Rebuild Hope This Christmas
I am fundraising on behalf of my best friend. Here is her story: This year has been one of the hardest of my life. I’m carrying the heavy burden of debts that piled up after being forced to stop working due to the effects of war. Now, I’m struggling to get back on my feet while facing overwhelming challenges. I urgently need to cover the costs of medical tests and medications, but I simply don’t have the resources to afford them especially since I don’t have health insurance. On top of this, I’ve been helping my family by contributing to the cost of their medications, which has added to the financial strain add to that when I was back home I had to take debts from people to pay my rent in Beirut and to also contribute in the expenses at home so I have people to pay back that can’t wait much longer. To make matters worse, the restaurant where I work (a lifeline for me) is in danger of closing if it doesn’t make a profit by April, leaving me without an income. This constant uncertainty feels like too much to bear alone. Your support could help me through this incredibly difficult time. Donations will go toward: Paying off debts that accumulated when I couldn’t work Covering the costs of my medical tests and essential medications Helping me continue supporting my family with their medication needs Providing some stability as I try to rebuild my life This Christmas, all I wish for is the chance to start over. Any contribution, no matter the size, will bring me one step closer to stability and hope. If you can’t donate, sharing my story would mean the world to me. Thank you for being part of my journey to brighter days.

$576 raised Of $4,000

Life-Saving Treatment


Life-Saving Treatment
Dear Friends and Supporters, We are reaching out with an urgent plea for help. Joumana Tabash, a beloved 65-year-old aunt, has recently been diagnosed with ovarian adenocarcinoma, a devastating form of cancer, along with possible liver metastasis and peritoneal carcinomatosis. Her condition requires immediate medical intervention, including chemotherapy and advanced supportive care, to give her a fighting chance. Joumana has also been battling severe complications, including pneumonia, septic shock, and ascites, which have made her condition even more challenging. Her current treatment plan includes antibiotics, diuretics, and anticoagulants for deep vein thrombosis (DVT), alongside chemotherapy preparations. Despite the critical nature of her illness, Joumana’s spirit remains strong, and she is determined to overcome this battle. Unfortunately, the financial burden of her treatment is overwhelming. With hospital bills, chemotherapy, medications, and ongoing care, the costs are far beyond what our family can afford. This is why we are turning to you, our community, for help. Your contribution can make a difference by: • Covering the cost of chemotherapy and other life-saving treatments. • Supporting hospital expenses, including intensive care and medications. • Providing Joumana with a chance to fight and recover with dignity. Every donation, no matter the size, will bring us closer to our goal of providing Joumana the care she urgently needs. If you are unable to donate, please share this campaign with your network to help spread the word.

$0 raised Of $5,000